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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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Everyone's favorite pill-popper Steve-O did a video on how "service animals" is total bullshit. Cringe or based?
Steve O is whack, and I'm not watching the video, but most times "service animals" are totally bullshit. The "legit" ones are the ones that actually do something like help the blind or smell heartatacks or whatever, but anybody anywhere can get something like picrel and bring their dog all over while telling people that "it's okay because it's a service animal".

The worst part is people who really need a service animal for the previously mentioned legitimate reasons, but have to deal with the decreasing status of said service animal now that so many people are abusing the trust based system of it all.
I wish service animals were federally regulated and the actual legitimate ones had to be obtained from a) a government body, and b) were issued licenses and ID like a human to prove they are legit.

I had two jobs where I had to put up with these assholes coming in with their "service chihuahua" who then pisses itself in fear of a leaf and I'm not allowed to tell them to gtfo even though the area has a no dog policy.
The opinions of someone who has had a tattoo of a man raping a baby can be ignored
… proof?
>service dogs are so bullshit dude!
>*makes his dog a service dog*
All support animals are legitimate. I don't know what I'd do without my emotional support cane toad. I take him on planes and buses, and he helps me get over my anxiety over not carrying an invasive species with me at all times.
nah, too hard to steal stuff while carrying a dog around
The reason why this is readily avaiable is so people have the freedom to train their own service animals for different tasks. This makes those disability aids more accessible and doesn't lock service dogs behind a huge paywall. This is, obviously, a very good thing. Disabled people deserve to have tools to aid them not be prohibitively expensive.
However this system is, as we've seen, open to abuse from braindeads who don't care for the safety and comfort of the general public, least of all the most vulnerable of us.
So /an, what would you propose we do? How do we fix the issue of fake service dogs whilst also not making service dogs, as a disability aid, inaccessible to disabled people?
Just judge by the breed and go from there. If it's not a Labrador or some other type of smart, responsive breed, then you know it's utter BS.
Obviously just let it run loose, like they always do anyway
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I have an idea.
>a standardized qualification that service dogs that aren't trained by a training org or charity must undergo
>similar to the good citizen dog test but government enforced
>ran by the kennel club. Every US state must have at least 5 kennel club affiliated training orgs willing to do the test, and something similar elsewhere in the world ofc
>the test MUST be capped at €30 per dog per test, and can be subsidized. Any more and the test becomes exclusionary.
>the test MUST ONLY test the dogs ability to behave in public and around other dogs, and NOT whether or not the dog can do whatever service it was trained for (This could be considered disability exclusion and open the kc up to lawsuits)
>the dog can be any breed (anything else will cause riots)
>the dog will be provided with a card, similar to a driving license, that the disabled person must carry
>the card MUST NOT provide any information about the person's disability or what service the dog is trained for, only that it is a certified service dog and will behave itself
There are pros and cons of this. If even one MUST from this list is out the whole plan won't work and will actively be working against the disabled people we're trying to help. Furthermore this test isnt airtight, people will still cheese it. But at the very least something like this should guarantee that, even if the service dog you meet isnt performing a service, at least it's going to behave.
>then you know it's utter BS.
Yet you're still not allowed to do anything about it unless you want to headline the evening news.
What a weird, insignificant thing to get so upset over
It's not insignificant when you have to enforce this kind of thing daily at work and your hands are tied, so you either get yelled at by your boss for letting dogs on the premises or you try to kick them out and get bitched at for "trampling their rights".
why doesn't your boss kick them out themselves?
So just tell your boss its a servicr animal fuck him

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