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You're 11 years old, the school year has ended and summer break has begun, the weather is wonderful. You're sitting on the floor on a warm Friday evening with an open window and cool breeze blowing in. You're playing a game you just got and are planning on blowing your summer on it.
What is the game?
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I am SORRY you don't have any cozy childhood memories.
Yeah I was sort of vague in my original post - I only rented Mario RPG. I rented it several times that summer but sometimes I'd find that my save file would be gone and I'd want to start over from scratch. And honestly as soon as I beat the game, the first thing I did was fire up a new game.
Plus as a kid you're more likely to take your time with a game like this. I would just revisit areas looking for secrets. I really savored games in a way that I don't as an adult.
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>Summer 1997

I didn’t get my N64 until fall so I most probably spent summer replaying DKC3, doing Ultra combos on Killer Instinct and attempting to go through Terranigma which had just released here.

Good times indeed.
I'm afraid the answer wouldn't be retro
What did you do to get shovel slapped?
yeah but even dicking around (which i did a LOT of) and grinding, i dont think it took me more than a month to 100% it (minus a couple of hidden chests and the 100 jump challenge i think)

Should i play this Remake or the NES game?
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Both. Unless you lack spatial awareness and object permanence you should be able to beat both games in less than 12 hours, blind.
>moving those goalposts
The reason open world games use quest markers is because their giant open spaces all look exactly the same. Just pointing that out for no reason.
the reason handheld adventure games use them on the other hand is because they're handheld.
Thanks for your input, bot-kun. You're very special.

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That'll be $250 plus tip
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My man posted a stupid Joker meme and said he personally likes physical media. You are so deranged that you've somehow interpreted this as him trying to evangelize original hardware lmao
Piracy negatively impacted Sega on game sales to the point where it scared away third party publishers and by that point, Sega called it quits.
How come it didn't kill the PlayStation?
tip of muh dick
Sega had been doing retarded shit for a full decade like releasing two consoles that were competing with each other, making the Saturn a absolute bitch to develop for and releasing it to retail stores BEFORE they could even clear stock for it and making sure they would never do business with Sega again (all the while Sony and Nintendo were doing thiings in a more sane manner, even if it wasn't perfect) that forced them to kill the Saturn early and release the Dreamcast, which killed off any momentum the Saturn built and pissed off Saturn users as well.

Even then, that wasn't enough to keep Sega afloat because retailers were still pissed about Sega's stunt at E3 and didn't stock the Dreamcast, third party devs remembered how bad it was to develop for the Saturn and avoided it and Sega pretty much fucked themselves by releasing the Sega CD, 32X and Sega Saturn back to back to back.

Basically, piracy had nothing to do with the Dreamcast's failure and it had everything to do with Sega just making absolutely retarded business decisions for nearly a decade. The piracy meme is a huge ass cope for not seeing how SoA and SoJ infighting was destroying the company from within.

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turn you speakers up
I had the same problem back in teh day, but that was mostly due to low quality speakers.

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Previous thread: >>10886708
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would you say its worth it? considering it has virtually all inputs you'd ever need and it's been recapped so it should last longer than the average crt you'd find. my only concerned is the size. i do prefer smaller sets and i love my current 20" sony but it only has s-video at best, i mostly play ps2/gamecube.
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which one of you losers bought it?
I hope no one here was desperate enough to buy that.
I hate the screen meme
>would you say its worth it?
only you can determine that

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

>Recommended devices

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If only we could find a way to make DS work with HDMI out like RP4P does with USB-C, it would be officially over.
le heckin based
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You're thinking of optional bloat, I'm thinking of reliable battery metrics, idling and sleep mode. That's just how it goes.
>just consoom
>you will be happy
dire times we live in.

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Is this game worth playing solo or will it be too annoying and hard?
you can play solo, but it can be pretty miserable depending on the stage.
there is a way to play online, look into that.
The problem is my PC is a piece of fucking garbage that can't handle PCSX2. I'm playing on a hacked PS2
The original trilogy is my goatoat and for the life of me I cannot find a way to enjoy either of these games.
You have to know what the "safe rooms" are. There's small rooms where all the ai teammates go to when you enter them. You need them to check their inventory to see if they picked up any key items to solve puzzles. Unfortunately I haven't played since 2018 so I don't remember what the rooms are for each level.

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10927448

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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This is a wolf (dog), and there >>10938960 is a tail of torpedo. So far I agree.
Maybe its a coyote >>10938960
I'm making a vanilla map for the first time.
Do people still care about these or is it all about those Burtal Doom mods and GZDoom cashgrab indie slop?
Graf wants you to turn on that sweet bilinear filtering. It makes those old ancient sprites look so much better! :^)
It's probably swapping from the portable ini to another one, somehow.

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>first FF that has a lousy music score; Nobuo should have wrote ALL the songs
>you HAVE to play with ALL your characters all the time to make sure they level up and don’t fall behind
>battle system is worse version of Pokémon battle system with way less element types; way less types than most FF games even
>Blitzball is turn based soccer with shitty AI teammates; fuck that
>barely any NPCs in the game after the first 1/4 of it; no interesting NPCs
>the Cloister Trials are frustrating and boring; I’d rather have actual dungeons
>the whole game is corridors until Calm Lands, and it’s the only area I can ride a chocobo; what’s the fucking point of the chocobo if I can only ride it here?
>airship is just fast travel
>SPOLIER: Tidus is a dream? Oh yeah this story is amaaaaazing /s

Why is this game so beloved again? There are so many better FF games than this, and so many better JRPGs in general. I think the people who love it feel that way because of nostalgia - maybe this was your first FF game and on a brand new system at the time and it blew your mind? I don’t know. I’d rather play XIII and even that game is one long corridor for the most part, but at least it’s more fun and has better music. Who else feels how I do?
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>everyone who was interested has already seen them
Exactly, so fuck off with your second hand opinions, drone
It's no FF7, but it's the next best thing

In fact, FF7 is kinda embarassing. But this game has an artistry to it, it's almost okay to show it to other people and they probably won't cringe
It's final fantasy, and it was squaresoft's first big leap onto the system.
And at the time it did look amazing, in some ways it still does for the ps2.
And if there's one thing squaresoft knew how to do it was hyping the shit out of the new final fantasy.
what a lousy opinion
read the second post in this thread

then get off my board, you navel-gazing, fart-huffing jackass

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Vimm's Lair is dead. Thanks Nintendo.
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>is the reason
are the reason*
Just that and it's not even the right version of Photoshop that I use.
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Should we start hoarding roms on physical media?
Just buy HDDs and put everything in it, it's not that expensive
And hope there's no major solar flare in your life time

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I wish this game was real.
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I think it had different areas like ancient Greece, wild west, etc.
>British Humor, IMMARIGHT?
You're right. It also had a song that was slightly changed for the Jet Force Gemini theme/title song. https://youtu.be/M6ceNFV2yz4?si=iEW99nIcftRtU9z1
You wouldn't play it anyway.
just dump it already Tim

What is your opinion of this feature being mostly gone/relegated to MMOs/Gacha games?
Did you change the MC name in games that allowed it?
Do you think this feature being gone for the sake of voice acting was a good desicion?
I personally love giving MCs my name. Makes me feel more inmersed and makes me mad when you have a retro RPG but without this feature (Even in games with no VA). Make them feel soulless.
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...no, I didn't
I give the main guy my name and I only have girls in my party
you are valid to me, transqueen
I think it's a good feature when it's a game where the story is minimal and the player's party aren't meant to really be individuals so much as the player's way of experiencing the world. Like FF1, 3, and 5. It lets you truly customize your party and feel like you're playing something akin to a D&D campaign.

It gets to be weirder and weirder of a feature the more story heavy the game is, and considering the trend RPGs have taken, it only makes sense that you can't really name the characters anymore.
>What is your opinion of this feature being mostly gone/relegated to MMOs/Gacha games?
except it's not gone. pretty much every WRPG still let's you name your character even ones with voiced PCs like mass effect & fallout 4.

the reason you stopped seeing it in JRPGs is because they're like one step above VNs as games.

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This is going to sound severely autistic but does anyone else have reoccurring dreams of going to old game shops and finding nothing but shitty Chinese bootlegs? Or buying a game and later realizing it's an unplayable bootleg?
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I dream about game hunting at flea markets a lot. Mostly the kinds I was going to in about 2013 and prior: often dingy, often run by old people, but cozy atmosphere and cheap prices.

Makes me realize how much I miss when this hobby wasn't so mainstream and cool finds were still possible.
When I was playing a ton of Minesweeper in the computer lab at school I was having Minesweeper dreams.
Whats wrong with that plastic. Looks like it could poison you or melt with the heat.
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No but once I went to a store that sold GBA multicarts run by a thuggish looking bald guy, I basically just said something like "oh they're fake I don't want those", which made him glare at me (I was like 10 or something and with my mum and sister) and to save face I asked if he had any GameCube games. He said he did and pulled these out, not sure if he was being ignorant or scummy but I just said they're free DVDs from magazines and weren't really worthwhile, after that we left. For some reason I got it in my head this guy was going to hunt me down and beat me up/kidnap me/kill me for disrepecting his stuff and I was scared for a week. In retrospect I wish I bought a multicart to see if there were any funny bottlegs on it.
no. my recurring nightmare involves a girl who used to pick on me/like me all the way back in grade school. she chases me in the woods and ties me up using hair bands and her cheap toy jewelery.

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It's time for a Castlevania thread. Post your favourite game in the franchise.
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I didn't find Bloodlines to be a hard game, most of the platforming is pretty easy, and fighting enemies becomes a bit trivial once you get the blue orb powerup.
Final level has some creative gimmicks but wasn't hard to me.
Anyway I'm not of the idea of hard = good game, haunted castle is the hardest CV and it's nor very good at all, bloodlines, rondo and 4 are all great despite easier difficulty (for CV standards)
Area design with no faster movement speed options aside, Lament was pretty good because it didn't have leveling or a huge amount of straight gear upgrade options and so they could more tightly balance it.
more like cattlevania, amirite?
Why is castlevaina talk so comfy?
I just got the dawn of sorrows and really digging it. Not in far tho.
I'm in the mood to play blood lines right now, I feel like I always picked the guy with the Whip because it's the damned vampire killer!

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>nemesis infects Jill
>Carlos goes to the hospital just 1 block from the clock tower
>by some miracle he finds the cure there
>Hospital has medicine

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