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Previous thread: >>10886708
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JVC D Series supremacy
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Is pic related worth an hour drive ?
Guy doesn't know if it works and I can't find much info on it online
Depends on the price
The one in the OP looks really good, how much do these sell for?
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Love this lil guy
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I'm a zoomer who has never seen a CRT irl
help me understand something
I've heard people talk about CRTs having really good black levels, I believe
how is that possible when the screen itself is grey when it's turned off?
does it get darker when it turns on?
or are these just bad or badly maintained CRTs?
crts are simillar to projectors in what you need to do to get good performance.
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Haven't really noticed any problems with my set but I finally got 240p TS to see what's going on. I guess tell me how bad this is. I can run other patterns too if that would help.
That looks fine, the grid pattern is made to exaggerate any potential geometry issues and to display safe and unsafe areas that most older games expect to be cropped off.

A perfect display would make every line perfectly straight and every square perfectly square, your CRT is more than good enough.
once the white squares are square you're good and that's look ok to me. don't worry about the corners being a bit off, it's gonna happen to most sets and unless you are good with working on hardware and motherboards it's not worth trying to adjust. the pursuit of image perfection on a crt will only lead to headaches
Sonys are probably better, but it is the contrast ratio that’s ok, because there is no backlight.
Better reason to get one is viewing angles,low resolution handling, and no lag.
Thanks, I'm not going to tinker with the TV, I've been happy with it so far and don't even have the time to go full autism on it.

I could probably recap it if I watched a video on it, I've done a bunch of hardware mods in the past, but the TV is pretty low hours and I don't feel it's necessary. Probably wouldn't do a yolk adjustment ever, it just seems like a bad idea to me.
what res and what adapter are you using?
If a CRT is already is full working order a recap won't do anything. That's only something to try if it doesn't turn on or it has major picture issues.
Free. I just dont want to waste my time if its useless
I thought they can affect colors and flickering.
The color of the screen is grey when struck with ambient light, but in complete darkness it will have perfect blacks
This is better as opposed to a LCD where the backlight won't look obviously grey in ambient light but you'll see it horribly when in darkness
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Is $50 a fair price for a crt tv? I can't find one for free or abandoned to save my life.
I wouldnt pay for a broken one.
But if its in good condition and has decent inputs, sure why not.
50 aint much, doesnt even cover half a weeks worth of groceries and I spend way more on a night out, so spending it on a device that will bring you joy is not wasted money
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aes in bed
I'm working overseas this fall, I have no idea how long I'll stay. I'm leaving my 3 crts with my parents. I've explained to them several times not to toss them out and why they're valuable.
Anyone in Taiwan know if crts are overpriced by coomlectors? I've seen a couple youtube videos of people in retro stores and they seem to have a few crts but none of them ever show interest in the crts or show prices.
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My crt got this discoloration ever since i moved it upstairs. it gets better if i tilt it backwards and deguass it but it goes back to this state if i leave it off for a while.
needs degaussing
If it's a consumer set, switch it fully off for a day by the power button then switch it on
If that doesn't fix it you'll need a Degaussing tool
check for speakers nearby
my amp was 8+ feet away and caused this same issue
Non-retard answer: you've probably slightly dislodged the yoke when you moved it. It happens easily on big heavy sets. You can either deal with it as you are (best choice), adjust the purity ring magnets a little (pretty easy if you're not a spaz but slightly fucks up convergence) or fully re-seat the yoke and fully re-do the landing (don't do this). A fancy degausser will just do the same as what you're doing now, it's temporary and resets on power up, because the problem is physical.
i wanted to shit talk this meme-pvm setup but, youre on the final boss & aes doesnt let you credit feed
carry on son
How is anyone here supposed to know if it will work or not?
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I just woke up from a dream where my mom took me to some none existent irl house of my late grandparents that I allegedly went a lot to as a kid. It was full with a shit ton of CRT TVs and monitors from your (my) imagination. There was a wide screen full HD one with every single connector you can image. Two angled SCART connectors, BNC, VGA, DVI, component, composite. RF, everything. My mom kept telling me which one I always used to use and which one was my brother's, etc. I'm like woaah look at this one I'm taking it home, and this one, and that one, and then I woke up...
Rate my collection
>25" Sony PVM-2530
>25" Wells Gardner K7100 (inside an arcade cab)
>17" Compaq MV720
>17" Gateway VX700 (diamondtron)
>15" Gateway CrystalScan
>14" Mitsubishi AM-1401R TV
>13" AppleColor High-Resolution RGB Monitor (trinitron)
>12" AppleColor RGB Monitor (15khz)
>12" Apple Monitor III (green phosphor)
>12" IBM 8513 VGA Monitor
>12" IBM 5153 CGA Monitor
>9" Macintosh Plus (b&w)
I'd really like to find a decent 19" monitor but they're hard to come by these days because they're too heavy to ship and you can barely find CRT monitors locally anymore.
>25" Sony PVM-2530
>17" Gateway VX700

Can you give me these two anon? Thanks in advance.
The Gateway has visible burn in in the center of the screen if you're looking at a solid color because it has this bright yellow "no signal" text that's always displayed as long as the monitor is on, and I think it was used at a school so it probably sat on that screen for hundred of combined hours. The Sony I will take with me to my grave.
>I wouldn't pay for a broken one.
apparently it has been re soldered
>But if its in good condition and has decent inputs, sure why not.
Are composite inputs decent for the price?
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>I'm a zoomer who has never seen a CRT irl
How old are you out of curiosity?
I'm a 99 Gen Z and I still remember the 20/27 inch Zenith bubble tube and RCA rear projection we had for 5-7 years in the early 2000s
I even had a 13" DVD combo in my room until about 2012/13 when I inherited the 2007 Philips LCD when we upgraded the livingroom TV
When people say that newer televisions can't handle resolution changes in-game, do they mean like the screen just goes completely black for a second before the new resolution gets recognized by the TV?

I've just been messing around with some VCRs and LCD televisions I have laying around, and I'm using the test suite to switch between 240p and 480i on them, and the worst I get on all my devices is a screen flicker, which I assume is the resolution change being handled well (vs. plugged into my CRT where there isn't even a flicker.) I'm wondering what it actually looks like when a TV can't handle resolution changes.
would you say its worth it? considering it has virtually all inputs you'd ever need and it's been recapped so it should last longer than the average crt you'd find. my only concerned is the size. i do prefer smaller sets and i love my current 20" sony but it only has s-video at best, i mostly play ps2/gamecube.
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which one of you losers bought it?
I hope no one here was desperate enough to buy that.
I hate the screen meme
>would you say its worth it?
only you can determine that
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Toshiba 27a41 reporting in
Question regarding my eMachines eView 15p.

When I first got my hands on it and started using it, the monitor would make loud screeching sounds every ten-twenty minutes. It even occurs when there's white color on the screen. The sound ended up bothering me so I threw it back in the closet and returned to my led monitor instead.

Fast forward to today, I took it out of the closet, started using it again, and to my surprise, the loud screeching sounds did not come back anymore. Can anyone explain what happened for the noise to never come back? Did the power cable have anything to do with it?
Nice geometry! Did you have to configure the settings much to make it look like that?
You have two ninties.
Nope, got the TV from an old couple who had it in their guest bedroom for decades without use :)

what's a nintie?
>Nope, got the TV from an old couple who had it in their guest bedroom for decades without use :)

oops replied to wrong anon
A nintendo.
oh haha the one on the top is broken actually
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Attention all Euros, how hard are these things to find? I can't seem to find any online.
Voultar guy destroyed this lab kek
I have a CRT and I wanna watch old shows on it from my hard disk.
I have a set up involving my laptop (with an HDMI to RCA converter), but I want to just put the shows in the background while I work/play on my laptop.

What options do I have?

I thought of using a Raspberry Pi, but that seems to be overkill and expensive, but then I realized I could use a media player (never used one of these).
Does anyone have experience with these? Can I watch stuff in 4:3? Does it squish or crop?
Bought one of these Sony EVM-8010r's years ago to hook up to a raspberry pi, but could never get the composite out on it to work.
Then I remembered I have an unused Wii at my parents place which would be perfect for this.

Here's a YT link of someone playing Castlevania on one
this is the only CRT I still own. is it even worth using?
Nearly impossible because when apes make ads they don't put the model number in the title. They just say "old TV" and put one picture with 3 total pixels on it.
Man, take a few days off here, CRTs are dominating your thoughts.
And these happen to be the best deals.
13 inches and flat screen are kinda meh but all of the mod work justifies the price. I'd love something like that done to a bigger TV and will happily pay more for that.
Depends on your taste for 13" CRTs
Just know that this shit is super small, its the type of CRT you set up on your computer desk
Imagine if you could spawn a brand new in the box CRT of your choosing in front of you. Like it gets copy pasted from the factory from the past and you get it as if it was just made. For free.
>professionally calibrated
>picture is visually tilted slightly

I mean it clearly had a lot of work put into it apart from that, but 250 for a consumer set that isn't at least shaped like Shrek is kind of ridiculous.
This is the kind of stuff you imagine in your head like those "what if saturn/dreamcast..." threads, you're not supposed to repeat it to others, it makes you look autistic (which you probably are)
I promise I'm not autistic. This is just what happens when you're CRT starved. I do love me some Dreamcast though.
Only the bottom edge looks to have a visual drop off. I've adjusted these wegas before, they're very magnet resistant, its hard to manually correct for that stuff.
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How likely is it that this sony dvd player has full SCART pinout with the 12v on pin 8 for automatic switching?

It's a european player, and I need it to play DVDs and movies from my usb drive on my CRT (which I lack the remote for, and cannot switch to different inputs as a result - only been able to use my VCR which has full SCART with switching).

>inb4 universal remote
No universal remote has worked so far either
If we're imagining fantastic scenarios I would rather imagine a free house so I can finally have enough room to buy every CRT I want to
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Picrel is wrong actually, it's this model (altho fairly similar)
It's not some noname bullshit so it should have everything working to spec but you really should find the remote replacement. Look for a clone instead of a universal one.
Ok let's not get carried away here. That's not possible.
I got one coming in the mail (an RM series) but I have little faith. The model I have is a Daewoo DVT2082LA, and it's pretty obscure even by Daewoo standards

This would also be useful as using my PS2 for my DVDs is cumbersome, and if media playback is good then it might replace my raspberry pi 3 for that purpose
I LOVE CRTs bros
I love this image so much.
Shame its the worst version of Dino Crisis
It has the Godcast as well as a fat PS2, although I can't tell if the link port is there or if that's a shadow.
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EXTREMELY autistic question
I play all my /vr/ on a wii hooked up with component cables to a sony KV-20FS120
Video 3 (component) does not give me the option to use "game" as a label
Is there anything I can do to set "game" as the label for video 3?
passed on a Dell rebaranded monitor cause the guy was real wishwashy with his schedule, going to pick up a Gateway monitor that looks real good for $90. it has been recapped and taken care of so should be worth it right?
Maybe turn off game from video 1 first?
Tried this on my KV-27FS120, it straight up just doesn't give you the option to set component video as "game". Not much you can do sadly
I wish those input labels actually let you put in whatever text you wanted as a label. I at one point had a Sony TV that had like 5 seperate consoles labelled as "game"
I have a Pansonic Superflat / GAOO tv that can do this
crt>no crt
mine looks even worse and I still use it for everything
Which lab?
>shaped like shrek
dont fucking tempt me
another zoomie here, I had a CRT since I was born till late 2021
I'm exaggerating a bit, I have seen CRTs in person, but it was a long time ago and I have only vague memories now
for practical purposes, I have no idea what they look like in person and how they differ from modern displays, and I have no way to compare them directly

interesting. did this reflect in the way people watched tv back then? did people usually turn off the lights, darken the room, or whatever to watch tv? or did most people just not care about picture quality anyway? I imagine the same way most people don't care these days
>gonna be finally getting my SCART switcher and cables after they've been sitting for a literal moth in fucking customs and before that they took another month to ship

I'll finally be able to get the true CRT experience I can't wait.
Any tips or tricks for unfucking my WEGA?
Model KV-32FS120, I know I need to adjust and re-seat the yoke and it looks like I'll need to buy a degaussing wand.
How the fuck do you buy from facebook marketplace without an account?
use a friend with a facebook account to message the person
looks nice desu
Man, this is going to take an insane amount of work:
-Yoke realigment (top/bottom sagging means the yoke is pointing downwards)
-Bottom half convergence is off (could be caused be a purity issue, possibly the tube is magnetized or the yoke is too far back)
-Vertical convergence looks ok, so an H-Stat adjustment should be enough

And because this is a 32" tube, the difficulty is higher compared to a smaller set.
Sounds like it's time for me to finally learn how to work on a tube.
Thanks for the advice.
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Is there a good cart option for a 36" CRT?
Not outside those industrial steel racks. They just don't build them to support tvs that big anymore.
unironically go to your local school/community college and ask if you can cop one
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The anon who told me to run the cables through the vcr, it works but not completely there's still bits of dot crawl in certain places.
Funny enough I've called my local schools and they all gave me the answer of "we don't know what we did with all the old TVs and carts maybe one of the tech people do". I've even called the local news looking for PVMs/BVMs since the local CRT repair guy says they still use them.
994 hours is an extraordinarily low amount of hours, right?
yes. My BVM is at 55K and I probably have 45K worth of life left in it.

Your TV is basically new.
Not for a 13 inch. but 250 for a TV which has had all that work put it, probably worth it.
I ask my sister to DM people.
I stopped using it 10-12 years ago and I'm not coming back.
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Should I? I bet I can get him down to $700.
Yeah, it's practically new. My very basic consumer set from the 90s says it's at 48k and it still looks great.
Not even at $700.
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People don't know shit about crts
The authentic appeal of a crt is for 6th gen and before games, with the soft blending of composite cables and normal sdtv level tvl. It makes for a homogenous and attractive image. It turns pixels into pieces of art.

An extreme example of this I have is Chrono Cross on PS1. I'm a Eurofag so I have access to RGB but I actively choose to use composite on 5th gen and before (and ntsc 60hz obviously). In the first village of the game there is a backdrop of the sea. On composite it looks like this striking and beautiful vista, when I changed over to RGB it turned that sea into literal white and blue pixels. The obfuscation and blending of composite is authentic, and looks good beyond the literal effects of dithering on ps1.

The developers used monitors to develop the games yes but they also had sdtv setups to see what the real image looked like. They switched between them. They also used composite cables, as this was the only connection available to most gamers, even those with better inputs on their tvs rarely knew to use them.

This is compounded by the fact that many people used shit crts, so it was important to developers for example to make sure text was visible on composite video, which influenced how text looked significantly.

Even in 2008 you can see sonic team tested the games on sdtv crts with composite cables! At one point you see a big switcher of composite inputs! You can see how they created the art on monitors and checked the work on sdtv crt even at this late date.

Those shilling high tvl pvm,bvm are fraudulent. Pvm and Bvms are intriguing tech for crt collectors, but they are NOT in any way authentic for gaming. Neither is RGB. As a European who has had 14+ crts with RGB scart, I can tell you that people simply fetishize what they cannot have. In this case Americans fetishize an inauthetnic input.

Average TVL SDTV + Composite cables = Peak
Also another intriguing addition is that you can see that nearly every CRT SDTV in this video is a Trinitron. In a way that's a slight miscalculation from the devs considering small Trinitrons often had significantly superior pitch and slightly higher tvl than other sdtvs, I guess they wanted good looking Crts, which is what Sony delivered after all.

That's a sexy Trinitron
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help, im trying to hook up my PC to my CRT, but the image is offset horizontally.
its not the tv that isnt properlly calibrated but the image signal sent by my pc that is wrong and i dont know how to fix it.
im using crtemudriver, a vga to comp converter box and an old amd gpu.
how do i fix this?
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Let me cook.
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Except that the rabbit hole goes way deeper than you think and varies from system to system and even game to game.
Some games even look subjectively better on RF than Composite.
It comes with a downside though: Dot Crawl.

PSX could only do 24 bit color via RF/Composite dither so RGB/Component could only do 15 bit color(not a problem for emulation).
With a very low TVL CRT(300 and lower) even RGB blends in very well.

Then there are also other important factor like dot pitch.
Coarse vs Fine Dot Pitch. This impacts the image too.

Then there is another very important issue which is impossible to fix if you don't have an old Japanese CRT: Phosphor Color primaries
Japanese CRTs used different color primaries in their phosphors compared to US/EU etc. in addition to using the 9300K color temperature.
And this also was dependent on the decade: i.e early 80s CRTs used different phosphors from those of mid-90s etc.

This cannot be remedied in American/European CRTs at all.
The only ways to fix this are:
Buy a Japanese CRT of the era
Emulate it with HDR in emulators or RetroTink 4K with real hardware

Then there is another way of doing it which is not available yet:
Upscaling to a 10000/20000PPI display
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Have been enjoying Brightis
>On composite it looks like this striking and beautiful vista, when I changed over to RGB it turned that sea into literal white and blue pixels. The obfuscation and blending of composite is authentic, and looks good beyond the literal effects of dithering on ps1.
I remember reading somewhere that Composite and RF limit the resolution of the output to fewer lines or something.
RGB spits out the raw signal. So if your CRT is sufficiently sharp some intended effects may not look as intended.
If you RGB mod some piece of shit 150TVL low budget no-brand CRT from the 80s the effects will probably look like with Composite.

Remember that games like Metal Slug on Arcades use color bleed too and they were using RGB cables not Composite.

Wii games were SD so of course they used CRTs.
Also CRTs were still used for color editing until last decade when then first OLED BVMs came out.
Hollywood were paying Sony +$20K per set for a good while when they closed their plants. LCDs were that shitty.
>most zoomers will never see a CRT and realize how good and soulful old games on them....
>Japanese CRTs used different color primaries in their phosphors compared to US/EU etc.
This has been known for a while now
Here's a thread about it from a while back
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>I can tell you that people simply fetishize what they cannot have. In this case Americans fetishize an inauthetnic input.
Do you think it's zoomers as opposed to americans? Literally inventing their own idea of the past?

There are longplays on youtube with not only no composite filters but also incorrect frameskips, so you see sonic with a solid opaque fucking shield.
fuck I've been trying to remember the name of this for ages. Still no translation out there for it that I can find?
He didn't post objective evidence of this though...
Plus most CRTs have hue and color settings, so you could replicate NTSC-J if you wanted to get really autistic about it
My Panasonic Superflat even has selectable color temperatures (cool/warm) meant to imitate different phosphors
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It's not anything special, but I happened to drive past it omw home

It's one of those mid 2000s Orion rebrands, this one is under Toshiba and it's 19 inches
I decided to take it on a whim because the composite/audio ports looked like they were in mint condition
>vga to comp converter box
Found your problem
I played with those converter boxes and they're all shit no matter what you're converting to
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240p content seems to crop itself weird and there's no H-ADJ in the service menu since the model is so incredibly simple
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480i content scales beautifully
God you are such a massive nigger
This shit has been known in the community for the past year
There are people on the community who have been analyzing phosphors of old 80s and 90s Japanese CRTs and found that there were differences in color primaries compared to US/EU phosphor.
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And lastly, a quick shot of how simple the chasse is from before I cleaned it out
There is literally nothing going on here
>There are longplays on youtube with not only no composite filters but also incorrect frameskips, so you see sonic with a solid opaque fucking shield.
You stupid nigger, that's mostly because for the longest time jewtube only supported 30fps.
Also Mega Drive runs at 59.922751013550524hz

Like every single console, arcade system from back then ran at weird refresh rates that can only be displayed properly now by G-Sync Displays.
Color temperatures have nothing to do with phosphor you mouthbreather.
You can put 9300K on most CRT but the color primaries of the phosphors used is different so with Japanese games which were designed for those, the colors will look different.

The same goes the other way around with western games for Japanese tvs.
And even western games from pre-HD era will look different color-wise in modern TVs because of different color primaries and color ranges in CRT phosphors compared to modern tvs.
>there are people who have analyzed phosphors
>no source
I have a 13mu or whatever pvm, and then a 20 inch pvm that needs a recap but works pretty well as is, and two Sony CRTs, the larger one has shitty geometry and is surprisingly blurry compared to my small set, I might dump the larger pvm. What ca. I get for that rgb 20 inch pvm that needs a recap but is otherwise perfect? And how long can I reliably keep that 13 in her running? Its fucking beautiful but I'm just sitting on money not using it and getting my regular CRTs all the play time.
Depends on the model of the 20" PVM. If its 600 TVL, IDK maybe you can get 300 dollars for it. An 800 TVL model, probably like 500.
i just got a wega for free and the sound on this thing is impressing me more than anything else
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>mfw the RF psychos were right all along
does anyone have that image of someone balancing a crt above their head between two tables?
nice, can you please post it?
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Today I woke up from a dream where I was at the office and our company had some CRT event where they were displaying and selling CRT monitors and TVs as well as retro console accessories. They had a bunch of monitors set up and were playing CS 1.6 and Dreamcast. For the console accessories for some reason it was only a bunch of PS2 fishing controllers. Some girl asked me if I wanted to play Project Justice with her and I said yeah but woke up straight away...
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Donna my beloved
whats the alternative then?
i already tried a vga to comp with separate Hsync and Vsync, but that didnt work at all. i wasnt able to find a vga to comp with one sync or sync over green or anything else.
not buying it.
I'm not going to spoonfeed your dumb ass anymore
I already posted one of the threads on here about it but you didn't read it
>Then there is another very important issue which is impossible to fix if you don't have an old Japanese CRT
Trinitron Chads... we win again
>12941 hours on my Sony Trinitron TV

Uhhh is that bad?
That's like 500 days of use out of the 10000 days since it got shat out of the factory. I'd consider the overall age of it to be a bigger issue than those hours.
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Had been playing my PS2 with one of those Kaico HDMI adapters but this is so much better, even on this cheapass CRT. Means sitting close to the screen but that just reminds me of how I used to play as a kid, the Sony amp sounds great especially with my “audiophile” PS1 hooked up (stupid term, but it refers to a specific model) but that thing needs a new laser assembly.
Also I don’t play games with the lights on like a savage, that was just for the photo.
>open geometry settings
>adjust all of them
>they all get saved aside from the H-Centre one

Google isn't giving me anything sadly. It's really annoying the hell out of me. Just the horizontal centering setting that doesn't save. I don't get it.
DP to VGA external DAC (people do have had luck with HDMI to VGA too) and VGA to RGB/HV or RGB/S (with properly joined sync cable). The modes are all done in software and drivers. Cheapest and most straightforward solution.
Also the other anon is right, all those converter boxes are crap.

>im using crtemudriver, a vga to comp converter box and an old amd gpu.
Outdated method. Even a RTX 4090 can be used.
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>DP to VGA external DAC
isnt that just another form of converter box?
ive had a hdmi to comp that would work fine but had horrible color banding.

ive found a VGA to RGB cable with no seperate sync, just three cinch leads.
guess ill try that one and hope for the best.
but i would still need crtemudriver for that unless i got a dp to vga i guess. unless you mean one like picrel, i have one of those already lying around somewhere

(sent from: Dell E551C at a maximum of around 60 khz, feels bad man)

anon. that's a dac not a converter. also dp and hdmi are really undistinguishable in the final product. use whatever you want. I had to use it because custom resolutions over DVI-I didn't work as well as with the DP dac.
>anon. that's a dac not a converter
>Digital to Analog CONVERTER
show a pic or link to whatever you mean so we can get a clear understanding on what i need to buy
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I use an hdmi to vga with a retrotink 5x in my setup. Cheap one retro rgb recommended.
you know what I mean. up to to the titan x most gpus had a DAC inside them that was fast enough so that it didn't have absolutely any noticeable input lag. these dacs use a very similar technology, albeit not as good. there's practically no latency, you can do a lag test yourself.

you're looking for >>10952153
most work well enough, once i busted mine because the cable can get messed up or the cheap components can get busted if you have bad room insulation in extreme weathers etc but mine is holding up pretty nicely. most china brands will do, i haven't made sure there are good brands out there, but just saying whichever does the job. look for displayport to vga adapters, basically, or hdmi to vga adapters. i don't have experience with hdmi ones, but maybe i'll check because i really want interlaced resolutions and DP is crap for those, even with CRU.
What's that? Never heard of it. More info anon.
>but maybe i'll check because i really want interlaced resolutions and DP is crap for those, even with CRU.
hm, that would be a dealbreaker, because i need interlaced to watch anime.
i guess ill still get the cable and try my luck with it.
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Really wish I could figure out how to get better snaps of my CRT. Anyways, decided to replay FF2/4 for the first time since the PSP versions.
Outside of some of the worst grinding I've ever forced myself through Septerra Core is a great game.

Wish I had more room for my PC CRTs. They all are in my basement till I move to a bigger house. My game room is packed.
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That picture looks great. I remember Nintendo Power had some advice on that subject for people submitting pictures for their contests.

>turn off the lights in the room
>don't use a flash
>set the camera on a solid surface

Looks like you're already doing all that. Have you ever tried making a video of an old CRT screen?

I find taking video is easier, then you grab a screen from the video
Whoa that's a good idea.
Wish it didn't look so washed out compared to real life.
got memed into buying a B&O MS6000 and it only has 1 SCART input. what do i need to connect 3-4 consoles, a VHS and maybe a miniDV camera? i can't into boomer technology
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>what do i need to connect 3-4 consoles, a VHS and maybe a miniDV camera?
interlaced in windows 10, at least, works like shit. displayport might not be the problem, but I am yet to double check if that's the cause. maybe it's not so problematic with hdmi. try and see.
lmao my first pc crt, lg flatron. didn't know so much about them, but septerra looked amazing. truly the best experience is on a crt monitor. i'll try to 100% it soon in the summer.
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Trying to get my EVM setup.
It has sharp image for a while then it drops focus and looks like pic related.
Its supposed to be the Wii homescreen.
You only need one plug, everything can work on a switcher into it
Should be able to feed everything into it except for component
open and check if everything's well connected. if not, check caps for bulging. small caps may not have bulged but might still be failing. don't be afraid and use well insulated gloves, and diy discharge tool.
I've already opened it and resoldered the video-in BNC connector, also fiddled with flyback focus potentiometer.
My best guess now is a bad cap on the video filter circuit.
how do you see hours used on a Triniton?
Most likely that anon has a special TV to have an hours counter, I've never heard of one having it and none of mine do. I guess he has a Trinitron P/BVM with an hours counter? (not all of them have one either)
>Funny enough I've called my local schools and they all gave me the answer of "we don't know what we did with all the old TVs and carts maybe one of the tech people do". I've even called the local news looking for PVMs/BVMs since the local CRT repair guy says they still use them.

Tech guy here. We don't get rid of the metal carts. Even if the CRTs are gone, we just re-use the carts for something else. They are very handy for transport And storage.
I have this exact TV but mine doesn't say Bush as the brand name. Mine says Broksonic. I bought it from Circuit City 20 years ago. Why is yours called Bush?
Why is yours called Broksonic?
>Japanese CRTs
Do you mean CRTs manufactured in Japan? Sold in the Japanese market? There's plenty of tubes used in TVs sold in the US which were manufactured by Japanese companies.
Both of your TV's were probably manufactured by Orion in Thailand and then rebranded before sale.
He means CRTs sold in the Japanese market. Of course, he still hasn't provided proof of this, and the archive link doesn't have any proof in it either, so...
you got a lead, go with it. sometimes it's hard, but if it doesn't fix it ... go all out and shotgun recap, as last resort. also don't discard cold solder, i fixed my kvm1400 with a reflow. red beam came and went, fixed after reflow. good luck anon.
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Defend this, composite shills.



I'm not spending a lot of time reading text on my 8 and 16 bit games thus the composite haze is worth the hit to clarity
This is clearly some old school computer being played on a 13" VCR combo or whatever. You'll never have text legibility issues playing actual console games.
They can get fucked. I just got my RGB cables and switch and everything looks godlike now.
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I thought for sure Portent was some sort of error in the script.

>Portent - a sign or warning that something, especially something momentous or calamitous, is likely to happen.

Should have never doubted you Mr Woolsey!
Sure, that content is not made for 240p/480i composite
I love Lain.
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it is a perfectly cromulent word, god damn though early game 4 is really designed/balanced around Cecil having the Darkwave
How is your Geometry literally perfect?
Those flat sets are usually fucked, even Sony ones
Looked at that image, damn it really is 100% perfect
I guess he just put 1000 adhesive small magnets on it? IDK
Nice to see someone else with that french dynamic vision lain vhs, I love my set to death
>Then there is another very important issue which is impossible to fix if you don't have an old Japanese CRT: Phosphor Color primaries
>Japanese CRTs used different color primaries in their phosphors compared to US/EU etc
What is the problem with this, exactly? Assuming I'm playing at a normal person viewing distance and not staring at the phosphors through a loupe.
let's all love lain. also no, it's some dvds my lil bro got from the thrift store in spain. i wish i had vhs man.
Untranslated PS1 ARPG from Quintet.
Pretty generic but comfy.
Looks better than 90% of composite capture you see online.
Not sure why you're trying to do this though.
looks very good, thanks!
File deleted.
get one of these theyre godtier https://www.amazon.co.uk/EASYCEL-Aluminum-Component-Converter-Function/dp/B07VGWL5P1
disgusting, seek professional help and go back to /b/ pedo degenerate
The power of autism, like 2 weeks of playing with magnets and service menu settings. I wouldn't call it "perfect" but it's as close as you can get on a flat screen
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>ive found a VGA to RGB cable with no seperate sync, just three cinch leads.
You need the one with five and then a Y-cable to combine both syncs. I got mine on aliexpress.
>you didn't watch Lain unless it was at 3 a.m. on a Cars CRT via VHSk8wxa
Wait, you don't even have to use ali, they're selling that shit on amazon

>Outdated method. Even a RTX 4090 can be used.
Not for 480i, current nvidia drivers don't let you display interlaced.
I can do 320x240p 85hz on my dell vga monitor, I don't think it's crazy to do at least 240p over DP>VGA>rgb/component. there's always the cheap hdmi to svideo solution.
240p is progressive, he needs 640x480 interlaced to watch anime. Modern cards can't do that. He already has a CRTemu compatible card with VGA out so there's no need for converter bullshit, only correct cable.
Well, 240p is still watchable imo. Weird, but charming.
>not playing on the tated crt and laying sideways
Lain was meant for CRT 100%. That and clasic ghost in the shell are amazing.
>t. 300 dollar price tag
either aliexpress or manual switching, fuck that scam
Wow, is it really $300?
Kinda insane to sell a plexiglass sandwich at that price, at least make an actual shell for it.
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Let me spoonfeed you little boy.
does that look anywhere near the pic related gscart? that crap is way more expensive. sure, there are "cheaper options" but I ain't paying an entire retro consoles just to hook up like 5 scart inputs man. just get yo ass up and plug them.
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First CRT storefront opened in my country, look at the prices kekw
Get up and reach behind your bigass TV to change 10 cables around if you want to then bitch. I just gave you a much cheaper alternative.
I somehow doubt this is the first time CRTs are being sold in Switzerland.
and for those too lazy to google, 100chf is ~110USD
I can find these in lawns for free or on marketplace for like $20-$40.
>but that just reminds me of how I used to play as a kid
You'll ruin your eyes that way.

Do zoomers' parents tell them this as they stare into their smartphones every single day?
Just go visit your grandma and steal her set.
already have that exact one and its the one that causes color banding issues.
my current setup has better colors but does that stupid horizontal offset thing
>and its the one that causes color banding issues.
i haven't noticed that one anything ive used it for weird
maybe its silicon lottery and i got a bad unit. i dunno. but imo its very apparent in anime, with solid blocks of colors and soft gradients. i suppose a game would not suffer all that much from it.
if you want something to fuck with before i found this converter i used a first gen apple tv with a broadcom crystal hd (BCM70015) for 1080p video playback they have component output works pretty well up as long as the videos aren't 10-bit color. was running a kodi build on there called kinos2 it was pretty comfy
i just want to hook up my pc to my tv, mang, cant be that hard. i see pics of it everywhere online but no one wants to tell me how they did it
I bought a VGA to BNC cable, an old graphics card and installed CRTemu.
Though now I retired that setup in favor of mistercast since it's much more versatile.
i'm so fucking depressed. finally found a tv where i live (in the middle of bumfuck nowhere) and it has a pretty juicy scratch in the glass at the bottom left corner of the screen. i'm so desperate i might pick it up anyway. i just want a tv for some comfy nostalgia, bros... m-maybe it adds character? h-haha
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I had a 27 inch V model Trini from 95' crumble in my hands after picking it up in the hot sun
It literally fucking disintegrated
In the same boat, got the SB2070 for cheap but there's two pretty bad scratches in the middle of the screen (yes the anti glare film is already peeled)
They're shallow but pretty wide, thinking of trying some glass polish but kinda afraid it will fuck the surface further, anyone have experience with this?
>isnt that just another form of converter box?
It's virtually no different than VGA out on later GPUs. If you use DP to VGA, it even registers as a VGA port in the driver when you hook up the adapter.
They are also capable of 15kHz signals as long as you add the modelines.

It's as native as it gets, just like crtemudriver did years ago. Converter boxes... convert, this is native 15kHz output, no conversion.

>but i would still need crtemudriver for that unless i got a dp to vga i guess. unless you mean one like picrel, i have one of those already lying around somewhere
You only need crtemudriver with native VGA output on older Radeon cards. If you use a newer GPU with DP to VGA, you can just manually add the modes you use, i.e. 240p/60Hz, etc.
Not all adapters are equal though, different ones use different chips, some *might* not even do 15kHz, I know StarTech, Rankie and DeLock ones work well.

Don't simply combine sync signals like that, you need a bit of cirucitry to do it safely and properly. Will it work? Sure it can but be aware. You can find ready made proper cables or guides on Google.

Best ways are VGA2SCART or the MiSTer VGA to SCART cable. That is if you are PAL and have SCART, I'm sure BNC cables for PVMs/BVMs exist or use SCART RGB to BNC adapter made for PVMs/BVMs.

>Not for 480i, current nvidia drivers don't let you display interlaced
Yeah, no interlaced, but anything 224p to 288p works fine.
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Does the color go bad with time, or just the brightnest / contrast? I haven't seen a CRT TV since 2013 and it looks... kinda washed out. I thought the contrast was better too. I also suck at taking photos.

My memory keeps telling me that it should look better and I am feeling kinda disappointed, so maybe it's just the nostalgia effect. 1999 Consumer philips, 14". Has not been used in years, and my parents used it less than one hour per day, less than 1 month per year.
>i don't have experience with hdmi ones, but maybe i'll check because i really want interlaced resolutions and DP is crap for those, even with CRU.
>interlaced in windows 10, at least, works like shit.
GeForce 10 series and older do interlaced just fine even with CRU, be it over DP or HDMI. RTX killed interlaced. Windows 10 or not.
you really need to temper your expectations with anything that tiny. are you using RGB?
I have a 14" RCA TruFlat from 2008 and the colors are exceptional at that size
A Trinitron would probably look amazing at 13 inches too

Phillips is a mixed bag in my experience, that one probably wasn't made to a high spec and probably has a low TVL compared to other models
Yep. Scart RGB.

I mean, I used this TV one week in summer and another week in winter from 1999 to 2009. Played mostly Mega Drive and PSX games on it. I remember it had considerable light bleed, but I never complained about the colors or contrast. Maybe I have gotten too used to LED and IPS screens.
I have a multigraph 447xav. No idea what the difference is but it's pretty nice.
>It's virtually no different than VGA out on later GPUs.
Except the DAC chips inside of those can be shit and destroy your colors.
I have 2 of those VGA converters, one makes the picture too dark, one too bright. There are known good ones (Icy box and HDfury) but they're never in stock and noname ones are a lottery.
You don't notice it when emulating Genesis and SNES but anything after that is fucked.
>it even registers as a VGA port in the driver when you hook up the adapter
That's just the adapter passing the EDID info.
>Don't simply combine sync signals like that
He got a PVM, it will take that no problem. But crtemu can output csync, this guy doesn't need a combiner cable, his problem is a cable with no sync at all
>Yeah, no interlaced
so what do i do then if i want interlaced?
stick to the old amd gpu and crtemu?
>his problem is a cable with no sync at all
my cable has five leads, two for hsync and vsync. i can tell crtemu to use csync or not, but either mode doesnt work, i dont get a proper image.
The SB2070 doesn't have a film, it has a hard coating.
Damn. Then try the y-cable I guess. Or just splice both syncs on your current cable.
So will glass polish strip that coating or what?
Anything that will remove the scratch will necessarily remove the coating. You will need to evenly polish the tube in order to not have results that are worse than your current condition. It will take a fuckton of effort and black levels will be negatively impacted in normal lighting conditions.
That looks perfectly fine, anon. Maybe your eyes are just used to excessive saturation from LCD screens?

The first time I calibrated my (LCD) TV to movie mode it did take some time to get used to it.
Why do I find low framerates more tolerable on CRT displays?
Is it the clarity of motion?
ya got it in one, anon
You could always try glass repair and polish it
>looks washed out
Anon, I think you might be slightly colour blind
I think maybe he has a poorly calibrated LCD
Took a look at the filtering pcb, no apparent bad caps, cold solder or anything. Then i turned the evm on and fiddled around with the pots, as i bent the pcb slightly in one direction the image went sharper than ever.
Going to reflow every solder point on the board tomorrow, looks like it is going to be an easy fix.
Color differences
Japanese games were made with those color primaries in mind

American/European pre-HD era games also won't look as they looked back then on modern TVs without somekind of color correction too

Dude, I've seen dozens of CRTs, but that looks pretty good. No CRT is 100 perfect. I doesn't need to be. Just play some games on it and enjoy yourself!

This is why I love (and respect) /vr
FF4 was not Woolsey you dumb nigger
>Do you mean CRTs manufactured in Japan? Sold in the Japanese market?
>There's plenty of tubes used in TVs sold in the US which were manufactured by Japanese companies.
And the overseas models were made with US/EU standards in mind, so they used US/EU color primaries.

You cancerous nigger stfu already
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I have a TV with damage on the glass. Apparently the ex gf of the previous owner got into his house and destroyed a bunch of things with a hammer. She hit the TV, but it survived.

I thought I wouldn't mind the damage, but it's way too noticeable on certain games. It's like the screen is dirty.
I considered polishing it but apparently you have to polish for several hours, and it might not fix it since it's too deep.

It's sad since it's such a good TV. Way better than the one I'm currently using. But I just can't play on it.
Pic related.
Yeah that's a genuine impact. You aren't buffing that out. Accept it or give it away, that TV is a fucking champ for shrugging off a hit like that
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Are curved screens a noticeable improvement over flat screens if you mainly use a CRT for 5th gen and up?
Geometry is far better on a curved screen
But, that being said, ymmv depending on the condition of the set
As long as the corners are square it’s probably the best
Either that or get a GeForce series 10 (or GCN Radeon GPU) or older GPU if you want to use the DP to VGA (RGB) method and newer GPU.
You can "fix" that by calibrating your TV to 9300K, there's no need for superior Japanese phosphors folded over 1000 times.
tv related, is an old receiver with component in and hdmi out an acceptable way to connect your analog only consoles to a modern television or will it be all fucky with poor deinterlacing and weird upscaling? there are just a few of these at my local thrift store for half the price of an ossc, and i don't really have any method of obtaining a crt, and this is cheaper than a good one. i mean, and ossc is cheaper than buying a good crt around here. I'm sure it depends on particular model, but just as a general idea. none of these come with remotes to access the osd if they have one, and finding a compatible remote is probably going to be hard, maybe.
>will it be all fucky with poor deinterlacing and weird upscaling
The deinterlacing and upscaling might be very good depending on the model but those are made for 480i video, not 240p games. Good for watching DVDs but games will look like shit and be laggy as fuck.

>ossc is cheaper than buying a good crt around here
Emulation is even cheaper, might as well. We're not using CRTs because they're cheap or convenient over here.
>Both of your TV's were probably manufactured by Orion in Thailand and then rebranded before sale.
Please elaborate. What is Orion?
mf how lazy can you get. cable manage those bad boys and put proper names on them to know which console it is. Most times you'll be actively playing 1, 2 or 3 games, many times in the same system. it's still too expensive, and you'd need a LOT of systems that aren't enough in that switch to pay 70 plus dollars.
Im sorry anon. My multiscan 210ES is way too heavy for its shitty plastic. I blame sony.
so is it the new drivers or what? I have a gtx 970 ti and they don't work even with CRU, using DP to VGA. Hell, with DVI-I some resolutions came back looking green (320x240 at 120 hz, 640x480 at 100). What do you use?
if you want interlaced with a contemporary GPU like an RTX you'd probably want an easycell hdmi to component transcoder, it also adjusts the output resolution (actually downscales it) to 480i (not less) and then either connect those component cables to your tv or to a ypbpr to scart rgb transcoder (personally my beharbros garo works but the signal does not reach everytime on different tvs, transcoding yuv to rgb is a shitty process).
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>Anon, I think you might be slightly colour blind
The phone camera is forcing the colors a bit and auto adjusting all the values (I have a few photos with ex), so it is not faithful to what I was seeing. The TV arrived yesterday and I did not have time to grab the DSLR.

>Maybe your eyes are just used to excessive saturation from LCD screens?
I considered that. Now I am not sure if the issue is the color or the black levels. Last time I played Alysia Dragoon on this TV, I remember it as the blacks and colors popping like crazy, but that was at least 2007. Maybe it's just the age of the tv and my parents have been using it more than I believed.

Any recommended camera settings for taking CRT pictures?
Anon, those are literally the exact colours they are supposed to be
But those transcoders never give good results, you're not getting the true interlaced output, it's more like interlaced > progressive > back to interlaced. But it is the only option with modern GPUs I guess.
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I'll be damned
Might want to try older drivers, my GTX 960 did interlaced just fine couple years ago (don't have it anymore), both CRU and Nvidia control panel. I either used Window's built in "List All Modes" or ArcadeOSD to switch to interlaced modes.

>(320x240 at 120 hz, 640x480 at 100)
Those are 31kHz+ modes, but same logic applies. I mostly use TVs and PVMs (15kHz) now and for RetroArch, so I don't touch interlaced much anymore. Got a separate set-up box set up behind my CRT TV hooked up over RGB SCART, to watch content, including interlaced, over the network, straight from my media server. Set-up boxes like that aren't hard to find or expensive, specially ones that do simple DLNA and have analog A/V output.
People in these threads never read, anon is trying to do crtemu because his hdmi to component converter sucks shit and anons keep posting "just get a converter"
>separate set-up box set up behind my CRT TV hooked up over RGB SCART, to watch content, including interlaced, over the network, straight from my media server. Set-up boxes like that aren't hard to find or expensive, specially ones that do simple DLNA and have analog A/V output.
What model? I can only find composite ones
A cheap Japanese company who manufactured CRTs in Thailand and had their sets rebranded by companies they had deals with.
no, sorry, i mean those resolutions for my 31khz monitor (dell crt), but yeah ... I guess older drivers are gonna have to do it. it kind of makes me afraid to not be able to play shit like bg3 or modern stuff that "may" be better off with newer drivers, but I guess it is what it is.

>separate set-up box
i thought about this before but i don't remember what people used back then. I know I had an hdd media player that was av, but something with scart? what would you call that stuff? media center?
What's the cheapest way to connect a CRT TV to a PC these days? I have DVI-I in my GPU (GTX 970), and a TV with scart.
DVI to VGA adapter, VGA to SCART cable for mister, then fuck around with crtemu/superres
dude that's my card, also interested.
how are you gonna use crt emudriver? wasn't it for like old amd gpus?
Internal DACs of VGA output on newer cards might not go down to 15kHz. Hence why even older cards often require DisplayPort or HDMI to VGA adapters, since the chips in those usually go low enough.
It's worth a try though, even some Intel iGPUs with VGA out on slightly newer computers can do 15kHz natively from VGA, don't even need emudriver, CRU or custom resolutions are enough.

>VGA to SCART cable for mister
VGA2SCART might even be cheaper, depends where you live, does the same job.
>Intel iGPUs with VGA out on slightly newer computers can do 15kHz natively from VGA
That's an option too, my laptop is old enough to have VGA. Any generic VGA to HDMI converter will do, or are there any I need to avoid?
If you already have a native VGA port that does 15kHz, you don't need to convert it to HDMI, you can simply get RGB out of it.
Any adapter I can use, or will I need to make my own?
See >>10957409 and >>10957389

>VGA to SCART cable for mister
>Emulation is even cheaper
my pc borked and all of these options are actually cheaper than fixing it otherwise yeah, I would be using that. I can use my ps3 to emulating up tp 4th gen and ps1 pretty easily. Not sure if the ps3 retroarch has a saturn core desu. but it just makes more sense to stick an old hdd in a ps2 due to the sheer library size and use that for ps2 games, so no digital video output.
>Emulation is even cheaper, might as well. We're not using CRTs because they're cheap or convenient over here.
IMO emulation is go-to method, specially on a good PC with 1:1 output to a real CRT TV over RGB.
Has the most features and convenience.
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After reflowing everything on the video filter board, and breathing in a lot of solder fumes, the EVM has been fixed.
Gonna install newer firmware/homebrew on the Wii and adjust the picture with artemios 240p test suite but as it is now it looks really good
Decided to go with the VGA2SCART. Many thanks anon.
i got a cable with only three leads today, so VGA to RGB, with sync over presumably RGB. to no ones surprise, this didnt work either.
ill get that splitter and try it on my five lead cable and after that im at my wits end.
You probably got a RGsB cable, aka sync-over-green. Not all outputs and monitors support that.
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I had forgotten that CRT TVs can be slightly misaligned (thankfully PSX games let you adjust and center the image to compensate).

Between that 14" CRT (the one I was complaining about the color. It's looking better today) not being centered and the overscan, I can't see the cursor on the flashcart's menu. I had to plug a second LCD screen using the composite video out in the middle of the rgb cable to see the entire screen and select the game.
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i know this is a crt thread but i don't know where the fuck else to ask
my lg lcd tv is dying and i need a new one but i have no clue how to find out which modern lcd panels that you can buy new right now have a decent scaler for 480p content and low latency

i just want to buy a solid fhd lcd panel with no frills, no 4k oled or something like that
does anyone have recs that aren't for tvs from 10 years ago or know where to ask?
Just get a dedicated scaler, then you can use whatever tv you want
480p only scales with 1440p well
i mean i'm line-doubling 240i content to 480p hdmi and now i want to know which lcd panels are good at upscaling this to 1080p
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Still goes very hard after all these years
Not that anon but I'm 18.
My family has two of them but are in the attic, with rat shit.
Save them!
based and paladinpilled
>240i content to 480p
I’m going to assume you mean the other way around
If you like bad scaling then really, just go for whatever, why are you even asking what’s best?
>inb4 they're the best models in mint condition
Alright retards I need a small form factor PC for my SD setup. It needs to be able to accurately emulate up through ps2/GC/xbawks era, run fightcade, and output 240p or 480i via component. 4+ usb ports on the front out of the box would be a bonus.
What's the best way to go about this?
Any time the game busts out The Red Wings you know shit's about to go crazy
I wouldn't count on finding a tv that can upscale 480 perfectly
Its far more reliable to just use a worthwhile scaler
+its 240*P*, not "240i"
DIY, some Ryzen SFF build, no dGPU needed.
If you already got your shit in 480p digital then all modern TVs will have no problem scaling it with little lag, so just look for lag test results with normal resolutions. But if you want perfect integer scale with crispy pixels then no TV does that.

I think he means he already got a line doubler like retrotink or rad2x
thank you that's exactly what i meant
Curved screens are SOUL, they look better, geometry is almost always better, and they don't have flat meme design issues. Overall good for everything, don't fall for the 1000$ oled 144hz freesync ultra hd memes.
Man you're stupid, get a good condition CRT monitor for old content up to 720 and even 1080p.
>Overall good for everything, don't fall for the 1000$ oled 144hz freesync ultra hd memes.
I use a LG C3 OLED (42" 4k 120Hz FreeSync) as a main monitor for my PC and several Trinitron TVs for /vr/. Tool for the job.
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Shit anon, I did some digging and for the gtx 970 apparently 537.58 makes interlaced resolutions work again. At least that's what anons on the internet said, next releases didn't work. Tried a random resolution and indeed that shit works good. finally some fake ass res on my 54 khz bandwitth dell e551c.
>LG C3 OLED (42" 4k 120Hz FreeSync)
dude 1200 euros to see images is stupid and a pcmasterrace meme, behave yourself.
anon, wouldn't a vga to scart cable that combines sync just do the same job? there are schematics out there to do a similar thing. why bother with a vga2scart board?
It was 900 euros. Can't get better quality/price ratio than that.

>pcmasterace meme
My PC alone costs several times that much, not even mentioning the sound system and peripherals.
>Shit anon, I did some digging and for the gtx 970 apparently 537.58 makes interlaced resolutions work again.
Awesome. I knew I remembered right that my GTX 960 did interlaced fine a few years ago. Have fun.

Of course you can, but most people don't DIY. My own sync combiner is DIY too, built straight into the connector.
>Of course you can, but most people don't DIY. My own sync combiner is DIY too, built straight into the connector.
Awesome. Gotta try that myself, it's just a couple resistors and a transistor right? should be easy enough. I love analogue stuff man, it's fun as hell.
Picked up a gateway crt monitor the other day, no stand sadly but it fits comfy enough on my night stand
what model and what you plan on doing with it?
I have one of these
the glass is scratched to hell and back
but am I correct in thinking that there are two layers of glass? a flat layer on top of the actual curved screen? can I replace the scratched outer layer?
this is probably obvious, but I can't seem to google anything about it
i like my c2 for retro games, more than enough that it made a lot more sense to get rid of my trinitron. i emulate everything, though.
Monitors have a layer of anti glare on top of the glass. You can't replace them, replacements are cheap and shit.
If you peel off the anti glare you will have a very bright monitor but it will look washed out, and have very poor visibility in light environments but will produce a much brighter image. Not worth doing in the slightest
Get a 4k oled. 240p/480i can't be upscaled to 1080p. 480 x 2 = 960p. Who ever descided hd was 1080p instead of 960p was retarded.

240p/480i integer upscales perfectly into 4k, and real blacks on oled are cool. High quality sdtv crt mogs oled for old games though
Same, I emulate too, but with a real CRT TV.
see, this is what I found when I googled it
but "anti glare layer" sounds like a thin little film applied on top of the screen
this looks like a whole other panel of glass in front of the main CRT glass
am I blind?
it's hard to find a picture online that shows exactly what I (think I) see
I need to take a picture when I go back to my parents' house
>this looks like a whole other panel of glass in front of the main CRT glass
Not a thing unless your CRT is from the 80's and then it would be very obvious and removable. You can't take an angle grinder to a flat crt to make it curved.
It's a thick layer. They were very high quality on crts
You actually can btw, flat crts arent actually flat they are curved internally. Only real flat crts were flatron monitors and some panasonic designs using the zenith patent
that does make sense. thanks

I guess that's good for trying to smooth out the deep scratches, but it's very unlikely I could do a uniform job
I'd also lose that anti glare layer
oh well
Gateway 2000, NO-DX15FG. probably use it for my wii and to watch anime on
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>tfw drove 4 hours for vacation this weekend
>get to hotel
>check craigslist and fbmp for crts for this town and every place along the way back
>0 results

I would always come back from a trip like this with something, I'm starting to think this market is cooked.
It is and I hate these ugly fat faggots that constantly come in here and say "hurr durr just buy a minty unused CRT for three fiddy from your old neighbor bro!!!".
>0 results
No way. I find it hard to believe there wasn't even one shitty 14" or slim crt.
The real challenge isn't really finding a crt, but finding a good one in good condition.
I love the fact that I've picked up so many barely used or NOS CRT monitors and TVs for free or literally couple bucks over the last few years, all within a 100km radius.

I'm literally giving away shittier ones since I'd run out of space for my back-up high end ones.
Prove it. Post a picture of your so many barely used or NOS CRT monitors and TVs.
>CRT $200 for something basic, $400+ for a PVM, $1000+ for a BVM
>oem component or quality RGB cable $60+
>game console $50 to $150+
>games $20 to $1000+

How is this sustainable? How has the market on these things kept sky rocketing?
>200 for something basic
Sorry for wherever you live anon.
I have 6 great sets I've all gotten for free kek
Most people on /vr/ are extrenely poor or extremely rich.

The emulatorfags are poor but the real hardware/CRT fags work at big companies are are old based on some of the conversations I've had on here. This hobby is not for everyone but you can get a taste via emulation on any device for free.
I think you're just building men out of straws to fight in your imaginary flamewars.
No proof of this will ever be posted.
not him but where do you live that this isnt possible? FB marketplace seems to always have free CRTs where I live. I'm in the US, however.
I live in Atlanta and have not seen one for free since the early 2010s.

Everything is

I could see it kinda being that way around a big city. I live in a more rural area in the midwest so maybe thats why.
I live in Bay Area and still managed
t. 6fag
I make deals because CRTs are still niche so I cut the cost of the ones I bought but its not like you can just get free PVMs anymore.

I got $500 off a 20in BVM that supports up to 1080i but it was still well over a thousand dollars.
I a certain part of yurop. PVMs don't exist here. Like literally they do not. Until like 10 years ago you could find decent consumer CRTs, but for a while now they just don't exist either. I feel like people just trashed them because they felt they were too heavy and not worth much. I paid 50 bucks for an ok Trinitron but now I'm realizing it might need recapping somewhere, because it's not saving geometry settings. It really fucking sucks ass. I don't want to play retro games on a flat screen it's so awful.
Where the fuck do you live?
The United States.
Living in Germany and Estonia, I find people giving away Trinitron sets and monitors quite often on local sales sites. Sometimes they want 5 or 10 euro though but at least they are nicely kept and in good shape.
trintrons from europe are trash and run at 50hz I want a PVM so I can play anything.
You realize PAL60 and RGB exist? Almost every set has RGB SCART input and runs at 60Hz in RGB mode. PAL or NTSC is irrelevant in that case. Some/Later sets even accept normal NTSC over composite.
They literally play anything, it's not like in the US with NTSC sets that don't usually have RGB or only do 60Hz.
might as well get a modern tv and scaler if you want that high tvl for just paying games
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I'm too lazy to go to the garage and take pictures of half open boxes of CRTs. Here's a picture I took a while ago for a friend to show a NOS monitor I got recently for 10€, it's still factory clean, the glass has never been wiped. Was the first person to take it out the package since it shipped out the factory.

So where do I get these? If you're so cool and stacked with 5 garages full of brand new unopened ones, then sell me one.
I don't want to dox myself but I do have ad's up on sales sites for reasonable prices for ones I don't want/need. If you can't find any, then you're probably not close.

>5 garages full
That's a overstatement... Some are NOS, most are just good deals for healthy and higher end gear.
>How is this sustainable?
Sustainable for who? Why does a guy buying random out of print shit and another guy selling random out of print shit need to be sustainable? When guy A is out of money he stops buying, when guy B runs out of shit he stops selling. It's not an actual economy.
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NTA here's a pair I found by a main road at a business under renovation. Luck is a factor.
my crt monitor has a lot of dust build up inside.. any tutorial recommendation for cleaning it ?
wet cloth while its on
just open it, discharge it with a diy discharge tool (VERY easy and pretty safe if it's all well isolated, it's just logical electric understanding) and then proceed to clean it with compressed air, cold hair dryer, and a soft big painting brush. use insulated gloves, doesn't need to be a fucking class 3 or 4 HV gloves, I've used dual layer latex rubber gloves (just make sure you're covering your hands completely) and use long sleeved cotton shirts or sweaters. there, you're safe.
lmao i thought i was the only one who did this, it depends on the place you stay most of the time. in my case there are non-touristic cities and villages that for some reason spent a lot more money on high end sets, sonys, etc. because people living there might've been bored to death and used their homes for entertainment a lot
i might anytime now
thanks anon!
no probs! i already handled several, incluing manual geometry and convergence adjustments with these things in mind. just be mindful.
yeah make sure you have it plugged in and turned on when you discharge it
How much of a difference would there be in emulating games on a CRT monitor vs real hardware on a CRT TV?
If you output it right and the emulation is good, there would be no difference. Many people emulate with real CRT TVs.
If you mean monitor as in 31kHz, you'll run into this problem: >>100648784

>You can either do 240p/120Hz, but you'll have double images while in motion, so you'd have to use BFI, but that would dim the image slightly or you can do 480p/60Hz and use a simple scanline shader that blanks out every even line, which would make it almost like native 240p.
Pretty different, you either have to line double, so you get blocky pixels, or do 120hz 240p, which looks like shit in motion and the scanlines end up too thin and sharp compared to a real TV.

He's talking monitors, not an actual CRT TV. That's a different story.
You could only ask this question if you never saw crt tvs and monitors in action, in this case I advice you to save yourself the trouble and don't try to find out, keep playing games on whatever display you've got.
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Depends on what you use
RPi5 will soon have the ability to do so through RGB SCART and the Mister already does
Using a PC is considerably less convenient though
Yeah 2000 checking in, I remember having a big ass tube television in the basement and a CRT monitor for the family computer when I was little, but my parents jumped ship to LCD pretty early on. Sucks too, now that I'm older I think they're pretty cool.
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>post processed worlds shittiest crt filter mario 64 footage on the crt instead of just... turning the n64 on
>struggling to carry a ~75 pound crt as a grown man
>destroying it for no reason
>showing mario 64 actually playing on a crt for three seconds right after
jesus christ this is pathetic
I fucking hate this guy
It was probably busted already, hence the post processing. Settle down.
I highly doubt it was unfixable albietthoughever...
>>struggling to carry a ~75 pound crt as a grown man
he was doing it for effect since crts are known for being clunky compared to modern monitors, he does that kind of stuff all the time
100% guaranteed he didn't know how to film it properly https://youtu.be/KbgvSi35n6o?t=8m
this dweeb is in desperate need of self-awareness
the only CRT in my area was free but I had to jump on it immediately and its kind of beat to shit and reeked of cigarettes when I got it, but it works.
Is it ok to set crt monitor contrast up to 100? It's dimmer than the crt tvs I have which I hear is normal. I haven't used one since like 2005.
Why do these fuckers always refuse to ship? I was daily refreshing ebay from like 14 to 11 years ago looking to buy an HDCRT I would have paid whatever ridiculous price it would have been to ship but the fuckers always said no, I didn't end up getting one until one day by some miracle one actually popped up for sale close to where I lived
Yep, but a better solution is to crack it open and boost the screen potentiometer on the flyback
>>Why do these fuckers always refuse to ship?
the logistics required in shipping a crt is more effort than most people would prefer to put in
you cant really fault them to be honest
How much would that affect longevity?
Can't say, but in the case of having a unusable CRT vs one you can actually see, I would take whatever the cost is
Fair point. It's fine with max/close to max contrast, I just wanted to know if that meant it was on its last legs or not.
Mister can also output really clean composite so you can use it with absolutely any shitty TV.
why does the dreamcast look so sharp it makes my eyes bleed over composite but ps2 games look so blurry over composite? even ps1 games on ps2 look noticably sharper than ps2 games on ps2
True. It's actually a nice option because you get the benefit of composite without it being too shitty.
What is the smallest CRT size with a DVD and VHS combo?
I have a 14 inch panasonic w/ VHS player. idk why you'd wanna go smaller than that.
I think my early 2000s trinitron is 13.5 inches or something like that. For my use case its pretty good, maybe 75cm from my face
13-14 inch is a nice size. I suppose even an 8-9 inch would be alright for 2d stuff on a desk. Glancing over the internet it looks like there are ones that small with dvd.
Some SCART TVs don't let you switch to RGB manually and need voltage on the RGB blanking pin, and graphics cards don't output that. You can rig some extra USB cable bullshit but there's plenty of things that can go wrong if you don't know how shit works so an adapter is a safer bet.
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With DVDs you can get pretty small but for VHS I'm sure 14" is the lower limit, there's no point of going for a smaller tube when you can't get the tape mechanism any smaller.
I can't tell if this is autism or you genuinely don't know what acting is
Yes, monitors are too dim to replicate a TV.
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I have a 8" with VHS but its a early 2000s model
Damn I'd like to see it
Where is the rest of the keyboard?
>not playing the original game at 800x600
but that actually does look amazing
This is the exact same model if I'm not mistaken.
It's actually produced by Orion in Thailand instead of RCA
Would any Displayport to VGA adapter work fine for a CRT monitor if I just want to use super resolutions like 2560x480 60hz? It seems like most issues with these kinds of adapters involves not having the bandwidth to support high refresh rates with high resolutions, which I don't have a need for, I only want to use the CRT monitor for emulation. My only other concern is that some of these adapters can have issues like crushed blacks?

This StarTech one is half the price

of this one


They have different DACs and the more expensive one is what I see recommended for CRT monitors because of the much higher bandwidth, but the bandwidth of the cheaper one is still enough for resolutions like 2560x480 60hz, so is there any other reason to pay double?
Both will work fine for what you want to do. With DP to VGA, there's usually no problems like crushed blacks, unless the tube itself is near EOL.

Even adapters from the same lineup can have different DACs inside, depends on stock and revision, you actually never know, unless the manufacturer specifically states bandwidth.
Thanks for the reply. That's what I was hoping, worst cast scenario is I just return the cheaper one and get the expensive one if I run into issues, but I imagine it'll be just fine for what I want to use it for. Right now I've been messing around with having 2 GPUs in my PC to use the CRT monitor, an RX 6600XT and my old R9 380X with a DVI-VGA adapter, but there's issues like both of them being AMD cards with different drivers as well as Windows defaulting the 380X as the high power GPU, so my goal is to just only use the 6600XT.
The most poser discussion ever
You mf don't play games at all.
OK post your 1ccs then nigger
>2560x480 60hz
Why the fuck would you do that, your graphics card can output normal 640x480 just fine
i mostly play modern games on my crt monitor (mostly counter strike and the occasional aoe2 (pic above)) and thats all i ever intend on using it for
There's no reason not to use super resolutions, specially for emulation
Hey /vrcrtgrct2gvgg/,
The worst has happened. I plugged my TV in today with the intent of using a wired monstrosity to use an amazon stick on it to watch some anime. After a few seconds on, the TV abruptly shut off, and started making a repeating clicking sound like it was trying to kick-start back to life. Unplugging it and replugging it did nothing, and letting it sit for a few moments before replugging it did nothing.
What could've possibly broken? I've been at the ready to recap the TV for some time now, but now it doesn't work at all - it just clicks when given power. I've got zero clue about the internals or anything going on with it, but I'm completely ready to do everything I can to save it.
there is no reason to do it either though
Done already
Technically better quality and automatic aspect ratio correction.
unrelated but would you recommened the hd or definitive version of aoe2?
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Is he going to be okay?
I deserve to be laughed at. I just realised that I have never plugged an NTSC console that only outputs composite video to this thing. Always look a gifted horse in the mouth.

I have a composite to RGB koryuu transcoder, but I don't know if component to scart adapters exist or can be used with it.
pass it through your vcr/dvd it looks modern enough to accept ntsc, should give you a colour picture, thats the only way to do it with a pal tv, your vcr should act as a converter, if your using a famicom/nes they wont output rgb natively without a major mod
Haven't seen component to RGB transcoders, only other way around, but there's thing thing https://aliexpress.com/item/1005006693477262.html
Though you can just buy a TV that supports NTSC for that price.

>it looks modern enough to accept ntsc, should give you a colour picture
Sadly that's not how it works. A VCR will just pass composite input through untouched, NTSC support is for playback and recording.
>Sadly that's not how it works. A VCR will just pass composite input through untouched, NTSC support is for playback and recording.
Entirely depends. I can feed in NTSC into my PAL VCR over composite and get RGB output over SCART.
the problem of a post not found?
post was quoted in the post you're replying to, anon forgot to link to /g/
Never saw a VCR with RGB out in the wild, yeah that would work, I was thinking about regular composite in composite out VCRs.
It's a combo unit with VHS, DVD and hard drive recording function. Supports YPbPr component and RGB SCART output.
Pretty much that. I tried th years ago. Plus the output needs to be changed from RGB to composite / S-video or the Line2 will not work.

I have seen a few adapters that have a scart out on a side and red green blue on the other. I'm doutbting myself, but I think the Koryuu outputs RGB and not YPbPr. If that's the case, maybe it can work. It's what I use with OSSC and the capture card for the PAL unmodded snes.

Worst case scenario, I'm not going to cry a lot over a fucking famiclone. Everything else I own can do RGB and PAL60.
I saw this a long time ago. Shittiest TV from the early eighties, but we would use the VCR for playing the JP version of Tekken 3 in color.
Koryuu is ypbpr specifically. There's also no sync line so even if it was some goofy shit like RGsB you can't put that into scart with a simple adapter.
Aw, crap. Well, let's stick to RGB sources then. At least you have saved me some money, so thanks anyways.
Some Sony TVs and monitors (both CRT and later flatscreen) support RGsB either over SCART or VGA.
i have a 27"
turn the volume all the way down, hold.9 on your remote (get a universal remote if you dont have the original) and hold vol- on the front of the tv
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>TFW no VampGirl GF
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Finally adjusted my EVM-9010PR.
This is composite.
8 inch screen
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Picture is slightly rotated counter clockwise, and the top is slightly clipped but it's the best I could do.
Lucky. This fucker only uses RGB for DVD, and passthroughs the rest.

In the end I'm going to put thr DVD-VHS combo back into storage and use the modchipped PS2 for DVDs. The DSM3 let's me output everything as PAL60 + region free, and I have a lot more NTSC dvds than I thought.
I also have a audio receiver that can upscale composite, both NTSC and PAL and output HDMI or component.

>In the end I'm going to put thr DVD-VHS combo back into storage and use the modchipped PS2 for DVDs. The DSM3 let's me output everything as PAL60 + region free, and I have a lot more NTSC dvds than I thought.
Also a totally viable option.
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I tried to use the PS3 with Movian first, but 576i flickers way too much. I hoped I could change the video mode to NTSC like in OG Xbox and Wii, then output RGB 480i since it is easier on the eyes.

Nostalgia effect + the brain patching the holes in memories poorly is what has fucked me. I never liked that 14", and in fact I fucking hated it. The good CRT memories come from having owned at least three 21" TV's for short periods between 2006 and 2013 and forgetting about them.

Knowing myself, I will end hunting for a 21 inch crt again. Which is not a good idea when living in a small apartment. There are 3 CRTs already here (and none of them are good).
I don't mind 13/14 inch CRTs if the TVL is high enough and they have native RGB inputs.
It's native RGB. I was going to adapt it for use with consoles, but I heard it only supports RGB and 50hz. It's a bit of a paperweight at the moment.
The Amstrad monitor?
That’s some high end CPC basic programming. Maybe it’s time to give up on CRTs.
Yeah it's RGB but you sure it doesn't do 60Hz too? Pretty sure it did, but it's been a while since I last used one.
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Why are European Trinitrons bad?

yes i'm using mine atm, its rgb 15khz only no composite, you have to wire up a din to scart like i did with a take off for audio or you can buy an adapter, and yes it will do 60hz you just have to twist the v-hold knob on the back of the set, only problem i had was at first was the brightness was too low even with the know on the side set to full, you have to take the back off and adjust the sub-bright pot on the inside,monitor is sharp as fuck and coloura are vibrant, better than an lcd, im convinced its in oled territory, only issue is it will only tate the opposite way to standard, tate-ing the usual way the colours go all fucky, heres a vid of espgaluda the conversion is shit so you only get a glimpse of its brilliance for a spit second towards the end of the vid, will post some more pics if this tread doesnt archive,
>randomly found a clean looking decent consumer trinitron for a decent price
>it's the 29 inch model instead of the 25 inch one

I am pissed.
>randomly found the 25 inch version right now
>it's a 3 hour drive and suspiciously cheap

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Like really why are people like this? Am I supposed to trust this and yolo it?
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Look at this dude.
That could conceivably be a little old lady with bad camera skills.

This dude is actively hiding something. If it isn't already priced accordingly be sure to talk him down for that crack and also nickle and dime him for every minor defect.
Where do you see a crack? It's also 20 bucks. Not sure how much haggling I can do and if it's even worth bothering. It says the picture is great, but I don't know. Dude looks like he's wearing a bucket hat in the reflection and you know how those people are.
when i was a kid we always used windex to clean the tv screens. is that actually ok to do though or is it bad for the screen?
I would also like to know this. I read that it can damage anti-glare coating and distilled water + micro fibre cloth was the way to go.
boomers are unironically a different species from regular humans
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Does anyone know which model is this? Looks like a WEGA, but is it?
>looks like a WEGA
all flat screen sonys are known as WEGAs colloquially. Although Sony didn't mark all of them with WEGA, which it will be at the top left corner on the front if they decided to do so.
Where do you live? Can't say otherwise. But looks like 13" or 20"
Europe, found this in a Facebook ad, seller doesn't know the model, but it's a 20" with SCART.
I want to find out if it's got RGB
The crack is behind the cyan line. Seems like the most probable thing it is hiding. $20 is perfectly reasonable if the tube is good but you should still talk him down a little bit just for being a twat.

Depends on the coatings. Safest thing to do is simply don't.
>The crack is behind the cyan line

Took me like 5 minutes to understand what you mean. I drew that over the text that was there so I don't doxx myself. This dumbass website puts ad numbers on the leading image. Also where I'm at people ask 50 bucks for middy sets. That's why I'm saying 20 is cheap and suspicious.

Figures. I fucking hate us yuropoors. It's all blurry images and shitty descriptions and titles. Like you can't even find it, they just put "tv" as the title. There's also literally a sticker on the back with the model number and they're too lazy to take a pic. Not to mention the fucking inputs. Like does it have SCART or not nigga? Make it fucking easy for me to buy your shit. I hate people.
I had the seller send me photo of the back and weirdly enough there was no sticker. Most likely removed it for some reason.
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Hey anon I was curious if I could ID this and this was literally the first ad I saw on my turd world yuropenis craigslist equivalent. Looks the same to me. The size or the last letter on the one you're looking at might be different, but you can google a manual and check the differences. As far as I can tell it's not a wega, but it should support ntsc because clearly ntsc consoles are better and you imported those.
Yep, looks pretty much identical. Thanks, I knew I could count on a fellow euro brother
This shitty one I posted they're asking the equivalent of 60 bucks by the way.
Same thing in America desu
old people are just retarded. to them it's just an old tv, not their fault they don't know any of this shit that matters
Sure but taking a picture of the fucking sticker showing the model number is common sense though. It's the bare minimum.
>Safest thing to do is simply don't.
What should i use then? microfiber cloth?
The one I found is about 20 bucks, pretty good deal.
I don't know much about CRTs, I'm looking for one to use with a japanese Sega Saturn I got for cheap, so it has to have RGB Scart and NTSC support.
I'm between getting either this KV-21FQ10K, or a KV-21FT1E for about 20 bucks as well.
Which one would you recommend?
Damp cotton cloth. Mild dish soap if necessary. Microfiber is unnecessary. No one in the 90s was using it.
iirc thats kaguya sama so she will just respawn
>be old
>can barely move with a walker
>not strong enough
yeah its easy to just take a picture of the sticker in the back
Ok thanks.
I don't know I don't know shit about CRTs. I got a KV-21FX30E because that's what I could find and the manual confirmed it has SCART, NTSC support, is not 100hz, and can fit my space. Unfortunately it can't save the horizontal calibration setting which makes me cry but at least I got a CRT. You gotta check the manuals on those and figure out which one fits your requirements, and if both do you can google and see which chassis each one has and which one people say is better. Also generally you'd prefer a better maintained one with lower hours. You can check the hours on some models and some models have better menus as well.
Stop trying to guilt trip me. The bitch I got my TV from was a hot fit cougar. She was definitely strong enough to turn it.
COMP2RGB by retrotink
Is a widescreen SD CRT worth tracking? How does it scale non-widescreen games, does it just add black bars to the sides?
I'll let you know if I can acquire one... Speaking of, I've seen Japanese CRTs on Yahoo auctions, is there anything similar for European CRTs?
>I fucking hate us yuropoors.

At least there are still TVs to sell, no matter bow bad the photos are.

Remember the Mediamarkt CRT genocide? The "1€ per kilo campaign". I cried that day.

All right, I will buy the adapter for the CTM644, hoping the store that does custom cables for micro computers still has stock. I should also get a Gotek if I am going to order, replacing rubber bands in the Amstrad is ass.
Have a Mediamarkt in my country but dont remember that, what was it about?
>Remember the Mediamarkt CRT genocide? The "1€ per kilo campaign".

No? They were getting rid of unused boxed and new CRTs for 1 commie dollar per kilogram???
Most listings I find at least have a picture of the back where you can see the sticker.
In may 2007, before the UEFA finals, They ran a promotion where if you brought your old CRT, they would weight it and discount 1€ per kg when buying a new LCD TV.

We were looking for an insider so that we could get the best CRT TV's for ourselves at the end of the day, but the reality was that in the moment Mediamarkt got a CRT in their hands, they would hit it in the back with a hammer to break the tube. Two construction waste containers filled with Big CRTs TVs, all murdered.
Leave it to Germany to ruin everything.
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- CRTs are no longer produced because they have inferior picture quality versus LCDs
- CRTs emit dangerous levels of X-rays or other forms of radiation
- CRTs always have easily-visible flicker
- CRTs always cause eyestrain
- CRTs always make a high-pitched squealing noise
- CRTs contain lethal amounts of electricity, even when unplugged
- CRTs need calibration more than two to three times a year
- Overall CRT black levels are not superior to LCDs because ambient light ruins CRT black levels
- Analog CRTs have more processing time than digital LCDs due to poor RAMDAC performance
- Afterimages caused by phosphor decay are extremely annoying and are a significant downside of CRTs
- Sending an improper mode (resolution or refresh rate) to a CRT can cause permanent damage
- CRTs cannot have touchscreens
- 4:3 is so bad that nobody should use a non-widescreen CRT
- The Sony GDM-FW900 is the only CRT worth owning
- Curved CRTs have objectively inferior picture quality versus flat CRTs with otherwise equal specifications
- CRTs should not be used because they are heavier and deeper than LCDs
- CRTs have severe reflections because they do not have matte coats
- CRTs can be permanently damaged by nearby magnets
- Analog signals limit a CRT's resolutions and refresh rates and negatively effect picture quality
- Heavy metals are used in CRT glass to reduce radiation


Yeah, people have retarded misconceptions about CRTs.
yeah like them being good
Depends on the use case, for /vr/ and old /a/ and /tv/, sure.
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theres a couple of sites that do the adapters, ebay has them, goteks a good idea, my 6128 drive stopped working after 6 years of owning it that was back in 98' replacement parts wernt easy to find back then, i kept it 25 years as i was planning on fixing it then it disappeared along with half my disks. i have to make do with winape or the cap32 core on my gamecube, at least i can still use my monitor.
GG Aleste 3, PS2 RA Core, CTM644
Cool. Since you have the same screen, can I ask you a few things about it? I have run into a few issues with mine and maybe you know if it is good or not good
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You can use standard PC floppy drives too. You just have to write the floppies with another PC.
Gotek will be easier though.
what issues are you having, the only issue i had with mine is when i plugged in a console the screen was too dark so i had to take the back off and adjust the sub bright pot on the inside which is just another brightness knob, the other issue is when i adjust the v-hold knob on the back to get a stable 60hz image,i get some black lines at the top of the screen, its not visible on the pics i posted on the ibara pic its just outside the game image, same with the aleste 2 pic, on the ggaleste3 pic they were visable but i just turned down the brightness, thats one thing you cant just set the brightness and leave it, i find myself always adjusting it depending on the game, also all my consoles are pal so anytime i load a 60hz game im always adjusting the v-hold knob on the back if im going between 50/60hz, also if you turn the monitor on without anything plugged in the screen will appear to be off, which may give you the impression its not working, the only other issue is i cant tate the monitor the opposite way shown in the ibara pic which is the way most games tate to, otherwise the colours will go funny, aside from that it works perfectly.

i didnt actually know you can use a pc drive on a 6128, but i have heard you can use a 6128 drive on a pc, its good to know, i've still got a bunch of disks my dads friend put together all with bootloader/menus with at least 10 games on each side, problem is the 6128 keyboard was either stolen by my cousin or thrown out by my dad, i still have my 464 so might get a disk drive for it or another 6128, also how are you plugged into ur tv is that a scart adapter or do you have an amstrad RF modulator i also have one of those, i've also go a green screen monitor, i want to get an rgb cable for my snes so i can use green screen for super gameboy
>also how are you plugged into ur tv is that a scart adapter or do you have an amstrad RF modulator i also have one of those
DIY Amstrad DIN to SCART RGB cable.

>i've also go a green screen monitor, i want to get an rgb cable for my snes so i can use green screen for super gameboy
If it has composite input, like old Apple II monitors did, you don't need RGB, it will still look as sharp with just composite out from the SNES. Most monochrome phosphor CRTs only accepted composite or TTL signals.
If it's one of those 15kHz CRT monitors that has a green only button, composite would also work just fine, it would still look pretty sharp. If you want to do it with a normal TV and have a SNES with RGB, you could disconnect the red and blue from the SCART (or make a custom SNES RGB to composite cable that only uses the green and the sync signal, you can combine them with a few resistors and capacitors and get composite that only looks green).
>You just have to write the floppies with another PC.

It's a bit annoying. USB floppy drives don't work for writing amstrad formated disks, and the last time I did it, the software only worked with Windows 98. I had to dig the P166MMX out to write some floppies. I wonder where the heck the cable is now. The french dude I got it from added some switched to it for changing between Drive A and B.

I take that PSU is powering the floppy drive. Are you using something to power it on without the computer?

I will tell you later, or maybe in the next thread. I need to record a video of it to show the problem, but now I need to get back to work, plus final exams next week.
>USB floppy drives don't work for writing amstrad formated disks
They do, but not all. I used Windows 7 and later Windows 10 to write floppies for various systems, including Amstrad CPC with a USB floppy drive. The problem is you never know what controller the drive has, not all USB floppy drives work. There was a Windows utility that worked fine also with more modern Windows versions to write CPC images.

The PSU powers both, drive and the CPC. Since I didn't have a genuine Amstrad monitor with power supply. PSU's 24pin connector has soft-power on always shorted and I just used the physical power switch behind the PSU to switch everything on/off.
Ah yes. The model line known for crippling, unfixable geometry issues as they age. Very "supreme".
Realizing that the last time I did it may have been in 2008 with no Windows 7. I was using CPC Disk XP, and at that time I probably had Windows Vista (which was incompatible with practically everything.

Ok, let's see if I can explain the issue quickly.

Last time I used the CPC I had one of those desks like in >>10976448. Computer on the tray, screen at the top. After 16 years in storage, and both the screen and computer on the same table now, the image is shaking when:

- I type hard and fast (that's why I just wrote "oi cunt" instead of long a monstrosity with lots of GOTOS)
- I touch the brightness knob on the right side.

It kinda scares me. This never happened for all the years the CPC was in the family between 1991 and 1995 (dad got scammed into buying it badly). The connectors had oxidized a bit over the years and lost the metal shine, but it never affected it like this. I can't explain it better, that's why I wanted to wait and record a webm.
>- I type hard and fast (that's why I just wrote "oi cunt" instead of long a monstrosity with lots of GOTOS)
>- I touch the brightness knob on the right side.

I'd try contact cleaner on the knobs and connectors, plus check for cold (broken) solder joints in both the CPC and the monitor, if you're comfortable working with a CRT.
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I need to replay this with some of the restoration patches. I've heard the "Namingway Edition" is pretty great, turns the difficulty back up a bit, de-censors it, and fixes some of the more questionable translations. I'm still fucking around with V right now, though. Bartz is GOAT protag.

>Those flat sets are usually fucked, even Sony ones
I dunno how this became a meme. Most of the flat sets I've seen have better geometry overall compared to curved sets simply because they're relatively newer. I had 2 JVC i'arts with some of the most flawless geometry I've ever seen.
i just remembered i downloaded a program years ago for writing cpc disks called "CPCDiskXP v2.5.1" cant remember if its for amstrad or pc floppies.

>DIY Amstrad DIN to SCART RGB cable
cool, ive seen sites that show how to wire it with a couple of power supplies, i'd no doubt fuck it up and blow something.

>If it has composite input, like old Apple II monitors
its an amstrad green screen with standard din, not sure if its rgb or composite, when i wired the scart to din for the colour monitor i heard that they do support composite but only in black and white, could be the case with the green screen not certain, i could wire a cable leaving out the red/blue for a normal tv, but then i could just turn the colours down in the tv menu lol. i dont have any components on hand so prob cheaper to buy a cheap rgb cable for snes, the N64/GC ones are not compatible due to the resistors it just gives a dark black picture.

>the image is shaking
its the din cable thats fucky, when i set up mine to take these pics i moved the cable and the picture was shaking and jittery, those coiled cables are just shit, i had one for my guitar it would always crackle, your safe its not the monitor.
>i just remembered i downloaded a program years ago for writing cpc disks called "CPCDiskXP v2.5.1" cant remember if its for amstrad or pc floppies.
Both should work. You can hack a 3 inch Amstrad drive to a PC and write floppies and vise versa.
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should i get a chinkshit gbs-c, a used ossc 1.7, or just kill myslef
To use with a CRT? For downscaling?
no, to use with a modern display. forgot to specify...oops..
As far as I know if it's not the OSSC pro, then the GBS-C is better. I built my own GBS-C. Works well, although I haven't used it since I bought a mid CRT TV. Ideally you want a retrotink, although that's more expensive obviously. GBS-C is better for PS2 as well.
from what i'm gathering the color tone pots aren't neutral when set to zero because they're not using ones of a certain resistance or something? building your own seemed like a decent solution, but my soldering iron broke so i'm looking at pre-built options.
>GBS-C is better for PS2 as well.
pretty much all i really wanted it for atm, but why is that?
the retrotink 2x and ossc 1.8 are around the same price which isn't too unreasonable, and the pro is just out of my price range. but the ossc just seemed like it had a lot more functionality in general.
one thing i couldn't find though was what exactly is a gbs-c with a clock generator actually synchronizing? some seem like they are marked as sold with and without so i wasn't sure.
>but why is that?

Just because some PS2 games switch resolutions between menus and scalers that aren't the GBS-C or the new retrotink add delay during the switch, while the GBS does the conversion isntantly. Retrotink 2x is pointless, and OSSC 1.8 probably still doesn't have that feature. This guy had a video comparing the resolution switching between scalers for PS2, but I can't find it right now.

Sir, this is a thread for CRT's
>Just because some PS2 games switch resolutions between menus and scalers that aren't the GBS-C
ohh, right i forgot about that. thanks for the info though.
Didn't ask.
Clearly, since it's off topic
Why do anons treat crt thread like general purpose tech support thread
If you're gonna use a modern display just emulate

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