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Should i play the OG Ocarina of Time or go straight for the 3DS remake?

Same with Majoras Mask.
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they went out of their way to keep in glitches from the original as long as they weren't game breaking. it's one of the most faithful remakes I've seen.
I play the Redux N64 romhack
But the 3DS version with the resto mod is good too
The 3DS version is more in line with the keyart for the game
Mature take, if I do say so myself.
I disagree. There's no real reason to recommend the original over OoT3D outside of being a contrarian purist.
/vr/ should just be nuked I think. Main /v/ has a better appreciation for old games than /vr/ does.

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Post pretty environments from retro games and by doing so convince others to play them.
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Not him, but I think it might be Black Mirror? It used to give me nightmares as a kid
I want that car.
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Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 is the comfiest game I’ve ever played. More BGs here: https://imgur.com/a/boku-no-natsuyasumi-2-backgrounds-ps2-day-2cqSj
Peak game art.
Aren't these just photos through some kind of filter?
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Those are hand painted backgrounds using the same techniques anime would use at the time

>zx Spectrum is not as remembered or as loved as japanese consoles
This realization broke me lads
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Ah, so no answer then...
sorry you didn't have a C64 lad
The dizzy games do a great job with the limitations of the color palette but when most games on the zx spectrum look ass yeah it's a problem.
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i think it would be easier for you to learn japanese,also how translation are currently i wouldn't wait to learn (use yandex to search for learning programs)
>download super robot taisen translation
>translation says version 1.1
>since is 1.0 it should be completed.
>download and start playing,most text is in japanese with only menu battles translated.
>read the readme it says they have worked 4 years on the "translation"
fuck it!!
This game is so schizoid, the plot gets crazy super fast.
so you can tell a japanese person to read it for you :^)
To play all the seaman games. Anon loves seaman.
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Anon loves Seaman too.

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SF 2 artwork or SF 2 CE artwork?
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That's korean bootleg SF 2
last place to be calling anyone that incel
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I love when people try and fail to rip off Tetsuo Hara's artstyle.

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you guys say that squaresoft/enix post merger was nothing but a disaster for the gaming industry but what about amd acquiring ati? surely it wasn't THAT bad right?
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With almost 20 years of hindsight, it probably saved both companies. AMD was about to do something incredibly retarded and ATi was about to get blown out of the graphics market. The acquisition let them get a foothold in consoles, and some of the "graphically adequate laptop" market by being cheap as fuck. That in turn let AMD survived long enough to make Ryzen happened.
I've been buying exclusively nVidia even pre-merge (last ATi card was a 9x00 series) so I don't see how it was any kind of disaster. There was the period where certain games were optimized to run on nVidia cards which could sometimes be annoying, but that was probably happening either way.
anon, you are drunk, aren't you?
>Set the company back even more than threadripper
I'm going to assume you weren't sober and meant something like Bulldozer, lol.
AMD picking up ATi wasn't nothing but a way to keep that shitty ass company going. ATi has always been shit and I honestly do not know who buys their shit. Under AMD they atleast make decent software but that's it.
The death of 3dfx was a bigger blow to the industry than anything with ATi.

Why did they give the GBA such an awful soundchip?
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Mother 3 is a remarkably accomplished (and huge) soundtrack, but it still suffered from sound playback issues.
Somebody made a hack that improves the audio quality by changing how the audio is mixed and processed, greatly reducing "background hissing" that is prevalent in sample-heavy GBA audio.


Another part of what made the Mother 3 soundtrack possible was using the 256 megabit (32 megabyte) cartridge, which few games enjoyed due to the manufacturing costs.

Apparently the implementation of this audio mixing improvement modifies the RNG for the game, so maybe the RNG engine actually uses the audio processing or output as a source of randomness?
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Nah, I've been hearing that shit ever since smartphones came out, which was 2007.
>"You know any good mobile games?"
I still called them phone games at that point and mostly thought of shit like Snake, but it quickly became associated with things like Pocket God (2009) and World of Goo (2008), especially in Japan, calling them mobage (mobile game/ mobile garbage).

Stuff like GBA and Switch gaming has always been called handheld gaming, not mobile, newfags.
>Its the same DAC in the DS. Which also sounds like crap.
if it had some kind of low pass filter to remove the anti-aliasing it would have helped to improve it (slightly). very noticeable in the bios/operating system's sound effects (for example).
It depends on what game we talk about, there's various GBA games (and ports) that take advantage of it

>to progress to the sixth chapter, you have to visit the basement of Nondescript House #17 in Town #3 and talk to Blue Hat Guy #6,352
>he will now offer to sell you a Sacred Hamburger, which you can then feed to the fifth stray dog on Kattymongo Island
>the dog will then chew through the diamond chains blocking the dungeon entrance, allowing you to proceed

How did you live like this?
I'm not even talking about the really mean games like Wizardry, every basic bitch Square game pulled this shit at some point
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in this thread anon admits that he's not capable of reading or following clues or talking to the NPCs
Not even five, name two.
OP filtered until proven gay.
This, every time someone complains about getting lost in an RPG it's because theyre ignoring/overlooking/forgetting crucial dialog moments. It's never not been the case in my experience. Why do these people play RPGs if they're not engaged with the world they're supposed to be saving?
>Nondescript House #17
You'd be lucky if a town/village/city had double digit houses to explore. If they did, they'd probably not be something you could go inside.
>Blue Hat Guy #6,352
If your fantasy universe has over 6000 guys in blue hats...what's even the problem?
>every basic bitch Square game pulled this shit
No they didn't. Even FF1 is easy to figure out where you're going next.

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It's by far one of my favorite consoles of all time, such good hardware for its time, and with a nice library to match. I'm aware most of the library it has also came out on Game Gear, but I disagree it takes away from the quality, looking at the titles it has by themselves it's solid, that's all that really matters, especially looking back since they had a different role, one at home, the other portable.

Also, usually Master System has a resolution that allows me to see more, so I usually prefer it. Sure a lot of the library are inferior ports too, but that simplicity has it's charm to me, a stellar console.
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for me, its Hang on
Great hardware for the time and had some good exclusives but the library was too small for the SMS to really give the NES a run for its money.
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It's tough, because the Master System, by itself, has so much going for it, but it's overshadowed both by an iconic and classic successor... and the arguably most beloved and important of all the home consoles ever made as it's competitor, it's a tough spot to be in, and it doesn't help that it had most of its library ported to the Game Gear, which was also more popular overall... a shame.
Should I get a US model and mod it with FM sound or the japanese one with fm sound built in?

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Post genres you don't like or that you struggle with getting into and anons shall post games to try and get you into them.

I'll go first, I really have never beat a jrpg because I can't get into random encounters. I also just can't for the life of me get into rts games.
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im just fucking low iq desu. For a while I thought maybe I could increase my intelligence by playing games that need good intellect but really at the end of the day im a big fucking retard that just like games where you press buttons and limbs fly off
>games where you press buttons and limbs fly off
As opposed to games where you click on lice and administrate some excel sheet.
While I've finished a few JRPGs here and there, I really can't get into the genre as a whole. I really enjoy the aesthetics of a lot of 2D JRPGs for the SNES, PlayStation, Saturn, and GBA, but I find myself getting bored with them partway through, either because I can't figure out where to go, reach a boss and discover that I'm underleveled, or just reach a midgame slump where it doesn't feel like much is happening and eventually realize that I haven't touched my save file in weeks.
>but really at the end of the day im a big fucking retard that just like games where you press buttons and limbs fly off
To be fair, even high IQ people enjoy those kinds of games. I'm a polymath and a psychopath, and I genuinely enjoy games that let you hurt people in incredibly horrible ways, because it's a way of "living" out my fantasies without actually hurting anyone.
I suppose it is not entirely unlike how many people watch porn featuring unrealistically attractive women doing things that most female normies would never, ever consent to doing in real life.
For JRPGs I recommend playing them on an emulator on your phone. Touchscreen sucks for most games but for something turnbased it’s fine.

That’s how I’ve been playing them anyway. When I’m home I’d rather play other games but as a timekiller when I’m stuck waiting somewhere, JRPGs have been fucking great. Way better sense of investment than standard mobile games and honestly more fun than a lot of them. Sometimes I’m even into a game enough that even after getting home I’ll play it for an hour or two, or get to a good stopping point or something.

I know some anons will hate me for this because playing them like this is ‘the wrong way’ or not the proper way to enjoy them or some bs, but for the specific purpose that phone games are meant to serve as timekillers, they’re fantastic and suit my needs perfectly. I just wouldnt play them otherwise as when I’m home I typically prefer action games.

If you’re on ios then delta is a fine emulator, Chrono Trigger is a good place to start with JRPGs and doesn’t have any random encounters. Play with volume on or earbuds in as often as you can because the soundtrack is top tier.

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This has been plaguing me for 25 years at least. On Win95 or 98, I had a point and click "game" that featured a Boston terrier dog. He looked kind of like Iggy from JoJo.

As far as I know, it wasn't really a game. All you did was click things in the environment and the dog would react to it. You could visit different locales and click more things, but there was no goal, no score, no story, not really a game desu, as far as I know there wasn't even an ending. I'm assuming it was a western game, it didn't seem Japanese in style at all.

I've never seen this game anywhere online. I don't remember the name obviously or the publisher. Any ideas?
Speaking of Jojo….gun n’ rose?
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>that dog
Was it Microsoft Bob?
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I simply do not understand what people see in the classic 2D Sonic games. I've tried playing Sonic, Sonic 2, and Sonic Mania on many seperate occasions and find myself dropping each by the Second Stage.

It's not like I dislike platformers, far from it, I love sidescrolling Platformers new and old. Mario, DKC, Rayman Origins, etc. But Sonic just doesn't do it for me.

For a game touted as being "fast" all 2D Sonic games feel slow and methodical. Getting to top speed is a chore with Sonic requiring significant time and space to reach full speed. What's worse is losing that momentum is so immediate that it dampens any desire to try and gain it back.

Doesn't help that the level design isn't conducive to this gameplay as a numerous amount of assets require speed to traverse or lack any areas to give yourself room to speed up without having to invest time in spin dashing.

Mario and Rayman can reach full speed almost instantaneously and still maintain this sense of momentum while Sonic just feels like an awful slog.
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Sonic 1 being the purest one is the reason why most people don't get Sonic.
Sonic 1 used to be popular but overtime was overshadowed by Sonic Complete 3 AIR or whatever.
Real Sonic fans know that 1 is the best closely followed by 2, when it comes to sonic
Am I the only one who noticed OP is AI text?
Everyone on the internet is a bot except me, so I never notice.
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It's the reason we have this thread every other week, it's always huge, it gets people talking in the way it intended, so it keeps happening, it's the same for Sonic Adventure, every single time.
Most of those picks are so bizarre
Like what the fuck

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ITT: misspelled/mistranslated/generally fucky video game text.
Picrel is from Lufia: The Legend Returns
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Wtf this looks based. I love dkc3 now.
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>If you look at japanese websites, you can see a lot of them use "ssy" instead of "shi"
I am not apologizing for this pic.
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>ZEIK TUVAI in Wild Arms (supposed to be "Sieg Zwei").
All this time the fact it was meant to be "Zwei" never even crossed my mind.
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Prelude to the final arc of the game and it completely mangles the word masquerading.
It's a weird one. Most American spellings are of equal length or shorter than the British spelling.

Thanks Shitman!
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nesticle (genecyst) and zsnes were full of bugs yes but were the basically the first to make quality (according to compatibility) emulation widespread and accesible to a vast array of setups.
That’s true, but games like Paper Mario had issues out the ass.
The problem with emulators in the late 90s had absolutely nothing to do with the power of your pc and everything to do with emulation mostly being shit-tier. ZSNES ran well yes but it was so goddamn inaccurate.
tbf PM64 had issues out the ass until like 5 years ago, that isn't a 2000 thing.
And even then I now prefer PM: TTYD64 over the original version
i don't get what you're talking about, i just mentioned project64 back in 2002 running pretty good on our family pc which had no dedicated gpu, did you reply to the wrong comment?

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I love this game.
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Mario Land's levels are short and easy, Way shorter and easier than Mario Land 2's with a quarter of levels being boring on rail shooting galleries. It's actually nice that Mario Land 2 has variety and actually plays around with verticality in its level design which makes for unique platforming. I don't get how you think it's slow paced while also complaining it's levels are short, seems a pit oxymoronic.
I didn't say anything about length at all. I said Mario 2 is slow paced. As in, you move slowly, there's very few enemies and even fewer that are placed in any sort of interest way, and I completely disagree about platforming as the gimmick of the game is the rabbit ears that essentially are about not interacting with any platforming at all.
Mario 1 isn't particularly hard, it is a Mario game. It has actual platforming challenges though and is fast paced.
Any difficulty from Mario Land 1 comes entirely from how clunky Mario's moveset is. He stops immediately when letting go of the d-pad and jumps with no in air control but once you get the hang of some of the worst controls of a Mario game it becomes piss easy. Enemies are easy to avoid and the bosses are even more so with every other boss being a copy of the other. Mario Land 2 is only slower in the fact that Mario actually has momentum.
I got filtered, it's too hard for me to finish, sorry.
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I always thought Daisy had a big frowny face as a kid.

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