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kakapo is my favourite
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I was at parrot enclosure at the zoo and one of the keas looked at me and starting jumping sideways. Long story short I eventually realised he's doing that for me specifically. So I also started jumping sideways. And he started mirroring me. I do three jumps left, he does three jumps left. I do four jumps right, he does four jumps right. We played like that for a while. Some other people joined even. Probably looked super stupid.
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Why are budgies so neotenous when compared to other parrots?
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Enjoy them while they are around.

The Enigmatic Dodo Bird
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I saw a bird I didn't recognize in the park the other day, looked kind of like this. Are there Dodos in maryland?
It would have to be. All the others diddid and dodo nothing these days.
Just. Shut up already. Please.

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We keep hearing about animal originating viruses wrecking humans, but are there examples of human viruses attacking animals?
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Its worse when you remember babies were getting it too.
didn’t try hard enough evidently
ok that’s fucking cool based gecko
its a greyhound iirc, that got it from its homosexual owners

>Why yes, I am an alpha.
>What gave me away?
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That's a porbeagle.
Why do you hate them
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>Why yes, I am an alpha.
>What gave me away?
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it makes them feel embarrassed and demotes them from alpha to beta

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Basically every single vertebrate animal on earth has the same embryonic development stage.
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Now realize jaws are just articulated gills
Ears are gills
Your thyroid gland is gills
It'd be interesting if I didn't learn it in sixth grade biology
It's a simplified diagram for teaching but you're a midwit who is smart enough to question information, but not smart enough to realize it's good material you should lean from. Recapitulation theory itself if bunk, but the pattern Haeckel noticied remains and the diagram is not totally made up. So why does the pattern exist? 8th grade biology students are handed the answer, but an educated adult should be able to reason it out of first principles.
You're a fucking fag dude.

Hate to kill a thread but is that a really small elephant or really big humans?
Google tells me the average female asian elephant is 8.5 feet tall. Let's say that's a small specimen at 7.5 feet tall. That's not a difference of greater than 8 inches. The tallest guy on the left is like 6'8
This is 100% a juvinile.
The smallest species of elephant is 2.5 meters tall.
None of these guys are over 6 feet tall.
Can juvenile (teenage) elephants have babies?
Aren't their gestation period like 2-3 years? That baby looks like a year old too, or at least a few months
Are we sure that's the mother? Could it be that they're siblings or something
Prolly just a miniphant. They can be even smaller, this one has dwarfism

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I have a 9 year old Whites (dumpy) Tree frog in a large tank by himself (deffo male). I was thinking of getting some more for the tank, and was considering mixing it up abit. He once lived with a white lipped tree frog, so one of those, and maybe some mexican Giant Mexican leaf frog from a local petshop (UK), and maybe a crested Gecko as they all live in similar conditions. Is this a good idea?
My frog is kinda autistic, likes to hide instead of climb and wouldn't socialise with the whites tree frog that he used to live with. Any suggestion?
>pic related
the tank
Why not just get another white tree frog of comparable size?
Because I would have to order in a box, which seems cruel instead of picking frogs up from the local shop. Plus the diversity seems fun, diversity is good remember :)
Are you serious right now??? MORE whites??? Don’t be a chud please
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I hope this is bait. Their care is different for starters, they can’t live together. Second of all that enclosure is not suitable for any of those animals, upgrade the frog you have before getting more. Frogs are terrible for cohabbing especially with something like a crestie, they’ll attempt to eat anything that moves

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Is it okay if I move species from one part of my state to another somewhat suitable environment behind my home? I live on calciferous grassland that’s also a riparian zone. It tends to catch fire so I want to try and revitalize the land so big aggressive grasses don’t ruin it again. Is it okay to transplant stuff like plants, fungi, and animals?
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As long as you aren't planning on raiding the nearest nature reserve for plants or something I don't see anything that would speak against it.
Oh, and I don't know if you chose that picture at random but please don't try to transplant orchids. Terrestrial orchid species are completely dependent on symbiotic fungal species, and there's a high probability the plant will just start dying off at the new site.
Wtf is the plant in the pic? Looks cool as fuck.
It's a Lady's-Tresses Orchid
There a bush walk near my house and there used to be orchids that grew on the sides of the path
The local council hires idiots who can't recognise orchids, probably don't know even know we have orchids here, and for 3 years they were spraying herbicides on the area
I haven't seen them grow there for the last 4 years
Meanwhile the fine for digging the orchids up is massive
Just don’t go ripping threatened or endangered shit out of healthier ecosystems. You may also want to consider just collecting and planting seeds. That’s how I got coral roots to grow in my yard. Pollinate plant. Come back later. Take some of the seeds. Don’t take all the seeds. That way you can restore a beautiful, healthy habitat without fucking over a different site. Lastly check construction sites and stuff like that. There is nothing wrong with digging up plants that would end up crushed by a dozer blade.

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Why so dramatic?
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Yes, because it’s a scavenger, vultures also wouldn’t mind the smell, hence why I said “most”
my hogger
>smells nice
>eats pinky mice
>never plays dead
I love him
He wants to make it VERY CLEAR that he is in fact dead and that you can now leave him alone.
How do these strategies work against vultures? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind the foul odours

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Most spiders don’t have venom anywhere near potent enough to harm let alone kill a human (and that’s just among the minority of one’s with fangs that can actually penetrate human skin). But that makes me question: why do any of them *do*? Sydney funnels and Brazilian wandering spiders can kill a full grown adult in minutes. This is obviously way overkill for incapacitating prey, but even for defense it’s pretty extreme especially since those species already have pretty big fangs anyway.
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The lesson was that you shouldn't be afraid of spiders because they can't hurt you.
Oh. Lmao. Wonder if that backfired over there.
I think I remember hearing about this. Pretty ridiculous since the danger of spiders here is obscenely overblown. A lot of that probably had to do with redbacks though (much more commonly encountered than a funnel web), but from what I understand their bites generally aren't even fatal.
They generally aren't fatal even if untreated, I mean.
This is a stupid thing to teach kids even if the vast majority of them aren't dangerous.
You can still get pretty horrible effects from some spiders. Here in the US, the recluse can cause you to get a massive ugly scar and have to deal with the pain of necrosis. Not to mention the widows that can actually kill people.

"Who's a good dog?" is always asked, but does anyone ask, "Who's a good owner?".
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that's deep
only in bizarro world
No. Because the answer would be “Not you.” 95 percent of the time and most dog owners aren’t ready to confront that
Wrong. Very wrong.
dogs are more high maintenance than children desu
My dog things I'm a good boy and that's all that matters.

is there any animal more impression than a beaver in terms of the stuff they can make?

NO ants allowed
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>NO ants allowed
Maybe it's just one female alien assigned to monitor Earth as part of a biological study, and there's a bunch of male aliens trying to get noticed.
Aliens are actually fish men who live deep under the ocean so it would make a lot of sense if they're doing it out of evolutionary habit.

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What the hell was his problem?
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Just woke up and dug it's way out of the sand, then a photographer shoves a camera in his face.
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I think he voices his grievances pretty clearly in the video, anon.
And this is……………………………….?
Never seen an hqdefault?

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Florida wouldn't be the same without these guys running all over the place
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Finlayson's squirrel. Nutty lil' niggas
Can't upload pics because reasons but I found out what they're called:
Yup, those're the ones. I just posted >>4797752 after finding it out for myself. Super fucking cute. I hear they're moving further north into my region, Campania, but I haven't seen any.
Idk about brown anoles given greens themselves only rafted over a few million years before them but green iguanas would not have colonized the Caribbean nearly as rapidly without man fucking over Cyclura populations
Those things are invasive? We have them here and I’m in the middle of nowhere.
>but green iguanas would not have colonized the Caribbean nearly as rapidly
Very true. We only managed to get our population down a few years back and they’re still fairly common. Wish it would have been the Blue Iguana that was so successful

How can I ensure my cat lives to atleast 20? He's around 8-9 currently and is still very full of piss and vinegar (he's a domestic long hair and is very large and slightly chubby). What kinds of things ensures that a cat will live a very long life? I've heard of cats living until their 30s in rare cases and I would imagine it has to do with a little more than just genetics and luck

pic unrel
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Alright well my problem is that when my cat was maybe 3 years old he got a UTI and almost died and they had no clue how he got it since he was neutered, and the veterinarians scared my mom into buying my cat this special urinary tract health dry food for him which he has been eating ever since. She is very jewed in pretty much every aspect of her life and the food she buys for her pets is no exception, she thinks if they eat absolutely anything other than the food they've been eating their whole lives they will get sick. How do I unjew my mom on the topic of pet food?
That’s a good question that’s still widely debated on. Same for dogs. Genetics definitely play a factor as we know certain breeds are just outright unhealthy and can only live so long. But beyond that you’ll get a myriad of answers depending on who you ask
You can give him the most expensive food and never let him outside and he'll still get cancer and die. It's a roll of the dice. Just enjoy your time with him and don't take him for granted. It'll end one day.
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my last cat was an outdoor cat who ate a mix of wet and dry food and she lived until 20, perhaps there are more factors to it.
I didn't do anything special. I only ever fed him wet canned food. I don't remember the brand, But towards the end I tried expensive sensitive stomach stuff, but he only ever liked the cheap stuff. And I always gave him bits of whatever I was eating. He was pretty health up until the last 9 months.

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