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RO2...... obviously
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How common is localisers adding memes, pushing agendas and censoring dialogue they are offended by in japanese games?
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you think that's bad, you should see what they did to FF type-0.
t. ESL
W-what did they do to FF type-0?
it happens in literally every single game "localized" in the west.
>it's probably not their fault, but their companies "policies"
they hire "localizers" here specifically because they're troons who lick the boots of their corporate masters and eagerly push the subversive agenda.

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Its pretty cool turn based civ- like game in fantasy world.

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Why did Dragon Quest 11 force us to take part in the gay parade?
I hope DQ12 isn't like this
It's supposed to be a joke, like:
>haha, look at these gay people, so ridiculous
Japan don't give a fuck huh
11 is the worst DQ by far, including every side game except Treasures, that was also ridiculously bad.
I'm struggling to go through 2d mode and it helps a lot removing voices and a lot of the worthless animated scenes but they really cut corners on it; like all the world hidden items are in these identical areas that are about a screen and a half in size.
I don't know why all the comments about harder monsters are so full of shit. The first robinhood enemy after getting Eric at the start of the game will call more of them endlessly faster than you can kill one. No point trying to deal with 80 hours of that.
Anon, that's Brazilian Mardi Gras.
Tactically, 11's draconian hard mode is pretty decent (mostly just stacking accessories to negate status shit) but the numbers are tuned a little higher than they should be, making it a bit more difficult than previous DQ games, whereas without the hard mode, it's WAY too easy. Shows it wasn't properly playtested. Also, because enemy encounters are on the map instead of random, it's trivial to run past everything, so you end up either going out of your way to run into everything like a retard (which overlevels you, even with the xp option), or ignore it all which is just a stupid way to play a JRPG with such a grand world. Also, the minimap negates exploration, the fun forge and abundant materials and +3 negates the need to buy equipment or find it in treasure, and free camping negate the need to ever go to an inn, so gold is practically useless.

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It’s Saturday gents which Zelda should I play first?
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No just my first playthrough in a while. I’ve played ALTTP OOT MM WW TP and BOTW
aged poorly outside of the boss fights honestly
Play the PC remake of LADX. Just beat it, and the GBC version recently and it was wonderful.
TP should be Zelda crawling and dragging with link knotted in her

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Should i play Origins again?
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>Dragon age 2 - writing is trash
It's still hilarious to me how badly the game bungles its own fucking plot. Like, the big conflict is mages vs. templars, but then literally every single mage you meet in the entire game who isn't kept on a short leash is a demon worshiping madman. Literally every single one. You get a quest to find a mage who escaped basically five minutes ago, and when you find him, he has already sold his soul and become a mass murderer. It's like making pacts with demons is the first thing a mage does when they're free. How they thought anyone would side with the mages, other than on a second playthrough to see what the cutscenes look like, is beyond me.
don't support epic retard
>I love this game because it completely lacks any DEI aspect.
Negro Bioware was the pioneer of DEI before DEI was a thing
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Silly anon politics weren't invented before channers started pretending to understand them (ca 2016). Therefore old games literally cannot be political.
Kek me neither, I'll still tell people it's one of my favourite games but it was 15 years ago I don't remember shit

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Name a comfier job than SMN
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can i smell ur fish taco
>oh no my glam changes for 10 seconds mid fight when no one's looking at my character's glam anyway
White mage is the flower mage, not the angel mage tho. Even it’s “wings” arent actually wings, but streams of aether powering the spells. Sorry fairybro, you were always the angel healer.
This is 1000% a male
The temperance effect looks great, shows the whole raid I’m on the job and shits incoming. The seraph form changes too much imo, I’d give SCH a sort of goku power flame

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Social media people aren't real customers thoughever, it's the plane average joes that actually buy games and go home minding their business that has gotten the industry this far

But what do you gain? What do you lose letting others be happy?
my happiness comes from making and seeing others be unhappy. especially those i think are beneath me
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what did he mean by this

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Forget Banana Guard, let's see some roster suggestions. If successful, could the roster really be endless? Could Jason Voorhees really be confirmed?

look up in the sky
it's a bird
it's a plane
it's air-man, bitch
and i'm bringin' the pain
i got a fan installed
in my grill, no lie
gonna blow your ass straight off the map
I'm not going to a wikia, why did Duane and Brando quit?

Is there a special video game girl that made an impact on your life?
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>she changed me bros
a good waifu does right?
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'fu sweating up a storm
Morning guys.
'fu taking a dip in the hot springs to wash away the filth of the day
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Scramble to get the other Seele so that she could revive me in time. After that she'd call me an idiot for getting in the way.
Neither honestly. Pic rel is just her (poorly) pretending to be the other Seele.

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>Hey buddy. I got a new job.

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Will any more fangames on the level of Undertale Yellow will release before Deltarune chapter 3?
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>* A Lost Soul that you've never seen before appeared
>* For some reason, you feel like telling the Lost Soul that she's a horrible mother
That's what Clover's doing
Yellow pill me on Paper Trail
The only thing I know about it is that there's like 5 different colored Ralseis
>The knight is Gaster
>Gaster is a human
>A riot happened in the town decades ago, causing the humans to be sealed in the bunker
>Various Tumblr rubbish

Why was it forgotten so quickly?
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How about pic related?
and that was my first post on /v/ ever
Ericsissies, our response????
you can't really expect people here to be so retarded not to realize you're replying to yourself, no?
how does making tendies look like maladjusted schizos help you at all?
I accept your trannycession that you lost and for raped, Eric

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Forgotten after a week
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>I had to refund it after an hour.
Coward much?
Yeah if you don't like puzzle games then you won't like this one.

Personally I love it. Haven't had this much fun puzzlin since void stranger.
I declare that everybody who compares this to rain world is a massive retard, and this cannot be proved otherwise.
I think I may have found a small discrepancy in how he chose to color these two parts of the map that are biomes that wrap the screen. The parts circled in yellow are incongruous with the regions they are a part of circled in red. The red ones are adjacent regions that are very similar in color but he chose the OTHER one for screen-wraped rooms

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ITT your childhood vidya faps.
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She's the source of my love for feet and brown women.
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I was humping against the mattress to May before I learned how to masturbate properly. I couldn't even ejaculate yet I was so young.
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I feel like in the past 15 years of these threads the girls posted have stayed almost exactly the same. To me that's proof that almost no zoomers actually use /v/
Yup, May for mee too

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What are they talking about?
foreign boys
About why they call it an oven.
Why do they call it an oven?
when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
English is hard

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Which way, white man?

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Alain is for Sharon
>both Cornians
>both orphans
>she's the earlygame cleric (best girl)
>their rapports are cute
>unlike Tatiana, she doesnt tell Alain she still hates him during rapport no. 3

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