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>Helldivers 2 now unavailable in countries which PSN is also unavailable


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I like fascism and owning the leftietards.
I alwasy call the bugs 'commie'.
The best part is you know Kusony will never backtrack on any of this, it's only going to get worse
because even with shit implementation and jank and dumb dev decisions and a snail slow content drip it was fundamentally fun, and the vision of its true Platonic form divested of those negative things would promise even more fun

>'Of all the words of tongue and pen, saddest are these, what could have been'
>at it's finest.
>please learn english.
Because it is the only real jobs we're they can have power without also being the first ones on the chopping block. Same with Karen's and HR positions

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>Write character with unlikeable tropes
>Ends up to be the most likeable and popular one

Are gamers autistic or what?
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It is kinda funny honestly
She's a mildly autistic sarcastic snake lady
I'm not sure what you were expecting
Why did they ruin a great game with a reddit tier cringe plot. Total alien death; Fuck you Jake
>mildly autistic sarcastic snake lady

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>Make an anthro female
>Human men want to fuck it

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Hey, oh, it's /v/ackbox Saturday thread.
Hosting games from all 10 Jackbox Party Packs.
Check thread for current stream.
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who is this
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Hail, traveler
haha good one. next you'll tell me this isn't
>Princess Peach(from the Mario franchise)
you should try using "Clementine's cap" in the prompt and also "clementine from telltale's the walking dead: season 4"
you'd get much better results

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Remember when games had jokes?
Jokes are supposed to be funny
If this were somehow slipped in a newly released game then they would have to patch it out with an update, just like how they patched out the "Bros Before Hoes" trophy in God of War: Ascension.

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Honestly? I have more respect for Fallout 4 than New Vegas.
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They have to be destroyed for the greater good. I like New Vegas but there's no other way, the trannies have long since worn out their welcome in the Fallout community. Even Todd has lost his patience
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This image is honestly my favorite one the new wave of pro fallout 4 propaganda
It's just so silly

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Why is this game so fucking bad?
Terrible bosses, awful levels. Nothing redeeming here. What are your thoughts on fromsoftware's worst game?
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>yeah, the game plays like ass but it has more mechanics(you walk, roll and attack 99% of the game), zones and 3 good bosses! (out of 42)
Talk about quantity over quality
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Miyazaki didn't want to make a second game. DS2 was so terrible that he couldn't endure it and had to make a third game, hoping people would forget about the disgrace the second one was.
Of all the negatives the game has why the UI? Its literary the same as 3.

I could list other things, like input reading for example, but then I would get tons of ''git gud retard'' replies. But not now, everyone knows that UI is terrible.
i've never played ds2. i wonder if it's worth playing. i just want more ds1 honestly

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So why do they use caps as currency?
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>sturdier than paper money, but just as portable
>production of Nuka Cola halted with World War III, meaning that there's going to be only a limited number of caps in circulation, thereby limiting inflation
>nearly impossible to counterfeit

>regulating currency production and distribution is bad because DA JOOS
So you never played F1 and got to The Hub?
One problem is that not all bullets are the same, and you would have to do different prices for different calibers, which would also mean that some guns would never be fired by a smart enough player due to the cps (cost per shot). Would be interesting if done right however as you could make it so the game prioritizes higher caliber guns as the game gets more difficult
The hub is a crime ridden grimes town. That's more of what the game is. Not trying to explain nuances of currency and tax law. It's about a lawless wasteland...
they should use teeth

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Fight Fight Fight
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GGs lad
The original animation had Kenshin's eye color change iirc
Plus the "next episode preview" song starting to kick in was sick as shit too. Man, that fight was great back then.
english or jp version of the OP to ruroni kenshin?
am I supposed to get out of the way or mash when I know wald's going to command grab?

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>food analogy
the new vegas guy should be a tranny
Prime bait.

Getting this soon, what's the best unit? Is X and T any good? I've only ever played 30.
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>Whats the best unit
Literally doesn't matter, just pick whoever units you think looks the coolest
Is this buy Akira Toriyama?
Mightgaine is a casual always deploy due to both being one of the strongest units in the game and also giving you free shit for deploying him.
Your best option for your first 100 Kills to get the Prana Converter is either Tobia or Kincade in the XB Gundam X-1 Kai Kai, it upgrades into the best Melee Gundam in the game.
6300 is the number you're looking for as good enough on a fully upgraded real. Every super in this game baring 6 are busted those 6 are the 2 non-mazingers from Mazinger and the 2 EVA's that aren't piloted by Shinji or Asuka and Mightgaine's 2 sidekicks.
X and T are both OK, X gives you just enough tool to make one turning the back half of the game an actually interesting puzzle while T gives you so much shit its laughable easy to do so.
>I've only ever played 30.
Holy shit I actually feel bad for you.

Is it fair/justifiable to censor/remove content in a games re-release due to political/current world reasons?

The STALKER re-releases removed the Russian language from the language options due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, despite the fact that none of the original Russian voice actors had nothing to do with the war, and that the Russian language itself is not intrinsically anti-Ukraine. Due to the game developers being based in Ukraine, they have been the target of attacks by the Russian government.

Seems like a huge waste to me to delete all that content that has otherwise been in the games for years due to something that is going to be forgotten history in some time, but I'm curious as to what /v/ thinks.
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Yeah but what about all the people who grew up playing the game in Russian, or who just liked the russian voice acting? There's a bunch of people who only played the game in Russian. Just seems a bit of a weird choice to me to remove content over something that's only temporary.
the moment they put NFT in is the moment you should have realized they have no idea what theyre doing and that it will be bad beyond any doubt
And here I am playing Metro Exodus like it's meant to be played - with original Russian dialogue. The eng dub is crap.
>Yeah but what about all the people who grew up playing the game in Russian, or who just liked the russian voice acting? There's a bunch of people who only played the game in Russian.
i personally don't care.
can't say the same about butthurt vatniks though.
>speak English
Not my problem, Ivan

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it really do be like that

why are pc gamers like this?
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Why are non Americans so stupid?
>company can never lie because they made it so vague and any defense that points to a wording can be digitally altered after the fact
If people who played games had standards, everyone would just pirate.
Those aren't the same guy, they play different games.
This poster made the most salient point in the thread.
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>implying I have those other games
also there's a difference between making a requirement at the outset and adding the requirement months in and banning a shitload of people who already paid for it

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he will save helldivers

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>Reddit Soiboys having a Meltdown over Helldivers
Why do these media illiterate retards think the game is somehow good because of the whole DEMOCRACY meme ? I honestly hope Sony pulls out of all future PC releases in retaliation because of this shit,and im saying this as someone who mostly plays on PC.
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cum all over her face
mine mostly
fepe bepe
>posts person that looks like a troon
come on now...
>Reddit Soiboys
>media illiterate
maybe if you stopped being fucked on the ears by niggers, your brain could function properly, fag.

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Could an Amazing Digital Circus game be feasibly made and what would you want it to be like to make it enjoyable?
>Point n Click
>64 Style platformer
>ps1 style turnbased RPG
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The rabbit is funny and, more importantly, it cannot actually hurt them.
Qrd on this series? I'm 14 and everyone in my school talks about it
A point and click feels like the best idea for it. It would allow the most batshit elements of the series to make sense in gameplay without becoming a hassle (unless its moon logic) and i can really see it be done in the style of classic Westwood with prerendered backgrounds and shit.
I am also very hungry for a westwood style P&C so i'm biased.
Literally just make it a point click style game with the same concept as the I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream game just in the style of TADC
See you in a month, bucko.

So what Star Wars vidya did you play on May The 4th?

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>/v/ suddenly cares about these shitholes
these haters will eat their own shit just for a chance to whine about sony
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Baltics bros...
Could someone please give me a quick rundown on what's happening with helldivers?
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>Snoy shills have to resort to the thing that would get them banned if they ever said it in-game
You're all just a bunch of pathetic rats.
ah, an american poster
>Russia can
Suka, you fucking lie

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When’s the next update
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gg, another?
Sure, I can go for one last round (or a hundred)
Hedge - Impoppable
Stop Ultraboosting my 000 Supers, they're Sacrifice fodder
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We're done when I say we're done

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what is it about the bootlicker insult that makes you subhumans seethe so much? people threw a bunch of other insults at you and no reply, but bootlicker and you jump up and down about it lmfao
Corporations got too cocky and too large for the average consumer base to actually impact for themselves. Asking the government to step in is always a last resort option but an option nonetheless.
I wonder how Japs feel their own companies are banning them. Shit is hilarious
>t. kike from Dakota
This drama summed up
>Policy that you need a PSN account, player base is led to believe it wasn't being enforced
>People buy the game
>Policy is now being actively enforced

95% of customers are whingy individuals that have committed hours to complaining about something that can be resolved in minutes. Ultimately, you just don't like being told what to do and that's fine; leave a negative review and refund but don't act like you're being done dirty.
The only people legitimately affected by this are people who were sold a game in a region that can't have a PSN account created. And you're not one of them. So refund or stfu and register in 2 minutes and play on.

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