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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

Before posting a thread, please check our catalog to ensure that a thread about the same topic does not already exist.


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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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>You're going to die lmao
This doesn't seem like a good thing for morale
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Ukraine’s most precious resource, its vast farmlands with the best soil on earth, is currently being fought over. Not to mention much of ukriane’s industry is located in the eastern portions of the country, some areas in occupied Crimea and DNR/LNR.
No. Republicans held up the aid for most of a year and are responsible for the Ukrainian territory loses from their lack of equipment. Fuck them.
I guess the troop build ups and training exercises by US forces are all for show then?
You're not American. The question is thus: Why are you talking?
Ignore those shitposts. I've seen that narrative so much and its so fucking stupid. I suspect its some kind of shill angle, but even if its genuine, any euro who thinks that is too fucking retarded to engage with.

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It's time for the last match of the group stage, it all comes down to our battle against the demonic alien invasion of /x/!
>what is this?
AI vs AI meme soccer/football/divegrass where each board is represented by a team of board memes. /k/ has had a team since 2011 and is still going strong.
>Where can I watch this?
>team wiki
>Status quo
/x/ - /k/ 20:20 UTC
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We need to believe
Orthodox easter just started 20 minutes ago. Orthodog Christ is risen. I'll have to sacrifice a chicken to an upside down cross to uno-reverso this cup.
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Next time let's not toss out our turret.
The following will remain in the room...

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A thread on recent Russian vehicle losses at Vuhledar
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the real alex jones unironically believes the russians are still controlled by communists who collapsed the soviet union in 91 as a grand scheme to con the west into complacency while secretly building up their military which i think is tottally retarded so its not like i believe everything he says. but he is definitely correct on a lot of issues
Nah, they're invaders. They die as they should. If enough invaders die, nobody will invade and we will have a happier world.
they didnt though, they secured what they wanted which was crimea and odessa which are important trade and shipping areas for them. im not syaing it didnt come at cost for them but their goal doesnt seem to be taking kiev. they are specifically trying to avoid what you are describing i think the last thing they want to do is be the occupying force of a guerilla war. they know thats unwinnable.
so far their strategy seems to be only occupying areas of ethnic russians in ukraine because they probably dont want to deal with a vietnam style conflict as you describe being the occupying force in a NATO globalist euro zone like kiev where most of the ukranians are nationalistic and see themselves as westerners. russia seems to only be interested in taking in the ethnic russian zones of the east because those are easy to occupy since the population is benevolent to them.
> they secured what they wanted which was crimea and odessa
>and odessa
Hey retard have you looked at a map of who controls Odesa recently, cuz it sure ain’t Russia and never has been. The ziggers can’t even stop Ukrainian grain shipments coming from the port of Odesa. And to just add to the humor the ziggers can’t even use the naval installations they have in Crimea

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Still undefeated in real warfare, what went so right?
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It is more akin to fiction than anything.
The Su-57 is "undefeated in real warfare" because it has never engaged in real warfare. You know this. This is a low effort slide thread. Fuck off zigger faggot.
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>why doesn't a weapon owners stand with home burglars must be ZOG
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Eternally buck broken armatard. Your threads are shit.
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>why do you call me a vatnigger

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What's gonna happen tomorrow in Ukraine when F-16s become operational?
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Liberation Day
Not much, they will experiment with how they use it and eventually after lots of trial and error it will be used closer and closer to the front.
Don't worry about it.
the part about the military and industrial muscle

Dead Russians

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Private investigators get fucked
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I really need to get some more old timey detective stuff
Chinatown 1974
Cry Danger 1951
Dead Reckoning 1947
Farewell, My Lovely 1975
His Kind of Woman 1951
I Wake Up Screaming 1941
Kiss Me Deadly 1955
Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye 1950
Laura 1944
Le Deuxième Souffle 1966
Le Doulos 1963
Le Samouraï 1967
Murder My Sweet 1944
Out of the Past 1947
Panique 1946

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Add Onions Green to that list if you like dystopian future detective movies
LA Confidential if you like newer movies that take place in the past
yes, even the filterless soft-pack ones, but they're more expensive than the filtered ones
I carry a celtic slammer made with a 1.25 inch ball bearing. I got mine off a paracord guy on etsy, but you could probably get it cheaper on ebay.

Get one with a thick braided handle and you'll have something more concealable than a sap with the same function.

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Aborigenes inspecting the M1150.
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The Russians have captured 1970s technology. It will still no doubt baffle them
russia is older and has lower birth rates than western Europe and has a japan/korean level population crisis going on.
the retired being former soviet serfs just watch tv and drink what ever cool aid they are being served that day.
So its the boomer fucking russia over hard by being the voting block for putin and co
Now now, let's not forget the massive fucking dent our German friends made in the russian population pyramid. Ok, they were aided by the soviets, who starved and murdered more russians than the Germans ever did, but still. Give credit where it's due.
That guy in OP is probably 45 just he's already got bad diabetes.
they always were a different class, thus the breed thing, wealthier and taller than the rest of the other people that inhabit the further cities and provinces of the empire. they are the ones that need to look good and have a neat parade so that gets broadcasted towards the rest of Russia. if moscow looks good, Russia looks good. if moscow have a winning parade, Russia is doing fine.

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Alright lads, I installed a hi-vis front sight to my mk iv and its come a bit loose everytime I shoot it. Apart from loctite what are my options? Plumber's tape?
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Is the PSA Dagger g2g? I am wanting to get a Glock, but if the dagger is just as good, I don't want to pay for a name brand like a faggot. I am willing to pay for a Glock brand Glock if it is legitimately better though. Specifically the 19 equivalent.
Glock is better, but if you are seriously worried about a $100 price delta, you aren't going to shoot either enough to notice.
False. Without insurance, 7 days of Doxy or Tetra costs me 50 dollars at Walgreens.
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>I've scraped my own cavity with a dental scrape and regrew the bone using hydroxyapatite paste.
I have no idea if posts like this are serious or not. Surely, SURELY the Americans wouldn't really?
It's more of the principle of the thing than price desu. If you were going to buy anything and there was a cheaper equivalent that is functionally just as durable, comfortable, effective, etc, would you buy the more expensive one just because it is a name brand? Besides, I like PSA. I think they are a pretty cool and innovative company that deserves to stay in business. At the very least, they don't have "law enforcement only" models which is pretty cringe desu.

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Terrorism Deterrence edition

Previous: >>61464388

Lying about criminal history = BAD
Lying about medical history = GOOD
Marine Corps = BASED
Intel/Cyber = POZZED

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (embed) (Short version)

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do not tell them anything, ever
Step 1: Don't bring anything up
Step 2: If they bring something up, deny, deny, deny
Step 3: If they press on something, claim ignorance
I hope that helps.
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1: 1A1X2 Mobile Force Aviator
2: 1A1X3 Special Force Aviator
3: 1A3X1 Airborne Mission Systems Operator
4: 1A8X2 ISR Operator
5: 1C1X1 Air Traffic Controller
6: 1C8X3 RAWS
7: 1D7X1A Network Systems Operations
8: 1C5X1 Command & Control Battle Management Operations

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how important is rotc if i want to go jag?
im entering my sophomore year on track to double major econ / polisci. i have a 3.67 blah blah
i did rotc last year and it was just completely worthless, even ftx and if i continue to do it i wont be able to take some classed due to lab and class timing
does it matter to keep doing it if i dont intend to contract until im in law school?
Finish law school then go Navy JAG. Best quality of life and spiffy uniform. I assume you went Army ROTC. You just experienced what 80% of the Army is like. The officer requirements are fairly pro forma once you have a JD.

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HK edition, flex on the poors ITT

Get gud doc: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik (embed)

previous: >>61549567
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>OD green 43's and 48's
Gastonsama, I kneel.
Reminder, if you're promoting Trex you're an unpaid marketer who fell for the grift.

Any company that doesn't get into divisive culture politics. Most companies in the gun business don't have their CEO go on Tim Pool's podcast
>Any company that doesn't get into divisive culture politics
It's already divided. Luke Skywalker is running around saying the Force is with Joe Biden. Who cares? Do they make good holsters or not?
>Do they make good holsters or not?
There are better options.
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Trex arms clearly stated in one of their videos that they show their bias, and are honest about reviews. They only do what's best for the concerned citizen. Therefore I'll be spending $12,348 at their store since they are based, and fighting the gubmint.

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New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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Only the finest for YHWH's chosen.
hammer spring might be worn out or more likely there might be some gunk in side the bolt that needs to be cleaned out
Make sure to properly adjust your gas port so it doesnt beat itself to death
>Buy the gun I want
>People start talking about the other gun I want
Checked. Guess you gotta buy another.

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The significance of this development is massive, signals Vietnam, historically in the chinese/russian sphere as far as weapons, is moving towards NATO standard weaponry

How mad are the chinese and russians going to be over this?

Sweet. Love the vietnamese
T. America

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Had the EMALS from USS Ford been DC instead of AC have fixed most of Its operational issues?
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it's just pure graft and corruption.
the more you cope the faster the decline
>third worlders accept the shit world they live in, provided the first world also appears to be shit
ching chong sar
>typed on power transmitted via high voltage lines enabled by transformer schemes only possible because of AC.
The amount of power it consumes is still about the same not to mention it still uses many of the same parts for the catapult.
By the way the main reason China went with DC is because the AC version has a few rare metals that China can't mine itself and can be blocked by western countries.

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