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R: 237 / I: 104
/cyoar/ Choose Your Own Adventure Refugee Threaf: CYOA Refugee Thread - A thread for posting any and all CYOAs unpostable in /tg/'s /cyoag/ (and occasionally ones that aren't). >Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73438375 >Alternative link: https://archived.moe/trash/thread/73438375 >Other threads: https://boards.4chan.org/search#/cyoag >/cyoag/'s CYOA archives and related resources: https://rentry.co/cyoag Includes - but is not limited to - a F.A.Q. section and the personal archives of a number of authors. https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3 An extensive Allsync archive that has both SFW and NSFW CYOAs. https://infaera.neocities.org/ Interactives list. If you're looking for a specific CYOA, it's suggested that you check those first. And remember: Postnumbers aren't for rolling. If the CYOA calls for rolling of any sort (or you just feel like leaving something up to fate), use random.org (or physical dice, or something else that isn't your postnumber) to generate the number, and write it in the post with the rest of your build. In short: Do the rolling before you post, instead of observing the post number you get.

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