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Why was it forgotten so quickly?
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Nice page 10 bump, Eric
You lost and got raped
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Horses aren't useless. They are the fastest way to traverse the world. They are also extremely strong in combat since they give 2x damage boost can ragdoll even larger enemies like guardian stalkers.
>t.Mister Hands

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I don't understand this. Ocelot was supposed to HELP Snake, so why did he keep going waaaay out of his way to kill him?

>inb4 he had to pretend
Okay, so explain why he kept chasing Snake and Eva on motorcycle when the shagohod was on the road. If he succeeded in stopping them he would have doomed the world to a nuclear war.
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like in homo-erotism
cause he was going after snake no other company would go after snake

and snake aways "finds a way to escape" when ocelot has him cornered

like he could had shot snake 50 times before the fucker jumped down the waterfall
he literaly helped him against kuwabarakuwabara
He didn't, if he wanted to kill snake he wouldn't have loaded the revolver with a blank at the end. He was NEVER going to kill Snake. In MGS3 he was Adam, the mole on the inside who was meant to ensure Snake succeeded at his mission. His job was to kill the boss if Snake didn't succeed.
he thought snake defected to chinks cos he saw snake was with EVA

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>Oh yeah, that happened
What went so horribly wrong?
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Are nips unable to make a rpg story that isn't about fighting God? It's jarring how XVI initially goes for serious geopolitics story just to fall back into generic shonenshit
They hired the guy who got famous for making every troon's favorite Visual Novel to make an action game and wonder why it underperformed
It's funny because the writer got put on the project because of the praise for Heavensward which was a fairly down to earth war story between elves and dragons and the final boss is just a really, really pissed off dragon ghost.
>left behind
But the action-based FFs are the ones being left behind.
xv didn't but the multiplayer mode used it as its setting which was neat

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Is there anything Nintendo or we can do for Nintendo to stop games like Zelda getting recompiled for pc? this shit should be illegal.
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Why are Nintendo fans like this?
is it really controversial to have the opinion that you should pay nintendo for games that you want to play? you can just get the 3ds version or buy classic games on the switch
The recompile are fine shitter. It's not hurting tendo sales at all. More than half of the people playing these things already give tendo money and the other half never would have anyways. Stop being dumb is the thing you can do OP
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>it's getting serious replies

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Why are fans of this game so afraid of criticism? They keep propping it up as the best action game ever made or at minimum top three but when you press them on one single issue they break and get violent.
maybe you act like a fag, who knows?
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Sorry, wrong picture.

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The pathfinder wotr DLC is close
What character will you play?
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bolt of justice
storm of justice
i kneel
is everything ok at home?
The Path with the Lich-mommy waifu.

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Why do people complain about the size of new games? You're literally getting more for your money
honestly these days I check HLTB before I buy a game
and if it's over 15 hours I usually don't buy it.
5-10 hours is my sweet spot.
I don't have as much free time these days as I used to

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Post your rank in SF6 if possible
SF5 or SF4 if you didnt play SF6 yet
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How do I play Juri/Rashid effectively
Also how do I deprogram myself from being an unga retard from World Tour mode
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she looks like she smells of coco butter
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I think the first year of any SF game will pale in comparison to final rendition of the last, because that's how this series always went. Super Turbo to Alpha 1 is a downgrade outside of visuals, Alpha 2&3 are really good but then New Generation shit the bed, Third Strike has a strong cult following for its mechanics while Vanilla 4 is kind of slapdash, Ultra 4 is a super rich package while Vanilla V being full-price was a joke. I get your meaning though, particularly the vendetta against Gief that feels like somebody on the V/6 team HATED fighting him in 4 (either Vanilla when he just had insanely good reward on good mix or Ultra when he became a nuclear warhead if he was sitting on meter).
>On top of that, i really miss Karin.
The one thing we'll agree to disagree on. Never liked Karin, never will, and her V rendition made her go from kind of bland to actively detestable to me as both a character and a function.
1650 MR with JP, I wish I had my old 2hp still

post 'em or whatever
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Control's atmosphere is so nice
thoughts on prime 3?
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The absolute state of VN fags
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>is based as fuck
you're right
Steins gate, muvluv, utawarerumono, muramasa, and rance are all objectively great games and cause troons to seethe when their names are uttered.
Thank you for providing this based list of based games ;)
No, I think you're just being annoying by trying to imply that S;G doesn't deserve the rating it has when it absolutely does. No one cares about your conspiracy theory.
It's legitimately because a niche but still rather large part of the trans community has adopted beatrice as an icon. They haven't read the VN but consume media outside of it and still rate it 10 on vndb. It's the exact same thing as touhou secondaries except they don't even have the excuse that bullet hells are hard because all it takes to read a VN is press space bar. I hate them so much.
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actual ranking
i cant read this

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It's time to settle this once and for all. Trony or Elegg?
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Im worried about the kits
shelm was okay, sanus was pretty meta. There's some niche uses for smary, but sneon can suck a dick. Cludmilla was pretty good, so maybe they learned their lesson.
I'm thinking built for BBC
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Is there a special video game girl that made an impact on your life?
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It's probably because his leg is filled with water
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fu really needs to get on the cure for that one
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I only saw this post in passing the front page but Makina is such a goddamn good girl. I really wish her dev would make another game with her, we just got that doujin.
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I love Tron Bonne!
every single humanoid furry chick in gaming. especially the ones that get no love. it's alright, i'll love you...

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ITT: vidya girls who are weak to anal
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there's zero reason for women to enjoy anal, at least men have a prostate.
anon we are not talking about the one doing the penetration
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you dumb fucking nigger i've literally had to fuck girls anally even though all i want is pussy because they want it so bad they ask for it again and again and again and again
in the great scheme of things they don't like anal sex more than vaginal sex, but ALL women want some level of variation and change
if she wants you to fuck that butt and you don't, she'll get that butt fucked somewhere else

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Alain is for Sharon
>both Cornians
>both orphans
>she's the earlygame cleric (best girl)
>their rapports are cute
>unlike Tatiana, she doesnt tell Alain she still hates him during rapport no. 3
Great pic, anon. But i still went with chocolate sexo elf.

>Human king
>Elf queen
>Cousin is queen of Drakenholm

The nords are a bunch of furry fags and albion has gone waaaay inside its own ass. The true alliance that will balance the regions is now rock solid, and chocolate sexo elf will outlive the others, so she'll be able to tell the tale
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my wife
How do I get goat milk?

I just bought this game
What am I in for?
one of the gayest villains ever
A good album by Tim Follin that includes a free shitty game.
Fun with save states
One of the better LJNs
Just listen to Gambits stage theme and get it over with
This but unironically.
Beat this as a child. I found it considerably easier than the Spiderman cartoon game on one's. If doc ock didn't destroy my anus the lizard did. I should replay it as an adjusted 4chan using adult

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My wife Penny
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she is the goat
All towns have kids. I'm sure there gonna be one or two.
Ape literally said Vincent and Jas were added as the last few townies because you cannot have a lively town without kids.
Im actually kind of impressed with how you disregard everything to just do it your own way. And it even has a charm of its own. Bonus points for using the farm map no one uses

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>He still hasn’t taken the slugpill
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>i must fit in, just do what tighnari does
>Meeting Cyno in the AQ was so weird because I'd seen all the community memes and jokes about him using puns at every turn, yet in the quest he's all serious.
Cyno is just a shit filler character. really should have done more with the egyptian motifs in sumeru but they kinda just didnt.
>my two dads are retards
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They redeemed him with the 2nd SQ, before that all newbies would just see him as a serious edgelord. I do hope he appears in future events too, along with Tighnari and Collei
He's the posterboy of Sumeru
He's literally the Lyney/Ningguang/Ayaka/Diluc

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itt: Old games worth playing that can run on the average potato PCs of today
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>average potato PCs of today
the average potato PC of today can play Xbox 360 era games at 60fps 1080p
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Just get an emulator and download the entire catalogue of whatever system you want. I have everything from 1980 to PS3 era.
>play postal 2 on a laptop that's actually fairly new and powerful but it just won't run on dedicated graphics no matter what
>setting a bunch of people on fire still tanks framerate to single digits

just like old times...
>Beach life
dude you just gave me a major flashback to a time where i played this shit when i was a kid, like fuck how did i remember so fast after decades
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We will never get good SW game ever again.

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You must eat ze eggs
where do they get the eggs and bacon from?
It's science fiction. They don't have to explain shit.
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>game insults you to your face
Is this game any good and is there any troonshit in it?

Microsoft is ahead of the curve by making their hardware into a software service. Sony is going to follow suite.
M$ have been ahead of the curve since the Xbone reveal debacle. Almost everything they announced came to fruition in some capacity. Biggest miss was the TV shit tho.
they would have been ahead if on top of that they'd also let you install windows on the xbox, so their hardware still has a purpose
I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh shoots aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.

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