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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Mox Diamond edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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Only if you let them slide down to sit at an angle. If you have a box with cards, but not enough cards to fill them up, you can grab the box your Dragonshields came in and use it as a spacer.
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So, you're basically saying that I should avoid pic related?
>only if you let them slide down at an angle, consider a spacer if there's not enough room for a full box
>so you're saying I should avoid a full box that prevents the cards from sliding at an angle?
Oh I think I misunderstood, my bad. The situation that I should be heading for is actually >>92706571 ?
yeah, you want the cards to be snug, until it's hard to slide another one in the stack. Then they won't bend.

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Gnomes are underappreciated. Fantasy needs more gnomes in the fields where they excel (illusionists, artificers and bards). I can't believe halflings are more popular than based gnomes.
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No. Gnomes are spooks, I don't deal with that shit, it's bad garden joojoo. Damn little creeps walking around the grass all night, dealing with meth and fairies, next day you'll find their work on your doorstep. Never more, never go innawoods.
Gnomes are hippie alchemists with zero morality equivalent to crazed scientists in my setting (and RPG). They are extremely xenophobic and the equivalent of eco-terrorists against other factions.
What's the difference between a regular gnome and a halfling that's a wizard?
Gnomes make excellent garden ornaments, don't you think? Although a bit retro these days, and hardly tasteful.

Perhaps they live in the cold, frozen wastes... an Alaska-like country?

Robert Asprin made a joke about this in the first of his "Myth" books, taking a swipe at the Swiss banking system while he was at it. In that universe, gnomes come from Zoorik.

So basically halflings are hippies and gnomes are autists?
luv this, never thought of elves -> humans = gnomes -> halflings
'Nomes' could be creatures of onomancy

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"Cityfighting in Tzaragrad" edition
Previous thread: >>92559710

>/GROG/ Pastebin:
https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn (embed)

>What is Oldhammer? The long settled definition is 80s Warhammer, this includes up to the third ed of WHFB, and Rogue Trader. Nevertheless, in this general people are happy to talk about games and editions from the 90s and early 00s.
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nvm found it here:

t (dot) me (slash) wadfadst

oh look, samefagging a 3d post to sell shit. stay in your containment thread dickhead.
>Telegram link
>to sell shit
The group it links to is specifically a group that's selling its bootleg scans.
this may be extremely specific to the point of narcissim, but does anyone have access to every warzone from the Armageddon3 website? I know that the 253 issue of WD or whichever it was has the overview of the conclusion of the world campaign, but the website had pages for each warzone with an interactive map that would tell you info about one of parts of each region, as well as some terrain recommendations to replicate it.
It works for most regions, but some are perpetually stuck on Ruffle's loading screen.
I wanted to collect screengrabs of each area in each region for the entire planet for my own reference, primarily for collecting my Imperium and Ork collections as well as for writing. Any tips on how to make Ruffle laod better, or did anyone have the same idea I did?

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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>Anything neat happen in Aditya lately after Naraka ate the machine lady and spat her out as his best friend? The discord I was stalking for translated updates seems to have deleted itself while I wasn’t looking.
I think there has been only two new releases in like the last 6 months or something. It is largely on hiatus because Masada and G-yuusuke are busy with the Avesta VN release (which was supposed to come early this year but I guess it will be pushed for later, specially if they are going to release it into two parts).
Red’s first chain apparently ended with her Jumper rotting away as a Hollow. Despite y’know, theoretically having a gorillion ways of genetic manipulation and magic to avoid that.
>the Avesta VN release
Fuck, why? Aren’t VNs dead as a market right now? Just actually continue the story of Pantheon at that point, at least there will be new content.
Cliff hiding in his house because of the fear of getting hit by a truck will remain funny, just as OAA losing his arm to a Pokémon will remain funny. No argument from you will dissuade me from this position, because humor is mostly subjective.
The idea of approaching jumpchain with strategy in mind is so comical that anyone who does it is a fucking clown. You can become basically god in one jump, and for all that it's what you advocate for, that's boring as sin and there's no point in writing such a chain at all.

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Box art edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (very much still a WORK IN PROGRESS, feel free to suggest more links to be added!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]


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I already got the video game, I dont need anymore board games no one plays with me.
Alas, one day someone will play with my Zombies!!! Collector's box set... or all of my Catan expansions...
Like the others sayed with to competitive players.
That happened to me, first they told me what i can't play because that would be unfair and imba (/tg/ toled me later that it's not) in the first game they "stole" one of my champions and totally crushed me,
they explained the rules poorly and got niche rules out whenever they would benefit them and just in situations when it was too late to react or prevent (so they never warned me when is was about to do something stupid or they could do something major bad to me).
so after the first match i had no money because of paying the doc to save my leader one champ was gone and after the second match it got worse they soled my champ (GSC by the way so extra money for them and even less money for me) and no way to win anymore.
the arbitraitor could have helped but toled me GSC can't get house favors or anithing so there is nothing he can do i am just fucked....
Especially funnny one of them was van saar plasma spammer but telling me getting one champ with 3 autopistols and one with longlas is imba (just wanted to play my kelemorph and sanctus models as my champs)
The Kasrkin is the model of the week thing. So they already had them as single model sprues.
No clue about the Ogryn thought.

Feel ya. Played Blackstone fotress everyone liked it, bought two realy expensive adons, no one wants to play. Asked if anyone is interested in Zombicide everyone sayed yes bought it no one "has time" to play.
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>Just introduce yourself and if they don't seem like spergs, politely ask to join
This is all the advice you need
If you are into this you have more in common than naught but just check to make sure

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Siege of Spanac ends with Ghost Bears seizing the city (Day 4 of Operation Scorpion) edition

Last Thread: >>92695542

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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A lifetime spent in war, a path I've known
With every contract signed, the distance grown
No bonds to tie, no land to keep, no peace to find
A solitary path, with destiny entwined

Across the stars my legend's told, yet inside I'm alone
In my cockpit I sit, my empire is a loan

Amidst the stars, I claim my throne
I chase the c-bills, but they won't atone

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fall of the duke (it's meant to be in-universe propaganda, so details are a bit fudged and exaggerated)

Through the smoke, his name they'd cheer
Born of combat, devoid of fear
Every step (every clash)
A story etched in the sparks they rear
Bound by battle, a lineage worn
A name that will live in the heart of the storm

Steel 'gainst the sky, iron and fire
Legends are born, where the mighty expire
In the heart of the fray, a warrior true
Dresari stood fast, in the battle's fierce brew

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I remembered a mech with a funny smile that looked sort of like this, but while trying to recall its name I found the Battle Hawk and I think that might be it.
Swing and a miss. It's a Hound.
Damn, I was really tricked by that profile and the arms. Interesting choice though, good taste cowboy.

Albinorkz Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Tau Rules:

>Emperor's Children Index is coming:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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The shoulders can articulate too, so they are capable of a full range of motion with their arms.
>Khorne is the Chaos God of war, hatred, wrath, rage, murder, blood, strength, courage and martial honour.
According to the Liber Chaotica in 2003
Not canon
imagine thinking the Chaos Pantheon cant be abstract and are well defined.

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It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread: >>92667253

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Requesting Treasure Quests D20 from Fast Forward Entertainment

>Treasure Quest
You mean the one I fulfilled in response to your request in the previous thread?
ufile fzo75szx

Got it, thank you so much.
I'd like to request Super Space Knights + Infinitum Bellum. Also Welcome Aboard, Captain if anyone has them.

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Spellbashing edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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Um, not sure if the missus would appreciate Bogskratz da Bottlegrabba
>da Bottlegrabba
This one's actually very flexible. You start with milk and move on to % as you get older
kek this is a great imagine. Damn I really hope the Fyreslayers range gets redone this edition, I love them but their models are boring as shit, the new Warcry team was a push in the right direction.
They could really use some variety, but I'm half expecting midget soup at this point.
Any decent audio books or channels to listen to? Got two boxes of clan rats to clean up and assemble tomorrow and I'll need the help because that is going to be a painful sunday.

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What do we think of this Fallout TTRPG system?
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My favorite part is when the Independent woman lead is enslaved and drinks radioactive animal piss.
Fucking brainrot I swear.
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>the wasteland survival guide quest doesn't highlight fallout 3's issues because Moira is le quirky girl (though that is annoying very quickly), it's because people are still scavenging from convenience stores centuries after the bombs fell when they would've actually been picked clean in weeks.
This autism complaint always bugged me. I have pre-war shit in ruins because otherwise there would be no reason to go into pre-war ruins.
so is it too progressive or not progressive enough? or is it just badly written.
>a black masculine good guy love interest
He's portrayed as a pathetic, cowardly power-hungry loser. Your politics are polluting your ability to actually perceive reality.
nta, but it definitely has the prog boxes its contractually obligated to check for Amazon but overall its p good. First two episodes and the last episode are firmly mid though
>black masculine good guy love interest
bro, he's got like 3 int. I'd be surprised if any chicks watching want a piece of that.

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"For my holy wrath will know no bounds" edition
>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News
MTO O&G, new Grombrindal if you ignore the siggypiggy base

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H

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a shot of game 2 against empire. my cats ate his mortar on turn 2. he was entirely tabled after turn 3. i didn't lose a single model and got a massacre victory. nicest guy i've played against so far probably, too bad he brought a comfy list instead of a sweaty one, so he didn't have too much success in the games. big infantry blocks don't hold up too well against a mournfang charge. i overrun that block of 30ish halberdsmen with a captain in one turn. warhams is hell.
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my final game yesterday was against my friend's bretonnia, who deservedly won the best painted army award. he didn't win much else, killed a few bulls with his questing knights and shot a couple of ironguts with spells and arrows, I tabled him entirely for another massacre victory.
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his knights tried a point blank charge against my giant.
My pot
My meat
My meal!
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they did not live to tell the tale. the only survivor being this duke or whatever the bretonnian heroes are called, soon left the battlefield in a hurry. this shot bears some resemblance to that white girl on the couch.

Lyn aka Fourth Sister edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>92697713

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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Tell the Hutt player his character sounds awesome.
How does the hutt manage, with his slow ass?
He was called Anakin for the first time in RotJ.
This is the level of autism required to manage an IP the size and scope of Star Wars successfully. The moment you give up and let individual creatives have their own way it all goes to shit again and we get Disneysloppa.
I watched half of the first season to see Clone Hulk smash things, but then they made Wrecker a retard with a child's mentality who can't ever win a fight on his own, so I quit the series. Where's the guy from CW7 who squats LAATs and cries with joy over getting to blow shit up?

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>I say no but they keep protesting
>let them play as a goblin
>they just make a green female halfling
>perma ban him from my discord server

why tf do these types of people exist...legit porn brain rot
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I want to play a goblin cavalier fighter with a superiority complex.
Always declaring he should be the one do thing, which would back fire on himself. Threatening to attack the party for any slights. Killing his mount for any failures / frustrations.
Had a game that stuttered and shuttered where I was able to get some play time with the idea. Had a great rivalry with a psi-warrior Hobgoblin. Lots of good back and forth about who should be in charge. Hobby was a coward who used a heavy crossbow while Gobby was a gigachad using forbidden lance techniques.
Okay this is pedo, I retract my previous statement.
I wonder i someone has made a good way to explain the evolution of goblins, like lore wise how they evolved from the more monster like pointy nosed variants into the cute sexy shortstack variant that everyone enjoys.
And you're wrong. And retarded, to boot.
Since all goblins are neutral evil, I can only assume 30 other goblins are nearby and this goblin is using some kind of illusion magic to look like a green halfling to bait minor attracted humanoids into an ambush.

Like To Catch a Predator, but with even more death.

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