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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

Displaying 68 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
7161202Come draw online to gether: https://r8.whiteboardfox.com/84822008-4514-9724[View]
7168132Is this the thread for clay modeling?[View]
7167904She makes 1.5k daily usd by selling coloring books with this art.[View]
7165398Artists that transcended commercial art?: Which artists do you think transcended the commercial art …[View]
7168255What are some basic elements of clothing that I should learn to draw that can increase my visual lib…[View]
7156547Draw a clock: Draw a clock in your art. Draw a clock with your character. Draw a clock with cocks. …[View]
7166950how to come up with good designs: All I draw is fanart[View]
7164773There is no better feeling than drawing drunk as fuck and still having better linework and anatomy a…[View]
7167428What's the point of posting your art online?[View]
7165416An olive branch to AI haters...: Plattforms all over the Internet have been hardcore clamping down o…[View]
7166845what do you call this style of art?[View]
7166776Why does this happen?[View]
7165774/int/ & /beg/ - Intermediate and Beginners General: If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in…[View]
7160495Stickybones and other reference dolls: Based or cringe?[View]
7159120Are older anime art styles better than new anime art styles?: Would you honestly consider pre-2005 a…[View]
7165979Her foot shouldnt be here right? Or am I wrong[View]
7167607I wish more artists uploaded their earliest artwork, it's inspiring to know where the best arti…[View]
7167387Scott Robertson is a fucking hack[View]
7126302Copy Bridgman's twice: Is copying, and understanding, Bridgman's over and over actually va…[View]
7167511good books: art book reccs? like old drawing/painting books or some cool artbooks. want to see if i …[View]
7167203>drawing practice when I'm sober: >confused, retardedly drawing random things. Auotpiloti…[View]
7167443Video tutorials fucking suck: >look up video on how to draw with [material] >'hey guys welcome…[View]
7143454Go on construction fags, do your best[View]
7164377Critique Please: I feel I need to change my art. I can paint digitally and traditionally. I feel I a…[View]
7163818Annoying things on Art Social Media: What annoys you the most about art social media? I have so many…[View]
7156974Japanese animation career: Frankly speaking, is it worth pursuing a career in the Japanese animation…[View]
7134221/sqtddtot/ - Stupid Question Thread: For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve thei…[View]
7163502How do you create thick, consistent lines like this? I'm unironically struggling with that.[View]
7166968Materials on the preparatory stuff before a drawing: Is there an essay or a video on youtube that di…[View]
7158876This is my first time posting on this thing: uhm I need criticizm. :p Ive been learning how to draw…[View]
7165867Studio Trigger ruined an entire generation of artists[View]
7166646How would you critique ONE's art? Beg? Perma beg? Or misunderstood genius?[View]
7166637Not drawing makes me anxious: It's hard to get back to it after a failed streak. Honestly i don…[View]
7166620Are modern anime/manga lacking in the character design departement?: Part of the appeal of older sho…[View]
7163989Is 23 too late to learn how to draw? My main goal is to be able to paint my dreams and landscapes[View]
7161011How much did you improve in 1 year?: Picrel makes me depressed, I'm clearly doing something wro…[View]
7164622>first it was third worlders >now its AI What is the next big threat for the western artist?…[View]
7164936Is cartoonish stylization a detriment when depicting drama and violence in animation or comics, or c…[View]
7163368Public Domain: Dunno what to draw? https://www.google.com/search?q=public+domain+characters&oq=…[View]
7163752I like art where you can see the artist's drawing process >draw the king >realise later t…[View]
7160686Enough with the fearmongering: Anybody else feel inspired by AI. Much like ChatGPT serves as a more …[View]
7165775my idea was to make a third world holy city, like a cave that ancient people hid in during an ancien…[View]
7164555>dog has 5 legs surely there were other kid’s drawings they could have picked…[View]
7166115Nude modelling: I saw an offer for an online nude modelling job that pays €35 an hour. Is this a goo…[View]
7164547Is it true? I recall someone saying not drawing every day makes them improve on a conceptual level w…[View]
7164961Need a video course that will teach me the basics of painting. Any suggestions?[View]
7158747Opinion on using anki cards to draw? https://youtu.be/J_j3BunQ6AQ?si=rdFcvCKnHDkkys98[View]
7139524/cris/ general.: Because I need a place here to discuss 2D art and post my new stuff. I suppose a si…[View]
7165299>just draw Okay, I've got a pencil and paper in front of me, draw WHAT exactly?…[View]
7161662Should I attend life drawing, or is drawing from photos just as good?[View]
7162989>Buy expensive Wacom tablet >Install drivers >Open Photoshop >Enable Size >Make few s…[View]
7165722boiled one sexyman[View]
7160910how long do it take to reach this level if your low int?[View]
7164372Does this tell a story?: Could this be considered a piece of modern art? A sketch of a fast food cu…[View]
7147091good art discord servers?: I've been trying to look for some good art servers but all of them a…[View]
7151353It is 2024, and AI Art is now mainstream. The normies on Facebook and instagram love it. Almost nobo…[View]
7163127What is the fastest way to improve your freehand perspective?[View]
7164120Why are there literally zero animation jobs? Why is no one hiring?[View]
7165298Petition to delete perma/beg/ posts which have the following fagotry: >Complaining that they have…[View]
7158685>mfw trying to apply loomis to anime[View]
7152558why do 80% of characters face towards the left?[View]
7162087Should I keep going with this shit?[View]
7162174What's the point of drawing if you have 0 intention on showing it to anybody besides yourself[View]
7161546So what happened? Any advice? How could I improve and become a pro? What to use anyways?[View]
7160834If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique…[View]
7164284>artist is younger than me It's over[View]
7164435wassup senpai t rad[View]

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