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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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Im reading solar prices are continuing to dive and people are getting quotes for 8 cents a watt per shipping container out of china. I saw a guy saying he can do used for $80 for 200 watts. so asked if he can do .15 cents a watt for $40 dollars per panel (double whole sale) and he said $130 USD, cash only. I told him he must be tripping because he doesnt know the bottom fell out of the market. My new hobby is to low ball solar panel boomers and laff at them when they think theyre sitting on gold I guess until they unhero from over extension in the wrong market of boomer price arbitrage. Posting here because /biz/ is pajeet.

Also please post best per watt solar prices on self install (no 3rd party install quotes)
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Go home reddit. Also how do you do smart home that actually does something this time. Like DPDT and a logic panel to run my fucking AC when it detects solar voltage? IM TIRED OF PAYING FOR THIS SHIT!!
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[ ] pay for this shit
[ ] pay for this other shit

you may choose 2
it doesn't matter, you won't do it.
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bro yur fucking retarded and the same poster. I can tell because youre fucking retarded. Go home reddit.
you know this is now a compliment? right? literally no one is insulted by, and haven't been in about 10 years.


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Do what? buy solar panels? or wire them to run my AC? I have fully off grid property. So its possible I do shit. I already invented you a fucking jackery. Youre welcome...bitch.
>Do what?
any of it.
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Thats actually where I read some1 might be getting 8 cent a watt quotes from CHYNA. 90% of reddit is shit and I see your reddit has migrated here. Ill prob. buy some Put options later to watch your Reddit gold stock crash to 0. Thats just easy fucking money.
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oh hey its the same shitfag poster. So good you joined the thread.
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Top Fucking Comment: Ask the gov to pay for you solar panels. OMFG..Fucking KYS...like I would even fucking pay taxes...
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second post: Try to lease off your neighbors solar so they can sliding scale price gouge you since youre obv. reddit and fucking retarded. (protip: your neighbor doesnt have solar. Hes price gouging your grid because hes boomer and knows youre retarded)

Are you looking to do something or just being contrary?

880 watts of my arrays were pulled from a pile next to a dumpster for free. They are bi facials with cracked rear glass. This is diy. No one cares you are abusing the elderly.
> reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit
I was going to respond, but OP's been such a shiteater that I reconsidered. But I'll say that new solar panels are normally going for a little over 3 cents per watt on domestic markets, OP is a retard.
Just trick your retard old parents into getting solar before they die off and you inherit the home.

Free solar

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