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>16MHz Motorola 68000
>32-bit 32MHz graphics processor
>hardware scrolling
>PCM sample based sound chip with up to 25 voices
>up to 2000 sprites on screen
>7860 colors on screen at any one time
>only 32KB RAM for some reason
>was supposed to come out in 1991

Could it have worked?
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Pretty much and for good reason, 90% of console games made by American devs back then were bargain bin trash.
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Probably not but it had a better chance than the Jaguar did.

The numpad controller design of the Jaguar should have been scrapped. Relic of a failed experiment that no one asked to come back. Should have been an evolution of the Atari 7800 d-pad controller with six buttons and better ergonomics. Something along the lines of pic-related would have been significantly nicer.
>Nothing would have worked without the Japanese 3rd party in early 90s.

or American first parties that actually wanted to make games and not shit, especially licensed shit. Atari had several IPs that if re-tooled into good games would have dragged alot of nostalgia interest along. But atari was already a shell by that point, at least anything tied to a non-arcade project.

any idea what they were planning to use for the sound chip(s)?
> 32 colors per line
per line colors in practice are going to match the total displayed colors asside from amigeresq rainbow skies gimmick.
Could it have been able to run Doom with those specs.

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Some unfriendly unlocal gypsies at a market put a chip in my playstation, it could then play burnt games! Then Id ride to my cousin would burn the rented games from the videostore! How did you boys go pirating games back in the day?
I did the same, except I used my PC to rip the ISOs from the disc and burn them to new disc. I'd borrow games from friends for a weekend to do that too. Had a huge collection of burnt PS1 and later Dreamcast games.

Slightly piracy related: My legit copy of DKC2 I bought from K-Mart new shows the anti-piracy screen 9/10 times I boot it up on my SNES. I have to keep turning it on and off until it works. My first taste of hating DRM.
I just shoplifted

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>Bunch of modders on their spare time repurposed Zelda Majora's Mask to run on PC perfectly at higher resolutions/frame rates
>Nintendo still never managed to make a modern port of their old games to newer consoles
>Most of their official "ports" run like crap
Yep, modders do what Nintendont.
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Who gives a shit if you can't play the game at 16:9? I don't even play old PC games in widescreen.
it's FOMO zoomers who can't play anything other than 1080/60fps games and 45 year old guys with aspergers who were born without a soul and see everything as a technical checklist; they're the ones who care. otherwise, i agree with you. i play starcraft in 4:3 on windows 10 and i've been playing OoT in 4:3 on PJ64 for years now and i will never play this shit any other way. widescreen is gay unless the game was designed for it.
>Who gives a shit if you can't play the game at 16:9?
Bear in mind that the person asked this at a time when there was no option to switch to 4:3 fullscreen (I assume/hope this has been added since then)
Link to a video that doesn't have "HEYGUYYYYS" basedjak talking over the whole thing
Didn't ask.

>game ends
>it was all a dream
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I wish this game never existed
>tfw it was all a dream but your gf is now a seagull
>TFW when you fug a seagull in dream.
>Game ends
>Run to toilet to vomit
>Happens everytime
Nah, that's a just common writing thing when the hero forgets the adventure. They'll have him wake and start babbling about the adventure, someone will say "what are you talking about?", and he'll just go "I'm not sure either. Must have hit my head or something" and forget. I'm pretty sure that's what they were going for with the scene, but it wasn't communicated well because of the silent protagonist.

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The only 8-bit RPG worth playing.
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He refers to LARP and theater plays, obviously.
You’re trying to use a transitional period to define the genre. The period between modded Chainmail gaining popularity and it being turned into D&D was only ~1 year. There are definitely similarities between the white box set and the war games it was derived from, but it evolved extremely quickly and by the time the red box came out just a couple years later the term “RPG” was widely established.
In short, TTRPGs moved away from their combat oriented root’s extremely quickly, so I wouldn’t use that brief period of overlap to define the genre.
No, I don't. I never said anything about combat either, prefering the word tactics for a reason, as in a way that can include other problem solving, such as traps and puzzles.
At the core, stats and dungeons are what all RPGs are about as a game, despite whatever fluff you can add around it.
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Phantasy Star II would be the best game of all time if they had kept the 1st person dungeons and other battle and town background art from PS1
they had to copy square slop sadly


I have 1CC's on all the ported easymodes but can barely last past stage 1 on the normal/arcade difficulty
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>and are instead applying their social skills by talking to locals, neighbors etc.
Which they need to understand the basics of the language to do. Real life isnt like the Simpsons episode where Bart suddenly understood French.
A worldwide Touhou tournament is ongoing right now and was live to 250+ viewers (and that's just on one mirror) 12 hours ago
Even ignoring the 99% of the fanbase that doesn't play, people love Touhou games more than pretty much every other shmup combined
play more and watch replays

You gotta cut your cock off to be good at bullet hells. This is mandatory
I really dont understand what people get from acting like that. Theres people who post in the guitar general over on mu who are like that, too. always posting in a thread about stuff they dont like. seems like a shortcut to unhappiness to me

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I miss these lil discs like you wouldn't believe
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You can literally just download demos now and it's better. Tbh, most people just pirate before committing now so they are obsolete.
Why would anyone believe a mentally disturbed child trying too hard to fit in? Apply yourself.
Why, what range are you shooting from?
>these lil discs li
i burnt the GOG version of Neverwinter Nights 1 Diamond (not the bullshit remake with less content) onto 6 CDROMs, and the fanpatch too.
I don't, and I can tell because I've played a lot back in the day. Optical technology is absolute crap; Loading times, scratches, laser related breakdowns etc, etc, etc.
If you actually PLAY the damn games it's completely impractical and painful to deal with these issues.

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ITT post obscure screenshots of retro games and try to guess everyone else’s game
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No, I posted another hint. >>10926839
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Absolutely. And you know that those other rabbits (one visually hidden behind player character) don't have long to live
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Legendary Wings

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> what makes me tick when it comes to beautiful ladies like Chun-Li and Cammy?
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Why in WW they make him say "ZUUUUUUUUUUUUNGG" but in HF he just yodels? He's from the Swiss alps now? And what was the ZUUUUUUUNGG thing about, anyway?

His signature scream plus he shares the same male groan as every other male character.
its pure envy. see a therapist to get on HRT immediately
You will never know what it's like to do whatever the fuck you want to do and not gaf if people think you are gay or not.

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turn you speakers up
I had the same problem back in teh day, but that was mostly due to low quality speakers.
You don't need to hear it, you're a highly trained professional.

Tales of Symphonia
Who is the best girl?

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This is amazing, I didn't use delta cause no Retroachievement support but RetroArch has it
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iphones do last long tho, i buy used iphones for my parents and they get 5-6 years of use out of them, samshit bugs a bug infested unsupported mess after two years
any recommended ones?
>vimm's lair has already been shit
Fixed that for you
Using vimm's lair in the current year is like using ZSNES
kill yourself
jdownloader has the most compatability with cloud services and such, but its a really old looking piece of software. Too slow! I use FDM (free download manager), it gets the job done and i also replaced qbittorrent with it as it supports torrents. No complaints.

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What are your favorites?
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Innocent: Until Caught by Psygnosis. Probably because it was one of the first point-and-clicks I played too. also had a sequel called Guilty.

Was rather obscure though, even moreso today. Not even supported in ScummVM sadly. Also had that annoying "Enter the code on row 6, column 5, page 16 of the manual" type of DRM that I am not sure was ever cracked. Getting Sound Blaster sound effects to work, especially on the CD version, was also a bitch. Music in Ad-Lib mode would work fine, but it's a bit of a mess trying to get sound effects/Sound Blaster working correctly. Something about it being VERY picky about the version of ct-voice.drv.... despite the fact that even the CD version of the game didn't have voice lines (though now I am starting to suspect if this is maybe because the versions of the ISO floating around are a bad dump).
Be thankful it's not a hamster.
I honestly cannot even fathom over 5% of players having the patience/luck to figure out like 20 of the triggers. Many times I look up where to go and I think this is fucking retarded.
Absolutely loved that game as a kid.
Kyrandia 1 is awful.
Zork: Nemesis
Zork: Grand Inquisitor

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Were scunny games shitty or was I?
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Lel funny, i ment Skunny
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Skunny Kart was based
Wasn't it based on stolen Wacky Wheels code?
>As it happens, Wacky Wheels developer Andy Edwardson originally worked for a company called Copysoft - a rather apt name as we’ll soon discover - who were best known for a series of charming early DOS platform games starring their original character, Skunny the squirrel.
>After getting inspired by Super Mario Kart and developing the proof of concept game engine in his spare time - the engine that later went on to become Wacky Wheels of course - Edwardson showed it to his employer, who liked what they saw and even started sharing screenshots online.
>It was those screenshots that caught the attention of Apogee, leading him to jump ship. Unfortunately for him, he’d unwittingly left the source code to his side project behind without really coming to any kind of agreement regarding ownership, and Copysoft continued to work on it without his knowledge, releasing Skunny Kart while Wacky Wheels was in the final stages of development.
there's also the thing with Seifert and the music

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