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My hands hurt so much. Why would you make a racer aimed at children so brutally difficult?
that way they cant beat it in a rental
I bought ridge racer 5 and didn't rent it why are the medium difficult courses unbeatable
because it was aimed at man-children, not real children
i just turned on invincibility. game is unplayable otherwise
Learn the tracks and how to air break and you'll have a better time.
> game is unplayable otherwise
That's taking it a bit far. I managed to beat Amateur and Semi-Pro but I'm really having trouble with Galactic
Everyone is suddenly so fast and though I can upgrade somewhat, the really good parts are ridiculously expensive and I keep having to repair my current parts to save money to buy better ones
The only hard levels are Grabvine Gateway and Abyss
i don't play it at the arcade because it doesn't have collision damage
also, it's on freeplay there so it would only cost me time
doesn't this game have time trials? just do time trials until you get really good at the tracks and then take your track knowledge to the actual tournament and whipe the floor with the ai
Children's hands aren't broken down so they don't have the same problems you, a man in his 30s, suffers from.
1. Play all races with the pot on winner takes all
2. Never buy from Watto's shop, get everything from the junkyard, you can repair and sell parts at a profit that way and work your way up faster
3. You can only repair as many parts as you have pit droids which I think is like 4, so just go with the important ones like top speed, turning, accelleration and ignore usless shit like cooling and repair
The only race that's hard is the one where falling off the side puts you in the super long route. Even then, just not falling at that point is enough to let you boost to victory
That's the only one that filtered me on hard.
winner takes all buy all pit droids first and then only buy the best parts form the junkyard

and in case you didn't know you can boost in this game buy holding forward until the meter fills up
The game is a billion times easier on the pc version and it's solely because the framerate isnt slideshow tier like on 64
I've got the re release on my Series X, and you're 100% right. Can't believe I completed it on N64 first time around.
Do I need to have a special part to enable boosting on PC? I keep pressing the key bound for boost but nothing happens
I figured out, rather I looked it up. I never knew that's how it worked.
I give up. Even with boosting, I can't keep up with the others. I guess I fucked up by not choosing "winner takes all" for the first 2 tournaments. Apparently I can't go back to replay prior races so that I could farm money either, so I basically have to start all over again, which I'm NOT doing!
>5 minute video just on how to boost
>it's well done and fairly entertaining
How is the PC version?
As with all games ever, superior to the console versions.
man i beat this game 100% last year even though i had the PC version as a kid, back then the game filtered me hard. the sense of speed you get is unrivalled. other racing games seem like your racing with turtles in comparison? any other similar breakneck speed racing games??
Bantha poodoo! Awww hawww hawww haaaawwwww...
What console/controller are you playing on?
Keyboard is eprfectly adequate. Make up your own control scheme if the default key layout doesn't work for you. You don't need analog for steering, this game doesn't punish digital input when it comes to that.

Use a controller if you can't live withou rumble.
are you guys retarded? this game is piss easy.
Lego Racers is a million times harder than this and it is still not that hard arcade racer.
It's a test to find the next human podracer.
If you're not familiar with this type of game, it's going to be a challenge. Though after a few races you should be getting the hang of it. At 60fps with a nice controller it's straightforward.
tfw beat the whole game without knowing how to boost
It gave me an extra stat to ignore for the junkyard, at least
also, when the race start if you tap the gas at the right time you get a massive starting boost
Thank you, Darth Self-Evident.

But speaking of which, wasn't there a problem on the PC version with some framerate fuckery that prevented getting the starting boost for some reason?
I can still reliably get a turbo start on N64 and any N64 emulator, but still not on the GOG version.
You say self-evident, but I (the OP) did not know that.
It's surprising how the game has practically zero tutorialization and explanation for things like how boost works, no training level either. Maybe the manual has all that info.
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the inner workings of upgrading, damage, repair and the pit droids are also not explained which is very weird considering how unique they are
not even the manual fully explains them
>Maybe the manual has all that info.
Yeah, back in the day you were supposed to read the manual beforehand. Crazy, I know.

>inner workings
>fully explained
What do you mean? The manual explains almost everything. The only thing missing is how damaging the pod during a race will actually damage parts (i.e. lower their "condition" for the next race).
Everything else can be figured out by anyone with an IQ over room temperature (and was actually figured out by actual children on their own back then) while playing the game.

God I love upgrading so much. Just started the Galactic series and have a fully upgraded pod AND over 60k truguts. Out-jewing Watto just never gets old.
Didn't we also have some kind of league where people were submitting their best times?
I remember some dude using Ben Quadrinarios to break every single record?
Cool game. Could never figure out how to boost tho.
I remember we had threads of anons putting their times out and competing for the best time. Someone had a google spreadsheet to keep track.
Yeah, that's the one. Good times. Sadly I lost the link.
The game's collision is genuinely busted, it hates angular surfaces and even has some minor collision errors that'll make you explode.
I fucking LOVE this game to bits. You can fix the insta-splode btw:
>Start a new game file
>At the name entry dialog, hold Z
>Type in RRTANGENTABACUS using the L button
>While still holding Z, highlight END and press L. If you typed in the code correctly you'll get an OK and the name will be blanked
>Choose any save file
>Pause during gameplay
>Press Left, Down, Right, Up on the D-Pad
>Debug menu is now unlocked for the rest of the game's power on time, access from the pause menu

In the debug menu there's a value with a name I forgot that starts at 300 or so. I set it to around 600 since that's around the top speed you can attain with an upgraded racer, so now you'll only insta-splode with great speed. You'll still take damage from invisible/angled collision but that's what the repair button is for :D

Sadly you have to own the debug menu and do this again for every single race. It's not hard though. The C buttons allow large value adjustment.

You can do this on the Switch port but there's no C button access so you have to press the D-Pad 300 times to increase the value to 300 every single race. Uuuughhh

PC port you'll have to add the debug menu with a trainer that you can find on github. Dreamcast I don't know.
Also if you wanna go faster you can adjust your racer's stats in one of the debug menu screens (again only for one race so it's kinda arduous to set up). Speed your vehicle up to 900 MPH, give them the stats to make hairpin turns, memorize the tracks (actually you'll do that first, not last) and enjoy your F-Zero game.
Kek, just today that happened to me when I was doing Aldo Prime; where that large ski jumping ramp is. I landed about in the middle of the ramp because for a change I didn't just want to boost over the chasm, and after a few yards suddenly my pod exploded, probably because I hit the ground at the wrong angle with its collision box or something.

This was on PC though. Does anybody know how cheats on the PC version work? I wanted to get Jinn Reeso but I only know the N64 codes.
I couldn't find the PC trainer online that i mentioned in >>10951389 so I just pulled it from my own install. Here you go anon, enjoy debug menu on PC. https://files.catbox.moe/f7x0ik.zip
But it's written in the manual. They even explain how to use Sebulba's flame jet.

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