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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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>hurr durr catfaggots
>hurr durr dogfaggots
This cat vs dog bullshit is stupid and childish. Cats and dogs are equal and both have their own pros and cons. Either one is equally capable of love and affection as the other. I don’t think there should be a fight at all.
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Alone in the dark was a little cat dawg
>Cats and dogs are equal
In what sense?

>Both have their pros and cons.
Such as? Cats require less responsibility and resources compared to dogs.

>Either one is equally capable of love and affection as the other.
Dogs are usually more attached to their owners than cats.
Rabbits are the superior pet
This is what happens when jannies keep moving /v/ and /tv/ threads here
Cats require less responsibility, while dogs are more useful for work and hunting game.

>Dogs are usually more attached to their owners than cats.
You have a point. But they are both still capable of showing love and affection.

Still, I believe they are both equal in their pros and cons.
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All boards have become /pol/-lite since 2015.
>/an/ = cats vs dogs
>/n/ = bikes vs cars
>/tv/ = my jews vs your jews
>/ck/ = cities vs country
>/mu/ = cities vs country
>/trv/ = cities vs country
For all you zoomers that were mindcucked by twitter during puberty: It didn't used to be this way, your manufactured rage is pathetic, you were raised to be shills, you will never be happy.
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I agree. I wish this board and other boards can just be happy, and not filled with a bunch of retard autists having useless slap fights with each other.

Cats vs. Dogs isn’t one of the main problems in /an/ though. Whenever someone mentions god, a bunch of retarded atheists start seething. Also vegans and creationism too.
>surely its the retarded atheists
Atheists are less likely to be fat and are more intelligent on average

All christcucks do is gain weight and preach peace from their ass while trying to turn women into murder suspects and corpses for daring to terminate brainless cell clumps. The recent abortion fiasco in the US is proof that there is no such thing as a good christian. Given the opportunity they will also return to biblical executions. There is nothing literally forbidding them.

Christians and zoophiles are two groups that should be instantly banned for spreading their filth
zoophiles also preach love and do evil. maybe they’re both on /an/ because they get along better than you’d expect christians and zoophiles to?
You guys are talking about the issue while actively engaging in it.
Hold on buddy

What if the christians are the zoos? They want to be a protected class no one is allowed to call faggots. They must have something to hide.
>whenever someone mentions the kikestain god
They never JUST mention it they give an entire fucking sermon. The same faggot doing it probably paid for the bible schizo ads.
Catfaggotry is cancer on every board and should be bullied relentlesly
God loves you all.
pretty sure you're just a schizo
OP here. There are bad Christians and there are bad Atheists, but there are also good Christians and good Atheists. I can see the point you’re trying to make, but I don’t think all Christians should be targeted. I agree with you on the zoophiles though. Those are some of the most depraved and disgusting “people” on this planet.
I don’t really see how i am actively engaging in any of these issues. I’m just saying that there’s a lot of retards here who get mad over really generic shit.
There’s a lot of bad Christians out there who force their religions onto others and aren’t accepting of new ideas. Then when people yell at them for it they start crying.
I’m a Christian myself and I don’t really “believe” as much as other Christians. I loom around Christianity and science a lot, and I often just pick both.
Listen, just cause I’m mad about a bunch of retards getting mad over really generic shit doesn’t give you the right to call me a schizo. What did I ever do to you? I’m just giving my opinion.
Proving you right LMAO

Concurred, I pick fights sometimes tho because people really get into it. Right now /aq/ general is hilarious. And in only participating in half of it.

The cat v dog stuff is retarded. I understand 1-3 threads about it. But it feels like almost every thread dissolved into cat v dog

Then your god votes yes for abortion rights every time? Your god voted yes for gay marriage? Your god voted for evolution in schools and opposes teaching children his own lies?
What do you mean by “proving you right”?
You forgot
>/g/ - linux vs windows
No lol
This is the crux of the issue

There is no such thing as a fully good christian. If they are a good person, they are a bad christian. if they are a good christian, they are a bad person. their bible states in no uncertain terms that they have a moral and spiritual duty to trample on the rights of others.

when you preach in the name of your god like it or not you are preaching for an evil entity with evil opinions. even if you are too dumb to actually follow your own religion. thankfully, yahweh is not and never has been a real god so he can't actually do shit if you fail to follow him. all you have to do is stop being christian, and you can be a good person.

it's not like yahweh is going to stop or punish you. he can't. he hasn't been able to do shit since a gnostic wizard named joshua or something ascended to heaven and killed him, as a joke.
atheistards mihht be the biggest s hit stirrers on this board at this point and that’s *really* saying something
>ok then your god votes for shit the majority of the world considers unnatural but i don’t because i was indoctrinated to believe is natural?????
only evolution has any merit of those things
>/ck/ = cities vs country
… what?
>/pol/ is when people compare thing and have arguments over which thing is better
That’s been happening since language was invented champ
>noooo just let women slut it up forever
telling that this is your biggest concern
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>Cats and dogs are equal
Hmm I wonder who is behind this post
>/x/ = atheists vs christians
Cat owners have been linked to schizophrenia
Cat website newfag
hey there anon, Im not gonna argue, Im just going to ask you to study fetal development and seriously ask yourself when you became a human being. Doesnt have to happen fast, you dont need to reply to me, its about getting information and thinking for -yourself-
the people on this board who are most against zoophiles (including me) are often Christian
Not that anon but you cease to become a human the moment you force 12 year olds to birth their rapists baby because your magic book says so.
The book isnt 'magic', its a collection of ancient historical texts - some serious recording of history, some story, some song & poetry, etc..

Baptists (who are the dominant 'Christian' group in the USA) arent even properly Christian at all, American baptists & evangelical mindset is like a couple hundred years old. Literally nothing.
You should try to understand WHY a 12 year old having to have a child could for someone be the lesser of evils, though still a wretched situation.

Will you study embryology and fetology?
>Baptists aren’t Christians
Don’t know why Catholics have to bring babtists up whenever they are trying to dunk on an atheist. I don’t bring the false beliefs of Catholics up when arguing my position just to sound more correct.
Prior to the mid/end of the 2nd trimester a fetus has no functioning human brain. It had autonomic functions without the physical capacity for feeling and thought. It is not a human life except according to schizophrenic spiritual nonsense. Might as well make excising a brain tumor murder in case it developed nociception. And fertilized clumps of cells are DEFINITELY not human lives outside of your dick cutting, lgbtq murdering desert cult.
the only difference is a tumor doesnt have a line in the lieble like “before you metastasized in the cerebrum i knew you”
This nigger doesn’t understand potential. The second the egg it fertilized it will become a human unless there is an error In the pregnancy (an accident) or a human stops the pregnancy (a choice). The choice that was made was to remove the life of a person. Because that fetus no longer has the chance to be a person. By this logic abortion is murder regardless of how ignorant you are of the development of a fetus.
But the life starts the second a new genetic code is created (fertilization) so it’s still murder regardless.

Also would like to say I’m not the guy your arguing with and the christcuck stuff won’t work on me. I just happen to actually understand biology and ethics.
“Potential” is an arbitrary line. An individual sperm cell or ejaculate load could be a child. Dying a virgin is murder.

The fact is a zygote has no thoughts or feelings. None. It is not a person. It is a parasitic vegetative mass until its prefrontal cortex switches on. This is a hard line. A well defined line. An immovable line. Because this is where humanity and all life begins and a fetus goes from a collection of germ cells no different from a puddle of jizz to a fully assembled lifeform that is ready to develop.
How can literally nothing have a chance? There is no person to give the chance to unless you believe in religious horseshit about souls. It’s just tissue without a mind. An early third trimester fetus does provably have a mind. A first trimester fetus is a vaguely hominid shaped blob similar to a partially absorbed twin, at the latest.
By this logic cockblocking your mate at the pub is murder because he could have jizzed up in the bird he was chatting and made a baby but you stopped him.
The same logic - arguing i the name
of “potentially” can lead to pascals wager plus - the state has a moral duty to forcibly convert everyone to christianity because potentially they could go to hell. Which becomes a war if any other state has another religion and they must save people by spreading theirs. Its not oppression, its saving souls and their morals are objectively correct according to them because their religion said so because their religion said so.

This is where the conservatives would gladly take the US. It would be a slippery slope if they didnt so often profess that they consider this a good idea, and the entire islamic world did not already operate on this principle, and the bible did not explicitly demand this.
Life is not about the mind, unless you believe in souls. Life is about a different genetic code. Would you say a male anglerfish if alive? How about an earthworm? Paramecium? If you kill a caterpillar by extension you are killing a butterfly. The only difference between a fetus and these is that it is genetically a individual person.
Like I said, you don’t understand causality. A Grenade is not garenteed to explode. Just like your bud isn’t going to get laid if he hangs out with people like you. But if you pull the pin on a grenade it WILL explode unless stopped or something goes wrong. The fetus IS a baby ublesssomething goes wrong, or a person kills it.
A fetus without the capacity for thoughts and feelings is not a person and clearly isnt guaranteed to be because they miscarry all the time

Anything is assured to be anything because surely nothing will go wrong if you want to believe - but only in your head. In reality it is just tissue. It has no thoughts. It has no feelings. It is not a life. It is below a rat. It is merely human tissue. This is not about maybe butif whatever - it is or is not.

If you were born without a brain you would just be an ugly object.
How much does the IDF pay you moshe??
>it must be the enemy religion that actually agrees with me!
Something without a fully functioning human brain is not a human being. This occurs somewhere towards the end of the second trimester and must be determined by a doctor.

Nothing prior to that point is a human. You’re officially in “pulling out is denying a childs soul a shot at life” territory.
Do you act this retarded for free then?
You lost.
Stop. Manatee time.
The cum in the sock under your bed WILL be a human if you let it meet an egg. What's the difference?
>give an earthworm human dna
>squish it
>first degree murder
weird religion you got there
Judism ritualizes abortion, and actually argued in court that they should have a religious exemption to abortion laws
>da jooz
I’m a white atheist, primarily celtic ancestry with a touch of nordic and anglo
6’1” 175lb
More than one person thinks you're braindead, dumbass.
>Judism ritualizes abortion, and actually argued in court that they should have a religious exemption to abortion laws
Jewish W. Better than forcing 12 year olds to give birth.
Well “jews” are so high iq that they have several times more geniuses than whites due to their avaerage IQ (sd0) being 115. But really they’re just european banking families ascribed an arbitrary ethnicity like making up the term “aryan kangz” for everyone like me, so… jew = one kind of smart white person.
>jew = one kind of smart white person.
>smart person is against forced births
Yeah makes sense.
Under rabbinical law the threshhold for allowable abortion is a moving target as medical technology advances. Once we develop artifical wombs, all jews must consent to transplants rather than abortions or adopt the secular “mind = soul” position and stop being jews. And we do have an ethical duty to develop artificial wombs for many other reasons…
>a religion memes jews into becoming pod people
Imagine being insecure enough to larp this hard

Your arguments already belied your low intelligence
Just trying to bring it down to your level bud.

I wasn’t trying to write a dissertation. And i honestly know that i probably couldn’t convince anyone in this thread to convert. But perhaps I could get you to think a little harder. Unfortunately I realized that was impossible so I decided to just have a little fun lol.
Also to cover my ass not trying to come back and say lol I was pretending to be retarded, just wanted to express myself fairly and acutely.

Choose to believe me or no, but I did post proof of physique and nobody else in this thread has so much as posted nose
Is there a joke I missed? What's this larper trying to prove?
He thinks not believing in souls makes you jewish and not the 70%+ of the world that is not christian, and is also a raging pseudo-christian “le poetry and metaphor” homosexual looking for a boyfriend? Definitely a weird way to cope with losing an argument
> He thinks not believing in souls makes you jewish and not the 70%+ of the world that is not christian
Uhh, I’m pretty sure most of the world believes in the existence of souls accounting for Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Jews
what a vulgar post devoid of any thought or reason
“Potential” is an absurdity. Fortune telling has no place in morals.
sounds like something a dogfaggot would say
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