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Do we know who developed this game?
Mobygames only lists an american programmer but that's for the Atari 2600 port, not the Coleco original.
It was a Coleco 1st party game but as far as I could see, its actual developer remains a mystery.
2 years after this, in 1984, Konami released Cabbage Patch Kids, which is very similar to Smurf. Any chance Smurf was actually developed by Konami for Coleco?
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Why is called Smurf (singular) ?
No it isn't
Because you are Smurf not Smurfs
Well someone said it was on the music thread. First one was Space Invaders with its simple invader march but I think for games with actual melody and more of ansong structure, Smurf was one of the first, it also had more than 1 music track, depending on the screen.
It's 'smurf' the verb, that's what you do.\
I thini the actual title of the game should be read as a single sentence: Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's Castle. It's a rescue mission carried by Smurfs, so it is a "smurf rescue". It's not supposed to be Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel's Castle, it's a single sentence.

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Post 10/10 retro osts

Hard mode: no final fantasy or Chrono Trigger.
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For me it’s this

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Moon Remix RPG Adventure

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It's just not fun.
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>it's impossible for anyone to not dislike this game I've barely played and never cleared
Fuck off poser faggot
You lost when you used the template "It's just not fun" and later "basedface". Your thread sucks and nothing will change that. Fuck off.
Yes, all the praise about this game is directed at the graphics and effects and the initial impression. Just like you are sucking this game off right now and haven't even come close to clearing it. Fuck off shitter
Oh, it's the ms2fag. Get out and never come back fucking spammer.
Newfag or schizo?

Anyone play this? Feels very clunky and the key bindings are overwhelming, but I like the Biblical themes.
With a few more months of dev time more it could've been great but in the end felt kinda unfinished and unpolished in general.

>environments are really atmospheric, especially the hell/purgatory sections
>enemy and weapon design is pretty good
>creative and fun to use angelic powers

>damage calculations are all over the place to the point where they border on being random (those dual pistol grunts are probably THE most dangerous enemies in the game due to this)
>enemies (re)spawn from areas you've already cleared
>broken/buggy gibbing
>messy audio with shit like the quality sometimes dropping mid-dialog due to the snippets using different bitrates and formats for whatever reason
Cool premise, decent execution. Worth a play.

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ITT post obscure screenshots of retro games and try to guess everyone else’s game
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Mystery Ride is incorrect
No, I posted another hint. >>10926839
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Absolutely. And you know that those other rabbits (one visually hidden behind player character) don't have long to live
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Whoah! I’ve never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, you’d definitely get first place.
Not retro came out in 2005
>official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007

Come on guys, it wasn't THAT bad
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Nigga have you played the PS1?
Superman 64 is GOD compared to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
there's worse games on NES but it's pretty bad.
Jekyll is worse
Yes, it's the best 8-bit JRPG

Yes I watched THE review and the voice acting was indeed amazing. I wish I had played it but back then it would probably have seemed too boring for me.

I read the manga but it was the continuation of the in game story... Did you play it?
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It was the early days of motion cap and they really wanted to show it off, I feel.
I remember hearing the people they motion captured were actual theatre actors, so that might be why. Of course it was a new experience for everyone involved and all that. Something about those over-exaggerated movements just rubs me the wrong way. Not creepy, but on the very edge of that slippery slope of uncanny valley.
They hired stage actors, so it makes sense that it gives that impression.
Apostle fight was horrible because it was so cryptic but worse than that were those random enemies that targeted Koudelka specifically
>come into thread
anywho, it's pretty neat that this game was directed, written, and composed by Hiroki Kikuta, the Mana series composer.
he apparently read a shit ton of classic Weird Fiction before he wrote the script, you can definitely see aspects of Reanimator and other stories in there.
later on the shadow hearts series delved more into cosmic horror, so it's nice that they kept that going.

what was your favourite boss fight on the SNES? for me it was Bowser in Yoshi's Island
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>yo-yo powerup has the Mother 2 character window checkered design
Details like those
Still after 33 years I can't figure out what the fuck I'm looking at.
>posting yoshi's island content in a thread with yoshi's island OP image? NOOOO THAT'S OFF TOPIC
That's the point, it's just some incomprehensible abomination

For me, it's Move Me.
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Silhouette Dance from 2:15 on.
Are there songs that people DON'T like from the R4 OST? I rarely see people mention Thru, The Objective, or Revlimit Funk.

Check out Love Maze from Go Vacation.
You got quite a collection.
This anon has it, but also
listening to the r4 soundtrack while driving alone at night is amazing

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Wow this game sucks
Did old men really enjoy this game back then?
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I usually don’t laugh at yo momma jokes, but this one was great.
Aspect Ratio
The only thing that looks bad in this image is how clearly they fucked up their build order
What? 2 has problems but it's not boring and braindead.
Pure bait thread, but no sage bc we don’t get rts threads too often here in between all the “le Mario 64 was terrible” troll threads, etc.
The following was never really huge, but it was passionate. This game was gd awesome to play and a gift for those of us stuck on Macs in the 90s. Agree with >>10941568 too, the dungeon maps are great and we didn’t get that back until WC3.
Agree StarCraft buildings etc can sometimes seem jumbled and too alike, but your image in >>10941726 doesn’t seem much better, those orc huts all start to look indistinct if you get enough of them lumped together.
There’s a difference between boring/braindead and formulaic. I’d argue WC1 and 2 are formulaic but not braindead. They can get boring if you’re just running similar missions for marathon sessions, but keep in mind all these games were made during an era where kids still went outside and took breaks from gaming.

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What's her name /vr/? For me it's Shadow of the Colossus. I can't stand what Bluepoint did to the art style and atmosphere of the PS4 version. Hardware limitations or not, give me back my gray washed out sun bleached visuals.
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For me it's Arx Fatalis. I can't count how many times I've played through it and I really want to see how Arx Insanity pans out.
I played Ico and SoTc on PS3 (HD version) while I enjoyed Ico I hated Shadow so much.
the giants were so annoying. they shake a lot and if you fall, you need to spend another 10 minutes of bullshit to get back there but I heard the PS3 is fucked up.
I dropped it at the flying collos (4th one maybe?) because I kept falling easily and it took a long time to climb all that shit and wait for him to fly near me to jump again. shit was unbearable.
is the PS2 version better?
Resident Evil 1 was pretty good
It sounds like to me you have an issue with the games mechanics more so the PS3's version having colossi that shake more. Either version you play it's going to be difficult in the beginning because your stamina is so small. You can either kill the colossi to gain more or find the fruit and lizards on the map to increase it.

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Why did they stop making games like these? They were immensely popular in the 90s and some of them even sold millions of copies. Maxis used to call them "software toys" because they weren't really like normal video games where you had an objective to beat. They were just simulations that were extremely fun and addictive. They gave you more hours of replay value than probably any other kind of game. But now this whole genre has been relegated to a small niche that nobody cares about anymore. What changed to make them fall out of mainstream popularity?

Also why does nobody make beautiful hand drawn cover art like this anymore?
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I didn't realize so many brainlets posted on /vr/. When I was growing up in the 90s all the smart kids were playing these games, while the retarded kids had the same reaction as you because they were too dumb to sit down and learn the mechanics of these games.
EA bought Maxis
Sim Copter was amazing, as it says on the box you can explore your Sim City 2000 cities in 3D.
i got into these games the summer after 5th grade. what a summer....i also had simpark.
It was the pioneering days of game development and software. Big studios could take big risks without having to worry much about pleasing shareholders etc. Sim City was the clear winner out of these and so that's what they kept shitting out even after they were bought. Of course, it kind of eventually died anyway but yeah...

>Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki Gokuraku CD-ROM for Sega Saturn
>a multimedia disc containing anime clips and production art
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It's funny because the stereotypical CalArts "beanmouth" is heavily inspired by older cartoony anime styles, namely early DragonBall.
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I forgot about that. And I guess he knocked up that girl from galaxy too at some point. Mario's a pimp.
It seems more like a modern interpretation of the really old rubber hose animation from the 1930s except streamlined down to a science. I don't even totally dislike it in principle. I think it works well for Gravity Falls, for example. It's just irritating that it's used so frequently. As much as people like to say 90s anime all looked the alike, they really didn't look THAT much alike. With CalArts it's hard to tell which show you're even watching sometimes.
It was genuinely a revelation for preteen me, I never knew cartoons could actually have nudity. Anime blew me the fuck away, I think it did for many of us, all of a sudden we were made aware of this world where there were "mature" cartoons and they had weird eyes. What a blast.
Holy shit that animation is gorgeous

>Sci-Fi Channel's Saturday Anime block.
This is hardly the board, but I remember watching something that featured as part of it's introduction a team going undergoing to find a giant stone animal. I have no idea what it was but it looked fascinating, I'd love to actually find it.

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Which one do you prefer?
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magazines at that tiem prefered the last revelation.
TLR might be a more competent game overall but I like TR3 tone and feel more. Best atmosphere in the classic series.
My dad was a huge Tomb Raider fan and I grew up watching him play all the games as they came out. One time he was playing TLR and it was the level in Egypt before you enter the pyramid. He was trying to skip a part of the level by making this whack ass jump over a chasm, and after trying it a bunch of times and failing he accidentally saved the game while Lara was falling to her death when he was trying to load his last save. I remember the moment of shock he felt as he watched Lara fall into the chasm over and over again, then he threw the controller at the TV and didn't play it for almost a year.
Oh sick I didn't know this
I only had 3 on pc and last revelation on Dreamcast
I grew up with all 5 so I like them all

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