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Is super mario bros 2 (JP) good? I've heard people say it's like a kaizo hack or whatever before
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yes too many weird chat ai style posts lately
Messed-up hit boxes and altered physics making it harder to avoid hits and pits.
uhm, why is there a burger?

Yes it's good.
There's a romhack that even fixes this and the op just wants to "remake bad" post.

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How is she so powerful? Her magic stats are insanely high compared to Terra who is a born demon.
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Eunuchs everyone.
I tried T-Edition and I fucking loved it. I've heard mixed things about BNW, though.
>the ones telling you to just have sex are literally incapable of it
BNW is actually extremely well balanced, it just has too much memery/cringe. I detested the balance of T-Edition (chest enemy in Daryl's Tomb is harder than fucking Atma Weapon) which got me to drop it. Also randomly including other enemy sprites just makes it look like an RPGMaker game. SaGa enemies look like shit, hideous series.
is he a toad or not?

Thought the SNES Beethoven game was bad? It can and did get much worse.
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This game has to be actually played on hardware (not emulation) to truly appreciate what a piece of crap it is.
Last time I tried it Zsnes was the norm (low accuracy). I do have a flashcart now. I wonder what the real performance could be like.
It's very sluggish, unresponsive controls, and just feels like wading through tar. Yes it was a SlowROM cart but you could also tell it was rushed out really fast and they had no time to optimize the code.
Funny that the studio went on to develop The Simpsons hit & Run years later, which is the polar opposite of this turd.

Now I am more curious to try it tomorrow.
I believe I heard there was only one programmer on Bebe's Kids and he had like a month and a half to finish. The music is the only worthwhile thing about this game.

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Is this the ultimate reto console?

>amazing 240p support
>plays everything before 2000
>tons of controller options
>cheap component cables with both 16:9 ad 4:3 support
>native gamecube support
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Ps1 yes, Saturn NOPE
What's the purpose of this post? Why limit your options?
I wouldn't be caught dead with a cringe waggle box.
Fuck no. That game system is garbage.
Metroid Prime Trilogy for sure, but good luck getting it for cheap if you’re not planning on using USBLoaderGX

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Have you been enjoying Insignia anon? Halo 2 has been a lot of fun and I love hopping into Crimson Skies. I want to play Gauntlet Seven Sorrows co-op soon too.
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video gaming is slothful and unproductive, uninstall NOW
>Cussing is a sin
according to your jewish holybook perhaps.
>Not just using a laptop and a shitty VPN to port-forward
They aren't even planned far ahead. You can easily hop into their discord, or if you have friends (if) tell them to hop on a game with you. That's all it takes.
My pc is older than the average 4chan zoomer and I dont have any modern consoles and I would never ever touch 343 shit
>no one cares about other games
Yeah at 2 fucking am, there is nobody online during yuro hours

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There was an earlier thread before but I just want to say I too am almost done with this game and FUCK the end of this game. Having to fight Necron at the end of an annoying boss rush just makes me want to say "fuck it" and save state my way to victory. I refuse to explore this massive maze for every tiny little piece of better armor and magic attacks im missing, where every secret is just a shitty arbitrary hidden wall in a maze of repeating textures.

The game is unbeatable unless you rub your nose on every fucking wall in the game and find the best items.
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He just takes a moderate amount of healspam. Your gear shouldn't be the issue as long as you have decent endgame stuff
When will people stop fellating developers just because they're japanese or quirky?
These games are shit. They were always shit
But now retroactively they've become good because hipsters.
Armored Core is fun as a novelty and Kuon is unique also as a novelty, but that's it
They were a nobody developer in the west for a reason
pure shit
I think you're probably just retarded
They're fun, cool looking, immersive games
Right, just ignore that everytime there's a thread about King's Field it's about how much of a pain in the ass the games are (as in, shit, not as in, hard)

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It's time for SCAT
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Thank god I'm not the only one that still remembers the guy.
>Thank god I'm not the only one that still remembers the guy.
Scat only exists because people are willing to tolerate stuttering tards and people that enjoy sexplay with feces.
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It never clicked that those were supposed to be blocks of shit
It is the 90s, and there is time for SCAT.
Don't forget Just Breed and Rayman CP

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Why are sports games held in such low regard with the retro game community while something like RPGs aren't? They are so undervalued that they are the best value in gaming, if done correctly a hockey, soccer or wave racing game can match up with any other genre
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>There’s literally 0 all time great sports games on speccy or amigger
Sensible World of Soccer
He's going to claim that doesn't count because it was so successful that it was ported to numerous platforms including some of Nintendo's
Literally who?
Meanwhile people are still playing Punch Out, NBA Jam, Blitz, Tecmo Bowl, Blades of Steel. No one knows whatever dogshit bongolard game you just listed
It's odd you mention Pokemon because I hear people complain about Pokemon's declining quality and excessive release schedule literally all the time. It's probably the #1 issue people have with that franchise. It still sells like hotcakes of course, just like yearly EA sports games sell like hotcakes. Which is too bad, if sales slowed they might have to start putting effort in again.

The other franchises you listed, I honestly can't name a single release from the last few years, but I don't follow modern AAA shit anymore. It all goes in one ear and out the other.
You need to go back to /v/.

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What games should I get for my newly purchased n8 pro?
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Aren't the chinks ones based on the orignal n8 not the pro?
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Akumajou Special- Boku Dracula-kun
The newest clones play FDS and have expansion audo with full mapper support.
Protip: With NES Everdrives, avoid the temptation to reset and switch between different games (unless they're the same mapper configuration) as the FPGA doesn't like that and will start glitching so you'll have to power cycle it to get it back to normal

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This game has a particularly underrated soundtrack. If you ask me, it firmly deserves a spot in a "top 10 best OSTs of all time"
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I’ve been having some fun revisiting it. It’s some fresh air after binging lots of idstuff but I need to look into some hud scaling.
Just play with nglide in 640x480
The translator text scaled. I just went by the "don't get hit" solution for non-scaling life.
Later game is a chore, I won't lie. Also, lol I didn't realise Anon was on about the OST, and it's pretty much standard fare for the time imo. It's not bad or anything.
Plagiarism is based, we need video game soundtrack writers to steal good melodies from boomer rock/techno and improve them

This is easily the best GBA game.
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Nope, fire red/leaf green is
It's a lot of fun with friends. Unfortunately I only got to do that once and nobody has the patience for that anymore.
>I don't understand the appeal.
Advance Wars is the experience of making little plastic army men fight.
On top of that it has cute girls and a good soundtrack and a very simple, but fun strategy game.
But the main appeal is the simple pleasure of bashing your itty-bitty army into another itty-bitty army until the other army falls down.
Out of all of Nintendo's old games, it's one of the most toylike. Don't worry about the story or the progression.
If you found your favorite toy you had when you were a little kid in a box while cleaning your closet, how would you play with it? That's how you should play Advance Wars.
That's not Aria of Sorrow

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i just got it from psn on my ps3 and played arcade mode as ryu and loved it. it uses the d-pad and his specials are so easy. who’s the best character and why?
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floigposter is not auster. please brush up on your floigan lore
>I think people prefer the Marvel games on Playstation over the Saturn

These people don’t exist, the PS1 ports are trash.
ok, auster
floig free
Why does she look super serious in the artwork for Alpha 2? Was she supposed to be a different character before they turned her into a goofball?

What's something you DON'T miss about the retro era and are glad is basically dead and gone at this point?
For me, it was games needing you to buy separate, usually not very cheap components that didn't come with the system itself, for the full experience.
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Man that's something I don't fucking miss
Yep. Sorry about the non-english version. Something I installed from a 1997 cd that came from a magazine, vs the final mozilla suite version. Image load on click exists on Netscape, but on Mozilla it was moved to the privacy settings and works differently.
I read that in joe pescis voice
>Sorry about the non-english version.
I honestly didn't even notice it, I just saw the netscape boat wheel.
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You're 11 years old, the school year has ended and summer break has begun, the weather is wonderful. You're sitting on the floor on a warm Friday evening with an open window and cool breeze blowing in. You're playing a game you just got and are planning on blowing your summer on it.
What is the game?
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Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door. What a fucking comfy summer game that was. I remember my dad bought me the game right before the summer finals startd in school and I would love getting home after the exams and playing the game until mom called me for dinner. Good times, man
I am SORRY you don't have any cozy childhood memories.
Yeah I was sort of vague in my original post - I only rented Mario RPG. I rented it several times that summer but sometimes I'd find that my save file would be gone and I'd want to start over from scratch. And honestly as soon as I beat the game, the first thing I did was fire up a new game.
Plus as a kid you're more likely to take your time with a game like this. I would just revisit areas looking for secrets. I really savored games in a way that I don't as an adult.
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>Summer 1997

I didn’t get my N64 until fall so I most probably spent summer replaying DKC3, doing Ultra combos on Killer Instinct and attempting to go through Terranigma which had just released here.

Good times indeed.
I'm afraid the answer wouldn't be retro
What did you do to get shovel slapped?

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The retards of TFS gave the dog whistle by saying "...and its pretty Rare too" in their shit DBcembers, basically saying, hey resellers, here's your chance!

And of course dumbfuck normies are "If muh Fakeswear DBZ Youtubers said so, IT MUST BE TRUE". 2P2RRS
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The only thing I dislike about GH PS1 games is the black and white discs. They're completely soulless.
good ones too.
>Seriously, what the everliving hell is this?
Something that is not as bad as what came before:

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