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R: 324 / I: 59
/btg/ BattleTech General: The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/! Hatamoto-chi edition Last Thread: >>95215078 ================================ >BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs http://bg.battletech.com/?page_id=400 >Overview of the major factions http://bg.battletech.com/universe/great-houses/ http://bg.battletech.com/universe/the-clans/ http://bg.battletech.com/universe/other-powers/ >Sarna.net - BattleTech Wiki http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Main_Page >Who uses what 'Mechs? http://masterunitlist.info/ >Xotl's Faction Random Access Tables (June 2021 update) https://tinyurl<dot>com/fejwk5f2 Unit Design Software Options >SSW Mech Designer http://www.solarisskunkwerks.com/ >SSW GitHub Updates https://github.com/Solaris-Skunk-Werks >MegaMek Lab http://megamek.info/ >Megamek - computer version of BT. Play with AI or other players http://megamek.info/ >How to do Against the Bot? (updated 2-20-2022) https://www.mediafire.com/file/l5mqjydrgndnndu/Against_the_Bot_v4.pdf/file (Current 3.21 rule set included in mekhq package) http://bg.battletech.com/forums/index.php?topic=56065.0 http://pastebin.com/pE2f7TR5 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/rkg2sl5ybr24k/Battletech_Portrait_Pack >Rookie guides https://tinyurl<dot>com/ydtr589e http://pastebin.com/HZvGKuGx >BattleTech IRC #battletech on irc.rizon.net >PDF Folders https://www.mediafire.com/folder/sdckg6j645z4j/Battletech https://www.mediafire.com/folder/cj0tjpn9b3n1i/Battletech https://www.mediafire.com/folder/tw2m414o1j9uj/Battletech_Archives rebrand ly / BTmags rebrand ly / BTdrop rebr@nd(Dot)ly CranstonSnordDropBox rebr@nd(Dot)ly CranstonSnord rebr@nd(Dot)ly CranstonLogFiles >2018 to 2020 Battletech PDFs & E-Books https://tinyurl com/2p8p7cew >/btg/’s own image board: http://bgb.booru.org/index.php >More goodies! Updated 2020-05-17 http://pastebin.com/uFwvhVhE >Most Wanted PDFs & Epubs https://pastebin.com/tYpNtHQ9

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