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/vp/ - Pokémon

Displaying 281 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
56470662I own you forever: Palwork devs are flipping burguers and serving glory holes to paying for my cocai…[View]
56470374ITT - animals that would make for cool pokemon[View]
56465663>60 attack >130 special attack >both STABs are physical types how do we fix him?…[View]
56469888>Not a single bad design what a blessed type[View]
56468188>Makes every future paradox mon' useless Nothing personel kid[View]
56468772>we're never getting another based and vicious evil team like Team Rocket ever again >onl…[View]
56469781You will never see a normal bike in future games again.[View]
56466687>when people thought Rotom was a legendary/mythic[View]
56470141My Current Collection Goal: >Just finalized the frame design and paid to get it made up. >Just…[View]
56468913What is a rare candy supposed to taste like? Who makes them?[View]
56470119Rate my band[View]
56470112So...did you find a job anon? I know you browse here[View]
56468524We have enough good mons, but when exactly does GF plan on making a good GAME?[View]
56469600Its actually insane how long people waited for a remake and this is what they got and these games wi…[View]
56468973Going after the Treasures of Ruin, wish me luck and any tips on catching them?[View]
56467187ITT post 10/10 designs[View]
56468968Why do people think this is some kind of 'GOTCHA' moment?[View]
56469251Are they in your top 15?[View]
56468598What would Pokemon be like if there were only these 4 types?[View]
56469890Why did they put Pikachu on a diet?[View]
56466387Redpill me on Pokemon Conquest[View]
56463812Can she be anything but female?[View]
56466337Ogapon soles: Discuss[View]
56469791GIVE ME IVY CUDGEL![View]
56469265Legends Z-Ango is going to be shit: It's just going to be like that Zango program from the earl…[View]
56468123Is it in your bottom5?[View]
56468744What two non-Psychic types would you give him?: What two Psychic Pokémon would swap out? Answer for …[View]
56422434post this dog[View]
56469196> lets stick hideous pink vomit spikes all over donphan !!!! paradox mons were a mistake…[View]
56469072Do people actually replay Pokemon games without speedup? Literally 70+% of the gameplay is boring fi…[View]
56469526Where is he?[View]
56468779I've decided to give the Pokemon series another chance for the first time since I was a kid. Wh…[View]
56418859Jasmine Thread: Welcome to the Jasmine thread. How tough are you?[View]
56462094Does anyone else think Cara Less should have been the main villain of Sword and Shield?[View]
56468181Should Pokemon wear shoes?[View]
56444119/dg/ - Dawn General: The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi. >Dawn Visual …[View]
56469440They should let him direct new gen from now on.[View]
56468330Who should I replace Shiftry with in a casual monograss run? I already have >sceptile >bellos…[View]
56468734>Steals your girl Wasn't even a challenge[View]
56468501>went to ER because I tried to kill myself >cute nurse saw me emulating Pokemon Yellow on my p…[View]
56393081It's Seal Sunday and it's time to post our favorite singing seal![View]
56468951>Fakefans cry about tsareena and other plant based grass mons for supossedly being waifubait >…[View]
56458320This is my Blastoise. My dad won him for me out of a claw machine at Circus Circus in Las Vegas. I m…[View]
56468536Why is Empoleon doing a roman salute in its Platinum avatar?[View]
56468521We all live in a Pokémon world: And Palsisters are about to find out. 30+ accounts of theft of intel…[View]
56468170These are the worst 3d pokemon games and im sick of pretending otherwise[View]
56468222She got into the Pokemon League at the age of 6. What is your excuse?[View]
56468187>finally get some news about Pokémon >it's about Nintendo and TPC suing Palworld I can…[View]
56468817Edits thread[View]
56468689rom hack noob here. I'm trying to find a gen 3 rom hack with pokemon from any gen all the way u…[View]
56418436lovely night for bugs: post bugs and bug adjacent pokemon[View]
56468439Is Magnemite the sexiest pokemon that makes you horny?[View]
56468105Soooo…why exactly did unova got skipped in the legends game department? They went from sinnoh (gen 4…[View]
56466626ITT design improvements: Mewtwo should look like a creepy bio-engineered horrormon, not some goofy h…[View]
56438403/tog/ - Trainer OC General: >LET ME TELL YOU HOW MUCH I'VE COME TO HATE YOU SINCE I BEGAN TO…[View]
56466579Vp recommended. Yet another high school fantasy drama but with pokemon. 2 hrs in and I'm doing …[View]
56439815/ef/ - Eevee Friday: Nostalgic relaxation edition. Time to dust off your old Deviantart faves, anon.…[View]
56466382ITT: braindead contrarian statements: >I would honestly argue that in GSC, Bugsy’s Scyther is a m…[View]
56454175/padt/ - Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread: Scarlet Won Edition >Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM…[View]
56467965Are there any fanfics about Kris and Lyra being awkward and uncomfortable around each other?[View]
56464846Now that the dust has settled, what is the /vp/ consensus on PokéRogue?[View]
56465784How come so many Pokemon can learn solar beam? It should be respected as basically the grass type se…[View]
56466788>Palcucks really thought they could get away with bootlegging Pokemon Tencent shills on suicide w…[View]
56464412A thread died for this leafeon[View]
56468060Who ya got?[View]
56467974Post Pokemon BUILT for long-lasting and loving friendships.[View]
56466257>catch a cute little fruit >evolves into furrybait Why…[View]
56463593I don't even understand half of these[View]
56466983Admit it, you had fun[View]
56466727Between Rosa and Hilda dating, who would take the role of the submissive and the dominant in the rel…[View]
56467070What does /vp/ thinks of hentaimon?[View]
56467167My favorite Pokemon: Sad it gets btfo'd by fairies[View]
56462426Battle Chatelaines: Did you fight all of the Battles Chatelaines in X/Y? Did they have the best batt…[View]
56465374Explain yourself /veepee/[View]
56465971I know people hate competitive Pokemon for not just letting you premake teams and focus entirely on …[View]
56454561Kinda crazy that Legend Z-A is probably the Pokemon game surrounded by the biggest pressure from fan…[View]
56463630>A ghost type that is an actual rotting carcass Why did it took them so long?…[View]
56465982Proud of its power.[View]
56465734Feral Pokemon > Anthro Pokemon[View]
56460889Pick a game mechanic to make the best Pokémon game: I believe no more mechanics an gimmicks are need…[View]
56460308Which outfit do you prefer for Clair?[View]
56462573Whats the criteria of getting a regional vairant? Popularity? Controversy? Is just random?[View]
56467305bros.. i just went on serebii for the first time in a decade and the design is still the same... i g…[View]
56457906let's go 2 when?[View]
56461374Post Pokemon that have ruined reputations that you like[View]
56465157Why didn't they make it real?[View]
56466396>cool accessory >one game why is pokemon like this…[View]
56451520What went so wrong?[View]
56464488eyes are windows to the so-[View]
56467201i came home the other day and i found my pokemon like this and he left a note that said 'why couldnt…[View]
56465584Was there ever anything in this series that you found particularly spooky or creepy? Either as a kid…[View]
56465281If you healed between Elite Four members you didn't beat the game.[View]
56422545There is nothing wrong with human on Pokemon relationships[View]
56466669/vp/ army, the time has come for us to come together and rally support for The Pokemon Company. Palw…[View]
56466390I'm still waiting[View]
56467009Are you ready for the Platypus starter in 2 years for now? See you Australia![View]
56439798Chesnaught thread? Chesnaught thread.[View]
56466585I really, really like Johto. I understand, and even agree with, some of the criticisms for it, but I…[View]
56464179Does anyone have the original remix of the /vp/ theme from the 2016 4chan cup? It's clearly dif…[View]
56462030Why didn't RSE look like this?[View]
56465651>skipped Sun and Moon >skipped sword and shield >got scarlet yesterday >'yeah bro they …[View]
56465804Pikablu or Marill?[View]
56465807Look at me, I’m Anon! I think there’s literally nothing wrong with Meowscarada![View]
56455073I drew mawile once more[View]
56452238/mg/ - May General: Palette Swapped Edition The thread for all things relating to and about May/Haru…[View]
56465648Ash x ?: Who did Ash hooked up with in the end?[View]
56459646Pokemon Glazed version: Opinions on Pokemon Glazed? I'm about to try it for the first time…[View]
56464011As you can see on this ancient tablet, precisely on Commandment No. 3, our wise Lord Arceus states t…[View]
56465717Would you buy him a ball?[View]
56465346Alola-mon tier list https://tiermaker.com/create/gen-7-pokemon-341105[View]
56465314How many new forms and new pokemon do you think it'll introduce? For context PLA had 16 new fo…[View]
56464973Is it in your top3[View]
56462166Sceptile > Decidueye > Torterra > Meowscarada > Venusaur > Meganium > Serperior …[View]
56465631ok /vp/, it's time to finally admit it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuGP5FSSq5I admit it, …[View]
56465637Who else banging this song out loud when cycling? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxU2UjAjN24[View]
56463102why does no one play multi battles it's literally the most fun type of battle[View]
56462199>Unova fans when they’re asked to praise their games without arbitrarily bringing up Gen 4 for no…[View]
56465239Why is Pokémon so protective of its IP? You see other failing franchises like Sonic incorporating fa…[View]
56459531Eternal /bulb/ thread: A thread dedicated to the greatest ever Pokemon who changed the game forever.…[View]
56460388>evil team is the roadblock[View]
56458927I do not appreciate this company: The only good thing this company EVER did was invent Pokémon. Afte…[View]
56463998Am I the only one who never raised 6 Pokemon during each main game journey?: I always felt 6 was too…[View]
56465197info: starters are scorbunny, snivy & piplup - all receive new final forms serperior becomes gra…[View]
56464165GameFreak STRIKES PalWorld: 30+ CHARGES OF PLAGIARISM: Mr. Masuda is a merciful man. He is a good ma…[View]
56463126these moments aren't coming back. nothing like this is gonna happen again. ever.[View]
56464937Thursday, September 18, 2024... the day I'm officially forgotten...[View]
56463094Ogerpon: She's so perfect, bros...[View]
56464790Hello, Kanto Ministry of Pokemon Welfare & Ecology? We found a pink Rhydon, which is very queer …[View]
56463265>Gen7 Sun/Moon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon >Gen8 Let's Go Pikachu/Let's Go Eevee Sword/Shie…[View]
56462931>Pokémon Smile was never taken seriously[View]
56462341This thing would be so much better without the tongue wrapped around its neck. As is it's one o…[View]
56341697Gatr has a simple yet cool design. Why must he be an afterthought?[View]
56457249Based or cringe?[View]
56464513Make new moves for existing Pokemon: >Hollow Geist (I stole the name from the TCG) >Power: 90 …[View]
56462654Current Team: Peridot Only have 2 badges left to get. I’m exploring through the region via Surf. Cha…[View]
56460873Gary Oak is the Main Character: What changes and would he be a better or worse main character than A…[View]
56462834It's dead, isn't it?[View]
56462830I'm creating this lapras thread because the last one died way too quick[View]
56459058>Mr. Mime, Scyther, Electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir and Tauros all have evolutions, regional forms, Me…[View]
56462505Underrated Nu-gen mons: Post top tier numons[View]
56462641Sakurai has announced that for Smash 6 he would consider including a Pokémon for every generation mi…[View]
56463370Would you watch the pokemon anime if it still had this aesthetic? Even if it still didn't have …[View]
56462511*Inspires the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series* And no one ever said thank you.[View]
56460785Overlooked details: In ORAS, three Pokémon have unique surfing animations: Wailmer, Sharpedo and Kyo…[View]
56463530>shows up uninvited to your hotel room >shouts 'it's bonding time!' >fade to black How…[View]
56463240https://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/release/en/2024/240919.html Nintendo and The Pokemon Company ar…[View]
56456358GUYS, take a look at dis here loser! Now tell ‘em what ya told me, pal! >“Th-there’s nothing wron…[View]
56461209Anyone thinking we'll get our first batch of news on Pokémon Day 2025?[View]
56460961Where were you when you realized Gen 10 is going to be set in China? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v…[View]
56463041>OMFg i hate incineroar >Proceeds to use it anyway Wtf is his problem?…[View]
56459433Black/White runs headlong into the problem that precisely because writers like Shudo wanted to do we…[View]
56459898>none of these pokemon are in legends arceus >your trainer can't wear lipstick in said ga…[View]
56463304>Another Pokémonlike kneels to Nintendo ROFLMFAO[View]
56458428ITT Pokemon you've only recently started to love: I've been obsessed with this spooky litt…[View]
56459549Every single 'Pokémon Killer' or every monster catching show had better writing, characters, designs…[View]
56457948Thoughts on this autist?[View]
56454929>True Swipe[View]
56458513Was there ever a given reason why the anime gave Pikachu top billing from day 1 over, say, one of th…[View]
56461475Why doesn't the PWT get mentioned more when bringing up how BW2 don't have the BF? It…[View]
56462241Why is this so poorly balanced?: >first half of the game is really easy >second half of the ga…[View]
56460811Cross-Gen Evolutions: Post cross-gen evolutions you want to see. Name, type, abilities, stats, metho…[View]
56459657Do people of Kanto look up to Misty?[View]
56462335I want to make an almost pure support 'mon for max raid battles. I know it's not optimal, …[View]
56458640What type is this eeveelution[View]
56460258Okane kasegu, ore ra wa STAR[View]
56458987Is it in your top 3?[View]
56462205OMG! Is that...?[View]
56460891Unpopular Opinions: >Hoenn’s Pokédex is a sea of mediocrity carried by a handful of designs that …[View]
56353921/nuz/ - Nuzlocke and Challenge Run General: Sinnoh Starters edition >What are you running? >Ho…[View]
56461726Top 5 moves in the game: 1. Substitute 2. Protect 3. Toxic 4. Ice Beam 5. Leech Seed[View]
56457177How are pokemon gym leaders, elite 4 members and champions chosen? Who chooses you for the job? Are …[View]
56462271SolanaCHADS rise up[View]
56461859>say favourite pokemon is unpopular pick >get called a contrarian faggot >say favourite pok…[View]
56449427onward my noble steed[View]
56457383Torterra: absolutely nobody's favorite starter[View]
56456839Which Ash is best Ash?[View]
56460681Rate my team: Any recommendations? What do you think of my team?[View]
56457442Did this thing inspired footy in the pokeworld?[View]
56458912What did they mean by this?[View]
56460288fansites have been pushing for 'official' terms for certain groups of pokemon for the past few month…[View]
56455015>we'll never have this level of soul in glitches again[View]
56457086Any oldheads here who remember shoddybattle (If you say you remember netbattle tell me how the reti…[View]
56460216Hey. Is there a catch-all watchlist for Pokémon including movies, spinoffs, miniseries, etc?[View]
56459051When you play Pokemon (random battles especially), do you ever feel like your opponent and his Pokem…[View]
56459193Is Necrozma a based legendary or a cringe one?[View]
56460742I really dislike how they nerfed its stats and ability. Pokémon are more fun to use when they are bu…[View]
56457059I feel middle starters are underrated. Everyone loves the base starters for being cute and the final…[View]
56460942This week: Switch 2 reveal, Next week: Pokémon presents: Here the switch 2 generation model: magneti…[View]
56459314Have Pokemon designs gotten worse?[View]
56427886AI Pokemon Thread /NAPT/ Thread 68: Missydreavus Edition: This thread a successor of Novel AI reques…[View]
56461363ok /vp/, it's time to finally admit it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuGP5FSSq5I admit it, …[View]
56461304Does 'encountering the same pokemon over and over' still increase the odds of shiny in SWSH?[View]
56460010If you were a Professor's Assistant which professor would you work with and if you did become a…[View]
56461028Mom please that's not my gender anymore[View]
56461091Pokemon Crystal shiny breeding: Okay, I got my shiny Cyndaquil... but apparently there's anti-i…[View]
56454885Tomboy taming[View]
56460347Why only them got such a banger soundtrack?[View]
56398282What makes a Pokémon become popular?[View]
56459234Does anybody have this dork available? I don't think he's been obtainable since the SwSh d…[View]
56457325>Fire Lucario >Grass Lucario >Electric Lucario Which pokemon is Water Lucario?…[View]
56460727Post pictures of Pokemon characters being retarded or saying something retarded.[View]
56375438let's have a have a Starmie appreciation thread >fast speed >good special attack >dece…[View]
56460650Today I will remind shem[View]
56458570Is it in your top3[View]
56460102>Australia region bad thugs[View]
56456817>extremely annoying >picks the weaker starter so you don't feel scared of losing once …[View]
56458209>1st gen was released in the US as Red and Blue Japanese knew exaxtly what they were doing.…[View]
56460405Uh….why the heck is she with someone from Unova??[View]
56456117Post the exact moment where Pokemon's downfall began.: Pic related is probably the only correct…[View]
56425095Johto Girls: Still the best[View]
56460127GBA Bootlegs: are these cool / worth anything? Straight from mainland china in 2004-2008.[View]
56460114Do any oldfags here remember what it was like to talk about Pokemon on the Internet in the early 200…[View]
56459442>Cutiefly used Heavy Slam![View]
56458909The very first battle in the entire Pokemon franchise is Agatha's Gengar vs. Professor Oak…[View]
56459875Using only pokemon from Project Voltage, how Miku's team would be like?[View]
56457825Where did the second Entei come from?[View]
56458956Gen 1 was peak[View]
56459412/cpc/ - Custom Pokemon Card: Dark Star Edition pokecardmaker.net - Make your own Pokemon cards and p…[View]
56459562What determines how many new Pokemon are to be in a new Pokemon game? And why doesnt every generatio…[View]
56458488Fairy type hate thread: We can all agree with >>>56456933 that the fairy type ruined pokemo…[View]
56459764Hawk Lucha! Spit on that thang![View]
56457462/mt/ - Misty Thread: The Misty Monday thread died in under 24 hours, so I think we should just anoth…[View]
56459324Cocks Gaysex Pokémon[View]
56455149>ADS ADS ADS ADS[View]
56455093Showcasing my starter trio: Beetwig -> Treetle -> Cannopytle Type: Grass/Bug HA: Compound Eyes…[View]
56457031admit it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuGP5FSSq5I admit it, he was right, and you're just s…[View]
56451874pokemon reactions: post them, bonus points for being old drawfriend requests[View]
56451748/vp/ plays Unbreakable Ties: LAST TIME: >rg finishes the current unbreakable ties beta after expe…[View]
56459287I love this shit.[View]
56458791imagine pronouncing 'pokemon' like left.[View]
56446060is this Ash's worst team? it's so fucking soulless aside from dracovish and sirfetch'…[View]
56459248Arrokuda and cramorant are secretly friends.[View]
56456048Kino https://x.com/The_Ultra_Nerd/status/1835740438701244674[View]
56458115looking to offload my shiny male sprigatitos I don't care what pokémon you give in return[View]
56458750the Pokemon company are the ones making the girls say stuff like this, not the creepy fans[View]
56453097Pokéwomen threadswimsuit edition One piece swimsuits, bikinis, all that good stuff On-model off-mod…[View]
56458711So they're really not gonna do a shiny don event?[View]
56458560Watchog appreciation thread[View]
56458820Sniff Sniff[View]
56458287Look at this wacky ass haircut lmao, she got a mustache on her head[View]
56453919I imagine myself in Kalos, leading my STEEL brethren. Our mission is to stop f*Iry shitbulls from ad…[View]
56458197>took 8 gyms before I finally saw a Brit reference that made me laugh Anyway I finally got around…[View]
56458666Knightmon thread: Knightmon thread. Post all knightmons of the series. Here are three spaced out per…[View]
56455014Why did Game Freak stop trying to buff old gen Pokemon after Gen 7? There are so many mediocre Pokem…[View]
56458424Will poke-spinoff quality ever reclaim its former glory? Or will we continue to stay on the caliber …[View]
56457609>Pokemon Pink never ever >Pokemon Water Blue never ever >Pokemon Bronze never ever >Poke…[View]
56457358>I'm so tired[View]
56455392CHADrem: >Ausma: Mindbroken >Ogerpon: Mindbroken >Primarina: Mindbroken >Pinkacross: Min…[View]
56411422>single mother/father neglects him, abandons him and then gets her/himself killed >forced to f…[View]
56457517Daily mon #22: A random number generator will choose a mon and you will discuss it Today's mon:…[View]
56455278ITT: pokemon that aren't jobmons[View]
56458343very niche topic but what iteration of pikachu's iron tail was your favorite? personally im par…[View]
56427075Drawthread: Waltz Edition >Resources https://pastebin.com/PgTRmi1y >Booru: https://vp.booru.or…[View]
56457441To whom does this kind of character appeal?[View]
5645827840K factions as pokemon types: I'm only at level 2 autism, so I didn't think of the type m…[View]
56457876Two Snakes Kissing!!!!!![View]
56457826Were these changes really necessary?[View]
56457821Questions for /vp/: Wanted to make a poll for the board to vote on a best male/female character but …[View]
56457602>Some refuse to give up on AshxMisty so now Adventure is dead to them >Others have accepted Ma…[View]
56458071How long did he wait there?[View]
56456106Is it? What Pokemon game have you played the most and/or put the most hours into and why? Do you ha…[View]
56455676How do you change Golem to not be a shitmon? Other than the 4x weaknesses[View]
56455595>Oh pal, you beat me AGAIN, and I was even using my legendary, HAHAHA! Oh man, you are too strong…[View]
56457893Everyone always talk about how good Driftveil's theme is, but what about Mistralton and Nimbasa…[View]
56457661It really makes you think...[View]
56456103>Largest Dex ever >Great secret bases >Great contests >Added tons of New Megas >Kee…[View]
56456032Lana Feels... Incomplete: Her hair appears to be unnaturally short. I think it should be longer and …[View]
56451731Snek raid incoming[View]
564563572025 Starters: Say hello to your Z-A starters.[View]
56454860what kalos mon did you guys buy from the restock on pokemon center? i bought xerneas but i kinda wis…[View]
56457298Greatest rivals ever[View]

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