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Weird task guys.

So i noticed at my job, which is a very boring manufacturing job where you just put sensors in machines for those machines to apply to parts. It requires barely any skill.

But when i get into a flow my mind focuses and i can think clearly. It's like i've discovered a non-drug treatment for ADHD.

What task can i perform at home that is physically moderately hard, and extremely repetitive, that produces some kind of useful work?

Like, i don't just want to pick up and set down paint cans. I want to produce some kind of useful work, but the real goal is just to have something to do like i do at work, so i can focus my mind.

Could be anything, could be fucking gardening. Make butter. I was even thinking about using knitting. But that seems like it would run out of utility pretty fast.

Pic unrelated unless you have really good taste.
why do people post these threads?

why do they think that other people can give them something to do?

just pick something that interests YOU and do it.
He has not yet come across all the things that could interest him, and even if he did, human memory is extremely fallible. It's not that he can't recognize what interests him.
Yeah, i have no ideas here. Well, not no ideas. I am betting it's like some kind of wood working. Because that's hard and takes time and there are tons of fucking things you can build with wood working.

But it's... a lot more creative than i'm looking for. I need something incredibly fucking repetitive, because the goal is to occupy my body so my mind can be free. Any amount of mind engagement i have to do in the task is efficiency i'm losing from my real goal.

So in fact, i'm looking for things that DISINTEREST ME.
>Any amount of mind engagement i have to do in the task is efficiency i'm losing from my real goal.

God what a nut. I always thought the moron in Catch-22 who thought life was longer if you were bored was a laughable but unrealistic idiot.
Maybe i should have made a thread asking /diy/ what the worst fucking thing to have to do or build in all of /diy/ is. The most boring thing to have to do on the way to accomplishing some other worthwhile task.

Brick laying sounds really really nice to be perfectly honest. I should become a fucking brick layer.
>I am betting it's like some kind of wood working.

Yes pal, crank up that table saw and let your mind wander. KEK.
Is there some kind of a food that takes long, laborious repetitive work?
Chile en nogada is a slow process. Traditionally, Mexican cooks started roasting peppers, washing nuts and infusing meat days in advance.

So go to Home Depot and pick up a few Mexicans and start washing their nuts for a few days before you move up to infusing your meat.
>I need something incredibly fucking repetitive
OK skippy.

take up knitting. you can't get more repetitive than that.
>i'm looking for things that DISINTEREST ME.
probably one of the most ridiculous thing I have read here since festers last post.
Thank you.
Fine woodworking is gay because it’s impossible to make a cut that is more precise than +/-1/8” and it never comes together just right without a ton of sanding, and the sanding never ends up perfectly flat either.
the only thing I can think of is repetitive assembly. in other words find some kit that needs assembly and can be resold. like "building" bicycles but on your coffee table.
Everyone is hating but I get what you're saying. Its like a physical meditation. The most distinctive one I remember was glueing caps onto vinyl pickets, partially because the glue was giving me a mild high lol. Making fences was pretty good for that. You could try making a wooden picket fence section. Once you make a jig its autopilot work. Or you could start with knitting or crochet thats a low effort one to start with. Could make all kinds of stuff for the house.
nigga you using an axe? how tf are you that bad at cutting wood?
screen printing, cutting wood inlays, install carpet, build basic shit for etsy, go do stucco

tamales, confit, baking and dough prep, fermenting, dry aging

I would dare to say most cooking in general. Then the french kitchens subdivide staff so you're only in charge of mastering one specific thing. Running a great restaurant is about consistency.
give /ck/ a crack at this.
Order some amanita pantherina from mn ethno.

Start with 20 grams. Heat it to 75°C for 3 hrs. Time and temp is very important. Let it cool, throw it back in the bag. Take a heaping teaspoon on an empty stomach, in the morning. Figure out your own answers.

You're welcome
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>it’s impossible to make a cut that is more precise than +/-1/8”

STFU retard namefag
Why not work more? Then you can think and get paid for it
>posts pic of normal people using normal tools shaving paper thin sheet from normal wood

yah, totally normal
You should consider getting a miter saw and quit using your chainsaw for fine woodworking.
A $12 handsaw with a miter box can make 1/16"
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>Then you can NOT think and get paid for it
FTFY, why are you negroids not getting the CORE CONCEPT?

You need to find something that is assembly required to resell. Maybe buy flat pack shelves or start making little dudes out of bolts. Maybe source the parts of some thing from china and /diy/ yourself an assembly line in your living room. You want bulk, repetative, and needs assembled. Bonus if you can sell them. The problem is what. I used to make jewelry, I got into it because a guy who was doing it needed all the cut to length bend, bend rote work done (basically making his blanks) so I would sit around doing that for hours and he also taught me the assembly which he did and I started making them for myself and selling them. That's the kind of thing you want - making blanks, or preparts. idk start another thread later with what is the most PITA thing you have to assemble yourself or look for a business that needs pre or end work done, like hand sanding all the wooden toy parts. Like you realize you just need the right thing.
Absolutely abhorrent take, please leave and never return.
Don't worry OP, fellow ADHD fuckup here.

I cut and split wood. Felling the dead tree requires concentration, but afterwards you just cut it into chunks, haul those chunks to your splitting station, and then go to town with a splitting maul.
It's straightforward, productive work where you can get into that "flow" state. As a bonus, you can heat your house with it.
Oh, I also used to disassemble pallets. Pull them apart, cut the ones that can't be pulled apart, and then pull all the nails from the boards.
Sure, it would have been more efficient to just go buy wood from the store, but the disassembly process was almost therapeutic. It also appealed to my cheapness.
braiding paracord or leather. Bracelets, belts, "survival kits" and so on. There's a small market for this stuff on sites like etsy.
If you want to try paracord work, just make sure to start with nylon cordage (polypropylene cord gives you rope burn much quicker in my experience).
nta but you don't have to fell the tree, you can often get free unsplit wood from craigslist.
This is called “flow state” is psychology and has been written on extensively. How you achieve it is somewhat individualized but the general themes are practices of things that would most likely be called faggy here like mindfulness and meditation. The menial task you are performing is variation on meditative practice, simple as. Or just take adderall
lots of sorting colours and in the end you get cool pixel art. you could even sell them.

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