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Marathon is free on Steam right now.
Go play it.
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Dawg these are just the aleph one ports but on steam, the aleph one team are even the ones who worked with bungie to get these on steam, it’s just a convenient way to install is all. Makes it easier for ‘eck players too I suppose.
>The multiplayer works.
honestly that would be enough reason for me to get it if it actually works well. Marathon's multiplayer was phenomenal.
>your saves are saved in steam's cloud so you can uninstall it and don't erase your progress.
On Windows, your saves are kept in the documents folder, so they won't be removed if you delete the game(s).

I don't know how it is on Mac or Linux, though.
I doubt they made that many changes to it. The current netcode was written by some college student like 15 years ago I think.

Multiplayer is damn fun but most custom maps are kinda retarded and give you everything right away. It doesn't make sense if everyone has the SPNKR right away.
its dev team is also filled to the brim with loony troons

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My hands hurt so much. Why would you make a racer aimed at children so brutally difficult?
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I bought ridge racer 5 and didn't rent it why are the medium difficult courses unbeatable
because it was aimed at man-children, not real children
i just turned on invincibility. game is unplayable otherwise
Learn the tracks and how to air break and you'll have a better time.
> game is unplayable otherwise
That's taking it a bit far. I managed to beat Amateur and Semi-Pro but I'm really having trouble with Galactic
Everyone is suddenly so fast and though I can upgrade somewhat, the really good parts are ridiculously expensive and I keep having to repair my current parts to save money to buy better ones

Did the Dreamcast sell well in Europe? Do euros love Dreamcast? Then why didn’t they save the Dreamcast?
Just use google already, you're not getting a good answer for anything from /vr/
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Even before Playstation came: Wrong neighbourhood, motherfucker.
Now, being honest: No one cared. People with disposable cash bought it, everybody else was saving for Playstation 2.

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These games feel better to play than other fighters because of the elegant feedback and movement. The physics are by no means realistic, but the game follows its own laws of motion consistently without awkward bouts of slowness or magnetic snapping like in MK. You also have all these cool moves that are less about logically irrelevant d-pad codebreaking and more about creatively stringing several intentions together; you're still hurting your opponent whilst executing your button combo, instead of standing in place contacting aliens with the d-pad—it's just awful to watch competitive Street Fighter because all the players do is just stand around playing extremely defensively, waiting for their opponent to make a mistake and doing the occassional bluff charge to make sure the other player doesn't execute some input, whereas in competitive DoA they actually fight each other.

Dead or Alive's got a flow like nothing else, it feels so good bros, it's so much more than softcore porn even though the boobs are really nice.
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people who aren't controller hogs, I always shared my console with party guests it's a fuckin' party what are we gonna do? play backgammon like a bunch of boomers? stop being joyless, stop being selfish, get a clue
This is only a person online or at a faggot community. When playing with your friend you can just smack him in the face.
>be me in High School when the 360 and DoA4 came out
>loved playing it, also loved browsing forums and message boards at the time
>someone posted a photo of the fact that all the girls had detailed panties
>clicked on the link, laughing about it
>at the same time talking to a girl who was interested in me on MSN messenger (from my HS)
>had to send her a link for some shit
>accidentally sent her the panties link
>want to kms
>she never speaks to me again
More like ass DRUNK
Sounds like you dodged a bullet. Women that can't handle dumb funny shit aren't worth the effort. You either learn that by doing something like this or finding out later after a breakup, divorce or being trapped in a loveless marriage.

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Previous: >>10892873

Awesome Downloads:
>OpenRCT2 - Currently the best way to play RollerCoaster Tycoon. We use the latest stable version for multiplayer unless otherwise noted:

>UCES - includes all objdata files already extracted from each scenario upon loading, and includes tracks:

>Amazing Earl stuff - adds some custom-made rides and scenery:

>Anon's devkit v0.2

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Guessing it's something to do with the AI decision making. Removing the kiosk means one less choice.
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>removing access to maps makes the guests better at getting around
bravo chris
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>hundreds of guests are getting lost again
great job

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anyone here starting new playthroughs of either game?

havent played in years but just started a self found d2 grail hunt last month. I play for a few hours every couple days with my shitty blizz sorc who is too weak and undergeared to farm Lvl 85 areas (stuck on hell meph trying to get gear). Luckily i have an ali baba on switch for when i cast my last blizz to kill him
how long does it take on average to complete everything 100%?

current gear - lvl 78 sorc
lore helm
+3 cold skill ammy
spirit sword
lidless wall shield (only using to get to fcr breakpoint)
chance guard gloves (25 mf)
gold wrap belt
generic +35 magic boots
4p topaz socketed armor
10 fcr ring

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When I do a solo run, I usually do a melee build, like zeal or frenzy. I'll usually beat nightmare but around act 2 hell it gets a bit much and I'll be too lazy to put in the time for grinding better gear.

These days, when I do play, it's mostly tweaking or improving my 2 accounts of botted lvl 99 pvpers on B.Net. I'll sometimes duel in pubs when drunk. I've really just played D2 to death. I played it off and on for like 20+ years.
What’s a good retard friendly PVP build for someone who can’t gookclick?
I remember back in the days low level dueling with low level sets and just assraping everyone with charge. Deaths Set/angellics/and Hsaurus combined together

Fist Of The Heavens lol. Charge around, get in range for conviction aura to apply to them, click somewhere in their general vicinity with foh, repeat. 1-2 shots anyone who doesn't have a respectable amount of light resistance. 1 shots noobs

A 2 handed charger is not quite as braindead but it can be fun 1 shotting people

Blizz sorc is kind of like foh, just spam blizz from range and you should 1-2 shot many different enemy builds. Requires a bit more click agility, though, since you're teleporting around n shit
Nice dude. I’m gonna gear out a fohdin now
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May I ask, what bot(s) are up to date right now, or what do you use? On bnet many a year ago I used d2nt Etal and kolbot, but I kept kolbot around to putter around with followers in single

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Sims thread.
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Here's a house from my current playthrough with 247 days in. First time I ever got a family this successful and rich.
Just skip work every other day if you can't manage it. Also entry level jobs drain your needs slower so you've got more time to improve skills after work. Couple that with a 9-3 job and you've got plenty of time left in a day to get skills and friends.
Most of the sites here still work:
There was also a pack on /tsg/ (https://rentry.org/tsg) some time ago that had bunch of items. \odd_prude\odd_prude caused crashing for me so I got rid of that one. There's also bunch of skins that are supposed to go to a different folder but you will have to go through the folder manually. Most of it works when put in the downloads folder though.
There's also this, but you either have to download a pack and hope it contains some images and info or use google, which can be tricky since most sims 1 sites are long dead now:
that's a really awesome looking house
I like the late 90's setting of The Sims 1 more than Sims 2. I also think the Sims 1 graphix aged better.
>late 90's setting of The Sims 1
more like 60's/70's

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was this kind of performance acceptable back then? were people even as obsessed with tech advances as they do today? like complaining about not getting stable framerates on starfield using dlss and stuff
i'd imagine your rooms gonna turn into sauna from all the excessive heat sli'ing two 7900 gtxes
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Actually all of those didn't have toaster requirements when they came out.
We used to play Quake 3 with graphics cards with vertex lighting at 640x480 and still get like 30-40FPS.
Similar for all the others. They only have toaster reqs for modern toasters really.
Also, getting smooth play in UTK4 even requires maintaining 300FPS to not be jittery... so even if you could get "good framerate", it wasn't enough for great gameplay.

Every single one of those and even Quake 1 also had guides online to tweak out framerate... because you know... if they ran amazing on everyone's toaster when they came out, no one would be doing that and those sites wouldn't exist. But they did and do.
Eh, that's only partially true. Daggerfall runs better than Morrowind, all the DOS ones do.
It's the fully 3D ones that do what you're saying and yeah...

Speaking of V, here's a throwback!
What went wrong with modern CPUs and GPUs?
They are way more powerful so the additional heat isn't that controversial. Lower end cards are still in a comparable range, though.
>Lower end cards are still in a comparable range, though.
Not really.
The lower end of the market has been pushing power limits ever upwards to the point that single slot cards have become a thing of the past along with GPUs that are sub 75W TDP that get their power from the PCI-E slot only.
Even the mid range of the GPU market has been pushing steadily ever upwards from the true mid range.
To keep it somewhat retro focused, I'll use 2007/2008 as an example with NV's Tesla (88/9xxx range).
The 8800 GT was the it just werks king in 2007 and had a TDP of only 125W, a single slot card, the entry level cards 8300/8400 25/45 & 50W cards, the 8500 GT was a mere 30W and 8600 GT/GTS were 47 & 60W.
The mid range was the 8800GT if we're being honest because the upper end of tesla was the GTS/Ultra 135/143/150 and 171W cards.

If we look at NV from say Maxwell refresh onward (GTX 9xx) the 950 has a "low power" variant, a 75W TDP card, right out the gate it's swinging higher than older generations.
The regular 950 is 90W and the 960 (this is where the midrange starts) is 120W, the TDP of the low and mid range cards are competing with the mid and high end of previous generations for TDP costs.
970/980 & Ti were 148/165/250W.
We can skip pascal and go to Turing & Ampere/Ada, these have a lot of variants but the low & mid range are pretty fucked.
70/90/130W for the 3050, x60/170 Ti/200, x70/220 Ti/290, x80/320 Ti/350 x90/Ti 350/450
Ada x50/150 this card is a myth, x60/115 LOL LMAO Ti/160/165, x70/200 Ti/285, x80/320, x90/425/450 Ti/600

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ITT: Versions of games that "have more content" but are remarkably worse than the previous versions which make them the worst ways to play their respective games.
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and this
I stopped playing when they forced the obnoxious open world in. Best version my ass.

I like sigmas art style more. Gameplay? No
contra on msx
double the levels (and the nes version was already twice as long as the arcade)
but its flip-screen and plays like ass

Played this recently. Good soundtrack. Meh game.
I was drooling over that game in magazines back then. But I agree its not good
arguably the greatest game of all time, easily top 10 at least, the definitive mech game
Got a Metal Head, it's better than the rest

It's Superrrrr Magnetic Neo.
so what's his story? why does he magnetize?
He’s a robot.
And his AI personality is based on that of the professor who created him.
lil' faggot
>Looks like a smurf with a toilet for a head

Name a shittier character design for a game protagonist
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>secret ending is an Evangelion reference

What are you playing this Saturnday?
>just played through Panzer Dragoon twice
>played an episode of Sakura Taisen
>about to fire up Burning Rangers for the first time
I sold my saturn after I couldn't find a single worthwhile game to play.
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Gonna be sluggin it

Did this with the n64! So many boring games.
Medievil on the PS1. sorry saturnbros.

it's fun though.
I might end up doing it with the n64 as well. I bought a bunch of consoles from my youth, I think subconsciously as a coping method after I was diagnosed with cancer. Bought n64, sfc, ps2, genesis, saturn, nes, dreamcast. Later realized I don't really like the saturn, dreamcast, or n64 libraries. I think I'll only end up keeping the sfc, nes, genesis, and ps2.

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>they put a fucking lada on the cover
based or cringe?
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no idea, but the game was based for sure. had some really fun cheats too
Played the demo to death that came with the console. I was quite impresses with the suspension tech they had with the cars.
What about Codemasters?
There's an hour long talk by the guy that coded the physics for it on youtube. Pretty interesting.
Oh, that's neat. I'll look it up, thanks.

I have no words to describe this game.
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>this 50 trillion PS4 budget game did story better than a low budget PS2 game
Retarded tendie as usual
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>this whole section
fuck this, that asshole keeps coughing
You know Fahrenheit cost more to make than GTA San Andreas right?
Starts as an absolute kino and one of the most engaging things I’ve experienced in a video game. Then quickly devolves into paranormal BS and ruins it all.
(Also one of the few PS2 games with female nipples in them. My mind was blown when I saw that as a kid, lmao)

Should i play the OG Ocarina of Time or go straight for the 3DS remake?

Same with Majoras Mask.
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they went out of their way to keep in glitches from the original as long as they weren't game breaking. it's one of the most faithful remakes I've seen.
I play the Redux N64 romhack
But the 3DS version with the resto mod is good too
The 3DS version is more in line with the keyart for the game
Mature take, if I do say so myself.
I disagree. There's no real reason to recommend the original over OoT3D outside of being a contrarian purist.
/vr/ should just be nuked I think. Main /v/ has a better appreciation for old games than /vr/ does.

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