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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

Displaying 259 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
20499540Product Review - HEB Burnt Ends: Good evening ladies and gentleman and welcome to a Thursday night p…[View]
20501800Humanity has never had as great access to vegetables and raw meat: We literally all have to keys to …[View]
20499637scran?: just got a cheeky potato cake to go with my durry down at the servo what are you cunts havin…[View]
20499783Cilantro: I just like it. I would put it in salads too.[View]
20500871Meal deal: Whats your favourite meal deal?[View]
20498959Hmm. Which would you get?[View]
20499411Boston Market vs Red Lobster: Which chain is going to shut down all locations first?[View]
20501947My mummy made some Flapjack that's really nice. Much better than shop stuff.[View]
20495311You should really try Katz’s before you die.[View]
20501148>be me >come home hungry >prepare food >toss it in the oven >food is cold >oven i…[View]
20498320I don't know. Fruit sandwiches? Would you try these?[View]
20499516I have some butternut pumpkin peices on low heat in some water. What do I add to make butternut pump…[View]
20499037Why didn't anyone tell me about ceramic pans? I bought one 'cos they looked pretty. Turns …[View]
20484621What would a medieval diet had looked like? What were the staples of breakfast, luncheon, and dinner…[View]
20500824are Dualit toasters worth it or are they just a meme?[View]
20499636Today I made 4 jars. Two of kraut, one of kraut using curly leaf cabbage, and one of onion. Now her…[View]
20497481Got myself a popcorn maker. How do I make the popcorn tastier? Was gifted Flavacol because they said…[View]
20501090Not my problem[View]
20501549Anyone else like their dimmies deep fried? Dimmies thread.[View]
20500749Ahh... now this is a pleasant breakfast. Or brunch. Whatever.[View]
20498139McDonald's Will Make You Fat: >they serve big macs >they serve quarter pounders >they …[View]
20497892First time making a pizza. No pizza stone. No pizza oven. How’d i do?[View]
20498528Unconventional 'za toppings: I once had a pizza with pen penne pasta, shit was so cash[View]
20501496Fuck bread and butter pickles: This shit is the spawn of Satan[View]
20496689If you like pureed soups, you have the palette of a newborn baby and need to develop more refined ta…[View]
20496459>ahhhh that first sip of the day[View]
20497907Could this be...le best frozen pizza?!?[View]
20500585>went to an indian restuarant yesterday >food soaked in spices, then slathered in spices, then…[View]
20501264Carl's Jr. betrayed us all: Carl's Jr. used to be my go to. The famous star was always a p…[View]
20500810Dumpling Filling Ideas: I love making dumplings on the fly since the dough doesn't need time to…[View]
20499941Holy shit: These are the best cookies I have ever had in my entire life[View]
20497920I mean... I don't know[View]
20500233Nothing like a lasagne to end the week[View]
20495804>buys soap from an old timey store >has a familiar scent and taste >finally realize what it…[View]
20497791The world's best chef is coming for dinner: What will you cook for Him?[View]
20500787Why are people who like pizzas, burgers and hot dogs considered immature? They're the perfect f…[View]
20498261Foreign chip flavors you like to try?: Was just at an Asian market and found these. I wonder if they…[View]
20499310could this be.. el best burger???[View]
20498340This tastes like a liquid orange Tic Tac.: But not in a bad way.[View]
20498062I want to recreate this scene. What beans and recipe did he use?[View]
20498338ITT: faux-thentic foods: What are the weirdest examples you've seen of '''authentic''' food fro…[View]
20499223>be me >eating a jersey mike's sub >be you >not eating a jersy mike's sub how …[View]
20499490hello /ck/, bakelet here i'm meaning to make some foccacia and have a 10x14' pan, but the recip…[View]
20496243What am I doing wrong when I cook steaks in a cast iron? Whenever I heat the pan up enough to achiev…[View]
20495631Gyro Meat Diet: I went on a diet, starting in December 2023. It is now May 2024. I went from 240 pou…[View]
20491009Red Lobster Holocaust: it's fucking over, crying right now. It's not fair, we live in such…[View]
20500529raw chicken meat with raw egg (left)and kirin classic lager beer[View]
20497647I wish freeze drying was not prohibitively expensive. Freeze dried spaghetti packs would be amazing.…[View]
20495615Are DEENZ /ck/ approved?[View]
20498025Why do I sense butter inside my head hours after consumption?: I eat a lot of dairy products daily w…[View]
20500359Tombstone Four Meat Pizza Review: Hey pizza pals, today I'm gonna be eating Tombstone's 4 …[View]
20499308landlocked citizen here, now that Long John Silvers is closing, what are my alternatives for fried f…[View]
20500595breakfast of champions[View]
20496746Do you like pickles? I really, really like pickles. Any veg pickled really.[View]
20498662Have you ever had a James Beard onion sandwich? I just made one, its all I want to eat now (maybe i …[View]
20500445Sloppa thread. Me rn: >slow cooked lima beans and smoked sausage >breakfast sausages >two o…[View]
20499996>Mexicans make better pasta than Italians Heh nothing personal[View]
20495466My bf made for my birthday[View]
20498583Why does bong food get a bad rap? >some of the best chefs and restaurants in the world are locat…[View]
20498215Guess what I Just got for dinner /ck/[View]
20500132I wish she was my wife...[View]
20487043Simply the best grocery store: Winco has to be the best grocery store. High quality items and very b…[View]
20492726Is this rude? I can't stand restaurants and being in public in general. Parents are wanting me …[View]
20500013>Went to Greek buffet and tried almost everything >Kept eating the pasta salad Idk what was in…[View]
20498547These were easy to make and delicious, why dont they make these anymore?[View]
20498316that's kinda gross[View]
20498733Remember these? One of the best things about American school systems is the food.[View]
20500057That friend who announces which foods he thinks are GROSS and DISGUSTING after someone orders.[View]
20497071Why do Canadians masturbate to this stuff? Do they not realize that it's a majority Brazillian-…[View]
20495224Guess what im getting before dinner /ck/[View]
20492819End of an era[View]
20498875how do I cook veal?: when to my locals store and found some baby cow for dirt cheap. how do I cook i…[View]
20499027name a better snack[View]
20496222I want to live the good life of drinking Negronis, Manhattans, and Old Fashions.[View]
20498113Have you been doing this yet this year?[View]
20499684>'Wow, haha this resort designed for Westerners and the super rich of the country is good what a …[View]
20494889I have $100 to get me through the next two weeks of groceries. What do I buy? I am gonna go with pas…[View]
20493820What can I add to beans and rice to make me feel less poor?[View]
20494938time for my 300th tofu sandwich[View]
20498930Sourdough NEVER proves right: Anons, I've been making bread for almost a year now. Mostly with …[View]
20495558Lunch thread? Also glass is back 40oz bros[View]
20496347>mogs all other cereal[View]
20497187Thin & Crispy Crust Great Value Pepperoni Pizza: Hey Pizza shoppers, I got that Walmart 'za…[View]
20498420Rate my lunch[View]
20498882> Tarte Tatin and (real) vanilla icecream Name a better combo[View]
20498983Omelette recipes: What are your favorites? I'm currently going through an 18-pack of eggs, 2 eg…[View]
20498781creamheads? we lost...[View]
20497142I live every day with a crisp, clear, refreshing Pepsi. How about you, /ck/?[View]
20497833Which are you reaching for in your fridge for a late night savory snack ?[View]
20498101ITT we post the most retarded cooking methods, i’ll start: Swedish Torch.[View]
20492417Dinner thread: Feijoada: Beans have been soaked[View]
20494778Name a better appetizer than Olive Garden's Italian Sampler. Go on, I'm waiting.[View]
20498894rate my arroz veracruzano: -rice -tomato soup -peas -chopped carrots -chile jalapeño My wife is from…[View]
20497758am i wrong to be happy and satisfied with this (+ some herbs) (- the seeds, i don't know what t…[View]
20495386Bought some cardamom for a one off recipe. What's some stuff I can do with the rest of it?[View]
20498711Chop suey versus Chow Mein: The difference is so arbitrary. What gives?[View]
20498895this looks more unhealthy than the double down yet i don't see anyone starting petitions to get…[View]
20495511Cooked spinach tastes like paper clips[View]
20498118What's your best recipe for chilli and sea bass?[View]
20495524>And you call it grilled cheese, despite the fact that they are obviously toasted…[View]
20497350What am I missing about covfefe? I'm 32 and it's always been a jittery disgusting burnt b…[View]
20496762HOLY SHIT: Zaxby's releases the MrBeast Box https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2024/05/1…[View]
20494836Pouring one out tonight.. RIP John...[View]
20495777for me, it's Molson Export, the best refreshing beer.[View]
20495597Affogato: Why didn't you asswipes told me about affogati?[View]
20494926OH NO NO NO[View]
20491968Absinthe: So what's the deal with this stuff? Hemming way kept talking about it so I'm kin…[View]
20487983I am going to say what's on everyone's mind.: Unsweetened tea tastes absolutely horrid. Y…[View]
20487973EN GARDE: choose your weaon[View]
20493041How bad is processed bread for you?[View]
20497292I cooked this break today. 2nd time cooking bread.[View]
20498151There isn't enough variety of food on this Earth, take away Garlic, onion, and Potatoes and you…[View]
20498371Are meals ready to eat healthy? I live alone, although I can cook most days I find myself to lazy to…[View]
20495119Best item they ever did. Always and forever.[View]
20475966Food gore thread[View]
20495453>A big plate of vodka sauce gets a slathering of vodka sauce, pesto sauce, and hot honey before i…[View]
20495102I've been vegetarian pretty much my whole life but I've been trying seafoods for the first…[View]
20497964Is it always necessary to toast a sandwich like this?[View]
20495771Imagine liking this shitty overpriced reddit fruit[View]
20492353I just bought all of this for $40[View]
20497273>told a girl I could cook >been talking to her 3 months >only ever been out to dinner >s…[View]
20495787if u had to cook one dish for ur mommys bday what would it bee like ur actual mama[View]
20494490Carbs need to go: Carbohydrates should be banned. Not only should they be banned, but also made ille…[View]
20494650Radler is the perfect softdrink for a hot day and I am tired of pretending it isn't.[View]
20494679>keep hearing about how nonstick pans are shit and how you should just get stainless steel or cas…[View]
20495697What could be better than three pina coladas?[View]
20496597The dinner. Chickpea burritos with cheddar, bacon bits, and chili spice mix. Baked until crunchy. Ke…[View]
20497855being a calorie counting loser.: anyone else not care at all about calories or how many grams of wha…[View]
20489146Question?: Suppose that I am King of a small country. What's the cost of running and maintainin…[View]
20497828>local kebab shop up for sale in my small town >the town is genuinely upset As much as I like …[View]
20494733>work graveyard shift all night >want a burger >fast food places are all fully committed to…[View]
20494099What is worse, airplane food, hospital food or British food?[View]
20489379Why does /ck/ praise this beer so much?[View]
20497703Is coffee good for you, but bad for your teeth? should I just switch to tea?[View]
20495047Are hotdogs a sandwich?[View]
20492796new Philadelphia mog just dropped: Come home, white man[View]
20492780Press F[View]
20491435I ate this little fella: tastes like pork and chicken at the same time any weird animals from your c…[View]
20497549I am SO depressed I didn’t learn to cook earlier. I spent my entire life eating garbage, plastic, mi…[View]
20495585Bakbak gilling gilling[View]
20495647How can I make a good buttery dough for a pie or pizza without a food processor?[View]
20497193STILL can't get regular cranberries year-round: I don't even dry them or make them into di…[View]
20496538What's the best black pudding on the market these days?[View]
20496655How do they make these taste so good at 0 cals? They taste a million times better than powerade zero…[View]
20495688Ranch or bbq sauce?[View]
20489249I hope you didn’t fall for the paleo meme.[View]
20494443el diablo burger from carl's jr[View]
20489052Redpill me on Pop Tarts: I've never had one. I don't know anyone who eats them. They have …[View]
20492086FAST FOOD APPS: got mcdonalds breakfast for the first time in a while and the app took my order from…[View]
20497201for me, it's Casa di Mama, the best pizza.[View]
20497070imjagine eating this good[View]
20494255Choosy transgender moms choose Jif brand peanut butter to feed their human children.[View]
20494519Red Baron Classic Crust Four Cheese Pizza Review: Good morning pizza pros! Today I'm reviewing …[View]
20495408>on diet during the weekdays, very on point >Go out on weekends to restaurants with friends a…[View]
20490659My steaks always come out fine with a nice crust, good color, but it's always a little too toug…[View]
20491548Sea Pineapple: a delicacy in Korea and Japan Tastes like ammonia. Pairs well with sake/soju[View]
20494001Are oranges good for you?[View]
20496869I just used oat milk for the first time instead of regular milk for my daily bulking shake (banana, …[View]
20496570Is it fine if I eat ham that's expired by ONE day? I don't feel like eating ham but I pref…[View]
20490522This weekend, my wife is going out of town so I'm going to treat myself. Once a year or so when…[View]
20494307what are cute drinks that make you poop that arent disgusting prune infested concoctions? >coffe…[View]
20494371How deranged would it be to mix the broth packet with a cup of hot water and drink it as is? Obvious…[View]
20493566Don’t you love it when the lettuce is too big?[View]
20483802mishaps: >juice a bunch of lemons >make a gallon of lemonade in a glass pitcher >immediatel…[View]
20489883Does anyone else think it's odd that hashbrown sauce isn't a thing? Sure, some people put …[View]
20493284Safest way to defrost chicken in the freezer? I heard running it in water but also heard washing chi…[View]
20495835sometimes you just need to make a breadgrub[View]
20483955Is it worth becoming a baker? Is it a good trade? What is it like to work in a bakery?[View]
20489407Fastest way to get diarrhea?[View]
20489229I have 1 (one) KILO of tripe. What dishes should I make considering the fact that I've never tr…[View]
20495851Who has worse food, india or mexico? Both give you the shits, both are basically just slop, but whic…[View]
20492269How'd I do?[View]
20487215Do you into shellfish?[View]
20495064The heat from the rice cooker the egg[View]
20491468Non-Midwesterners will never know this glory.[View]
20496432This could be called 'Amerifat'. It is fat from America, ain't it?[View]
20496073>Eats a medium rare steak >Tastes like it already got bbq sauce on it I don't understand …[View]
20496224>ewww i don't eat pineapple on pizza it's so gross!1!!1! but you'll eat ass, you…[View]
20494731Can't wait to grill up a fresh cicada dog once they start emerging later this month![View]
20492873Spaghetti is unnecessarily challenging to eat. Just stick to the classics: penne, fusilli, etc.[View]
20496169tfw meat is just muscles[View]
20493701>tastes like depression[View]
20496140Serious: Why doesn't ham or like.. bologna turn white when you cook it like other pink meats? O…[View]
20495997The Great Debate[View]
20488797Why The French Love American Fast Food: I just realized most of the fast food threads on /ck/ are be…[View]
20476748Attention: Caruba/Elderflowerbros: >Nwe summer flavor just dropped We are fuckin back bitches!…[View]
20494845Garlic Salt General: Garlic salt is just garlic powder and salt.[View]
20491579Would you eat my pasta carbonara?[View]
20494208Quiznos was far superior to Subway, so why did I stop going to Quiznos?[View]
20493480What went wrong?[View]
20492625You Jelly? Mexican ass chicken.[View]
20491102BBQ Ideas: I am going to host a BBQ for my birthday. So far I am making: Chicken wings (Buffalo, cur…[View]
20494023I'm making meringues for Eton mess tomorrow. Your mission, since you obviously choose to accept…[View]
20493406STOP: You now have a whole raw chicken How are you going to cook and season it to impress a woman?…[View]
20491684>burger is unseasoned, overcooked, and has a tendency to fall apart >fries are soggy, not cri…[View]
20491954Post fun food fact's Ritter Sport bars are called such because they are shaped to fit into the…[View]
20494598Have you ever done any steak challenges?: Why, why not?[View]
20493570Please pass the Polaner All Fruit[View]
20495040It is completely and utterly joever[View]
20490887For me, it's the la frog.[View]
20488843Does Wisconsin really have the best cheese in America?[View]
20494813Has anyone ever gone to a Chinese restaurant alone?[View]
20494185Lads, I'm starving. I have leftover rotisserie chicken, instant noodles, garlic, onion, tomatoe…[View]
20492849Made arroz rojo for the first time. How did I do?[View]
20493902Discount store stocked some dehydrated sea cucumbers. I'm curious. How does one go about using …[View]
20490664Need more fiber: Idk what other board I can make this thread in. I have IBS-D and I have to follow a…[View]
20490372I want to try my hand at making homemade ramen. What are some tips or good recipes you recommend?[View]
20489396Motor City Pizza Co Pepperoni Detroit-Style Deep Dish Pizza: Howdy Pizza Pals, it's time for mo…[View]
20494504anyone read koji alchemy or shockeys' Miso, Tempeh, Natto & Other Tasty Ferments ? how do …[View]
20493505I live every day with a crisp, clear, refreshing Pepsi. How about you, /ck/?[View]
20494479/MSG/: Milk Substitute General Thank you oat milk I can finally enjoy dunking Oreos[View]
20494076gochujang and blueberry cream sauce?: based or fag?[View]
20491857Do you ever just crave a SALAD BAR? I did all weekend… and did something about it![View]
20492005CHUP GANG[View]
20491415Industry Plant or just good genetics? How can you eat this much mcslop and still look good?[View]
20492591Cereal General: Do you like cereal, /ck/? What's your favourite? Do you have a cereal shelf? Le…[View]
20473579It’s sandwich time[View]
20493866im looking for low calorie high protein meals. summer is around the corner and im sick of doing chic…[View]
20491870Does anyone else find it disgusting this black slop and Sprite is the only non-alcoholic drink they …[View]
20493430I cant stop drinking this its so good[View]
20494005Dinner sorted.[View]
20491462They served me chili on a plate: They served me chili on a plate[View]
20488757Any Shochu drinker here: Shochu is a Japanese distilled liquor. It can be made from many different i…[View]
20491600What food can I eat to make aches and pains go away? Asking for a friend. The friend is me. Breakfas…[View]
20492673crazy to think that i could afford mcdonald’s as a middle school compared to being and adult today[View]
20494043>yea bro just brine your pork Tastes like fucking ham wtf is wrong with people?…[View]
2049341615th May 2024 is the 84th bday of the greatest achievement in the history of American cuisine[View]
20493187I've finally lost all the weight I put on last year, but I've reached the point where I st…[View]
20493703Is tihs a decent price for wings? Never been to a wing place before.[View]
20484946Ham Helper: is it GOATed? I decided to go quick and easy for this week's lunches and made me a …[View]
20492180New Dr. Pepper dropped, need it or keep it?[View]
20494198Waffle maker: I want to buy a waffle maker but can't really tell the difference between these. …[View]
20491750Which is the superior Costco item?[View]
20490817>try to cook a steak for the first time >sear it on the pan, both sides for 3 minutes >nice…[View]
20486490Objectively the worst vegetable.[View]
20493464Pie or cake?[View]
20487758Got this steak The fuck am I looking at here?[View]
2049082110 years ago I went into any grocery store in America and I could get a parsnip. I've been to o…[View]
20488930in china you can order food from restaurants in the stations along the way and they'll deliver …[View]
20493413i made meatballs again[View]
20492099Is it just me, or is there no way to prepare lamb so it doesn't taste fucking foul? Why do peop…[View]
20493672>not lactose intolerant >somehow got the braps after accidentally eating lactose-free yogurt i…[View]
20493945I know cereal is typically shitty for you, but thoughts on these?[View]
20493860Wendy's Double Stack: Wendy's Double Stack[View]
20464291/ctg/ Coffee Time General: Thread for discussing coffee and coffee adjacent topics Merchant fildžan …[View]
20493816>Pizza Hut is getting into the burger business >Pizza Hut has introduced the Cheeseburger Melt…[View]
20492030Where were you when you learned you would never eat a Cheddar Bay biscuit ever again?: >Dozens of…[View]
20490782Has anyone had this flavor? I haven’t seen this one anywhere. I’m in PA[View]
20490958Will European pizza survive the onslaught of the simpler American pepperoni and cheese pizzas as Ame…[View]
20492535Want some MEAT at your salad place[View]
20493559oh my gosh what have I done oh no[View]
20485609So it says 30g for ever 200ml? Is this right? Seems like a miss print. 15g seems like alot.[View]
20488375What toppings am I supposed to put on this big boy ?[View]
20493273for me, it's Casa di Mama: Bacon, the best frozen pizza.[View]
20491798I think cuckoo products have a really charming product design style. too bad about the brand name th…[View]

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