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/tg/ - Traditional Games

Displaying 160 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
93939030Jumpchain CYOA Thread #6257: You can already solo MHA Edition: >Brutus' Drive https://drive.…[View]
93909003/swg/ - Star Wars General: Pellaeon-class Edition Previous thread: >>93870636 Fantasy Flight G…[View]
93931929/mcyoag/ Multiplayer Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://past…[View]
93924362If you think about it healing magic is a slippery slope to necromancy. One day you're healing w…[View]
93931831/slop/ - AI Art: Bad romance edition Previously on /slop/: >>93922481 ▶ Thread Task: prompt a …[View]
93937542Is it possible to have enjoyable survival and travel mechanics in a RPG? I like some of what Forbidd…[View]
93930466What is life like here?[View]
93928538Dwarven demographics: An interesting problem last session. Our group was hired by dwarven tribe B to…[View]
93938424Looking for a ttrpg system with these features, pls halp >rules medium, not all gm fiat but not t…[View]
93934476/cyoag/ - Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wE…[View]
93932367/mtg/ Magic the Gathering Genera: 'Beetlejuice is getting Standard banned in December' Edition ▶Bans…[View]
93936828T-Sports: How invested is this board in T-sports? Right now it's a huge craze sweeping across t…[View]
93932953Different defensive maneuvers doing different things. games like this? where dodging, parrying, and …[View]
93922481/slop/ AI Art General: Edition Edition Previously on /slop/: >>93901477 # ▶ Thread Task: You…[View]
93922653/wfg/ - Warhammer Fantasy General: Norscan women edition >Resources: WFB: https://pastebin.com/qV…[View]
93879657/3.x d20g/ d20 General Thread: For discussion of all 3.x-compatible d20 games. /3.x d20g/ d20 Genera…[View]
93933765/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General: Previously: No.93923349 >OFFICIAL Commander website, where you ca…[View]
93879746Character Art Thread: It's the Character Art Thread! Post all your favorite pictures of cool aw…[View]
93879595Infinity General: Aleph Virtual Training Suite Edition: Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game pr…[View]
93938246Generic lightweight map-game system? (Like Risk but better?): I want to run a play-by-post faction-c…[View]
93928305What system would be best for a Baki/Kengan Ashura/Garouden style campaign?: So i'm not looking…[View]
93930090What's so wrong with playing a sexy-looking character?[View]
93925010Is Sigil a safe place to live? How would one gain citizenship.[View]
93935098What is your character's specialty? My wizard specializes in intelligence-gathering through scr…[View]
93931698suffering: >have a great homebrew setting with flushed out nations, what i think is a good panthe…[View]
93935740What are some power fantasy TTRPGs that really make the players into invincible gods that 99.999% of…[View]
93936613Tell /tg/ about the ways Warhammer 40,000 has changed and positively impacted your life. Have you ma…[View]
93880306is it any good?[View]
93927157Death to GW slave names: It's not 't'au', it's TAU It's not 'aeldari', it's…[View]
93896887How's your game going along? Any systems you actively developing? Anything out there for the no…[View]
93935165/40kg/ - Warhammer 40k General: Imperator Titan Edition >Balance Dataslate: https://www.warhammer…[View]
93927563/hhg/ & /atg/ – Horus Heresy General & Adeptus Titanicus General: :( edition Previous thread…[View]
93903004SM game timeline.: So, about brother Titus again... Now that events in Space Marine game are officia…[View]
93902643Dire Animals: Dire animals have always been inherently hilarious to me. >'It's a boar, but …[View]
93881879I bet none of you pathetic little incel nerds even have the Dragonmaster's Ring. This is what c…[View]
93908502『Kill Team General』 - /ktg/: Brace For Impact edition Previous Thread: >>93872201 >News Aqu…[View]
93927882Your Homebrew Setting Lore Facts General Thread: In my setting pretty much any Arcane spellcaster, M…[View]
93934204Tenhou: how do I get tile numbers on tenhou.net/3/ and/or /4/? I tried using this addon https://chro…[View]
93933854Thousand Sons: >Losers in the 30k lore >Losers in the 40k lore >Losers in the vidya >Bla…[View]
93897874Eyes of the overworld: >What if special glasses let people see into a magical paradise called the…[View]
93904222>The Imperium is just a pale shadow of what it was during the Great Crusade >The Great Crusade…[View]
93927661Do you make timetables for NPC routines in your games? I feel like that's the most effective ki…[View]
93927433Stat him. And make it comic accurate.[View]
93924981how do you do red herrings the right way? so that your players don't jump on a lead that sends …[View]
93933439Warhammer 40k should only have 3 factions: >The Imperium (mostly the Space Marines) >Chaos …[View]
93875483Trench Crusade General - /trench/: Goat Party Edition >What is Trench Crusade? An alternate weird…[View]
93923418Should insectoid species be the Lawful Good equivalent of an Orc horde? >Contain vast numbers …[View]
93903475I just can't stand nu-GW. It was literally Blanch art that sold me in to it in the first time.[View]
93876241/eadsttcoteg/ EXPEDITION: AGARTHA DESCENT: Scramble to the Center of the Earth General: Sky Raid Edi…[View]
93933350/enlg/ - Enlisted General: This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi,…[View]
93930566/40kg/ - Warhammer 40k General: If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are Edition >Balance Datas…[View]
93921903Troika adventures are cool, the system sucks. What system would you recommend to run them?[View]
93930263Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/ow…[View]
93875685It is skeleton time motherfuckers! Time to discuss >what skeletons should look like (in your opin…[View]
93907989Settings where spiritual/religious metaphor is 'fact'...: ... But it's not the 'weird part of t…[View]
93931265Jumpchain CYOA Thread #6256: Chase That Feeling Edition: >Brutus' Drive https://drive.google…[View]
93923349/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General: Previously: >>93916409 >OFFICIAL Commander website, where y…[View]
93928047“Oh, here we go again! Dungeons and freakin’ Dragons! What is this, huh? Some kinda nerd Olympics? L…[View]
93924228/mtg/ - Magic: The Gathering General: Edition That Feeds ▶Bans (NOW) https://magic.wizards.com/en/ne…[View]
93902929How do you make halflings interesting?[View]
93922999/btg/ BattleTech General: The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/! Jeana Clay edition Last Thread: …[View]
93872623Are orcs actually popular?[View]
93899083/gurpsgen/ - GURPS General: Previous thread: >>93852692 GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, …[View]
93921128How combat effective is this?[View]
93916716Ahoy, Landlubbers. What are some good Fantasy Naval games? All I can think of is Kings of War: Armad…[View]
93901762/shogi/ - Shogi General: How about we have a shogi general? Learn how to play shogi here: https://li…[View]
93924618>You cultivate a martyr's complex, lurching from man to man, holding out your bleeding wrist…[View]
93885779Character Art Thread - No Shirt, Post Please: Outfits that are similar to regular ones minus a shirt…[View]
93922867Bolt Action General: 3rd Edition is due next Thursday, what are you going to do differently with you…[View]
93872776Chris Cocks spoke about AI and D&D at a Goldman Sachs event.: Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks is convince…[View]
93924333/cyoag/ - Choose Your Own Adventure General:: KINO EDITION Archives & Other Resources: https://p…[View]
93881972How to interpret Elves having less constitution and weighing the same as females?[View]
93896297/WoDg/&/CofDg/ - World of Darkness & Chronicles of Darkness General: Nostalgia Edition. >…[View]
93926603Warhammer 40k General /40kg/: Putting the rad in radical edition >Balance Dataslate: https://www.…[View]
93917848Why is Curse of Strahd such a heap of shit?: Allegedly this is the 'best' of the official …[View]
93887741Board Games General /bgg/: Stevie Wonder 'Superstition' edition Previous:>>93844302 Pastebin: …[View]
93926384Cyberpunk Thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV_3Dpw-BRY Could this song feasibly played in a C…[View]
93900300How Overpowered is Calgar?: > Thousand Son Sorcerer commands a Lord of Change to literally freeze…[View]
93925117What are the defining elements of 'Tolkienian' and 'Moorcockian' fantasy settings?[View]
93899328The Graffiti Thread: ITT, we think up stuff and words to put on the walls for the PCs to find. Every…[View]
93913731/WIP/ WORK IN PROGRESS: >Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/BE42AEcD >WIP T…[View]
93921635/mcyoag/ Multiplayer Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://past…[View]
9390656340k Leagues of Votann: So is this seriously how the Leagues of Votann are gonna look? Forever? No bi…[View]
93868172BVILT for instant loss[View]
93868015/bushi/ - Bushiroad Card Games General: Thread 432: More Waiting for Probably Nothing Major Edition …[View]
93926281>Day Three of the Freak Off: For those who wish to enjoy the Lord of Excess' complete embrac…[View]
93907951>Be me, purpose-bred bioweapon with lifespan of mere hours >Have to grip natural weapon that i…[View]
93926447What is the Forgotten Realms equivalent of Sharn?[View]
93926461God Game Idea: So in my drunken stupor, my synapses danced alight with the idea of a tabletop adapta…[View]
93916983RPG Romance Thread: Why are people so against romance in their games when it's such a big part …[View]
93867519/3dpg/ - 3d Printing General: This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-…[View]
93884468My favorite thing about the nonsense that is DnD is that they try to pass it off as this serious thi…[View]
93868492/tg/ approved music?[View]
93897760Previously, I explored the idea of mechanizing roleplaying to incentivize and shape character behavi…[View]
93901156The Kitchen Sink: Whenever a world is presented that includes your traditional dwarves, orcs and elv…[View]
93917878Map Thread: Let's post the maps we're making for our settings.[View]
93913026/hhg/ & /atg/ – Horus Heresy General & Adeptus Titanicus General: Legion-specific edition Pr…[View]
93889348/acg/ - Alternative Card Games General #535: High Ground Edition Here is a thread to discuss trading…[View]
93893964Let's hear the bullshit reasons you've had a character rejected, /tg/. I had one rejected …[View]
93922109Jumpchain CYOA Thread #6255: Dragon Edition: >Brutus' Drive https://drive.google.com/drive/f…[View]
93918596Spire & Heart: The City Beneath, Good or Overhyped?: I enjoy Shut Up & Sit Down occasionally…[View]
93891582What makes a setting a great setting?: And what are some examples of fantasy settings done right?…[View]
93921484Warhammer 40k General /40kg/: In the grim florkness edition >Balance Dataslate: https://www.warha…[View]
93902169Dying Earth settings: Thread to talk about Dark Sun, dying earth, Jack Vance/Gene Wolfe influenced, …[View]
93865493/ygo/ - Yu-Gi-Oh General: Yu-Gi-Oh! General #555 Doing Her Best Edition Previous Thread: >>937…[View]
93919805D6 Dungeon new run: pokemon edition 1 marill water mouse 1-3 aqua jet increases ko roll integers by …[View]
93919969/cyoag/ - Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wE…[View]
93907264/5eg/ - Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition General: Along For The Ride Edition >2024 PHB Scan (…[View]
93920037Me and one of my friends are looking for pdf files of these very specific old 40k books Does anyone …[View]
93910833/slop/ - AI artistry: Knight Guard Edition Previously on /slop/: >>93901477 ▶ Thread Task: pro…[View]
93903620>nuGW games have editions that are 2.5 years long, and in that time people on average get around …[View]
93915958/mtg/ - Magic: the Gathering General: UUU edition ▶Bans (NOW) https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/ann…[View]
93902239Generous Boomer gave me a bunch of Oldhammer: A guy just came in and handed me a box of these; Im tr…[View]
93891607>Accidentally travels to a fishman city >Immediately says you should genocide everyone >Ano…[View]
93904638/aosg/ - Age of Sigmar General: 'Sorry nerd, in the real world, the nurgling gets the girl' edition …[View]
93916409/edhg/ EDH/Commander General: Previously: >>93912669 >OFFICIAL Commander website, where you…[View]
93871208https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNiWNAQKFXs >ork >calm >don't speak with cockney accen…[View]
9392140140k factions as pokemon types: I'm only at level 2 autism, so I didn't think of the type m…[View]
93916616Generic d&d thread #1458, cross Confucianism: I have dmed since 1985. Ofc I've ran other ga…[View]
93891954How big is your game's bestiary, anon?[View]
93863203Your character is about to get executed. All rescue attempts have failed, all saving throws and what…[View]
93862948/gwsg/ Games Workshop Specialist Games: Vibrant killers edition >Previous Thread >>93796437…[View]
93909386how to make cool NPCs: At some point the anecdotes about DMPCs and cringe tryhard NPCs got to me. I …[View]
93916146Hellmouth as an encounter: So, for a period of time, the entrance to Hell was represented as a monst…[View]
93901576/usgen/ - Universal Systems General: Alien encounters edition. Welcome to /usgen/ It is dedicated to…[View]
93913582Who was the better dark lord?[View]
93900656Would /yourwalker/ survive?[View]
93914311/cyoag/ - Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wE…[View]
93912716I was reading the GURPS Cthulhupunk books and I thought to myself: Who's got a better shot at f…[View]
93913131/btg/ BattleTech General: The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/! Zeus (and Steiner) edition Last Th…[View]
93888499Don't play DnD[View]
93916533/40kg/ - Warhammer 40k General: Oldhammer Squat Tech Priest and Retinue Edition >Balance Dataslat…[View]
93911778RPGs where divination is a nonmagical skill that anyone can take up: Over the years, I have seen sys…[View]
93891171Who is actually the master of blacksmithing and forging? Elves or Dwarves?[View]
93906040Is running a card shop really so easy? people just show up everyday to buy dice and cards?[View]
93901920>campaign has two GMs[View]
93897546humans be like >neutral race >the most evil mf's >even the other evil races if they ex…[View]
93904944Grabbed this for $15. I'm floored it wasn't marked up more.[View]
93883718The party is back from the adventure and they're smelly, dirty, and sweaty. What are the logist…[View]
93858085/todd/ – Traditional, Open D&D discussion: Welcome to TODD! This thread is for OPEN discussion o…[View]
93902808It has been far too long since we had one of these threads. Show me your party /tg/.[View]
93909470/mcyoag/ Multiplayer Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://past…[View]
93900582What was the worst DM/GM, etc you've ever had like?[View]
93912669/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General: Previously: >>93904793 Grammatical errors edition. >OFFICIA…[View]
93901477/slop/ – AI Art: Dragon Rider Edition Previously on /slop/: >>93873301 ▶ Thread Task: Fantasy…[View]
93909094Why are there so many people failed attempts at real plays? A tiny number of them are succesful and …[View]
93895262best tone for a manual: Manuals are mainly read by the people running the game, players are expected…[View]
93912227/40kg/ - Warhammer 40k General: Old Blood Angels Art Edition >Balance Dataslate: https://www.warh…[View]
93856852/mechm/ - Mecha Monday: Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games…[View]
93906480/mtg/ - Magic: the Gathering General: Hedge Shredder Edition ▶Bans (NOW) https://magic.wizards.com/e…[View]
93857186/chess/ - Chess General: Olympiad edition >Chess websites, tools, videos and books: https://rentr…[View]
93889279Could Yakuza reasonably be interpreted as paladins?: I know they're mainly descendant from samu…[View]
93889208/osrg/—Old School Renaissance General Anonymous: Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the …[View]
93913152ASOIAF: Will you play them?[View]
93911266/cyoag/ - Choose Your Own Adventure General: Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wE…[View]
93899532/wfg/ - Warhammer Fantasy General: Wacky Beastmen Edition >Resources: WFB: https://pastebin.com/q…[View]
93897353Imperial Fists Thread.: thread to appreciate the best space marine legion/chapter and everything the…[View]
93855155You know, I was rewatching LoK the other day and I got to thinking, you never seem to see Air mages …[View]

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