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>the holy trinity of stylish action vidya, 15 years later
feeling old yet?
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>see a stylish action thread
>thought it'd be a cool chill thread talking about action games
>instead I get whatever this nonsense is
wait for ass assins creed polnigger threads to die, maybe there will be fun to be had in the fun
Blud, DMC is super arcadey with the scores at the end. It just became more cinematrographic as time went on.
These threads have consistently been mostly DMC and NG fags fighting each other, idk what you were expecting.
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Of course but the mechanical challenge isn't as important as sandbox action fun. In 2D arcade beat em ups it's about spacing and optimizing your combos and beating a hard stage. In DMC/Stylish Action that's only a part of the whole concept. The other part is being stylish and elaborate while doing so. It sacrifices difficulty to some extent in order to make it more fun to fuck around with enemies. This is reflected in Dante as a character. He eats pizza and surfs on demons because fuck it, why not. He's not as efficient and quick because he's not focusing on that and neither should the player.

Ultimately this is also the divide between Ninja Gaiden fans and DMC/other stylish action games. OG 2D Ninja Gaiden were all about insanely difficult stages where you have to be picture perfect in order to beat them and the 3D games inherited this element.

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Friday night Jigsaw Time
247 dangan
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if all else fails go to https://jiggie.fun/?public and keep reloading until that page loads, once it loads only use the refresh button that's on the page until it finally shows the rooms
294 lewd
Can someone from the server send me an invite again? My account got disabled and the the link has expired.
299 sfw
1032 sfw

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its pretty fun honestly
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Meh, would be fun if character was black.
Game for incels...
Play until you enter "Dual of light" in dlc that's real fun
finished it on ps4 when it came out but Im replaying on PC now. just enjoy the combat and overall vibe
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i'm loving it, the game world is absolutely gorgeous and the combat system is so satisfying. i'm liking the story as well.
HAH there aren't even 50 shrines on the game.
There are 49 :^)

Which games are we allowed to talk about and which aren't?
It seems like even if the entire thread is about gameplay, it arbitrarily gets 404'd anyway.
This has happened multiple times now, while several stealth coom threads regularly reach the bump Iimit.


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>Deadlock is going to be 2024's biggest flop
>Steam is going to close and my 400+ library will be deleted
>all the Epic chads who have been Team Tim from day one are going to laugh at me as I install their launcher while having missed every single free AAA game
>close company over one game flopping
Meds, it is going to be a same thing like with artifact, unless it actually ends up being a good game.
once steam kills itself i'm going pirate again

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>game is amazing and would be perfect if it wasn't held back by being an open world
whats her name /v/
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To be honest I found it somewhat refreshing considering so many open world games rely on instant fast travel, DD actually forces you to make provisions for your journey and it makes the day/night system matter a lot more. Far from perfect since the open world in DD kind of sucks but I still appreciated the idea behind it
The good thing about DD’s open world is that it’s the perfect size for the amount of accessible content. I’m surprised so many people bitch about it. If Elden Ring, DD2, and RDR1 have taught me anything, it’s that a huge as fuck open worlds can make exploration really tedious.
The problem with DD's open world is despite the fact that fast travel is intentionally limited, traveling from point A to point B isn't fun or varied, even for an open world game.

I typically don't fast travel in open world games, I like the journey.
But Dragon's Dogma makes it a slog because you typically only have one corridor to and from most major locations, and even some minor ones, and everytime you rest at a campfire, enemies respawn in the same exact locations you fought them at.

In comparison, Breath of the Wild is pretty fun to not fast travel in, because It's open world is truly open, I don't have to travel the same exact road and fight the same exact enemy. And in that game, it takes more time than just one campfire rest for enemies to respawn.
I like DD1 and 2, but I was really hoping they'd fix this in 2 but they really didn't.
Cyberpunk 2077.
It would be way better if it was more of a linear story game cos any open world thing that tries to be all about the story, whilst having gta style missions that are often separated from the actual open world, inevitably feels super disjointed.
>traveling from point A to point B isn't fun or varied, even for an open world game.
I disagree, I never once got bored wandering around areas in DD even multiple times The combat is great and the areas have a lot of verticality built into them. Nights being actually dark for once where forgetting to bring lantern oil or getting yourself drenched without cleaning cloths leads to a lot planning out your adventure before you set out, that funny enough, only BotW has ever managed to replicate. It just needed more dynamic, random encounters that 2 vastly improves on.

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How is this legal?
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Her finger SMGs are canon and you aren't going to be able to do much with a magnet if you're riddled with bullets. Feel free to write fanfic shit but personally I'd keep that to /qst/ or /trash/.
You must be 18+ to use this site.
You shouldn't date robots, they are incredibly dangerous.
Just look at this one, it's crushing this poor defenseless boy.
>fuck dana (ZANE!!!??)
lol, lmao.
Good luck fuckface

>play indie game demo
>have fun
>see "it"
Why do "they" have to ruin everything?
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Have you been asleep for over a decade? Sprites are just an artstyle. Heck, it's not even the only billboarded sprites racing game coming out around now.
See what
/pol/troon detected
Thanks for showing a neat game and doing what is necessary in this stupid board to get people talking about it
/idpol/troon detected

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Should I play WoW or XIV ?
I am seriously asking
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>I just want to raid
Lost Ark is better than both games then, shame it doesn't have WASD movement and is typical KMMO P2W trash
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WoW is pozzed to shit. FF14 is like that one anime with a thousand+ episodes where it only starts getting decent ~700 in. Pick your fucking poison.
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Oh yeah blizz chinks couldnt play wow legitimately for a bit lmao
it's honestly insane to me how end-game WoW just requires you to have millions of addons and the encounters are now basically designed with the idea of people using those addons

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ITT: vidya girls who are weak to anal
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no, it's just that women have higher standards than men so they only lust after very attractive men, as in actively seek them out, flirt with them very openly etc. while men do that with a lot of women (even some which are conventionally ugly)
She's in the OP though.
But doesn't it massage the prostate which feels incredible? Do girls have prostates?
Then be a straight bottom and get ridden hard by a tough sweaty tomboy
Dont't be gay, how is this so difficult?

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It's not as good anymore
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>the first stage of the Ganondorf fight is underwhelming
Can't argue with that, after all that buildup for it to basically just be a tennis match was kind of a let down. At least the Ganon fight ends up making up for it, but I wish the Ganondorf fight was more like that one promo image of Link fighting him.
It's better than a lot of games, but it could use work, yeah. Game relies hard on you putting up with its shit until the twist.
don't oust yourself as a zoomer
>9475677th Zelda history revisionism thread
Fuck off.
sex with deku princess from majora's mask

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You can't top this
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This game has awful unfunny dialogue and characters who have their houses broken into by gangsters and no one calls the police. Shittiest demo I played. On dev you realize no one in-character takes the story serious why should you?
Still surprised they didn't try a denigrating pure humilliation sequel. Specially after the brief "blue characters are black coded" attempts.
Anons dog died in 21
Takumi's dog died in 18
F-, see me after class
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You can't cherish something that's dead, retard.

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>character's name is "Armstrong"
>he's strong and fights with his arms
Only la creatividad can create such amazing subtext like this.
>mario guy...
>...but he real

Why is there no modern equivalent of GunZ: The Duel?
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No market for it since people have moved onto BR and Modern Military Shooter.
Korean 2000s online game music is always pleasant
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Glitches are what made it so perfect in fact.
I thought it was genuinely dead but now I'm hearing they released the source code for this shit
The source code has been available since 2007. You can literally rewrite the entire code in Rust.

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>blue eyed white samurai
Historical accuracy is irrelevant
>Black samurai
Historical accuracy is of upmost importance
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William was an actual samurai
Yauke was a glorified slave
Have you looked at old paintings of yokai? They're goofy as fuck.
Fucks sake, if they leaned less into the style, you'd just bitch that they look boring instead.
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I hate how specific and lunatic this sounds, but still being pretty accurate at the same time.
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I hate how I can understand how well this fits
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William Adams is famous and has a shrine named after him. He helped keep good relations with the West.

Nioh has you start in London, the villain stealing William's waifu and fleeing to Japan, so William chases him there.

It is not the same.

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Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Collection (Spirit of Justice) and Final Fantasy VI
The Garfield Movie with a friend this morning
Tonight I'll be Hard Times (really underrated Charles Bronson film from 1975)

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Just started playing Bloodstained. It’s a funny game if not rough around the edges. The lack of any real transitions is jarring and some of the models look off. Miriam is cute though
Could you tell me more how you begin with occultism and what an occult practice covers entails for you?
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WWE 2K24 My Gm mode
random youtube videos about random things
doom metal, whatever suits the mood today
>segment where they ranted about capitalism.
Wonder if the Sponsorblock devs would add more tag types for that shit.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Beat the game, now I'm doing optional shit.
Sisters of Mery and Iron Maiden.
But right now it's:
This is basically a ''joke'' song. The guy has ''how to make _____ song in a minute'' vids on his yt channel, and he finally made this one, obviously inspired by Sisters. It's actually pretty decent.
Ćevapi. What's the enrgish word? Minced meat?

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>everyone laughed at this silly patent
>I had to make a Tiktok and type "Minecraft" to get a free cape
It's becoming a reality
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>he plays slopcraft
>he uses slipslop
You still read mein kampf?
I wish I hadn't
You mean paid shills and baiting contrarians?
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>patented like a decade ago
>never used
Sony patented this to stop anyone else from being able to do this
I kneel, Sonykings

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how long is too long?
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get a bigger dilator
depends entirely on the genre and my enjoyment, I accept that RPG's will be longer than an average game but I'd rather not spend more than 40-50 hours on one.

I'm 11 hours into SMT Nocturne right now on real hardware and it's only felt like half that, so unless something really goes wrong I could see myself putting those hours in and wanting more, surprisingly.
based shit game enjoyer
It's too long when western it's AAA story driven goyslop padded by shallow "RPG elements" padded by battlepasses
stfu retarded zoomer.
Long games get fucking boring, and are often padded by useless shitty cutscenes (just like persona) fetch quests and open world horse riding.
40+ hours long is the first sign of a shitty game.
Good game are short and have a fuckton of replay value and depth.
40 hours, games should be 15 hours long.

Can an AI powered operating system improve gaming performance?
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everything about censorship is based for (you), until it kills you.
It's a repeat of the Internet bubble. When people saw the potential of the Internet, they started putting money into absolutely everything without any consideration of whether it was useful, advantageous or even viable.
We're going to see the same thing happen with AI. In 20 years' time, AI will probably be in everything like the Internet is now, but people will laugh at the retards from the beginning who thought that AI would even change their babies' diapers.
Lol. They are all in the only ideology that can not actually exist.
ai aint real bros it is just machine learning fed algos
every day on /g/ we spam about not updating our win10 in the past 5 years. Maybe if people who have knowledge do not want to touch anything modern there is a reason why. and even more modern crap on top of it will not fix it.

How scary is Higarashi? Does it have jumpscares?
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The poor art is jumpscare enough.
I remember there's a spooky image of eyes that show up two or three times in the earlier episodes and that's it.
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Nah it’s more spooky backwater village shit rather than actual horror. I think I remember like 2 or 3 jump scares but it’s just the sound effect coming outta nowhere.
OP I don't like jumpscares mostly and this has next to none of that. If you play with voice acting, you're going to get some iconic yelling I think everyone who enjoys papanese media casually has heard of by now.
There's also a scene that with a specific CG and the background music might be considered a jumpscare, but it's mild at best.
Higurashi has some horror here and there. There's some elements like gruesome murder and psycho shit involving children and a deity so your grandma may get really frightened.
first chapter has a couple of jump scares, but its the most crazy chapter in terms of shit that happens. Chapter 2 has like 1, and after that you're like, "okay so thats what going on" and thats about it

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