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Which one do you prefer?
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magazines at that tiem prefered the last revelation.
TLR might be a more competent game overall but I like TR3 tone and feel more. Best atmosphere in the classic series.
My dad was a huge Tomb Raider fan and I grew up watching him play all the games as they came out. One time he was playing TLR and it was the level in Egypt before you enter the pyramid. He was trying to skip a part of the level by making this whack ass jump over a chasm, and after trying it a bunch of times and failing he accidentally saved the game while Lara was falling to her death when he was trying to load his last save. I remember the moment of shock he felt as he watched Lara fall into the chasm over and over again, then he threw the controller at the TV and didn't play it for almost a year.
Oh sick I didn't know this
I only had 3 on pc and last revelation on Dreamcast
I grew up with all 5 so I like them all

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I come to you with a rare question that's also very simple: what was the first video game that included an actual background music tune?
Besides games with short fanfares like short 5 second melodies that would play when you put a credit in or on the title screen, while we're at it I would also like to know the first game to include that too, but mainly interested on knowing which was the first game to have a soundtrack, so to speak.
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>What was the first western game with music?
Earliest I can think of is Asteroids from '79. Had pretty much the same "theme" as Space Invaders too.
I think the earliest game to actually feature a soundtrack written especially for it was Venture, and it was a pretty damn good collection of tunes too. It's too bad the Coleco version cut a bunch of them.
>what was the first video game that included an actual background music tune?
If you mean actual, continuous music instead of jingles, it was Pacman.
Namco being kings as always.
Wasn't it Smurfs? With Simple Gifts, of all things.

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Why couldn't NEC make the leap to the PC-2000 and PC-XP?
Shitpost aside, they did. They just weren't proprietary anymore as there was 0 point in doing so, though the last PC-98s did support Windows 2000 (this also has DOS/V for NTVDM). By that time they already had well moved on to the PC-98 NX line, but that PC-98 refers to Microsoft's PC System Design Guide, after that they were just another PC compatible maker.

The reason for the decline of their own proprietary standard was competitors. NEC was one of the bigger very early adopters of non-kit PCs and their first offering was just the best option, building on that gave them a massive uncompetable market share which they made sure to defend by dealing with any real threat to their business PC ecosystem.

They handled clones "better" than IBM, making it a niche market until DOS/V came about and allowed for Kanji to be stored on disk rather than special ROM chips. This introduce affordable IBM PCs in a rather expensive Japanese market and Japanese companies would make their clones, now with more compatibility with foreign software without the reliance on porting.

By this time the PC-98's graphical capabilities weren't exactly impressive for gaming and expansions cards would be needed, this was also more effort and costs than the compatibles had to deal with.
For business all you had to do was translate the application and it should mostly work for DOS/V. Of course, NEC realizes this and decides to change their standard to work nicer with foreign stuff too until it ceases being a standard. It held on strongly to the market (~50% is a lot better than IBM at that point) until Windows 95 ended the use for NEC's PC-98 standard outside of backwards compatibility.
PC-88/PC-98 was a product of it's time, with a very specific reason to exist:
"Existing PCs at the time suck at handling Japanese kanji"
However that of course changed. DOS/V allowed for kanji at the software level, and now NEC's only selling point is the fact that all your software is stuck in their proprietary ecosystem.
But that doesn't end up working forever when everybody in the developed world is on a completely different standard. Eventually it becomes a problem where instead of working to make software for your system, the majority of people are now just working to port software to your system. At some point there's no reason to keep up the act. You cant (as one company) replace the existing market of tens of manufacturers, all constantly evolving and competing to create the latest, at the lowest prices.

>#379:「ダウンタウン熱血行進曲 それゆけ大運動会」
>("Downtown Nekketsu March Go to the Sports Day")

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Marchen Maze Subs when?
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The sexual tension between these two during the divination segments is pretty ridiculous
You're an idiot.
Genuine question, why? It was just obvious to me. Do you think I'm wrong?
Was that just rushed through a machine translator like this OP did with his screenshot? Her name is Yuki Ogawa.

That was too close! You were almost a *chuckles* Jill sandwich.
Barry and his dad jokes, lol
I'd eat Jill's sandwhich
I don't get it.
>Do you think we could... see Tyrant now?
>Barry, you're SO optimistic!
To this day I genuinely don't know what she meant by this.
He says jibble not jill

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how is this considered one of the hardest games ever? I beat it as a dumbass kid. even revenge of shinobi is harder
same with ecco the dolphin.hard game my ass. that's not even near the hardest games even just on sega mega drive
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Only in your dumb country fatass
Even bongland zoomers are starting to call it the Genesis, it's unironically over for megacucks
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I've grown to really like it, even played some of the ports out of curiosity, overall Genesis is just better than the others, alongside the DOS one, for it's wider resolution and being able to skip a part in the 2nd level where the collision isn't all that good, where you're forced to swing across on SNES, which is still a good version though. It's surprising how good the Master System and the Game Gear ports were though, levels aren't just copies, they have their own layouts and, in a few ways, it's better, like the collision detection, it's quite good and I recommend them to anyone.

I think the worst versions are the NES and Game Boy ones, the Game Boy Color title that came a few years later is fine, but the OG ones? I'm not sure if I prefer the NES or Game Boy one, since the NES one cuts off just before Simba becomes and adult, in a way ending it sooner is merciful.
Sega is an AMERICAN company founded BY AMERICANS from BROOKLN. Cope harder britlard
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translation when? (FX version)
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Barump since I'm interested in these questions too
Not them and I haven't played much Langrisser in general but I have messed around with some for a bit including III. It's weird because you and the enemy decide what you're going to do at the start of the phase then after everyone moves you fight with whoever is next to you. Also the battle animations are everyone shooting lasers for some reason (at least on PS2) which just makes it more confusing than just seeing two big armies clash into each other. II was a lot easier to grasp in comparison.
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You can only move your commanders and the units follow by themselves, both your and enemy moves are done at the same time and if opposing units touch each other, they all start fighting, the battle can look very chaotic as multiple squads just fight in real-time on a big-ish field.
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I see, that does sound and look pretty shit.
But at least the laser beams are funny to look at.
Thanks for the answer.
lol, you could have posted a video where someone wasn't playing exclusively off the minimap. Of course it looks like shit.

After beating the first game and seeing how heavy it leans into micromanaging hordes of units in the latter part of the game and how it devolves into the usual TBS trap of having to tiptoe outside the opponent's attack radius all the time, III makes a lot of sense and I'm looking forward to playing it eventually. I think it has a reasonably good reputation in Japan; the series didn't really start falling apart until IV and V, which were rush jobs.

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Gotta keep the dream alive. Anyways I'm gonna get a few rounds of Berzerk in to celebrate surviving severe weather. Will update with my scores.

Previous thread: >>10904873
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Why not?
you had removed dodge'em? what the fuck...is that an actual atari vcs top list or just your favorite games because if that's what you're cooking then just call it like it
Actual advice on how to refine the chart instead of just saying it sucks is much more useful.

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Recently found the site of the guy who did the pixelart for the Xeen games and it had a bunch of early sprites on it.
Don't remember the screen in the bottom left corner.
Was it something from the Mac version?

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You can't be silius.
That's rAf, man.
Insanely banging soundtrack
Don't call me Shirley.
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This truly was a super mario bros

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What game is your holy grail -- the one you want more than any other game? Perhaps it eludes you because of price or scarcity.

Mine is probably picrel w/ manual (don't care about the box). It's the main thing stopping me from having a complete Virtual Boy collection. Another one is Panzer Dragoon Saga, but I'll probably pic that up before the end of the year.
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What NR discs are worth playing?
Just order a half decent repro from China if you wanna appease your coomlecting autism.
I jist want proper physical copies of Megaman X, aLttP and US Yoshi's Island without paying fake ransom prices.
Sure you will buddy
Was this only recently discovered by the non jap speakers? I swear this was never on any list of 64DD titles for the longest time, so it really must have been an obscure as fuck, limited release.

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Captain Commando.
Cap. Com.
Shit, it's been 30 years and I'm getting it just now.

What's your slow realizations
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bnnuy cnnuy~
i thought it was 'chi-mech-o'
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just noticed this one
>F-Zero is a sequel to F-1 Race.
I found a Cream plush at a flea market, but i didn't buy it out of fear of what its prior owner may have used it for.

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What do u think about using them?
Ive lately been playing 80s and 90s sidescrollers and some of them have such unreasonable hard sections that meant to fail you over. Im not surprised that they exist. I do wonder how long it would take to beat such games, like Lion King for example holy shit or the carpet flying level in Aladdin could fuck you over easily, I imagine naturally ppl would spend weeks or months on these game, whereas with rewind I can beat them in 2 hours +- .
Imho modern world is too fucking fast paced so unless you are stacked with money / all is well in life, then maybe you can sit down and play them. With rewinds I do feel like I havent beaten - beaten the game, but you know..
I still quite enjoy them, it is fun to see how primitive and simple some of they are and they still btfo entirety of modern gaming. Its nice to see where developers used tricks or shortcuts with the in game resources such as sprites textures etc.
Im a 1998 zoomer. The game from picrelated is fucking 11 years older than me - its crazy. My personal favs is PS2 (never owned it) era games and on PC. PS1 as well - I intend to play entire catalogue of the PS1 (minus VNs and JRPG shit) and I always have a good time picking some random game I never played before
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If you used save states, guide or rewind, you didn't beat the game.
Watching the credits doesn't mean you experienced the game, you only saw the game, didn't surpass any difficult. You lie to yourself and others when you brag about "beating" a game you cheated. Git gud.
Guess what, you absolutely DON'T have to use them if you don't want to.
The point of playing a videogame is experiencing it in every single nuance. To use savestates, that is akin to playing a movie on your TV while you're scrolling goymedia on your phone or doing work, you're not actually focusing on the movie, you're not engaged, therefore you are in fact not actually watching the movie, and if it does finish playing, you aren't allowed to say you watched it or have an opinion on it.
TL;DR You did not by any metric beat the game.
I mostly use them when the game has some retarded 20 character password system because fuck that shit, or to avoid loading times in disc-based games. Even when I don't use them, I'm glad I can just pause a game whenever and fuck off to do other stuff.
>I'm playing
>the time you waste is insufferable.
I don't consider the time I'm spending mocking your retardation to be a waste

ITT: Demakes that are better than the original game
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No, I am not. It's a good game.
Based McAlby tunes, too.
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It's the best version of DQ3
not really a demake
Weren't the 8bit versions the original? I know The Smurfs on gameboy was the peak and beyond the 8bit versions, every later "remake"/16bit version was worse.

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what a piece of shit, seriously
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SMB 2 (JapCrap) sucks when compared to Super Mario Bros 3 and/or Super Mario World.
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For super players. Not you.
you are the pajeet of the gaming world. japs are the superior white. this is why rest of world got fake smb2. only jap got real smb2.
>bowser/goomba/lakitu on the cover
>not even in the fucking game
lmao, so many zeds get filtered by this game

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