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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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So housing is too expensive as it is and I've been feeling ambitious as of late. So more and more I've been interested in taking a task like this. I have the know how and I have family that have built homes before that have taught me the ropes as well as would be willing to help, but I'm not sure about having the time at least right now, so it's more of a future project. People are saying 5000 sq ft would cost anywhere between 400k to 1 mil, so 10,000 sq ft they would estimate as more. 10467 sq ft total living space, fireplace, and basement are in the plans. Planning to build on the west coast, Anchorage Alaska, or in a few options in Russia. Foundations are the most expensive thing to build, so I could take care of that to cover labor costs. Does anybody have estimates for this being viable below 1 mil? Or would you say this is pointless dreaming?
Plan in question:
https://www.dreamhomesource (dot)
You sound like you're at the stage where it's pointless dreaming but you can get to where it's doable it just won't be quick or easy. My uncle did something like this (did much of the labor himself, used contractors where it was necessary) but he'd been in real estate/construction for most of his life. You also need to consider things like property taxes and the cost of upkeep. But first you need to figure out what it would cost you, which you can if you do the research.
>wants to diy a 5,000sqft mansion in russia

lol. lmao, even.
>10000 sq ft
If I'll have citizenship then what's the issue?
>or in a few options in Russia
this is how you do it
just get some local drunkards to help you dig a shallow hole and shovel some concrete in it
then start laying aerated concrete blocks around the foundations
easy as shit. unless you're gonna build in a seismically active area then you are completely fucked because building out of any masnory there increases effort tremendously, it is very much possible but you need to pour loads of reinforced concrete now
forget it lmao
These days, the house isn't what's expensive, it's the land.
Have fun losing all your money
>I don't know anything about it but my uncle might know something about it but yeah you'd need to learn more about it
Great post, thanks.
Steel barn houses are 1/3 the price. NEXT
Stone is superior to steel, both in appearance and function

>complete customisation, you will be able to build the house for what you need instead of a housebuilder doing what's quick & easy and will sell
>It will likely be cheaper than than buying one.
>you pick the location

Why everyone doesn't do it:
>It is high risk, even if you do everything perfectly something catastrophic could happen.
>land is expensive and can be hard to get correctly zoned land.
>depending on where you live, planning permission is hell. It's slow, costs a lot and your entire project can get fucked over because of some 60 year old NIMBY or a single mature tree
>the process can take multiple years
> doesn't know how he is going to get robbed and gulag'd, unironically naive
Look forward to reading about you in the news
this already sounded overly ambitious if not straight retarded but
>in Russia
convinced me you are trolling
The amount of labor you personally put in for building yourself a 10k square foot house is going to be a drop in the bucket of the overall cost, unless you're legitimately doing it solo which would take you like half a decade plus. Even at $200 per sqft which is at the impossibly low end for custom new home construction, with 10k sqft you're looking at 2 million dollars.
I'm in a really lucky financial situation where I don't have to work and plan the same.
>I earn around 2k€ passive net income per month with my wife an additional 2k€
>I have an old house that I will probably be able to sell for around 200k, and around 100k in liquid money.
>additionally, I can get a subsidy financial loan from the government, will probably total around 300k with around 1.1k eur payment per month for 30y

any other europoors that actually build their own house?

I plan to do the following, 150sqm EG - 100sqm OG, no cellar:

>Foundation by contractor - 150sqm - around 60k €
>Outer walls with ICF/Neoporbetonschalungssteine - myself - around 50k€
>concrete for filling ICF + pump - contractor - 25k€
>Pitched roof by contractor - 40k€
>Filigrandecke by contractor - 20k€
>Sewage/Water system - contractor - 30k €
>heatpump - contractor - 20k€
>floorheating - myself - 10k€
>electricity - from an uncle - 2k€
>drywalling, plaster, paint - myself - 10k€
>windows - myself - 10k€
>doors - myself - 5k€
>miscellaneous - 50k€

around 340k for the raw construction.
I would use around 60k to get the house completely done with myself once again, my buffer would be around 200k€ which I plan to buy down the loan depending on circumstances.

I plan to build in a small nice village near a capital city and the only thing thats making me queazy is the local gov fucking me over
Keep in mind you're gonna have to live there for the rest of your live because you're never gonna be able to sell it
Even better, steel construction with stone siding for material savings
good, keeps faggot descendants from selling your property and land and forces them to live in it
Or they'll just sell it for someone to tear down and set up their own thing. If OP already put in water, electricity and sewage it's prime real estate
If you knew anything about home building, you would never take on a build over 2000sqft solo

I do large renovations solo and just a good remodel without major structural changes takes a year. Imagine what having to do everything would take

That doesn't even mention that a small house is $100k+ in materials before foundation
I find it's around $80-$100 per square foot of materials for a house no matter how you slice it. Due to:
- Roof
- Insulation
- Exterior Cladding
- Structural Members
- Flooring
- Interior Finish Work
- Windows
- Doors
- Plumbing Materials
- Electrical Materials

The raw cost ends up being higher than you'd expect. Picking pennies can really keep costs down to 1/3rd of "a modern nice finished home". For example, a hardwood floor can cost you $25k, or a similar laminar floor like those cheap apartments can cost you $3k. That's the kind of stuff that will add up if you buy the expensive option time after time.

You could always have no insulation, and no floors, and save like $30/sq ft. But is that really worth it? Only you can decide.

Good luck op.
A home like that doesn't make your life better because instead of you owning it, it owns you and not so many years from now you'll be too old and damaged to care for it.

You want it to show off. What makes that an intelligent use of money?

Building anything in Russia is stupid and tells 4chan you're wisdom-averse and make silly therefore poor choices. Do you own your current home? What is your income? What makes grandiose cost center displays the best use of that income?

How many years will you even use it? Do you have other life interests or will you be like that autspergtarded audiophile who blew megabucks on his sound system which went for couch money when he croaked?
>10467 sqft
anon for that money you could move to france and buy a literal castle
assuming it's not a troll, if you're planning on building in Russia, buy a smaller plot of land and build a dacha first, made using the same materials and building techniques. this will give you some experience to use toward the main build, and after completing the smaller project, you'll get a better idea as to the feasibility.
>5000 sq ft would cost anywhere between 400k to 1 mil,
Is the cost to build or to buy? I am sure you can find 5000k hoses under 1 mil in many cheaper states.
>russia or alaska
Have fun losing all your money on heating bills each month so the house doesn't fall apart or explode.
These 12 year olds watched CNN and it shows.
True. Imagine a child coming into a diy house thread ready to give input.

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