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I know this is like the 43898458568976457875469847183656478274839472982948 thread about pitbulls but how is it possible that people can make their minds up about this particular dog type? Sounds like autism at this point and everybody will eventually start to make tip of the iceberg memes about how these shitty debates from both side of the coin are becoming beyond autistic
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my cat can kill pitbulls
I don’t know man, I think it’s far more likely the entire country collapses in on itself by virtue of its constantly imploding infrastructure before we ever see fully functional chinese test tube babies
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Nta anon but I don't understand how you people can believe in evolution and epigenetic memory and at the same time be absolutely stunned that a bunch of people that lived in a climate where no long term planning is necessary for survival and where brutality is omnipresent would develop to be low iq and and violent.
If any other animal would be in question, you wouldn't bat an eye but when it the human animal you go into a fit.
You guys are absolutely dogmatic in your beliefs
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Hitler didn't just order the last of Berlin's defense to kill civilians because they wouldn't fight for him.

He ordered it because he concluded that the aryan people were inferior to bolshiviks and deserved to be eradicated by a superior "Race".

Feel free to continue thinking otherwise.
You're just strawmanning against a made up caricature of what a "racist" is.

Hi there :3

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Are snakes the only animals in the entire history of life on Earth to ever hunt prey by wrapping their bodies around it and squeezing?
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pretty sure most of the heavy lifting of an owls kills are its talons but I guess squeezing helps
hm if you think about it snakes kill by hugging to death
Abelisaurs did the same
What fucking drugs are you using?
A lot of big cats' killing is done not by ripping put the throat as previously thought, but just crushing the windpipe and choking them out.
But yea that's pretty far from snake constricting.

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Elephant and Dog friendship general
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Doesn’t happen
Is there any actual recorded case of that happening
>Doesn’t happen
do you see the video I posted in the OP of this happening? How do you explain that?
Liking dogs is a sign of high intelligence
*happens extremely very rarely
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If XL bullies are allowed to be kept as pets then I should be able to own a lynx or a bobcat, it's just that shrimple
I want a gray fox
they're not even dangerous
they eat mice and voles
Also they're really quite tolerant and friendly to people in the wild. I think they want to be pets. They will enjoy it.
oh my god

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I did it
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he's my emotional support gator now

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For the Matriarch edition

Previous Thread >>4768810

Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project

>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Found the paper https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bies.201600120
>Gold et al. 15 presented evidence that they interpret as showing that Dickinsonia grew by terminal addition, and argued, based on character state reconstruction, that this mode of growth is a synapomorphy of Bilateria. However, there are differences between terminal addition in most extant bilaterians and that seen in Dickinsonia. In bilaterians, somites are usually added at a subterminal position (ahead of, for example, the telson in arthropods). If the smallest units in Dickinsonia were added last (as assumed in 15), then they are added in a genuinely terminal position, and Dickinsonia development would thus be inconsistent with that seen most frequently in extant bilaterians.
i better see some anal fisting or i get my money back
Fair enough, those ones always left my mind. The only ones that stuck were the ones that were those that went "wow, what the fuck why do they walk for so long?" "They eat WHAT? FOR FUN?!"
even those though, it sort of depends if in turn humans are amazed by other species' capabilities and if it's not too dumb

like, our endurance, yes that's probably going to be a defining feature of our species
but for the love of fuck all those "we breathe rocket fuel" texts are beyond stupid
Yes we breathe oxygen, so does probably 90% of all other species
I always figured it was a given that humans would be amazed by the traits of an alien species. It's always rare in Sci fi for aliens to regard humans as anything other than "average" which of course doesn't make sense, because obviously too them, we're aliens, and should be just as interesting.

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/a/ told me today was World Penguin Day. I didn't bother to look it up to see if it was true but let's just post pengers anyway.
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Go to a zoo
They don't have zoos in Antarctica.
You won’t survive anon… don’t do it…
when you hop onto a new distro and it's immediately shit
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Are you supposed to keep the TV on for your pet if they're alone at home for most of the day?
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What's a good channel or Netflix series for pets?
>a bear
quite topical considering the other thread
My parents started doing this for some reason despite the fact the dog was completely fine for over a decade without the TV, but it begs the question: can you give dogs adhd?
Of course.

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>hurr durr catfaggots
>hurr durr dogfaggots
This cat vs dog bullshit is stupid and childish. Cats and dogs are equal and both have their own pros and cons. Either one is equally capable of love and affection as the other. I don’t think there should be a fight at all.
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He thinks not believing in souls makes you jewish and not the 70%+ of the world that is not christian, and is also a raging pseudo-christian “le poetry and metaphor” homosexual looking for a boyfriend? Definitely a weird way to cope with losing an argument
> He thinks not believing in souls makes you jewish and not the 70%+ of the world that is not christian
Uhh, I’m pretty sure most of the world believes in the existence of souls accounting for Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Jews
what a vulgar post devoid of any thought or reason
“Potential” is an absurdity. Fortune telling has no place in morals.
sounds like something a dogfaggot would say

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can we have a wolf thread...pls
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conceptualize the aroma
how do we feel about this
should they have gotten the crepes
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Ah, well, that makes me feel somewhat better. At least there's some dogs that look like those new age wolves like Tamaskans out there. Thanks for the info anon.
>mom can we have a wolf?
>we have a wolf at home
>wolf at home:

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Everyone's favorite pill-popper Steve-O did a video on how "service animals" is total bullshit. Cringe or based?
Steve O is whack, and I'm not watching the video, but most times "service animals" are totally bullshit. The "legit" ones are the ones that actually do something like help the blind or smell heartatacks or whatever, but anybody anywhere can get something like picrel and bring their dog all over while telling people that "it's okay because it's a service animal".

The worst part is people who really need a service animal for the previously mentioned legitimate reasons, but have to deal with the decreasing status of said service animal now that so many people are abusing the trust based system of it all.

I'm going to post a platypus every day until all of /an/ wants a puggle to snuggle. Old thread hit image limit >>4684291
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This is your daily reminder to want aplatypus.
This is your daily reminer to want a platypus.
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
I had no idea their bills were soft like that, that's adorable.

post animal images that go hard.
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Awww they're frens! =)
>Saturn devouring his son
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