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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

You already have Giansar and Volley Ball Sadayoshi right?
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I don’t know the context of story but brainwashing is the reason. It plays a part in battles when you break through the blue bar under an enemy’s HP it’ll undo the brainwashing and if they haven’t attack yet in the same turn they will attack another enemy or themselves if they are the only one left. But they immediately become brainwashed after attacking and will regain an action to attack you characters.
is there a pack atm that increases my chance of getting obsidius
To my knowledge there hasn’t been anything that increases the chances of getting a specific character. The only guarantee is to spark the character after 200 summons.
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I want to know this man's backstory and his personality.

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Any fun?
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It has Menace so I like it

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How about that current End of Month event? Can't wait for Mid-Month, then this upcoming End of Month event. The Anniversary is around the corner!
I genuinely think bbs is lying about their sales
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I wouldn't say lying, I would say they are generally idiots to charge $80 for a single character. At this point, so many characters are considered outdated for very hard guild quests and Limit Breaker that they should sell $20 tickets with multiple characters.

While I'm definitely sad that they pulled the option for a free choose your own six star on new accounts, at least we are getting one thanks to the social media tie-in that recently happened.

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Buu lost. Cooler lost. GODhan won.
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>Also, 99% chance that we're losing the extra ticket summons since that was global-only compensation for making us wait.
please don't remind me
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Future Trunks trained by Supreme Kai when?
I want the big mic drop Buu LR should be transforming Buuhan into Kid Buu.
>links with everyone
>links with himself
>both have BBB
And it should be DFE or Carnival. I'd rather the yellow coin be Gotenks, Ulthan or Hercule.
that would be cool too

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Rejoice, we are getting closer and closer to summer.
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I wish my boss was Bunyan.
Never look up what the Japanese think, their opinion is always trash.
rats small
Goes to show that /vmg/ is unironically smarter than /fgog/
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Man, Helena needs this shirt.

String Fucker boss fight is in, remember papa Cometpants loves you
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any emus more optimized than LDplayer? that shit makes me laptop run like magma
ok nvm i fixed it. runs pretty well now.

that said, rerolling in this game is kind of shit. only 15k jewels when you start. i want 3 chars from the shirei banner...
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>Im too addicted to EB
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got saurin in 30 guess i should settle for that since shes the coolest
why couldn't this have been the art direction for EB?

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Another year with spider mech daughters!
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Finished off Nepgear's gacha today. With 5 days to spare, too. Good going. I think that it's time for me to start doing Centaur Eliminations + Main Story soon. There's also Distant Trial to think of - no clue how to start there.

With Nep event coming to a close, there's a few things that need to be decided. First off, I'm gonna have (90x5 days) 450 more SEPlaneptune game disks, bringing the count to 810. I have no idea what to spend all this on, but I'm leaning towards fodders and EXP. There are a lot of things to level, after all.

Second, according to the schedule (source: none), F. Nio banner will be rerun soon. Normally I wouldn't care about anything other than a bunch of neppers, but it's a Nio (main girl) and she has a self-revive and an SSS PvE rating. Naturally, after spending 360 free rolls, I don't have anything except whatever's left of the main story to go around. We'll see how that works out.

Third, while rolling for all the other mess, I pulled Sirius and Oona. Their kits seem neat, but I haven't raised them at all - and what's more, they (kind of) conflict with Black Heart's niche in my roster, which is Green (green-ish?) single-target DPS. Coupled with CR Suriel (level 50 and tech 3 now!) being sorta useful, I'm not actually sure what unit to spend my 5* skill keys on (20 rn). I can bring those two up to speed no problem with the massive amount of EXP from Neptune's shop, but how useful are they? I don't know. If anyone has any experience with them, sound off.

I also got Ginga, but even if the tierlist says she's SSS-tier in PvE at first, after Purple Heart, who looks to be doing the same job, raising her seems kind of strange. Would Ginga + Purple Heart + Morris + Alice be an effective Centaur farming team? My guess is no because only Alice S3 offers a persistent debuff and I have no gear to compensate. Decisions...

I have 82 of those things and around nine useful 4-stars to raise at MOST. There is seriously no need.
>only Alice S3 offers a persistent debuff
Just checked and Centaur is SPD down immune. I can either slot in Foxy or fit in Nepgear's S3 magic. Just need +100% ailment boost from gear for both her and neptune somehow fffff
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Another daily post. I've started to make progress into Centaur elimination research. My first Centaur 8 auto seems to be really janky right now and takes a lot of time, but still works fine - you may observe it in this here webbum. I bought a Gavialis Cat Orb and put it on Neptune - it works wonders right now. This is where I'll put most of my sanity from now on until I get a decent set of gear. I've managed to complete the event 9-square that was expiring on 9th May by spamming elims too, so go me.

And that's it for today, pretty much. Because the elims take so long to do, I have about 25 leftover energy cans after all the dailys and elims. In fact, they're still running in the other tab. The goal of all this is, I wanna get some decent gear, then make a Centaur 9 auto somehow, then level it all up and blow up the main story for F Nio rolls.

I've almost forgot to mention, but I leveled Nepgear's Unique Armament to level 20. At 20, she gets a passive that reduces her S2 and S3 cooldowns by 1 if no allies have debuffs on them. That seemed pretty broken to me, so as a result now I'm a little bit poor. Maybe. It'll fix itself with time, probably.
Excuse me, energy.
It took me around 4 hours, but I've cleared this week's rewards from Distant Trial. This boss had 70% deflect on atk while debuffed + bonus turn riposte + every attack was aoe healblock+spd/atk down on one target. This boss took a lot of time and without CR Suriel, I would not have made it.

Excuse me while I fall unconscious

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So, how does your favorite game stack up? https://www.darkpattern.games/

Is there any reason to get invested in mobile games vs normal games or emulation when the vast majority use any tactic to suck money out of players for a dopamine hit?
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My fav game is not on the list
Post games that score good, then
Interesting resource, but quite unreliable, because it relies on a very slim number of reviews.
For instance: Rolling Luck: Win Real Money Slots Game & Get Paid got a 4,36/5 (healthy) rating. I wanted to check the game out but it's not available anymore, just like many other on the list, which is another issue. Clearly the site isn't well curated.
The fact that Caravan Stories isn't on this list only rapidly increases my fears that it will End of Service before the end of the year. If it was considered relevant, it would be in the top ten.

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Goodbye forever.
After a bit over 5 years of service, the servers for Kirara Fantasia have been shut down.
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Did you like the episode?
Finally some fucking camping, I loved it
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new season soon
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I don't know what that is, but the only things worth money are the gazettes, the travelogue (not the premium one) and the growth bundle.
and the 1$ bundle you get during the first 2 hours of your account's life and never again :^)
>the next season will be set in a place where anthros live
>the main characters are fucking kemonomimi
I hate them, I hate them so much
>check arena ranking
>got attacked 10 times by people with 5 supremes
Isn't there a fucking limit to how many times a day you can get farmed in defense?
No keep rerolling to farm the same dude all the time.

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SF6 has just ended, what are your hopes and fears for the next year?
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Autoplay still takes time where you can't use your device for anything else. They either need to let you use skip tickets in all modes outside of PVP or remove them from dailies. Farming rush dungeon without battle pass is especially egregious, because you need to leave it for more than an hour of autoplay to get one full set of cards, for example. Potentially overheating the phone.
You can and should the PC client for that. Although I haven't even bothered getting the shop cards for the past few banners, they just don't seem useful.
Something fishy is definitely going on, NM didn't bother to make either a trailer or a site banner for Kyo XI unlike every other unit released in the past years.
I wish they would just come out and say what's happening so I would whether I should even bother to continue playing
Yo where is the bitch ass anon that tells everyone to quit?

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100 years of 'mana training' with the forgotten sorceress! Becoming a powerful SKKmagus with Arkhangelsk! Playing VR RPGs with botes (and TB) in the port! This is a mobile video game about naval warships, BTW. Discuss!
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kissing VV, on the lips, while holding hands, fingers intertwined, and maintaining eye contact
i.e. she held hands with other men
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real /d/epraved hours in this thread
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Aside from the person trying to shitpost, its nice.

Do you like Konomi Suzuki and her songs for She is Legend?
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Thunder support banner next week. Maybe the next new style banner will have something good for thunder, they did this kind of banner for dark when Tsukasa was released.
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I've already failed to get Sharo enough times
My monthly "any news on global version?" query...
Just learn jap already
Tried the new season of the arts battle today, and they improved nothing. All the issues from before still there, but now even more with worse bosses in endless. Absolutely great.

Feels like whoever designed this mode has never played the game. For starters, why do enemies get more and more dp/hp? This makes no sense. You don't deal more damage as you get more stats. HBR's damage formula doesn't work like that. If I have 300 power and the enemy 200 stats it's the same damage as if I had 900 power and the enemy 800 stats. Or less for that matter, because damage cap which you reach with 100 dif and crit, or 50 dif Kozue buff maxed and crit.

It is such a fucking bad mode. I gave it the benefit of the doubt for its first season, but holy crap. Either people didn't complain enough, or they don't care. At the very least that makes it easy to skip. The rewards are not worth it. Takes a certain amount of talent to fuck up a game mode THIS much.

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Did you summon for Mythic Loki?
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They could give slower units a potent that checks for res or def or the wyvern rift follow up spd increaser.
Eitri lost the vg. The Book 5 TT can't come soon enough.
sorry, they hit her with the never-ever villian tax
look forward to fafnir (medicated) or otr

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