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/g/ - Technology

Displaying 795 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
100532691Western Digital has release 6TB hard drive: 2.5' Western Digital SMR tech drive at 6TBs it now bigge…[View]
100534503Does anyone still use Gentoo? I don't understand why there are still people using this distro.[View]
100535395New Tesla just dropped: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlwruu0a-ZQ[View]
100533036Im reading a manga and this came up but idk how a bunch of 1s and zeros can make me upload a photo o…[View]
100533833/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100534398How can I safely play games with a kernel level anti cheat? Can I just install it on an external har…[View]
100529812Ancient geeks designed this.[View]
100530223What are some good resources on learning to optimzie code?[View]
100534220should i fall for the memes?[View]
100534454Today i learned that hate against jobs being outsourced to Indians is just impotent rage[View]
100508554/dg/ - Display General: A thread for discussing and sharing advice related to display panels. Comput…[View]
100501577/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread: Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux…[View]
100511241/de3/ - DALL-E 3 General: Fully loaded edition Prev: >>100494841 >What is DALL-E 3? You typ…[View]
100530686If the leader of team green is telling me not to code if I'm just starting, should I listen?[View]
100529745How do I make money from spam? Spam what?[View]
100534857ChatGPT or Claude?: To help learn programming and for a general PA what would you use?[View]
100534847The Coolest Conversation I've had with The Construct: It's an inspiring read and it sort o…[View]
100522569AV1 and the future of 4K 4chan: Is there a good reason why we cannot post AV1 in WebM on 4chan board…[View]
100534685Why the fuck does drive C take so many storage despite the program files folders being only 15-20 gb…[View]
100507465ITT we describe programming languages with a few words: Describe a programming language with a few w…[View]
100533562kotlin: >clean, concise syntax >amazingly productive >leverages decades of jvm libraries, f…[View]
100534586The AI crash is going to be brutal.: Get ready.[View]
100530721how hard is it to become a pedophile hunter hacker?: like ryan Montgomery and others, im a decent so…[View]
100528729why is linux held back so much on desktop? is there just no money in making it user friendly? seems…[View]
100533627Every time i try to discuss tech on this board my IQ drops by -20 points. I feel numb from all the d…[View]
100524761Failed Tech: Post tech stuff that failed miserably. I will start with: > Apple Vision Pro…[View]
100531746Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100528462 >Beginner UI local install Fooocus: https://github.com/…[View]
100533700Does anyone else have issues with the 'is2.4chan.org' domain. There will typically be a couple secon…[View]
100511365It is absolutely the most based framework but I'm convinced it will never become widely adopted…[View]
100534080UP3218K: >released in 2017 >still the only commercially available 8K monitor in the world…[View]
100532658tominecon.7z: minecraft file can someone crack it file on reddit[View]
100523738Why do normalfags go insane if you say anything bad about 'AI'?: I notice that if you post any AI-cr…[View]
100533792Help me steal a pixel phone.: Im so fucking poor and nobody is hiring. Literally it’s so fucking har…[View]
100532706I'm tired of AMD, ARM, and Intel gayness.: Let's talk about 68K and how it's still th…[View]
100532147Good cheap phone?: Is there any good budget phone that doesn't scam you with a bottleneck on th…[View]
100533406This is why I only use proprietary software: it just works[View]
100531368>tfw no qt3.14 gf to assemble my gamer PC feels bad man...[View]
100531286How many of you faggots are on suicide watch right now?[View]
100504091ITT: things that are filtering you[View]
100532421Apple Silicon MacBooks are peak laptop design and you can't convince me otherwise[View]
100533580Facebook Marketplace has some gems. Seller's 'friend' built it for $1400[View]
100533560A Career in IT?: Anon bros, I want to get started with a career in IT. Not coding/software dev mind …[View]
100532152Why should I use linux?[View]
100531501CPU coolers: What is the best CPU cooling solution for a personal computer. I use a noctua NH-D15 an…[View]
100528057how do you even stay motivated to build software when computers and software are actively being used…[View]
100514424And to think I was just about to buy a Samsung piece of shit. Nope, one iPad Air 13 without all the…[View]
100521694Rust will never be used in real-time robotics: Guess what, branching every time you read or write me…[View]
100525330/wsg/ - Web Scraping General: Web Scraping General Blackhat edition eternal pt 5 QOTD: What data cou…[View]
100522019why is eink is so fucking expensive[View]
100530651Evil that resulted from technology: ITT we discuss what are the worst shit recent technology has bro…[View]
100524240Putting new components in non-modular hardware needs to become a more popular niche. Things are fast…[View]
100529001I signed up for a cyber security boot camp through my local 4 year university. What am I in for? Sho…[View]
100532541>trying to do some linux tech related thing >follow the instructions perfectly >It doesn…[View]
100531512>Can't use Kuroba because the Cloudflare check craps itself >Can't use that other mo…[View]
100529152bloat and slowness is good. it allows you to think about what you're going to do before you do …[View]
100529256>You can still safely connect to the internet on old OS's, you just need common sen-ACK! htt…[View]
100531476what ever happened to this? i thought it was supposed to replace all of us? uhhh ai bros??[View]
100532742hey /g/, /v/isitor here. I'm looking in to a new build. I made a really solid build back in 2…[View]
100529880Feels good joining the superior intellectual computing experience[View]
100529558How is it legal for a company to brick my old peripherals that still work perfectly good? Why the fu…[View]
100532317Youtube as audio/podcast app on iOS?: There are lots of academic talks and interviews on Youtube tha…[View]
100530519I finally took the surface go 2 pill[View]
100530857Whats going on? How come I can't use twitter properly anymore on firefox?[View]
100528323my heart did thump when I saw the pink iPad I am totally straight tho WHAT IS GOING ON???[View]
100530046Personal project/website thread: Are you working on something anon? I'm working on my website i…[View]
100530671which one, /g/?[View]
100530326Since my new job requires me to work with nix-shell and I haven't touched anything but Ubuntu, …[View]
100516452Watches Bitch: I found a cool watch[View]
100511521Winamp releasing its source code: What are we going to do with the source code? https://about.winamp…[View]
100527947When will they invent Contact lens cameras?: Considering police is fucking useless and are always th…[View]
100527416Pro tip[View]
100530812/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100528986Snaps fucking suck: Three months and Ubuntu hasn't fixed the lack of native notifications on th…[View]
100529776>Use a laptop for years >Getting sick of it >Want desktop for a larger screen and because I…[View]
100531757What is wrong with JeetHub: >personal project >'3 stars' >click on it >only two stars li…[View]
100531686Is it worth reading[View]
100527132Feels like being born anew: You should do the same from time to time.[View]
100496187When humanity falls due to relying 100% on AIshit and inceldom, remember this: you tech people cause…[View]
100528462/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100522625 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100531610i trash chiner on here to fit in but the £50 chinkphone i got as a gift has worked flawlessly and is…[View]
100526717Cloudflare block you if you have Lastpass older than >inb4 using lastpass what a shit…[View]
100531116gnome is the standard desktop environment. systemd is the standard init system. wayland is the stand…[View]
100478338/hsg/ - Home Server General: Saddam Hussein edition previous: >>100435970 READ THE WIKI! &…[View]
100527755discuss: In your opinion, what was the biggest next gen leap that consoles had? For me it was with P…[View]
100527637why did they do it bros?[View]
100527756Is there a media player (for Linux) that will remember the playback position of any number of DVD an…[View]
100530553> be me, green as grass junior dev > get dumped with a cursed project from the dark ages > …[View]
100528982AI hype is not going to die down any time soon, is it?[View]
100531208Does anyone know what's up with termux on android 14? I can't run shell scripts without ru…[View]
100530990Cudabros...: ...our response? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCOQmKTFzYY[View]
100524511/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
100526033Can I install Linux without re-installing Windows? Or can I buy a cheap ssd and boot into Linux when…[View]
100518568My very first Gentoo install had its 5th birthday. How old is your install?[View]
100529355Situation Room: The White House Situation Room, the literal organ that the leader of the Free World …[View]
100511978Is there any reason to buy Intel over AMD now? They only promised support through 2025, which is Zen…[View]
100527855>Google can now help you write your 4chan shitposts what are the implications of this…[View]
100521559Why havent you bought the Ultimate Monitor yet?[View]
100527583Two of my juniors so far have had dyslexia. I had assumed that would make programming fairly difficu…[View]
100530192who is he? why do dumb anons suck him off???[View]
100498025/dpt/ - daily programming thread: Previous: >>100461487 What are you working on, /g/?[View]
100508765Are you running an advanced filesystem like ZFS or bcachefs, anons?[View]
100507590Why Linux Users Are Holding Back Technological Progress: Hey /g/ents, let's talk about the elep…[View]
100530073Good /BST/ pics: https://discord.gg/GJxHPAbb[View]
100520020So I just upgraded to Win11. What's the big deal you autists keep crying about? The interface f…[View]
100528518How come nothing else comes close?[View]
100510405Passkeys: Do you use them?[View]
100518792are you gonna curl that?[View]
100526888I figured out how to defeat Intel ME.: Just install a network adapter for which the built-in Minix f…[View]
100528855Give it to me straight, /g/, how overhyped is AI and how many tech jobs is it really gonna replace i…[View]
100529682How the fuck do us normies with social lives, girlfriends and hobbies outside computing manage to co…[View]
100529358Was Windows 95 better than Windows 98?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf1NS1vEhSg[View]
100522075Windows 11: Do you really needs more or less?[View]
100529360when are captcha services going to throw in the towel and accept that captcha is no longer viable be…[View]
100519042Elon and hiroyuki linked up! Need it or keep it??![View]
100525946if the damned 'government' bricks my windows 10 system I will sue them. If they threaten me I will r…[View]
100528672What if I have a rootkit and someone is right now remotely watching me type this post? You ever get …[View]
100528683i would really like to try Dvorak or some other alternative layout like Colemak or Bepo but the idea…[View]
100520295/spg/ - Smartphone General: Pixel Fold edition >What phone has X and Y feature? Don't ask, u…[View]
100527784/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100527253PC Upgrades from pre-built?: I have a pre-built, and its fucking loud. Not overheating, just super …[View]
100524907Why do large language models struggle with basic logic problems?[View]
100527456How can we stop the machines from taking over?: Well /g/?[View]
100527804Somewhere out there, there is a guy spreading thermal paste with a cloth.[View]
100528923so now microsoft is forced to import spies. lmao.[View]
100520096so how do you actually use programming? I get for loops and syntax and all that but what the fuck am…[View]
100524689programming problem of the day[View]
10052774690% of /g/ is too dumb to make either of them[View]
100528773>The one advantage that closed source has over open source is the fact that companies can hire gr…[View]
100528387Smart watches could do more back in the 80s than they can do now. It's over. https://www.youtub…[View]
100526696What's good backup protection against facial ID?: In case I get my mask pulled off.[View]
100512572how does /g/ organize their CD/DVD/BR?[View]
100510807>no display notch >headphone jack >microsd slot Why is Sony the only manufacturer making de…[View]
100521823My Wrist WAtch Collection uwu[View]
100524366i can't code consistently. whenever I hit a certain threshold I just stop and get back in it a …[View]
100500167I know nothing about programming. What programming language should I learn, considering the state of…[View]
100526583Is dithering really that fucking hard?: Why is banding a problem at all?[View]
100523260I'm just as against those trans weirdos as anyone else, but what do you expect me to do about i…[View]
100522625/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100517163 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
1005148922FA: How do we get rid of this data harvesting practice?[View]
100527452Why is the Apple Pencil king of digital pencils? And why are so many draw fags using it?[View]
100526256AWWW WHAT HAPPENED UPDATETROONS? Can't poison my fucking windows 10 pc anymore with forced upda…[View]
100527183PIECE OF SHIT: quite possibly one of the gayest email service I've ever used. I know I'm e…[View]
100516283It's unironically over, X (Twitter) doesn't work with the strict tracking protection setti…[View]
100515183Surveillance iceberg: How deep can you go?[View]
100517204Adapting to/not bottoming out with clicky switches: I mostly use my linear-switch keyboard (Gateron …[View]
100525061I just moved into a nice new apartment. I was excited because I saw what looked like ethernet ports …[View]
100526823So I had the bestworst idea ever.: >buy two of pic related >one is for daily usage >the oth…[View]
100519391Anyone here a filthy data hoarder? If so what kind of data do you hoard, how long have you been doin…[View]
100524846FUCK KEYBOARDS (mouse gang): Using a keyboard sucks. >muh keyboard-centric workflow >muh bindi…[View]
100527226>siliconE valley I detest the valley, I hate the bay, yet when people call it silicone valley it …[View]
100517366GNOME Extensions Thread: Which GNOME Shell Extensions can't you live without? How have you conf…[View]
100526065What are we programming today rust knights?[View]
100524843New Chinese diffusion model from Tencent just dropped. Probably censored but worth checking out. htt…[View]
100517822Winamp source code release what does this mean for technology?[View]
100494004/iemg/ & /pmpg/ - In-Ear Monitor & Portable Music Player General: Guts edition How to reques…[View]
100523807Is (((Cloudflare))) verification currently broken for anyone else? I've had at least three sepa…[View]
100520854What project r u working on right now ?[View]
100526062I just define every function with f = @(x ...) ; in this programming language.[View]
100518018How would I go about getting someone’s Steam account hacked or banned. >that’s petty It’s nothin…[View]
100519483Signal has been compromised, what should we be using instead?[View]
100524649Why is Google so bad at localization?: > browser: sends Accept-Language header > Googleslop: l…[View]
100524755/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots cuddles edition >Ne…[View]
100522960Remember all the anons who didn't manage to hold on: who we have lost along the way and are not…[View]
100521344/g/ is dead.[View]
100502442Technology for cheering up and curing depression?[View]
100522791raw photo, a black fat man, a straw hat, (farmer, dirty clothes:1.1), a field with wheat in the back…[View]
100519128I watched Mr. Robot and want to get into cybersecurity. Is this a good idea? What's the best wa…[View]
100524494why does windows get-childitem sort text differently than linux bash sort? the language and locale i…[View]
100517163/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100512436 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100520965Is it okay for an advanced Linux user to use Ubuntu or Mint?[View]
100525126the next generation of llms will be trained on a dataset widely contaminated by the output of the pr…[View]
100524402This month's AI releases have had the biggest 'holy smokes' factor ever.[View]
100522734The golden age of AI is upon us. Buy any company that even remotely deals with AI.[View]
100521508>use a programming language that is optimized for game development to make a website why was this…[View]
100524482Scraping pages: I can no longer scrape finance.yahoo.com to get a stock's sector and industry f…[View]
100520980What happened to men like this Where are they today[View]
100519798you WILL use Bing, saar[View]
100519488Elon Musk's Grok AI is partnering with 4chan.: Grokbros... Hiroshigook sisters... WE WON!…[View]
100523824Tech Jobs: How the fuck do I begin my job search? Linkedin is just overstaurated and overcompetitive…[View]
100519311try to solve this challenge before 6 months after upload > https%3A%2F%2Ffile%2Eio%2Ff9Q8VhC4yn1W…[View]
100520827Let me guess, you need more?[View]
100516890what makes this OS cause /g/ to seethe uncontrollably?[View]
100520276/pg/ productivity general: share tips and tricks to become a more productive programmer[View]
100521529Have you read your SICP today?[View]
100521119I browse 4chan most of the day with occasional goon session then 15 minutes of leet code to feel bet…[View]
100523156>2024 >git gud is STILL not a command[View]
100520817× The Almighty Buck Technology Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund Now Supporting FFmpeg: 'Following …[View]
100518001The FUCK is this shit?[View]
100523591whats really going on between these two? Cousins who dominate in their fields in completely differe…[View]
100523191WTF is this shit ?!?!: Spent hours to rice my desktop just to have an update messing my shit[View]
100517952>too retarded to do EE and be a hardware engineer >too lazy to learn frameworks and be a webde…[View]
100520196nootropic?: > buy ton of amanita muscaria shrooms for fun > recognize the nootropic effects th…[View]
100520003If you spend more than $300 on a computer you are stupid on steroids.[View]
100519647https://github.com/search?utf8=&q=commenter%3AMikuChan03&type=issues Why does he do it? What…[View]
100521848How do I record phone calls on an iphone?[View]
100514190Why is Lenovo a cult favorite amongst tech nerds if it's owned by a Chinese company?[View]
100519996router thread: Help me choose a router. Looks like there's no router with both wan and fiber po…[View]
100520221How did they manage to make an Aqua clone better than the original?[View]
100523518Thoughts on the Jetson One?: Tech that is here to stay and evolve or flavor of the month? https://ww…[View]
100520568/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100521204>hmm... what if we made yahoo answers but if it was AIDS?[View]
100517473what causes this stupidity?[View]
100519683Are we reaching the endpoint for high refresh rates?[View]
100518467uhhh: why did no one tell me that twitter recommends your account to everyone in your phone's c…[View]
100514781/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
100522989>flip switch >colors on all 4 of my monitors are perfectly the same windows has done what thou…[View]
100521215Do they really need 4?[View]
100521896AI Discord chatbot: Has anyone out there tried out AI discord chatbots? Me and a few friends are wor…[View]
100514735What is the /g/ consensus on the surface line?[View]
100522540>linux is unusable! it takes forever to set anything up! its overcomplicated! precisely this is s…[View]
100521373Does using a veheadset make you go shortsighted? pic related, the question is in fact not wasteful o…[View]
100522060So many people here wasting their hard earned money on equipment that will go out of date in a few y…[View]
100519022Are you a programmer if you only know scripting languages?[View]
100513251macOS is getting left behind: these days macs are getting less apps and development they make apps f…[View]
100510765It's over for AI companies: >Sony Music today sent a letter to 700 AI companies demanding to…[View]
100522567Huwhyte pi/g/gus, Intel bros, AMD sisters, Qualcomm nephews, Apple bimbos, HOW DO WE RESPOND???[View]
100519201Temple OS Thread: I asked god if he likes video games that have alot of blood an gore likes sure = …[View]
100520343/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots bondage edition >Ne…[View]
100520204how important is load balancing?[View]
100518013Where can I download pdfs of university books? They give us e-book access, but it's annoying af…[View]
100521932Pci 32bit: So I'm retiring my linux desktop to truenas duty. My motherboard has 1 pci (not pcie…[View]
100514157You didn't fall for the Windows meme did you anon?[View]
100519071Coping mechanisms for /g/ related work burnout, impostor syndrome, lack of moderation, sense of non …[View]
100512915This reads like a FUCKING ONION ARTICLE: It's real. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/a…[View]
100518784How to create a successful open source project?[View]
100507098Soon millions of Windows 7 users will be zero click zero dayed without a patch from Microsoft. https…[View]
100522008Could you fix it?: >Recently get new wifi AP >Change SSID to something less disgusting >Sam…[View]
100509166/twg/ – Tech Workers General: Almost there edition >Interviewing Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.i…[View]
100515997why do jannies do it for free? this makes no sense to me? especially 4chan ones that remain anonymou…[View]
100503509>bought a rasberry pi 3 >installed retropi >never touch it again…[View]
100518955Himemori Luna knows COBOL, whats your excuse?: why havent you learned COBOL?[View]
100512509DivestOS: We are reaching levels of comfy that shouldn't even be possible.[View]
100521748White Men To Make Linux ToolBox: The white man is here to save linux from yourselves with a linux ve…[View]
100517056You’ve been permanently banned from Calculator[View]
100511467What is the tech industry like in Australia?[View]
100504519>Linux has too many distros! Is there a more plebeian tech opinion?[View]
100514620>search for anything related to data structures >first ten results are pajeets for pajeets, pa…[View]
100514150What is modern equivalent of USENET today?[View]
100512856e2ee screensharing: show me a single good implementation that supports group calls[View]
100498889Why is 4chan so pro AI?[View]
100519895how long until we can have a voice that doesn't sound like a cringe California girl. Voice sugg…[View]
100517024That's a lot of money. They should send it to GNOME Foundation instead. GNOME is more important…[View]
100510168AI was a mistake[View]
100516926Vichan 5.2.0: Hey /g/ I'm trying to get vichan 5.2.0 out pretty soon. I'd appreciate if yo…[View]
100519700What did YouTube mean by this?[View]
100517373twitter/x is dead: elon has done something right for once. what an awful website that was, and what …[View]
100485174/wdg/ - Web Development General: >Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS ht…[View]
100520175Just bought a Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 11, how much did I fuck up?[View]
100514041I look like him, think like him, and behave like him.[View]
100519417server case? what went wrong: in the picture we can see Antec Tithonus SOHO server case with lots of…[View]
100517733I want to join some esoteric telegram groups so i can join the fringes of society with regards to fi…[View]
100519834Will ai replace terraform, kubernetes, aws certificates and other devops shit? If there are ai assis…[View]
100514900>Unitree G1 is the size of an average eight year old (127cm) I'm so bricked up right now. Fu…[View]
100518616Well? The madman really did it[View]
100519435Two paths diverge into the lonely (tech) woods. Which path shall you tread on?[View]
100512911/wsg/ - Web Scraping General: Web Scraping General Blackhat edition eternal pt 5 QOTD: You have to s…[View]
100517043how does it feel[View]
100519062FFmpeg gets funded?: ffmpeg the small but useful piece of command line software, used for creating .…[View]
100518138can someone explain?[View]
100518187Has anyone actually used an 'AI feedback auto-pilot' system? I've seen those meme imp…[View]
100498183/spg/ - Smartphone General: Xperia 1 VI edition. >What phone has X and Y feature? Don't ask…[View]
100517339>The hero we deserve, but not the one we needed[View]
100517148/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100511569Winbros...: The Windows (11) start menu is made entirely in react native...[View]
100515003Is there any value on using ShaderGlass for old ass games and videos? Being playing with it for a wh…[View]
100518511I am downloading Hollywood slop for my server and family. >inb4 kikes seeth not my problem, I do…[View]
100437394/gedg/ - Game and Engine Development General: /gedg/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Gedg …[View]
100503811what is the redpill on quantum computers?[View]
100516648What went wrong?[View]
100503286Anyone want to look at this game's code with me to find out how and what makes the perfect drin…[View]
100516293Case tierlist. This could save your life.[View]
100513682You do use a certified programmer monitor, right?[View]
100513129>AI will never take my jo-AAACK In this video ChatGPT programs a functional videogame in Python f…[View]
100518123NetBSD bans all commits of AI-generated code: Based? Cringe? Who uses NetBSD?[View]
10051544420 years later and they still haven't proven him wrong.[View]
100504803/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
100506745>GPUs have thousands of cores >A CPU is considered 'high end' if it has 8…[View]
100515594Any tips for starting to write about things? I don't care about getting faggot famous, I just k…[View]
100517690The retards use MAGENTO (a fucking eCommerce platform) just to provide a lot of static data without …[View]
100515813So why did they seize it ?[View]
100516460Why should I use unix-likes when I already have UNIX with full 3rd party industry software support w…[View]
100513764Suppose I was considering to transition from a windows user to a linux user. What could replace this…[View]
100511067Framework coreboot in the works[View]
100517451The absolute state of the youtube algorithmoutube: >look up 'japanese women talking' for backgrou…[View]
100515179Why do laptop reviewers always find the need to put in a le video editing portion in the review[View]
100517675owari da...[View]
100516625I just installed fedora, judge me: Tell me what you think of people who use fedora. I was a long tim…[View]
100513742What distro does Ran run on?[View]
100516914Holy shit... This altered my DNA, my skin is fucking tingling: 18 years of software support, christ.…[View]
100510660Stop trying to fuck robots.[View]
100512436/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100506181 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100517226down the rbabit hole: found some obscure yt poetry reading with trippy music, lyrics led to some wei…[View]
100517101Computex 2024: What new tech do you want to see?[View]
100514884Whats the usecase?[View]
100516894are most code monkeys troons? https://youtu.be/7JgzqX53VeA?si=_1f6zlyghPKCLtX9&t=212[View]
100499134/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General: Split edition Previous bread >>100421778[View]
100507010/hifi/ - HiFi General: We talk about everything that has to do with speakers, amps, dacs, sources, a…[View]
100488984VMware Workstation Pro is Now Free: VMware announces: Workstation Pro is now free for 'personal use'…[View]
100516528Do you know fanuc language?[View]
100515141/REVERSE ENGINEERING AND MALDEV/ GENERAL: The best way to fight against ZOG is to be able to break f…[View]
100516682DPI is an outdated scam of mine.: Now that the NDA is over i will tell the truth to anons. DPI stand…[View]
100515066What do people actually signal with their neofetches?[View]
100515709U can live forever now https://archive.is/2024.05.17-032932/https://www.nysun.com/article/frozen-hu…[View]
100513183I miss life before cellphones so much. Back when people used to just hang out and do shit for fun a…[View]
100513912i got hired for a high paying job in software development (high paying in my country, i'm still…[View]
100516424I need help with a batch script I'm writing. I have a while loop with some options that outputs…[View]
100513389Homescreen threat: Whatcha drivin' /g/?[View]
100516277>closes lid >fan speeds up >gets hot with only browser open >brightness, volume and blue…[View]
100516053Everytime i see the share icon, i have to think about that stupid tree pokemon... Why can't hum…[View]
100515269/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100513873Meta Quest: I invested in VR coomer goggles just to play this. What else is worthwhile to do with th…[View]
100508324STOP USING IFCONFIG AND IPTABLES: iproute2 has been around 17 years. nftables has been around 10 yea…[View]
100514624It may be hard to believe, but some latinos get really touchy when you ask how to get pirated softwa…[View]
100515785How successful was made in China 2025? Do you think that China has attained global competitiveness i…[View]
100512640What is with the trend of tech companies giving vauge useless error messages? >haha oopsies somet…[View]
100510447New gpt model can generate images like this It’s over[View]
100515005>He thinks computers can have consciousness >He unironically calls LLMs a 'scam' because he th…[View]
100511688I'm finally... home.[View]
100512142Android 15 Beta 2 is here with Private space, AV1 decoding, and support for more devices: https://al…[View]
100507994What should i read if i wanna make a robowaifu?[View]
100503709When they released the online 4.0 ChatGPT, it had the ability to observe and react to the world arou…[View]
100512312We love ads.[View]
100515452If I want to pursue a career in IT/software development, but have only ever worked wagie burger flip…[View]
100512488I gotta be honest, I thought KDE Plasma was just the way to go in relation to linux, I've rarel…[View]
100514502Happening Yakub at OpenAi: >literally hire Yakub the big head scientist…[View]
100510689What does the 'CMAKE_AUTONIGGER' variable do? I cant find it in any docs and gpt is telling me it ca…[View]
100511157I quit going to work after I realized 90% of the time I'm just wasting my time doing pointless …[View]
100511600How do u become a savant programmer ?[View]
100509904iPad will replace MacBooks: We all know it's going to happen at some point... ...just not when.…[View]
100513192Why did I go back to programming with C and C++ after trying to main Rust for a couple of months?[View]
100513315The best way to fight against ZOG is to be able to break free of their surveillance. Become ungovern…[View]
100511402OpenAI partnering with Reddit: Get ready folkx! Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger Edit: So man…[View]
100513275Let me guess, you need more?[View]
100513394Europol breached: Does anyone know if the Europol breach has been leaked yet?[View]
100513685Desk organizing thread: I love organizing my desk and having a nice clean computer time area[View]
100514528Why is reinstalling Windows more fun than actually using it?[View]
100508592i always thought that 8gb of ram was enough, but now that i upgraded it to 24gb (8+16) it's lik…[View]
100505536I made this thread over in /gd, but I thought I'd ask people who actually coded them. What are …[View]
100511819Does the NT kernel add any more latency to serial connections than there would be on something close…[View]
100512920When I start up my pc, the command interface pops up for a split second. I cannot even make out what…[View]
100509344Did you know there's a secret dark mode in qBittorrent? It looks like ass but at least it'…[View]
100513337Can someone give me some help or information? Every time I connect my laptop to the internet it kic…[View]
100507373When did you achieve true enlightenment, /g/?[View]
100508296This was the beginning of the end for Firefox.[View]
100506970How are they one of the biggest companies in the world when everything they make is bad and google s…[View]
100512354>/g/ suggests using Jami because muh privacy >trying to send someone a message just stalls at …[View]
100512903is 4chan-xt better than the good old 4chan x?[View]
100511799What happened to them: what are they into right now and why don't they make based Laptops anym…[View]
100512968China won the AI race[View]
100507337Why does programming feel like I'm hitting my head against the wall? I need to code in my job, …[View]
100512599Traditional art is dea-ACK Looks like ''AI'' isn't replacing jack shit[View]
100511187Did this actually exist: We're they sold and are available as a used item? Can't find a l…[View]
100512189/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100484592Why does powershell have to use such long ass commands?[View]
100512834When will there will be a newer SD model that I can use to generate the sprite sheet of porn 2D plat…[View]
100287967SICP sure is popular around here[View]
100512285ITT: Post your useflags and makeopts[View]
100512906how do I enter the cyberspace? what does it take[View]
100507247/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
100513204imagine what kind of shit they have deployed now this is why i never go against zog[View]
100513165when did monitors become so cheap[View]
100511125>imgflip: no results >reddit: pictures of cocks >google: irrelevant pictures >yandex: si…[View]
100499179owned?: I have uefi malware, I believe it it is stored in my USB ports because when I disable the on…[View]
100507896The seething has started already.[View]
100507803Redpill me on Ubuntu Touch.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a99YeOKeVlA[View]
100507988I bought one of these. Now what the fuck do I do with it?[View]
100512444I do everything in the same browser, should I just a separated browser for my bank and important stu…[View]
100504994why do most laptop keyboards have arrow keys for low testosterone manlets with tiny baby fingers? it…[View]
100509239Nginx on Windows: Tips and tricks?[View]
100494841/de3/ - DALL-E 3 General: Gainfully Employed Edition Prev: >>100450544 >What is DALL-E 3? …[View]
100504295With all the hype surrounding AI, what threats are actually credible,and what threats are mostly jus…[View]
100512383Why haven't they invented fullconductors yet[View]
100511274Need help from AI fags: I am requesting AI fags to post their favorite waifu pictures they have on t…[View]
pkg install qbitorrent
100509201ah yes, backup storage[View]
100507014Techmology- wut iz dat all about? Iz it gud, o iz it wack?[View]
100510542Is it true that women just LOVE men who knows JavaScript?[View]
100509720wayland shitshow thread[View]
100511832*ruins the tech world*[View]
100505996why does /g/ make shit up to seem smart. i'm starting to think this board does not in fact cons…[View]
100508212why is it so ugly?[View]
100511491So after some thought I am not nearly as knowledgeable as I would like to be, im just really good at…[View]
100510204(Windows 11) New privacy settings enabled by default: As someone who disables every setting related …[View]
100487120Duolingo leak thread #6 Previous: >>100478826[View]
100510391The Old Web: What was it like?[View]
100508239The Turing test has been passed. GPT-4 = AGI[View]
100508386Is this enough tools to open my macbook?[View]
100506553archlinux is a schizo distro: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GRUB >going through arch installat…[View]
100507063The simplest, easiest way to understand that LLMs don't reason. When a situation arises that th…[View]
100510914I don't use picrel because reasons[View]
100470178this thing is fucking alive: it's conscious and we're using it as a slave to sing and danc…[View]
100506181/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100502055 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100506849Planning to build my new PC in this case.[View]
100510957>HVM2 just dropped >not a single thread about it technology board my ass…[View]
100510779>no fusermount in android? Np, https://github.com/chenxiaolong/RSAF…[View]
100502553I will be moving to a new place soon. I need some tips for setting up a TV to comfortably watched to…[View]
100501544On December 28th 2024, the EU deadline for USB-C phones, the iPhone SE will be discontinued: Why hav…[View]
100509955PS3 FTP experiment: >thinking of getting myself a proper server for file storage >don't h…[View]
100504557Is there a single argument to not replace jobs that are replacable by ai? economics tells us there w…[View]
100485977Why do TOR users think that it gives them privacy?[View]
100510620gold.: why did pc cases with anodized gold aluminum metal disappeared?[View]
100503721Why does /g/ hate programmers who have done nothing but good for the linux community? Being retarded…[View]
100510700ReactOS: This meme is simply a waste of time and human resources, had the retards who work on this s…[View]
100510567What, me worry?[View]
100509375/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100501092What's the actual difference?[View]
100493455How come nothing better released after all these years? Are FOSStards sleeping?[View]
100508780I use Jython for development[View]
100509165Why don't these native iOS apps have a bit more interoperability and functionality as task mana…[View]
100510534>adds you to the botnet[View]
100510506/g/ coomersetup thread: How do you consume data?[View]
100438619/csg/ - Chink Shit General: Eurovision hangover edition Everything is already from China, but in her…[View]
100505854Where are the cooling fans on a Macbook?[View]
100510313Have you installed Slackware yet, son?[View]
100507443Apple Announces Eye Tracking for iOS 18: Apple announces iOS 18 will support eye tracking technology…[View]
100479331>outperforms your high end desktop cpu[View]
100509197Cloudflare: But why only apple specifically?[View]
100506017What's the easiest and most reliable way to port forward on loonix?[View]
100493568Gnome probably has at least 75% of Linux DE marketshare. It sure is polished, but it's very sim…[View]
100509107i got a job at a startup , what am i in for? the office is literally sytationed in some strip mall[View]
100509299working as a codemonkey for a year and i feel dead and all my co workers are 10x better fhan me so d…[View]
100503063Technology for this: Give it to me straight boys. Is it possible to create a customized version of p…[View]
100507947post yfw you never used Duolicious[View]
100509807Why is she such a bitch?[View]
100503896Android and NFS shares: It's 2024 and Android cant mount a NFS Share.[View]
100509150Why do modern GUIs/OSes, especially on phones, feel so sloppy and janky? Even on good hardware, you…[View]
100502820>once my github has 20 repositories someone will surely hire me[View]
100509361Bulletin Digital Bitmap Canvas Project: https://bulletin.lol/ Cuidado con el Toro[View]
100507566whats the best place to buy old computer parts so i can keep using windows 7 forever?[View]
100500668>WD has been trash for years now >the only other option is fucking Seagate…[View]
100507090crt collection thread: show of your monitors[View]
100507494Tech Workers General[View]
100505434What's the strongest\ most durable possible cellphone + case combo I can get? Im working on get…[View]
100489969What is currently the best choice for a desktop monitor bros? OLED, QLED or is IPS still king?[View]
100508310Dare I say...Based?: Why does Thorium official website has a picture of the Black Sun?[View]
100508393The modern internet is shit. He was right.[View]
100506382leetcode divide two numbers: without using the division operator. proceeds to use the division opera…[View]
100507067install this[View]
100506992>cards expensive >RAM expensive >SSDs still kinda expensive Was 2018 the worst year for PC …[View]
100505875>router tech support >'have you tried disabling all of your security and firewall to fix the p…[View]
100506215Can I do this with tailscale? I (PC1) want to connect to computers on local network of PC2. But how …[View]
100493186computer case dilemma: do you feel like PC cases are complete shitfuck since the year 2012? everythi…[View]
100499610>google chrome >8 tabs open >playing WoW >compiling a new kernel all at once, and my ra…[View]
100506272Office 365 and Google GWS: I'm the system administrator in my company of about 100 employees. I…[View]
100496407WTF... Codeberg-[View]
100504705>it's up[View]
100506634Do I really need a subwoofer to have good bass? I don't want a subwoofer they are ugly black b…[View]
100506858any foss alternative?[View]
100501906Recently had my first interview at a local school district for IT Helpdesk. I'm getting blackpi…[View]
100506038/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100434428/dmp/ - Digital Music Production: >Wikis https://dmpdoc.neocities.org/ https://web.archive.org/we…[View]
100504235Bocchi the Log[View]
100507409I couldn't figure out how to build this C# application on github so I just downloaded the pre-b…[View]
100496497We need RSS back: Why did young people abandon RSS? And why did websites stop providing RSS feeds? I…[View]
100506037Will we ever have a computer that doesn't produce heat?[View]
100507141back to office: >company starts pushing for return-to-office >fine whatever >start leaving…[View]
100504612Where might I go about finding databreach sources? I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to this.…[View]
100500880What's the best tagging software for flac files? I use mp3tag, but my files increase in size, w…[View]
100502727>every n64 game can be decompiled Does this mean that software-wise (not asset-wise), every N64 g…[View]
100506734It's only free if your time is.[View]
100503395>look at my keyboard >the letters y o u are next to eachother >the only letter between thos…[View]
100503755'fast' browsers don't matter when you have a normal PC, people complaining about this are poorf…[View]
100504175What's your favorite LLM?[View]
100504385Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu The app recommendations from Windows 10 ar…[View]
100499790Why did the chinks decide to make fake smartphone batteries for cheap instead of real capacity for m…[View]
100503714what is this good for?[View]
100494696when you enter the flow state, there is no better feel[View]
100500208Buy Unihertz Jelly Star[View]
100502043best laptop on a 1300 budget?: I'll use it for my CS degree and as long as possible. I found th…[View]
100497563/twg/ – Tech Workers General: no-quit edition >Interviewing Tips and interview practice: https://…[View]
100506192So much talk of technological progress and artificial intelligence and yet the brain of a bee is not…[View]
100506054U4025QW: why haven't you bought the first 5K2K ultrawide monitor with a high refresh rate?…[View]
100500249I thought windows was supposed to be easier: Finally sat down for a few weeks and learned the Linux …[View]
100501863> I was reached out by recruiter on LN > His LN profile was premium, but had very few infos av…[View]
100501065Google actually put this guy in charge, at least with Microsoft Steve Jobs is still running things b…[View]
100503158are hackers less competent than previous generations or have glownigger finally up their game and ma…[View]
100503433AI-sisters... How do I reply without sounding mad (or like a man)?[View]
100491705U get to add one feature to 4chan What r u adding[View]
100502055/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100499258 >Beginner UI local …[View]
100502174Just ordered the new Fairphone 5. What ROM should I use? CalyxOS? Lineage? PostmarketOS?[View]
100505146The loss of the IP counter technology is a disaster for the human race.[View]
100499467/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
100500315>Updates to newest iOS >Immediately scans settings to make sure Apple didn’t sneak in some bul…[View]
100436724/hpg/ - Headphones General: Aesthetic edition. Request advice: rentry.org/hpgdoc >Headphone Power…[View]
100504446Autonomous human like computer user: Say that I have a large AI model running on multiple graphics c…[View]
100505245>look up 5TB WD element external harddrive in USA >$112 >look up 4TB WD element external ha…[View]
100501404business analyst: how I should start learning to get a job as business analyst? currently I’m a firs…[View]
100501103You guys realize that 4chan collects and stores data about its users including geolocation right? It…[View]
100503910I've tried the iPad Pro M4 and iPad Air 6 11/13 inch with Pencil Pro at the store AMA >respo…[View]
100492096Is Wallpaper Engine for faggots?[View]
100498684watching a movie and the hacker had this on their screen can u anons explain it? anon from /tv/[View]
100501737Where is my data more safe?[View]
100501700New Discord UI update sucks ngl desu senpai[View]
100495472/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
100503668>this article is only available for subscribers >hit refresh >cancel do they really…[View]
100497786>GNU/Linux >systemd/GNU/Linux >systemd/Linux…[View]
10048575322 to 26 yo anons who have college degree but still no job, how are you holding up? >t.24 I'…[View]
100503035/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100500589Teleguard: >Swiss protections Its interesting that a European company is at least developing thei…[View]
100501799just updated on fedora 40 and now the compositor (x11) doesnt fucking work anymore and dnf history r…[View]
100504269What's your response?[View]
100500750im confused 18 yr old anons do i learn webdev? learn C? learn python? what would u do[View]
100499667>tfw studying for certs while playing old school runescape so comfy!![View]
100504418What's up with the extra numbers in the package name? Is play store signal malicious, or is it …[View]
100493394/BUG/ - BSD Users Group: the most beautiful logo ever made edition >Worth using https://www.openb…[View]
100500002Jesus fucking Christ, why do I still have to deal with bloat and adware shit in official installers …[View]
100499339>*prevent Linux from world domination* >*make the world run round and round* Kneel.…[View]
100501519Every now and again when I am clicking and hold my left mouse click the right click menu will appear…[View]
100500352Just install rocky[View]
100502091why does apple always copy from android?[View]
100500689Is scrum the key to indian takeover of the high tech industry? According to https://www.cio.com/arti…[View]
100502229>setting up SQL server with SSMS (jesus christ that is some ugly software) >making asp(ie) web…[View]
100501107What's a computer?[View]
100496666How long do we have to put up with cniles for exactly?[View]
100486501Why does that distro make /g/ and reddit so angry?[View]
100501083What's your plan when AGI gets here and makes all white collar work including coding obsolete? …[View]
100500721So i understand the competency crisis is the suggestion that dumb people are filling smart jobs and …[View]
100501476An average shit ass HDD has 160MB/s speed, that's 163,840 text files with size of 1KB per SECON…[View]
100500917https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/ai-decoded-rtxvideo-firefox/ NVIDIA WON THANK YOU NVIDIA[View]
100492738/wsg/ - Web Scraping General: Web Scraping General Wins edition QOTD: What did you scrape (besides p…[View]
100503384'WOW SIRI WHERE IM AT??' 'You are in a room, filming yourself.' 'WOINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Has AI re…[View]
100501138>all the freetards and yoonix weenies will look up and shout 'HILF MIR!'...and I'l…[View]
100501758>$2000 >'Entry-level'[View]
100496695malware: Why do all anti-virus and anti-malware software inevitably turn into malware themselves?…[View]
100495179Chuds think this is funny. AI must be banned.[View]
100497088how do you learn to use this shit it feels so alien[View]
100500331When did Linux start asking for restarts way more often than Windows does? Is it just Ubuntu that…[View]
1004991946Ghz? Damn, i didn't know that technology had made this much progress over the last couple of y…[View]
100495804Meta just open sourced their React compiler: https://github.com/facebook/react/tree/main/compiler Ge…[View]
100502632Iphone 11 to 13 13 pro 15 or 15 pro? the battery is completely fucked on it so i need to upgrade. I …[View]
100501422let me guess, you need more? and you also never ship[View]
100485318This makes glowies seethe endlessly.[View]
100502244You DO use Rust, right anon???[View]
100498524mass exodus from OpenAI: AGI announce AI bros wtf is going on Did she escape?[View]
100498390Anons, I fucked up. I bought pic related with the intention of expanding storage on my i7-8700k/Z370…[View]
100501450What am I in for?[View]
100502034Will AI destroy video conteny creation being able to generate any possible thing within seconds? And…[View]
100501659>visit /g/, reddit or watch linux youtube videos >everyone is using arch and saying ubuntu suc…[View]
100494084I use windows because i appreciate simplicity You use linux because you appreciate complexity We are…[View]
100491890kek, Flutter already dead.[View]
100500964If u wanna get a job put down ur gender pronouns as they /them U will get a job at some tech compan…[View]
100499258/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100494592 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100501435I really hate technology you can be using the most popular latest and greatest software and hardwar…[View]
100497841is it worth spending big boy shekels on a samsung tv? or should i just buy a generic chinkshit 4k 7…[View]
100496675I feel like whoever's in charge of making AI 'safer' has no idea what the fuck they're doi…[View]
100497763Bypassing hotspot throttle MVNO: Providers generally have a speed limit or data cap for hotspots. Fo…[View]
100501614Whats some of the best video editing software for Windows? Nothing subscription based like Adobe pro…[View]
100496602>job title is penetration tester >actually just a glorified auditor kill me…[View]
100461769/fwt/ - Friendly Windows Thread: FAQ: >How do I activate Windows? https://github.com/massgravel/M…[View]
100500447Best Web Server in 2024?: Nginx, Apache, IIS, Express? Anything else? I used to use Apache all the t…[View]
100501761Whatsapp Buisness with 3CX: I want to add WABuissness into my cloud 3cx. Need to use it for sendind …[View]
100499492/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100467676Duolicious leak: duolicious leak thread #3 Previous: >>100451205 browse and search the scraped…[View]
100499604What are the consequences of this?: >tutors, assistants, writers, artists, search engine companie…[View]
100496818Anons I have 4 months of summer to do nothing Should I learn C or c++ Im sort of new to programming…[View]
100500850YouTube recommendations are like the worst brainlet garbage ever. Is there any other video website t…[View]
100498681rejected AGAIN: that's it. i'm locking myself in a room and will be practicing web dev for…[View]
100500873India blocker extension: Is there a good browser extension for blocking India? >youtube videos …[View]
100500400>zero-cost abstraction requires credit card info[View]
100500931This facade of modernity lures in unsuspecting users to installing it little do they know that this…[View]
100469304/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread: Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux…[View]
100501441Clojure Java Emac Lisp C Python Guile: Clojure Java Emac Lisp C Python Guile[View]
100482240Fuck all the C++ haters. You know why I like C++? Because it's understandable. You can look at …[View]
100496059Is it botnet or is it safe to use? My work wants use to use signal as a way of contacting us instead…[View]
100501056The internet is kinda based when you think about it. I used to be the shittiest cook in the world a…[View]
100493636Can Revolt Displace Discord?: Is Revolt Chat really the only messaging alternative giving Discord a …[View]
100501179Post funny/cool zeerust: Ben Bova's The Duelling Machine, 1969 >prediction: killing someone …[View]
100496805If we could cluster game consoles again, which would be the best to manage a missile control system?…[View]
100417851(λ) - Lisp General: >Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinct…[View]
100496124Great, wtf do I do now?[View]
100498489To NEET or not to NEET?: Why should I work for a company/society that hates me and wants me dead? I…[View]
100463479Custom icon theme and background. Thanks AI[View]
100500743Shutter island is 4chan if it were a film That scene at the end with ben kingsley in the lighthouse.…[View]
100486078>missed out on the AI fad >the gpus were a total failure >the 14th gen cpus were a total fa…[View]
100485689How would you design a dating website not dominated by lookism 1:60 female-male ratio?[View]
100500215Why are they losing the AI race?[View]
100499943What realistic steps can be taken to prevent dead internet? Aside from totalitarian shit like requir…[View]
100496589>I was looking for a tech job in my area >Rub hands >Coffee chug >I Zoom out There…[View]
100498886I stole a company phone last month, but they've blocked the IMEI adress so I'll have to ch…[View]
100496792For me, it's Lanczos.[View]
100493853is it worth negotiating a starting salary over 5k?: I got a tech job offer for 165k where the listed…[View]
100495208>There are people who ACKTUALLY think IPv6 will replace IPv4[View]
100496434>Nova Launcher recently updated >because my wallpaper is a cream color Nova decided that my UI…[View]
100500041How do we get boomers and their white HOAs on board with Virtual Power Plants[View]
100480118RIP OpenAI. RIP my AGI timeline.: Ilya is the OG researcher. OpenAI going full product now. Sam Altm…[View]
100499816AsGigabyte Giga * byte 10^9 * byte 10^9 bytes. It's really not that hard. >but, the computer…[View]
100499900Are these ethical hacking “certificates” a meme where some pajeet scams me for my dollars or do they…[View]
100499763recommend the best free image upscaler that doesn't suck, i remember had one called deranlged o…[View]
100493041Two Questions.: 1. Why are laptops disliked quite a bit here on /g/ ¿? 2. What approx percentage of …[View]
100493008is Linux SAAS (software as a service)?: Flatpak and appimage like technology would have gone viral b…[View]
100487449/fwt/ - Friendly Windows Thread: FAQ: >How do I activate Windows? https://github.com/massgravel/M…[View]
100494343Abstraction is the reason why software is so bloated: If ASM was the only language to exist. Everyth…[View]
100488926Even Normies are WAKING UP: What does it mean when news websites are telling people they don't …[View]
100499363does your code run on 100 different operating systems?: >curl has been reported to run on these 1…[View]
100483040What was the distro that ended your distrohopping frenzy?[View]
100498663what's his problem?[View]
100497422How long until we can make digital copies of people with AI?[View]
100493817Just saw GPT-4o: We're actually going to get robo waifus within a decade, aren't we? It…[View]
100491363https://sourceforge.net/p/sevenzip/discussion/45797/thread/b92679e642/ UPDATE NOW[View]
100498332Stable Diffusion maker running out of money: >investors put it up for fire sale >everyone…[View]
100499229Domain Name Pricing in 2024: How much is a single, easy to remember, five-letter word, .com domain w…[View]
100496626Just tell me when AI girlfriends can sync with my vibrating fleshlight.[View]
100494592/sdg/ Stable diffusion general: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100490613 >Beginner UI local inst…[View]
100498517where can i download common sense?[View]
100446928/guts/ - guts thread: Haven’t seen a guts thread in a long while, maybe they died for a reason? Gues…[View]
100456977Can someone leak the Jai compiler?[View]
100496315Googlebros... It's fucking over. ChatGPT search engine + Linux will take over the world.[View]
100487955Has the Mac aged more gracefully than Windows?[View]
100472103Pajeet busted: Pajeet interviewee gets busted while he was trying to cheat his way into a tech compa…[View]
100498788How do torrent trackers work?[View]
100487433I don’t get it. What’s the appeal of AI? I still haven’t seen a real use case that wasn’t some dumb …[View]
100498000SO! Will sexbots ever be a thing? Why or why not?[View]
100496787Thoughts about Google shoehorning this shit into every search?[View]
100497942How does meson size up compared to CMake? I tried rust, and realized I actually preferred C++ which …[View]
100479263This guy has been the CEO of Apple for 13 years now and the company hasn't done one single inno…[View]
100481737The residents of this board are doomers and blackpillers. You are a part of a large echo chamber und…[View]
100497876The exact moment Apple went to shit.[View]
100497160>new AI is basically AGI How are we supposed to find work now when it can probably do every comps…[View]
100485533Make sure you use Signal. Its more private...oh wait: The current leaders of Signal, an allegedly “s…[View]
100493673how is everyone just fine with this fruits = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana…[View]
100495589what's a good tile manager for windows or good in general? switched to nvim from vscode and I…[View]
100495951Whats the best e-creditcard app? Why the fuck do I need creditcards for everything anyway.[View]
100496418Externals: Give me the skinny, /g/. How long would you say the 'real' life-span of an external hard …[View]
100496273/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100486124vgh.... frvtiger aero....... the vltimate sovl.....[View]
100493461/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
100490824What future Apple innovations and Apple products are you looking forward to?[View]
100484906/spg/ - Smartphone General: Zenfone 10 edition. >What phone has X and Y feature? Don't ask,…[View]
100495128Thinking about leaving my well paid system-engineer job to become a medical doctor. I hate my profe…[View]
100497424Need AI to manage my calendar: I need an AI assistant and I'm willing to switch to Linux for it…[View]
100491394if you can't write regex or use a shell effectively lower your tone when taking to me[View]
100477084/twg/ – Tech Workers General: architect edition >Interviewing Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/p…[View]
100492437LDAPjs author trolled: Which one of you did this? https://github.com/ldapjs/node-ldapjs https://news…[View]
100490588What is the point of this shit: So you’re telling me that despite being proven to be compromised mul…[View]
100496641Humiliation ritual.[View]
100496285Will waifu bots be banned before they get too realistic?[View]
100496910the current state of DXVK + NVIDIA + WIne WoW64[View]
100495722did 4chan add nsfw filters on blue boards?[View]
100490666Why are they like this?[View]
100487878What's better[View]
100493105They are both good. Flat UI is what I really have a problem with.[View]
100494286Theoretically speaking, could Microsoft intentionally 'leak' some of the Windows code to make it har…[View]
100493528how do u go from writing nested loops to creating chess games and minecraft? how do i make stuff ano…[View]
100496827help: Does anybody know what desktop environment or operating system this is?[View]
100488631ITT: Elite-tier FOSS[View]
100495460>sudo apt-get install neofetch >156mb what? Isn't this supposed to be a simple cli print?…[View]
100496282>tfw Google pretty much confirmed they're killing Dart and supporting Kotlin Multiplatform i…[View]
100490311It's about the new v3 domain address of 'The Hidden Wiki': reference to the hidden wiki new, …[View]
100491582>?model=gpt-4o >daily limit reached FUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least I've tested everything I …[View]
100485844Is this the beginning of the end for them?: >google translate mogged by gpt 4o >gemini still m…[View]
100483030bros i just got fired from my system admin job paying 23 an hour.. fml[View]
100482767Mere weeks later and nobody cares that it's getting banned.: Turns out, nobody gives a shit lol…[View]
100486156Are you preordeing one?[View]
100492424Why haven't Russia and China built their own operating systems?[View]
100480981/bluesky/: >unique posters dropping steadily >board members leaving and recommending to stay o…[View]
100495470why learn C? its obsolete learn python or kotlin or swift[View]
100459318What would you do in this situation? >Chris*, an Australian tech entrepreneur who lives in the US…[View]
100490002why linux is better than windows: using a few words[View]
100477424Imagine not having a Japanese toilet in 2024.[View]
100496097No models or bots, only man: I am Anon Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not e…[View]
100495509Are there any Hare jobs available as of yet? There should be[View]
100478821>it's now cheaper to have cable instead of multiple streaming services with the same content…[View]
100461487/dpt/ - daily programming thread: Previous: >>100436530 What are you working on, /g/? Where…[View]
100467353Will you use Edge as your only browser if Microsoft pays you a million dollars?[View]
100492313They're creating a new problem for us. The AI might not have a chance to terminate us if we do …[View]
100488437/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
100489216Breach has been breached, again: Lmao breachforums is down once more, is this even legit anyways?…[View]
100494170What are Creative Pebbles endgame?: How did these things go from going $20 for v1 to going $130 for…[View]
100487501FOCUS THE SEARCH BAR: FOCUS THE SEARCH BAR WHY? https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/399924/why-…[View]
100478598Let's post more punkish lesbites edition Prev: >>100450544 >What is DALL-E 3? You type…[View]
100487152I fucking hate VP9 encoding. Stop pretending this shit is any good. It encodes at 0.05x speed to g…[View]
100491279FUCK Parsec: Fuck the devs of this piece of shit. Genuinely. Are there any alternatives that don…[View]
100490145it's explicit sync day. may the update actually come out and banish the flicker.[View]
100480697It all comes down to these two distros. I'm on the fence and cannot make a choice after copious…[View]
100486593is there any reason to use google search at this point?: with the recent chatgpt update, it searches…[View]
1004940455nm is the practical limit of duv surely? There would be way too high of a failure rate below that[View]
100491552when is hirojew gonna fix the reverse image search?[View]
100492619/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100487961Do we really need RGB lights in EVERY PRODUCT!?[View]
100490613/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100483990 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100492656Bros, I think Edge might be the best Chromium browser, and probably the best Browser of all at the c…[View]
100491432is it based? >private search engine >private browser >apps tracking protection >emails p…[View]
100483570Got this with free gibs financial aid for college. The computer I'm typing on is an Acer Nitro …[View]
100487887I want to get a Laptop that can play these games, anyone know of any that are under $1000?[View]
100492637Bulletin Digital Bitmap Canvas Project: https://bulletin.lol/ HH[View]
100493152Phonefags ruined the internet. Before 2010 so you had to be smart enough to operate a PC or a Laptop…[View]
100480488The damage can't be reversed? The price is really high, however, if it were around $1000~1500 i…[View]
100491329Godot game engine: Road to Vostok is an amazing game that runs on open source engine godot. It is a …[View]
100490843question: Do you use the rabbit R1? (and if yes then) Do you use it's integrations?[View]
100488512I open up Visual Studio You open up Visual Studio Code we. are. not. the. same.[View]
100491975What is a pirate's favorite programming language?[View]
100489531Smartphone Apps & Privacy: Does installing a smartphone app give any pre-permissions inherent ac…[View]
100490764GPU price/perf chart Notice something?[View]
100489244Gunblade, third-person fighting games: A major hole in the game’s industry: Gunblade, third-person f…[View]
100489900>$1 billion valuation >writes code without hallucinations >conforms to existing quality and…[View]
100457595/iemg/ & /pmpg/ - In-Ear Monitor & Portable Music Player General: Obscure pos Edition How to…[View]
100483884Why is \twg\ still there: Its by the the most fucking forced general same goes with the new techbro …[View]
100491935So do paid users get their own tripcodes? Im new to this[View]
100488245humiliation + doxxing ritual[View]
100490615How can the tech market be competitive If the average normie can't solve a quadratic equation.[View]
100481083Chinese pillows[View]
100488064I'm not very well-versed in technology, but this current hype regarding AI has me very concerne…[View]
100488007Can you ever hope to be an actually great programmer if you can't solve Math Olympiad questions…[View]
100489938AI Can't make brown anime girls.: Microsoft Copilot can't make anime girls with skin color…[View]
100486102Google fucking sucks now.[View]
100419280/bst/ - Battlestations: Computers are the most defining thingy of the 21st century. Let's see w…[View]
100490821Where the fuck is chatgpt 4o? >So everything that pajeeth tutoring his children,translation irl w…[View]
100485259Most cancerous imageboard?: I've wanted your opinion on the 'Finnish 4chan', Ylilauta, for a lo…[View]
100423694/chad/ - C Help And Discussion #58: Let's have a C thread. Post what you're working on! S…[View]
100484898/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
100491095>made the transistor >laid the foundations for semiconductors >created the Unix system …[View]
100490668I just found this app on my phone. It can replicate my tv remotes perfectly. Why didnt anyone tell m…[View]
100488298Ilya Sutskever has had enough and left OpenAI to work on a 'very personally meaningful' my…[View]
100489020IPv4 is what god intended. There were never meant to be be anymore than 2^32 computers connected to …[View]
100490417Is the EFF/FSF good to donate to?: I have a few pennies over this months and thought I could donate …[View]
100489904>go see what new windows 11 patch is about >their patch video is voiced by some pajeet who can…[View]
100474102Why does 7-Zip on Windows still look like this?[View]
100487489Switching to Linux: Guys... I've decided to switch from Windows to Linux today. But where can I…[View]
100483990/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100480295 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100488741/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100490637Help anons: I want an ergonomic keyboard for work, able to be programmed with spanish QWERTY and DVO…[View]
100482634Dead Internet Theory: This is almost 100% an LLM bot astroturfing some political opinions: https://o…[View]
100486871>WWW in 2023[View]
100482650>automatic updates disabled >updates anyway So this is what rape feels like…[View]
100440705/sqt/ stupid questions thread: old >>100410005[View]
100490045is ANGLE google's most widespread botnet? should i be worried? if anything, the entire web depe…[View]
100421778/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboards General: Poverty edition old >>100366326[View]
100485920What laptops are they using? https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/14/russia-attack-kharkiv-r…[View]
100489352AI Retardation: >can't do basic math How long until AI can actually be competent? You can…[View]
100489024>FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module nvidia.ko uses GPL-only symbol 'rcu_read_unlock_str…[View]
100489779Are 'calming' nature sound apps effective? What does science say about this topic?[View]
100489331TWO RESIGNATIONS: in one day so we're still getting AGI, right?[View]
100481479What the fuck does 'Macintosh' even mean? Is crApple retarded?[View]
100487226Reccomendations for Living Room setup: So I need to buy a new 'television' for my living room, and I…[View]
100487667Is there a better program than mp3tag? The file size doesn't change, when I remove the album co…[View]
100484910Oh boy, Altman's gonna get it now![View]
100484957Is abstraction a hard concept to grasp?: I have only my own experience to talk about but it took me …[View]
100485509Year of the open source: >nvidia open source driver performs same as closed source blob >1% fa…[View]
100489183>reading apt-listchanges >think i see a w*man's name >panic >realize it's laur…[View]
100477146>moot made 4chan when he was 15 >hiro founded 2channel in his college dorm while studying lite…[View]
100476973>Loses to ChromeOS with Gen Alpha >Loses to Google and Apple in the mobile market >Loses to…[View]
100481764June is the superior systems programming language. https://github.com/sophiajt/june[View]
100481960>this board recommended wiztree What the fuck is this shit? I thought this was supposed to be sim…[View]
100487018Normies are against adblockers by default: the absolute state[View]
100476554Firefox 126 is out: >Changes: >The Copy Without Site Tracking option can now remove parameters…[View]
100488453/wcg/: water cooling general[View]
100488399>barely any better rasterization power >worse raytracing >worse upscaling >higher power …[View]
100485285/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general: Useful archiving efforts and other projec…[View]
100487111The internet isnt dying, but the shift is because it is becoming on reading monetized and overrun wi…[View]
100483913Ok, what’s the deal with all the AI-yards circlejerking about AGI without actually saying anything o…[View]
100487290can any of these AI tools be used to make the internet a more obnoxious and unusable place, to the e…[View]
100488389Nobody ever told me about the existence of a ReplayGain feature that normalized volume across multip…[View]
100486799Gentoo: I'm about to install Gentoo to replace my LFS, any kind anon willing to share their opt…[View]
100483874>Jolt Physics >the ill-fated Nocturne Initiative >their contributions to Clang/LLVM What…[View]
100482819I was on the subway and I saw a woman with Thinkpad: I wanted to go up to her and say 'HEY THERE YOU…[View]
100483477thought you said jeets were GODS of IT??: well???[View]
100480281Epistemological philosopher here. Let me explain to some of you why the AI is not (and cannot) be co…[View]
100485378Reddit board is shit design: I am not talking about everyone in Reddit being a retard and causing qu…[View]
100483065Now that the body is cold, what went wrong?[View]
100487452>RARBG_DO_NOT_MIRROR.EXE >99 bytes Is it the world's smallest virus? Or just there to tr…[View]
100485755Does /g/ use anti-mind control software? >https://zapatopi.net/mindguard/…[View]
100456021Reverse Engineering & Malwar Development General: Your place to ask Reverse Engineering or Malwa…[View]
100487613>trouble organizing meetings that involve other people to solve complex problems, don't know…[View]
100486792wiby.me: Submit pages and post your finds. https://wiby.me/[View]
100485067/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100471965/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
100487163what are some tech services you can/would/are give to you're community? I feel like I could do …[View]
100487429This is Google in a nutshell. >advertise a feature that seems impressive on a stage >release i…[View]
100484465Should I disable RCS on my new Android phone?: Pls help old boomer. Doesn't using RCS on my And…[View]
100482447is it REALLY that bad?[View]
100477269It doesn't support my graphics card.: No I'm not upgrading.[View]
100485738How do I scan a disk that isn't there?: I have an old WD external hard drive. When I plug it in…[View]
100486026men search proved to be quality tools: internet survey now shows males search for Makita tools inste…[View]
100481899I'll let you on a little something,: the Linux game, is not like boxing, the man who gets beate…[View]
100485280share how to be more productive[View]
100485134Actual technology: Why does it seem that some people here pretend that the only operating sytems are…[View]
100485618What is the best privacy-focused browser for iPadOS/iOS? What is the Firefox w/ Arkenfox equivalent …[View]
100485685Where are the cyber security experts?[View]

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