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can we have a wolf thread...pls
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how do you do fellow wolves
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Depends. Is it gonna devolve into zoophile talk?
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Finally, a chance to use my wolf folder
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why does he look at me like that?
Is there any good documentary of how wolves would terrorize Europe in the middle ages?
the answer, two posts.
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he's looking at your numbas
You already know the answer, anon.
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I just want to see cute & cool wolf pics and not have the thread derails by zoophile discussion
Seconding this
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Having one of these guys come up on me out in the woods would give me a heart attack
Checked quads and dubs
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All wolf chuds are autistic loners with terrible breath and acne.
No way! Gmork!
Wolves have been sighted in my region for the first time in more than a hundred years.
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Wolf and fox is the best ship.
That does not look like a gesture for hi. But it is often used with a word that sounds similar amongst "Werwolf" enthusiasts...
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Why ship a Wolf with a lesser animal like a Fox? There are more suitable ships out there. My money is on the Cheetos
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Their penis.
wolf fox duo is iconic
wolf cheeto is just gay
He's not gonna fuck you
eyo dis bitch makes out wit wolves
You mean how they used to knot the women and the children while all the men were out working?
This didn’t take long lmao
Both are gay, duh
I didn't get it in that thread you're referring to and I still don't get it. There's literally nothing remarkable about that part of them.
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post and talk about wolves (non-sexualy) pls
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It can smell your repeating digits.
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That’s a husky, not a wolf. Sorry.

Most “wolves” you see in pictures are just husky/german shepherd designer dogs with minimal wolf DNA. Dogs are not even the same subspecies of wolf as modern wolves. It shows.
"shipping" animals is bad altogether
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Wolves live in trees?
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There's an injured deer 1250 meters to the south south-west
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Via mail? Yeah I agree that sounds uncomfortable.
>This shirt is very popular with wolves aged 12 to 16 who pretend to be loners but are still in the pack depending on the alphas for dinner
I had no idea these things were such snitches…
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why are they so cute?
I saw a wolf for the first time last December and it was HUGE. I thought these things were only slightly larger than dogs but they were much more massive than I imagined.

Now I'm not sure how a grown wolf vs a grown lion would go.
Have you ever seen a lion? A wolf wouldn't stand a chance
Man only just saw a wolf and now you're asking if he's seen a lion? You're expecting a lot from the guy
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Male shipping is uncomfortable, desu.
I’ve seen neither of those things myself
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this fucking bitch is everywhere
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I love her (but she's not a wolf, she's a fancy husky)

100% wolf = wolf
Dog admixture = fancy husky
pic goes hard connotations aside
UAV recon online
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Too late, her caws alerted others
One of the videos I watched about this said that when it's time for the ravens to eat the wolves will back off and chase anyone else away who tries to interfere with the ravens
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Same energy
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ohh, cute, Cute!
The fox tops
connotations especially
I’d love to see that verified cus it’s very cool
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or Maws?
if I were to fight a wolf how hard and fast could it's jaw rip my arm off? I would try to punch its head with an unbitten arm but chances are the fucker would be able to bite again after ripping the first arm off
Fucking shit I forget how big they are sometimes
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consume the fluff
i don't have enough wolf pictures but here's a fluffy evolved wolf cousin
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same vibes
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fluffy cousin
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anybody here?
My first thought as well.
Man, I think I should have been a bit older before I saw that horse drowning.
If you talk to some people in Austria or Italy they unironically want the wolf to go extinct.

What? 20 wolves? In my country???????

I'd rather want humans to disappear.
I've run into them in the BWCA and in Voyagers several times. I don't think I've ever been afraid.

Once when camping on Namakan Island in Voyageurs, I woke up before dawn to 2 large light colored wolves in camp. I got a huge adrenaline rush, but I was more afraid to scare them off than I was afraid that they were there. I did startle them and they ran off doing the bark-howl after about 10 minutes.
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I don't have enough wolf pics but I have this. I love this image so fucking much.
make austrians/italians go extinct
I've seen some videos or stuff going around the web with wolves not being scared or not getting too territorial with human women. Is it true or is it just bs?
Aren't most wolf subspecies dog sized? I thought only huge ones are North American grey wolves and maybe some northern Eurasian wolves.
If a full big-sized wolf is huge imagine a lion. Hell, a tiger, even. I think tigers are overall worse killing machine than lions. Not saying lions ain't strong, but lions attack in prides. Tigers just go all out by theirselves, as solitary hunters. My father used to tell me that he used to work in the fields doing some guarding jobs and that he and his mates were once chased by a puma/cougar. These guys are BIIIIG.
Like >>4786088 picrel.
more like HEIL!
>I've seen some videos or stuff going around the web with wolves not being scared or not getting too territorial with human women

>Why are the animals that use body language for 90% of their communication not afraid of the scrawny humans that act like prey?
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>implying most men nowadays look macho and dominant
The ones who go on nature hikes where they might run into wolves, do.
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more wolves pls
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he so real for this
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>I've seen some videos or stuff going around the web with wolves not being scared or not getting too territorial with human women. Is it true or is it just bs?
Dunno, I'm not a foid. IMO, Wolves are smart, they probably know that foids are less immediately dangerous. But I think that a lot of that might be that a foid has habituated the wolves in an area to humans and so the wolves are more used to a foid.
bro is comfy to the extreme
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That's absolutely amazing.
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Is he okay?
So they can offer themselves as a better replacement to h*man w*men
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what if im gay tho?
we got another one!
Where do you think we are?
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Inside you there are two wolves
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one is gay, the other one is also gay
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how do foxes get away with it bros
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should i put that pic in my fox or wolf folder?
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I don't want any wolves, huskys or so called "wolfdogs" to EVER open up their mouths unasked for me to hear their "awoo". NO "AWOO" period
By being sluts.
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I just keep dumping & bumping
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Bros why can’t I just skip dogs and get a pet wolf
Because they see you as dinner
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The better question to ask is why cats are nigh-undifferentiable from the animal they were domesticated from (African Wildcat) but dogs (usually ugly as hell) look next to nothing like wolves (some of the most beautiful creatures to grace this green earth). It's outrageous, it's unfair.
>cats are nigh-undifferentiable from the animal they were domesticated from

munchkins and sphynxes and persians would like a word

it's way less prevalent in cats because before the industrial revolution nobody "owned" a cat or kept one in their house, breeding cats for looks or temperament was almost non existent before that point and only mentally ill weirdos kept cats

meanwhile canines have had actual uses and been at mankinds side since we were still hunter-gatherers
>munchkins and sphynxes and persians would like a word
that’s three breeds out of dozens if not hundreds
dogs still look way more different on average from wolves
>and been at mankinds side since we were still hunter-gatherers
i mean, so have cats
cats didnt show up until people became farmers because they were attracted to the rats that ate grains
pretty sure we have an example of some era of hunter-gatherer grave found buried with a cat skeleton on Malta I believe but I can’t find it so maybe
You have excellent teeth, sir.
I will have you know, I save every image ITT. Thank you for your hard work
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more maws for you sir
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I'll keep dumping
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i wish i wasnt the only one dumping his wolf folder.
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because white people are genetically predisposed to have good emotions toward dogs because they've been very helpful to us as a species
we see them as cute, endearing and other such things that stop us from slaughtering them in the way east asian/african species of humans regularly do
wolves look very similar to dogs and also arent particularly dangerous to humans, so many of those genetically encoded responses also apply to wolves
The Wolf is female and the Husky is male.
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Reminds me of ARMA.
>Contact… Deer… 200 Meters… Southeast
>This is… Alpha… Taking Command

I work for the postal service and we send literally thousands of baby chickens through the mail every day at my facility (I’m waiting to clock out now). We also do fish, lizards, bees, lizards, and I once had to handle a fully grown rooster.
based ancient gemmy waifu poster :)
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Wolfsissies, our bvll is visiting our viridian halls again....
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Whats the saying? Youre inside of two wolves?
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im running out of images
Thank you for your service
How complex are the vocalizations of Wolves?
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one of you guys pls dump your wolf folder, i beg you
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the NY wolf social media page has a ton if you need.
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ah thx. any other websites or online places that have lotsa wolf images?
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Not for images.
Outside of The wolf sanctuary on youtube I watch Harvey and Kane, it is a really cute channel about a husky and a wolf. I highly recommend it.
What is that 1/2 wolf?
Why would that be the saying
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anon pls
What is the reason behind wolves having noticeably smaller penises than comparable sized dogs?
whatchu laughin at punk
One of them is a pure husky
The other is 98% wolf
My bad. Did you get it through inspect?
Aesthetic, wherever you got that form moar!
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never found the source
i allready had the image saved but i forgot where
Looks like a swiss shepherd.

It's just a husky

>/wolf/ - husky pictures
Yeah like half the photos itt are purebred huskies or f1/f2 husky-wolf mixes
There's hardly any difference between a normal (non-showline) husky and an f2 husky/wolf mix but people still call them wolves kek
They even mistake purebred non-showline huskies for wolves just because they aren't as poofy, not as dumb looking, and are slightly larger, and in most peoples minds that's what separates huskies from wolves but if you pay attention to jaw structure and the slope of the skull you can spot the husky every time. Dogs descend from an entirely different wolf species that is now extinct. They are wolves, but not the same timberwolves and giant yotes you're used to. They're closer to the recently extinct honshu wolf and dingo (a paleolithic dog population that was hardly domesticated and reverted back to its original wild state)
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RWARRRR This thread needs more Wolves!!!
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only white wolfs will get the big sniff
so trve
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Theres something erotic to this photo
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Anon pls
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Wolves are so majestic, no wonder white women love them so much.
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they like human men too
How long do you think it'd take to reinvent huskoids from wolf breeding so they'd stay big?
Why would you want them to be so big anon
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i wish i was this wolf rn, soooo sleepy
wolves can maul you, so humans (SHIT casuals, skill issue) dumbed them down so they can handle them via selective breeding
little cats cant directly hurt you much so humanity didnt need to make them worse (outside of stuff like sphinx cats which are the result of some people having allergies (shit casuals))
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>wolves can maul you
mmmmh imagine mauling a human
Because I want to lie on a fluffy friendly creature and bears aren't domesticable.
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i wonder how it would feel to cuddel with a wolf
one more for the count!
They stink
Dogs dont descend from these new age wolves. The original pre-dog wolf probably looked like a large brown husky or a dingo with a stocky build and a derpier face than our contemporary wolves. It also might have been naturally friendly, like the falklands islands wolves, because despite wolves and humans reaching all corners of the globe all dogs descend from the same north asian population.
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conceptualize the aroma
how do we feel about this
should they have gotten the crepes
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Ah, well, that makes me feel somewhat better. At least there's some dogs that look like those new age wolves like Tamaskans out there. Thanks for the info anon.
>mom can we have a wolf?
>we have a wolf at home
>wolf at home:

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