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/fa/ - Fashion

Displaying 109 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
18117398What did lower middle class people think rich people wore prior to the TV show where the world decid…[View]
18119357Do you ever buy used clothes?: I don’t because one time I shat myself in a brand new pair of Diors a…[View]
18117745What compels grown men to dress like teenagers?[View]
18117649Are there any comfy walking/running shoes that aren't for geriatrics grandmas? I've got a …[View]
18117964How can I wear camo and not seem like a sperg? How can it be incorporated into a menswear style?[View]
18118327/WT/ WATCH THREAD: WATCH GRINGA edition Guides and Info: >Classic Meme https://imgur.com/a/6CNO8 …[View]
18119035If you're ugly, every outfit will look bad on you. If you're attractive, basically every o…[View]
18117788>use AI to create model wearing a blend of your favourite brands >post results…[View]
18118872do you have a specific style, anons? i would say that a gamechanger in my confidence was to find my …[View]
18118971i can't stop buying Iron Heart shit[View]
18117164what should i wear at a physics conference?: my regular style is heavy jeans, hiking boots, and a t-…[View]
18119031Is my suit OK?: New suit for a job. Tailored. I am wondering if it fits me ok? I was thinking maybe …[View]
18118711I don't think anyone has ever pulled off the casual look better than Epstein. If it weren'…[View]
18118805How do you rate the look of the modern young creative?[View]
18119052What aesthetic is this and what brands should I buy to rock it???[View]
18118389>i love nick wooster! >he’s a heterosexual manly m–ACK! hipster sprezztards got duped…[View]
18117238gym fits: what shorts would look good with black compression tops? also post effay gym fit inspo…[View]
18116663Is Ian connor based?[View]
1811898127 Male - How can I start dressing more adult? I filled my arms with tatts and noticed that when I w…[View]
18117436How to cope with having thin wavy hair? Any hair products tips for volume?[View]
18118396What do you think of their style?[View]
18115533have you taken the full-blown autism pill?[View]
18118848What is this style called? As a tshirt and skinny jeans-wearing mid-20s dude, this is something I wa…[View]
18118837He changed everything (for the worse)[View]
18117079Fashion is a playground, just because you lack the balls to mix it up doesn't mean to have to k…[View]
18114776Tie-dye clothing. Thoughts? I wore a lot of this 11-12 years ago. Was I ahead of the game? https://…[View]
18115186Actors you wish you looked like: Also, post effay movies like The Warriors (1979).[View]
18118539I unironically look good in casual clothes: >be me >browse /fa/ for inspo >try out 'le old …[View]
18115147>Finally have money for cool clothes >I’m old…[View]
18117424>trying to squint all the time to get hunter eyes >get asked whether I’m tired and need sleep…[View]
18108577ideals thread: rate, hate, guess personalities/careers etc. last thread is dead in the water[View]
18118698Balding isn't an issue if you are good looking. Balding bros just get plastic surgery for your …[View]
18118030Why do women nowadays go for the 'thicc' look and do thousands of hip thrusts at the gym and even up…[View]
18117707I just Onitsuka Tigers. What do I think of them?[View]
18118623I am looking to pickup a few tshirts to wear with black shorts this summer, I mostly default to pata…[View]
18116110What do leggings or spanx feel like? Every whore I see wears them at school![View]
18118613Why do Europeans wear these?: Just came back from a holiday in Europe and I must have seen 100'…[View]
18117715Can anyone id this necklace?[View]
18104366>adult man >wears a cap From this you can always identify a manchild who is still mentally at …[View]
18118501Post trust fund baby core[View]
18118449Name this kinda shirt: Bought it at Uniqlo in Tokyo 4 years ago, havent found anything like it since…[View]
18117318Is this a thing?[View]
18118258Fancy stationary?: Fancy stationary? Is it /fa/?[View]
18117942Where should I shop to dress like this?[View]
18116526/WT/ WATCH THREAD: Let me guess, you 'need' more? edition. Guides and Info: >Classic Meme https:/…[View]
18117644The jew fears the asbestos wearer: >Natural resource >No chemical treatment needed >Fibre l…[View]
18111865Been wearing these Sugar Cane 1947s for a while now. I like the rise but the fit is loose as squats …[View]
18104915no qtddtot thread up, what do you call a jacket with lapels like this that fastens right up to the n…[View]
18115206/SEXCORE/ GENERAL: >a style focused on the male pursuit of sexual interactions with females. >…[View]
18117095why aren't you popping the collar?[View]
18117636Anytime I see a nice watch I automatically assume it's a fake[View]
18118146Post purses[View]
18115048Peak outfit: The most attractive look a girl can do, is the most basic outfit; t shirt and sweatpant…[View]
18113730Following fashion trends is a NPC trait.: zoomers laughing at millennials for wearing skinny jeans w…[View]
18118100Men of /fa/, what will you be wearing to the beach this summer?[View]
18117251ITT: fitpics that go crazy[View]
18108843haircut thread because there isn't one[View]
18117869ZuckCore: ID on this fit? Shirt especially.[View]
18118027is it possible to combine wide trousers with a top half fit that isn't just a baggy tee. maybe …[View]
18118013>take a shit >out of toilet paper >take shitsock out of clean shitsock hamper >wipe ass …[View]
18114509Would a buzzcut/fade look alright? Or even an ivy league? inb4 >shitty hairline Yeah I know, it…[View]
18115434/perf/ - Perfume General #1067:: Previous thread: >>18112679 NEW Luca Turin reviews on Substac…[View]
18117911What kind of jacket is this?[View]
18113892Is this ugly?[View]
18117212What can I do if I have this Mark Zuckerberg kind of hairline? My afro hair is so spiky that gravity…[View]
18117407How do I a cat?: How do I dress like a halal LV cat?[View]
18116081Is this guide still good?: What does 'have a side part in a length that fits your face' mean? And wh…[View]
18117677How often do you wear your tracksuit?[View]
18117294'Dopamine dressing': >'Dopamine dressing' Is it /fa/?[View]
18116795Is YSL out of fashion ? I want to start dressing like this (without actually buying YSL, I'm po…[View]
18110468Too old for graphic shirts?: I was terribly ill for most of my early 20s and didn't have money …[View]
18111279marissa miller style: yay or nay?[View]
18117573Thoughts?: Thoughts?[View]
18117182Wearing this to a hat party. What would fit this? I think a turtleneck of sorts is a must. Any sugge…[View]
18117377rick in the wash: does anyone have any experience with washing rick/drkshdw t-shirts im wondering if…[View]
18116735>tfw rosacea, sensitive skin in addition to being bald at 26 >tfw pale, not tan or even health…[View]
18114622What's this style called?: I wanna dress like my grandpa[View]
18115838Outdoor/ Sports Fits?: Ill start first: Where could i find a comfortable Hensley shirt that looks si…[View]
18113507SUMMER SHIRTS: WE LINEN NOW EDITION wheres the best place to find some good button ups? most of the …[View]
18115955Are expensive fragrances a scam? This lil mfer has gotten me more compliments that i could ever imag…[View]
18117366where can i buy wide leg pants like these that are legit? all i ever find online is cheap chinese te…[View]
18113904no no no no HAHAHA[View]
18101418EDC: What do bring on any given day? And what bag do you use to carry that stuff? Post 'em…[View]
18115596Nazi uniform: How can I prove to my fashion-obsessed sister that nazis (especially ss) were stylish?…[View]
18116463What can be done for thin wavy hair?: I've had a mature hairline since I was 7. It's way u…[View]
18111543Hipsters: What are they wearing now?[View]
18108469What do you think of this ensemble/fa/?[View]
18114717Guilty pleasures: I’ve always liked jordan 11s but i’m white[View]
18117014Are tall women /fa/?[View]
18112718this is what peak MALE clothing looks like: >fleece jacket >neutral t-shirt >slim fit cargo…[View]
18116296Is it possible to be /fa/ and stocky? Or is it exclusively a skinny person's game? Post example…[View]
18116256Thoughts on Panerai. I want to buy one great luxury watch but Rolex just seems so normie tier. Paner…[View]
18116866I'm presenting PhD research at a conference soon. What kind of shoes should I wear? I'm gu…[View]
18117100How can you pull off this fit: without looking like a rarted autist?[View]
18116956Any tradesmen in here? Going to start apprenticeship as an electrician. Who makes good work clothe…[View]
18111258How can I gain the balls to split dye my hair pink? I'm a 21 year old man, I'm thin but no…[View]
18116968I work in consulting: And not like that dumb meme that gets posted. I work in engineering consulting…[View]
18117013It's 2024. Why aren't you dressing like a Dick Tracy villain yet?[View]
18115337Is he fa/ or goodlooking cause 2 people confirmed I sorta look like him. Is it fucking over?[View]
18116695Thoughts on visored beanies?: what are your feelings about visored beanies? desu I like them practic…[View]
18115583who’s making skinny tees in anno 2024[View]
18114562Hello /fa/, I am starting a job soon and am trying to cop this look. Where can I affordably buy like…[View]
18116556Ideal top for a frat party?[View]
18116764/𖤐fresh𖤐/: Paris fashion amazes me[View]
18109398How do bald guys manage to stay bald? I can't imagine having to shave my head everyday because…[View]
18116721I'm in the UK, Who makes good belts for the price?[View]
18116847What is the name of this piece?: What is the yellow top? Is it a very oversized shirt or some kind o…[View]
18103662What’s the most /fa/ carabiner and/or key carry solution?: I used the standard fare drug store carab…[View]
18116573should you wear silver or gold as a white germanic man?[View]

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