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/lit/ - Literature

Displaying 310 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
23823498Classics Illustrated Storytime LXXXI: Gulliver's Travels, The Last Days of Pompeii https://waro…[View]
23816415Post books you liked as a kid[View]
23825145Melvin Gottfried scratched the part in his perfectly constructed sandy blonde hair precisely with th…[View]
23825773>writes a fantasy series about absolutely nothing happening, told in verbose language What was Pe…[View]
23819745>anon posts his work >other anons tear him a new one >in reality their prose and writing ab…[View]
23826649any non-lovecraft books with a similar style?[View]
23823710Write What's On Your Mind /wwoym/: Bungle edition. Previous: >>23821239[View]
23825645Where do i begin with her.[View]
23823954Violets: Violets I remember the kiss of ancient ghost under oaks Her laughter in the twilight, And t…[View]
23826477truth nvkes the world wasn't (and still isn't) ready for[View]
23823033Wonder what became of this child[View]
23825180G. A. Henty: I was just recommended this author, G. A. Henty. So I look him up and he's describ…[View]
23825636Who do you think is actually most responsible for the current state of morals and ethics in the pres…[View]
23823042This is the greatest poem of the 19th century by far. As an Acadian, this shit makes a man weep. I…[View]
23824748Is it just a hit piece?[View]
23825965When are you going to see it? When are you going to see it?[View]
23825781Hey, this is not gay at all. I want my money back![View]
23819801I haven't been doing much reading lately.[View]
23823214He was right all the time, but none of you leftist faggot never gonna admit.[View]
23825776Book 23 is low key the most important part of the Iliad and also the most underrated. Menelaus and A…[View]
23825595Does /lit/ like Toni Morrison or is she too black and female for /lit/?[View]
23825897If I like Neruda, what other poetry should I read? I'm pretty new to poetry, but I really enjoy…[View]
23825826What did you think of 'Things Fall Apart'? I'm not sure what I think.[View]
23824711Why is poetry so fucking hard to understand?: Holy shit, I can understand almost nothing in the imag…[View]
23825840What are some of your favorite poems?[View]
23825088Bardposting thread: I got this bad boy used for only $15 CAD. Thinking of upgrading to the RSC Secon…[View]
23820122What do you guys think of Edmund Burke?[View]
23824786Did his theory justify his conversion to Christianity, or is it cope? I will tell you what I think: …[View]
23822246Can anyone give me advice on how to organize writing ideas?: I have a few projects, not strictly lit…[View]
23824014Kantians look like THIS?![View]
23825441Tom Bombadil[View]
23825230I refuse to read anything by an author that willingly let themself look like this[View]
23825486What’s wrong with reading only secondary sources, again?: It’s not fiction anyway, you read it to ge…[View]
23824027If an 'unconscious' exists, then you will never be able to prove to anyone or yourself with any cert…[View]
23825144Any short history or book recomendations?[View]
23825085>destroys english prose[View]
23824769Are there any books that will enable me to feel love and romance again after 10 years of debilitatin…[View]
23825459What are the best books on gnosticism?[View]
23816371I got this from one of the book charts. If these guys know so much about ADHD, why did they unload o…[View]
23824086So the tree make noise or not?[View]
23823154The very short opening of a story I want to finish, later: 'I am un-awake in that fathomless nothing…[View]
23824225>booksignings be like[View]
23825310If you aren't suffering you aren't trying.[View]
23822414Have you ever talked to someone who spoke in a literary way? Like, throwing words like 'hitherto' an…[View]
23820749Is the use of smut, gore, and foul language a surefire sign the author is a hack?[View]
23825259Guess I'm good[View]
23823667Post the most blackpiller book you've read. I start.[View]
23821982To the anons that managed to publish their book - how did you do it?: There has to be a few authors …[View]
23825114How do I read faster and longer bros? I've had adhd since I was a kid and maybe had undiagnosed…[View]
23814207What modern fantasy novels would Tolkien have liked?[View]
23823239I don't read books written by authors whose net worth amounted to less than 1 billion dollars a…[View]
23821082>What if we did Lord of the Rings but instead of being heroic, Frodo fucked a bunch of whores and…[View]
23821231prose writing theory & music theory: Are there rules to writing prose similiar to those of music…[View]
23823923What's the most recent movement in academic philosophy? The post-war 20th century had existenti…[View]
23822483>Everyone saw in my face evil traits that I didn’t possess. But they assumed I did, and so they d…[View]
23824670Americans of /int/ GTFIH: My grandfather got in touch online with some Americans who share our (pret…[View]
23825074How to wake up from the American dream:: If everyone only did work that they “loved and believed in”…[View]
23824843>Finnegans Wake[View]
23812922What happened to all the good right-wing authors in America with an economic or philosophical stance…[View]
23821894/ELG/ English Language General: Dear /lit/izens, I has come to my attention that the quality of the …[View]
23822479Was this an incel novel?[View]
23824995>completes the system of Confucianism in your path Finally bros, I know the Way...…[View]
23824202Milton's the better poet. Shakespeare's the better writer.[View]
23823370new dugin kino just dropped!!!![View]
23822257THE GREAT NEETDOM NOVEL: What would a great NEETdom novel look like? There's any book in real l…[View]
23821853How was Joseph Conrad so based? He managed seething women, negroes, germans and leftists alike. >…[View]
23821874A Song of Ice and Fire: I read the 5th book a few weeks ago and enjoyed it a lot. However with so ma…[View]
23824646Are there books for this feel?[View]
23821664Trying to get into the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It's not very popular over here, so I…[View]
23818540Literature students btfo.[View]
23823681is he one of the most underrated anti-White anti-European, anti-Greatness writers in the last 150 ye…[View]
23824285What would you think of someone if you saw them wearing this in public? And no I definitely did not …[View]
23824212ITT Modern classics[View]
23818657Writing the great incel novel, here is a passage from my book: >Whenever a woman talks about 'men…[View]
23824403If there are an infinite number of whole numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any…[View]
23822789Any recommendations for books about roman sexuality and specifically roman male on male sex? I watch…[View]
23823873What are some books that explain american exceptionalism? Even before the second world war, there wa…[View]
23823185Contemporary poetry: What’s your favorite?[View]
23823039Prompts thread: ITT: we post prompts, in the form of an image and/or text, then other anons write wh…[View]
23818275Is reading actually an attractive hobby?[View]
23824191Bakker chuds on suicide watch[View]
23821836Postmodern Jargon and Prose: Are Critical theorists (usually the french) intentionally using difficu…[View]
23821992Redpill me on picrel[View]
23822385>'The Bad Girl' by Mario Vargas Llosa The story of a hopelessly romantic Peruvian expat who waste…[View]
23814343literature on incest?[View]
23812885Are there any far-right female writers?[View]
23821909Is Harry Potter nazi?[View]
23823865Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtry: >'It's hard to say goodbye to old boyfriends - especially yo…[View]
23823845It (the serotonin theory of depression) was all a dream? I used to read APA magazine? Eli Lily and S…[View]
23818175Tolstoy was an obnoxious crybaby libtard[View]
23821122ITT post book covers that you like[View]
23819643>Your favorite book >A book or author you can't stand >A random fact or memory >Am…[View]
23820762essential general non fiction: What would be some must read non fiction books that span a fair amoun…[View]
23821467Midwit Recommendations: >Book of the New Sun series by Gene Wolfe >The Fifth Head of Cerberus …[View]
23821239Write What's On Your Mind – /wwoym/: She reading, me miring, edition.[View]
23823444Anything that peeves you with classic /lit/?: I've been trying to read some more for my culture…[View]
23809349Why did this lil nigga draw the curtains on himself?[View]
23819409Can someone explain to me what the Little Red Riding Hood REALLY is about?: >The fairy/folk tale …[View]
23823431Looking up into the sky, he yelled “WHY ARE WE HERE!?!?!?!?” As poop came out of his penis. It was t…[View]
23823151Do you know of any books about voluntary isolation? Fiction is fine btw[View]
23817728Why does anybody read fantasy when real history is ten times more interesting and sometimes even tru…[View]
23804843self-expression as a form of behavioral hedonism: Foucault and Derrida would argue that identity is …[View]
23822948I understood the Rhetoric part of the book, but what does he mean by being truly 'Persuaded…[View]
23821970Samuel Johnson: It's his birthday today, Anons. Say something nice about him.[View]
23821975What books can i use to overcome my insecurities? I'm deeply insecure about my height but most …[View]
23822476what do we think of this?[View]
23819487Is Marxism fundamentally an incel philosophy?[View]
23822177I want to change my life. I know about habit patterns and actions etc. I want something to read. A s…[View]
23821191Currently reading this. Thoughts? I find the arguments for NDE compelling[View]
23822967>completely mogs the other two books in the meme trilogy[View]
23822424Feel good books: Please recommend some books that make you feel good. Anything, fiction or non ficti…[View]
23821604Devil's Advocate on Moral Utilitarianism: Killing a mite produces pain and disables a Qualia\ k…[View]
23819435I’m thinking of writing a story set in Ancient Rome during the time of Nero. It starts as a conversa…[View]
23818663Favorite prison novel? Just finished On The Yard and it was really great.[View]
23821632I want to read religious books but in story format instead of reading retarded verses I want to read…[View]
23822918Who/What do I need to read before this to understand it?[View]
23811160His prose is horrible. I can’t go a paragraph without involuntarily convulsing. I’m editing mentally…[View]
23822717Poetizer: A social network for poetry. Do you use it?[View]
23823077Literature for this feel?: Why should I fight for something better when results will barely graze me…[View]
23823055>Read by Wayne June.[View]
23822556I want to go back[View]
23821449if only you knew how bad things really are[View]
23823015>WOAH DUUUDE…truth is like…SUBJECTIVE…like maybe I’m right and maybe you’re right and like who kn…[View]
23822577Nietzscheans and the like go back to Homer as the perfect example of master morality but are they wr…[View]
23822793Are there any writers or literature characters that can be characterized as having a look of pure an…[View]
23820845If the reality we experience is the only reality we have experienced, how do we know that there isn’…[View]
23818437https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wold_Newton_family Thoughts? You could do something like this. Every…[View]
23822929>Glorifies her incel nerd character as a major hero in her story: unironically how did a female w…[View]
23820280You may ask George one question - of his books or himself - and he must answer in full and in total …[View]
23822276What should be the third book in the 'Thinking with your dick leads you into interesting misadventur…[View]
23822114>uuuh dis book's racis ya know[View]
23822837What are the best books/resources for increasing one's vocabulary and making it stick? Things I…[View]
23821731This is it? This is the 'Tolkien' of our era? The man who 'revolutionized fantasy'? A guy who writes…[View]
23819876Where does one go from Deism? Midwits compelled by a faith their immediate family holds to need not …[View]
23820899Nondualist-bros, we be feastin' 2n8[View]
23821683>he has a shelf >he doesn't just pile the books on tables and random spots on the floor…[View]
23812522/htt/ Humble Typewriter Thread: You have 30 seconds to justify not having a typewriter (you can…[View]
23820366So Non-being is not the opposite of Being?: What? What is this Hegelian lallation?[View]
23821115Winslow really nailed the gruesome tone in The Cartel. It reads well and has the pace of an airport …[View]
23821497What does this mean?[View]
23820753Okay so when does he stop talking about tangential shit like the geography of the Great Plains and c…[View]
23819699>when video game philosophy is more profound than Marx's but for real, I have never read any…[View]
23819769Greatest Children's Literature Writers: Post and discuss only the greatest children's book…[View]
23818814Books like Fight Club: >fiction >not specifically transgressive >not too far-right (like Ha…[View]
23821013Grimm's fairytales are stupid: They added entirely different, sadistic torturous endings that d…[View]
23819439Why did he hate Germany/Germans so much?[View]
23816410Biographical dictionaries and reference volumes: I have been obsessed with these long-winded entries…[View]
23821538The dark “enlightenment”: Nick Land is a fucking joke. Thinking he’s all deep with his “dark enlight…[View]
23815703what does /lit/ think of this book? I'm divided, although there is some valuable advice, I don…[View]
23822113Gabriel García Márquez, a close friend of the Comandante, wrote: “Perhaps the aspect of Fidel Castro…[View]
23822047>Chapter 0[View]
23820702E readers vs physical books: Why are you still spending money on physical books anon? You know you c…[View]
23821985Objectivity in arts, books: What are some books with proofs for objective beauty in the arts? Prefer…[View]
23818507>Des qu'il vos plest, or escotez! >Cuers et oroilled m'aportez >Car parole est to…[View]
23807162>age >current book >your thoughts on it…[View]
23820967I hate this garbage heap of a planet. What are some good novels about serial killers and the like be…[View]
23819680>9 years into the war and Priam needs Helen to sit down and explain to him who each king of the e…[View]
23821859Iliad translations: Well?[View]
23820323Why was 50 Shades of Grey so popular?[View]
23797964Anybody read Arno Schmidt?: >arno schmi-- >hes the guy that wrote bottom dream, botom dream ba…[View]
23807433/CHARTS/: Post charts[View]
23818721Economics minus autism: What economics books should I read if I just want to understand how the worl…[View]
23821698>The Great Vacuity of necessity consists of material force (qi). Material force of necessity inte…[View]
23821746any other broke uni student core books[View]
23820914How good is Murakami? Should I read his works?[View]
23820913>seduces you[View]
23820660Writing an adventure story: How do in general padding works in adventure stories? So far, I've …[View]
23814589This thing is smarter than 90% of you: I am deeply unsettled.[View]
23811040/lit/ outside of books: Recently I was playing pic related and I was struck by some of the kino love…[View]
23820328what is wrong with I.O. Evans' translation of Twenty Thousand Leagues?: hi /lit/! i recently bo…[View]
23817033Anti-Service Economy Books: Are there any books which mount a learned critique of modern service eco…[View]
23820732I don't read much, but I want to start. Are modern western fantasy/sci-fi novels just as bad as…[View]
23818356Audiobooks: Does listening to an audiobook count as 'reading' the book?[View]
23807510Books only you have read, AKA a prove you're erudite thread. I'll start. I am one hundred …[View]
23820426>winner of booker prize Why do these books suck?[View]
23819476What's your favorite book of jokes?[View]
23821035>writes a novel >novel gets made into a movie >goes to the premiere >movie is absolute g…[View]
23818209>'realism' >doesn't describe the mc taking a shit and wiping his ass Yeah, OK. Sure, 'Mr.…[View]
23819958Any good? I ordered it by accident, thought it was the graphic novel.[View]
23819821Julius Evola: Is it just Panentheism?[View]
23820726Social interaction/deduction books: Hi /lit/, I'm looking for good social interaction or deduct…[View]
23808951What does /lit/ think of Neuromancer by William Gibson?[View]
23813936Arthurian myth: Where to start with them? I’m thinking of either Le Morte Darthur or Le Livre du Gra…[View]
23820600Super-Detective Library Storytime II: Panther's Moon, The Red-Headed League, The Adventure of t…[View]
23820358Classics Illustrated Storytime LXXX: Gulliver's Travels, The Last Days of Pompeii https://waros…[View]
23820858Biographies / autobiographies: Share your biography and related recommendations ITT. Meanwhile—did a…[View]
23819974Prophecies Of Jesus Christ: I hear this a lot from Christians to claim the legitimacy of Christianit…[View]
23816024Re: American authors, why do Europeans tend to favor Poe, Melville, Faulkner, and Whitman but /lit p…[View]
23820672Khrushchevism: What are the essential Khrushchevite books?[View]
23815823>exposed the scam of Zen Buddhism Zen pseuds have been crying about it ever since. If you need an…[View]
23812796READ WAGNER: Baudelaire: >I found in those of his works which are translated, particularly in Tan…[View]
23820764translation < design cover: Would you prefer to choose the best book cover or the best translatio…[View]
23819457Thinking of converting to Ismaili Islam, it seems like the most high IQ kind of Islam around today.[View]
23818888Books on the Crusades?[View]
23819400Post whiskeypilled lit. I leave it up to you to interpret what I mean by that.[View]
23817698In The Metamorphosis, why does Grete Samsa's attitude change towards her brother?[View]
23817619Does /lit/ like Madlibs?[View]
23807715/grrm/ - George R. R. Martin General: ASOIAF wiki: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page B…[View]
23820331Nixon revisionism books: It feels like times are changing and a lot more people are willing to cut s…[View]
23817035philosphy was worthless, theory inane and books jargon- it was all about money and where you come fr…[View]
23820327For theirs are the kingdoms of the west. Blessed are those who are stoic, For they shall be respecte…[View]
23819925What other writers depict evil with the same level of tangible reality as Graham Greene?[View]
23817226Best books on Indian history?[View]
23820286i never come here but i just wanted to say this book sucks[View]
23818271Why does there seem to be an epidemic of people online, especially on 4chan, using fake words like “…[View]
23817030What are some of the worst written books of all time?[View]
23815288What makes his writing so appealing to the female demographic?[View]
23818121Write What's On Your Mind – /wwoym/: I only write to purge my thoughts edition. Prev: >>2…[View]
23818390Do you know any books about schizofrenia, catatonia, autism? real or fiction. I'm especially in…[View]
23820063I am unable to connect with anybody in my life because I have constructed several false identities o…[View]
23818604Why didn't you guys tell me that Melville was a woke retard SJW?[View]
23817439https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYgv7ur8ipg >Drinks a fifth of whiskey before the show Based >…[View]
23819551>got to the part of the torah where it says i am specifically not welcome at the synagogue work a…[View]
23819608>Editor's Preface >Preface >Foreword >Forward to the 3rd edition >Forward to the…[View]
23816911What’s the key in creating a interesting, investing and immersive fantasy world?[View]
23811740Do you crave meaning?[View]
23818648yo the knight of faith and the ubermensch are literally the exact same archetype[View]
23818959>According to Cicero (Letters to Atticus XIII xix 4), Aristotle appeared as the main speaker in h…[View]
23818210Animal Farm: I don't get it[View]
23818986Techniques for reading more and enjoying it: How I read a lot : 1- Walk around the aisles in a libra…[View]
23819711This book is great. It's like if Hunter S Thompson was in the Vietnam War.[View]
23751153/pg/ - Pulp General: Discuss pulp stories here, including, but not limited to: >Sword & Sorce…[View]
23811276Is this just cheap anti-communist propaganda?[View]
23819428what fiction to read when at your objective lowest (preferably fiction)[View]
23818421Why did he hate jains so much?[View]
23818749are there any hard cyberpunk books like pic related? as much as i love neuromancer, its really obvio…[View]
23818868Books to understand east asian values contra western individualism.: After mao died, China managed t…[View]
23817855Does modern philosophy suffer from want of autism?: Reading older philosophers it is clear that they…[View]
23818523reminder: if you have >watched a tv show or a movie (especially if the movie has been nominated f…[View]
23818633What would happen if the Balrog got hold of the One Ring?[View]
23815101Has anyone here gotten into 'nonduality': Theres tons of talk here about Buddhism but whats actually…[View]
23819263Ender's Game: Why is this book considered YA? I re-read it for the first time since childhood o…[View]
23812853Why does /lit/ hate this book?[View]
23804407well this book certainly didn't age well[View]
23809309What are some of the worst /lit/ red flags?[View]
23819411Is it true that as weininger says great men only loved prostitutes? What are some examples and contr…[View]
23817217What defines a top tier plot twist and how do you make one? Talking specifically about genre fiction…[View]
23813933Why do people here malign this man as totally worthless? Like many people with social media, he hold…[View]
23813067Has anyone read this? Worth it or no?[View]
23807053Post your handwriting. Also calligraphy thread.[View]
23818769I want to be a writer!: And I think I can do it. I'm not well-read by any means. I started read…[View]
23817285SAARS give me some good books on indian kundalini yoga or chakra related information. I find that st…[View]
23817792What are some books that showcase urban decay?[View]
23815672I don't know if I love this book or completely despise it.[View]
23805296The lack of covers for e-books hurts my enjoyment of genre fiction since the works often aren't…[View]
23817100Has anyone read or attempted to complete works from Dickens? Is he worth following chronologically? …[View]
23818545I'd like to brush up on my logic, but everyone teaching it insists on using arcane symbols I…[View]
23818333Does anyone else like to put little characters next to the poems they write? When I come up with a n…[View]
23818808Take a 4chan post, think of an author who'd more than definitely write it based on the prose, t…[View]
23816752So...is dark forest theory legit, lit?[View]
23818764>little carmen >Carl and Al Why he do it? Cringe skbd.…[View]
23816372Bertolt Brecht: Is he the most reddit of all dramatists? His agitprop/epic theatre' seems to be the …[View]
23811389What is /lit/'s thoughts on this shotacon book?: Does it do a good job of demonstrating how soc…[View]
23818654Anyone else forced to read this in elementary school?[View]
23816888Hume.: I will read him to get motivated and overcome delression. Can he help?[View]
23816107Has he written anything that isn't explicitly Islamic, or is there any good scholarship on his …[View]
23814514Should he have just done the time skip instead?[View]
23811451Hemingway be like “And on the Mediterranean I bedded many women. They had supple breasts and large r…[View]
23818634>Overcomes both his colossal daddy issues and Jewish bourgeois neuroses at old age How did Horkhe…[View]
23818529Books on the West?: Preferably Marxist[View]
23817288Best Novels of the 21st century ?: I think picrel, The Corrections by Franzen, 2666, and Against The…[View]
23815885RIP: >went through 5 years of compsci/cybersec undergrad >most boring useless lecturers ever a…[View]
23815627Huxley on Nietzsche?: Does anyone know if Huxley ever talked about Nietzsche anywhere? I see many pa…[View]
23816448does this book provide some new unique insight or is just same regurgitated shit for midwits and hou…[View]
23817449Book lights?: Anybody have any recommendations on a good book light? It seems that without natural l…[View]
23815921Any idiosyncratic books on dialectical materialism? Something unique done with the idea.[View]
23817922I asked GPT to write fantasy by Palahniuk. I thought the result was pretty funny so I'm sharing…[View]
23818101Any book that describes the sociological aspects of religious sectarianism? Prefer nonfiction but fi…[View]
23814242Does /lit/ agree with this assessment? Main themes: The Iliad= humility and forgiveness (rejection o…[View]
23815977Schuon > Guenon: it really do be like that[View]
23818222ITT: Most Kino Book edits.: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/q4H5S6SHLUI[View]
23814035How the fuck do people read: I've been getting to reading more often, but there's somethin…[View]
23815903Who buys these oooks?[View]
23816221Philosophy: How do I go about developing a well-rounded personal philosophy? What are some questions…[View]
23816622/lit/ vedantins your reply?: >'We are mind and body: if mind and body (inasmuch as they belong to…[View]
23788488/clg/ - Classical Languages General: Ἐς Πάλλαδ' Ἀθηναίην >Fyrri þráðrinn: >>23749146 …[View]
23812408Notes from the Underground: >re-read Notes a decade later >experience a much deeper and more c…[View]
23814820>Poetry is for women and homos >Short stories are for ADHD zoomers >Plays are for queers …[View]
23815701Why do female characters suck dick?[View]
23813923Who would you consider the Tom Waits of literature?[View]
23814688Write What's On Your Mind – /wwoym/: critique edition previous >>23811917[View]
23811509What have you learned from Marcus Aurelius?[View]
23817311What did I think of it?: So I read the book called marsh of the titans. what did I think of it?…[View]
23817665I became an avid reader like three months ago and I can't stop. I stopped watching tv and I don…[View]
23816264What are your guys thoughts on what is the 'definitive' english language western edition o…[View]
23817655which is the best book of the millenium trilogy?: What is, in your opinion, the best book of the Mil…[View]
23814331Literally me I want to read so many cool books, my backlog is endless But I can't fucking bring…[View]
23812905What are your favorite socialist anti-feminist books? Just found about this little movement. I can s…[View]
23817393How did Carl Jung's understanding of pagan symbolism and archetypes influence his interpretatio…[View]
23817354The Eternal Champion: What did you think of it?[View]
23810586Do you still visit bookstores? I haven't been in one in 2 years. It's all Amazon and Publi…[View]
23807466Webnovels: Are there any webnovels that you consider to be comparable to proper literature, or do yo…[View]
23807402/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General: >Recommended reading charts. (Look here before as…[View]
23802604/wg/ Writing General: 'Oppressive Lemonade Stands' edition Previous: >>23792423 /wg/ AUTHORS …[View]
23816921Die Apokalypse Gottes: Hello, I don't usually visit this board but since I am reading this for …[View]
23814215What do you guys think about this?[View]
23816582Classics Illustrated Storytime LXXIX: Gulliver's Travels, The Last Days of Pompeii https://waro…[View]
23815565>ghost of kant still restlessly haunts the streets and castles of konigsberg >late on autumn n…[View]
23815819I can understand how in a world of stuffy Kantian ideals and pragmatism that Nietzsche would be a ma…[View]
23814862Any books on a fascist interpretation of Rousseau? Someone mentioned it in a thread recently which m…[View]
23809422what is the Lord of the Flies for adults? something that grapples with the subject matter more serio…[View]
23801116Is there any good reading material that is pro-cultural revolution? Even among tankies you don'…[View]
23814436I regret reading the stranger and that shit was expensive too, what overrated books should i avoid r…[View]
23816116How the fuck do I make and motivate myself enjoy reading literature and crunching down on books agai…[View]
23814111Is there a novel with a main male character who's irresistibly adorable? alyosha karamazov for …[View]
23813235If there are an infinite number of whole numbers, and an infinite number of fractions in between any…[View]

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