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In WW2 you had just the city of Stalingrad being contested by about 2 million soldiers, even later on, the Korean War saw over 2 million soldiers fighting over the small peninsula and the US had at peak. over 500k people on the other side of the world in Vietnam.
What's the reason for the entirety of Ukraine being contested today, at a time of peak population for both countries, only by 1 million troops at the front?
With all the talk about how much of an existential war this is for everyone involved you would expect them to be more committed to it.

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Randomly found this channel.
Has a design for a mag fed, slamfire shotgun and a harmonica shotgun.
Check it out.
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he's cringe because he wants money for his design
just another jew boomer
Reminder that if you did this completely legal activity in New York City you will be sent to jail for 10 years.
Future-me, tell me.... Will I grow up to be this based when I'm an old fart? ....
Very Metro
They're literally 10 bucks. He clearly does it for the love of the game. Might need to justify all the time he's spending on it to his wife or something.

Just tell him that putting a transaction for "Gord's Ghost Guns" on your card is insane and see what happens from there.

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How come this M2 fires a fuckton of them without problem.

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Square threads are retarded shit dude, there's a reason nobody uses them.
Right so this accident wasn't your lethal failure, and it's never happened, and it's never been experimentally shown, but it's the main problem here we all need to talk about, when talking about a specific, unrelated incident.
Yeah because nowadays brass is high quality so nobody knows that head ruptures even exist so they design retarded guns that shit their pants due to something that used to be so commonplace that firearm designers used to use like half their time thinking of how to redirect gases safely without them getting into the eyes of the shooter etc.

F = P * A is such a simple equation that this problem should be obvious to even you.
lathes use them for some reason
The accident was due to massively overloaded ammunition. Everything indicates this.

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is there a technical or tactical reason why missiles have colorful nosecaps? like radar or speed tracking? or is it just for aesthetics? i admit it makes them look awesome just wondering if theres another purpose for it

also general missile and rocket thread
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so are literally any of you worthless niggers going to answer my fucking goddamn question or what??

75 replies and this motherfucker is the only one so far who gave an answer >>61654453

this thread is proof that /k/ is nothing but NAFO tranny shills and propagandists. all i want is some fucking answers on colors of missile cones and you niggers spend the entire thread arguing about some faggot shitskins in the middleeast. fuck you faggots /k/ is worthless now. im going back to boomer forums. when chinkmoot sees all his userbase bottom out someone tell him its because he was such a little retard faggot for letting kikeshills of western intel agencies swarm his mod teams and takeover his board.
lmao i called you shills out and they all scatter like roaches and the posts disappear. so fucking telling.
You got it right
We will keep butchering muslim sisterhood and detaining leftie trannies and there is nothing you can do about it
It's aimed at hamas and palestinian terrorists
I was a conscript in sinai when it all began and i know it. No one even cared about israel at all
And you just gave israel 1.5x its military budget in aid
Maybe you should give us a fraction of these insane aid bills then
In reality this aid to israel is much bigger since they usually sell them the latest weapons at a 70% discount if not for free

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Care to explain why this tank is praised so much for its survivability?
literal slide thread

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Black Multicam Edition

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

Previous: >>61650231
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Sometimes sellers will catfish their own auctions with fake bids, either to artificially drive the price up or terminate the auction without having to pay fees. It's not that common but you should be aware. MOST people wait until the last day or especially the last 15-30 minutes to bid at all, but that doesn't necessarily indicate tomfoolery. Side note: the "15 minute rule" means any bid placed within 15 minutes of auction end resets the end timer to 15 minutes. Instead of bidding in lumps, you can exploit this by placing a +$5 bid every 14 minutes to drag the auction out for potentially hours in order to outlast other bidders who have to go they ass to bed for work tomorrow. :)

I don't recall seeing any outright scams but do look closely at pictures, and make sure it's the actual thing you're bidding on. A lot of sellers will batch list stuff all with the same photo, and when you're dealing with surp/copsurp especially you need to see the exact unit you're paying money for. If you suspect the image is a duplicate or worse let lifted from an unrelated forum auction from 10 years ago, ask for new photos.

Sometimes you can outboomer boomers; if they have an auction that hasn't sold after multiple listings because their price is retarded, message them and say you'd like to bid if the opening bid was [much lower than you want to pay]. Or you can exploit the same situation by asking them to buy outright, outside of Gunbroker, once the auction ends with 0 bids. They'll want to save fees.

Otherwise, what anon said
>The real deals hide behind money orders since most people are too lazy to go to the post office to mail it
Im actually looking at a couple guns that were underpriced and locked behind a call with my cc or a money order.
Does a 300 sale vendor seem fishy?
Is it possible recourse to get catfished for a factory new gun?
Like if its listed as factory new but they clearly send you a used gun is there any recourse?
Is there any downside to having a SRT?
I remember reading somewhere that the trigger being lighter means it effects how hard the hammer hits the firing pin meaning if it was too light you could have light primer strikes
Im not sure if it was a specific model of gun due to internal mechanisms or if its basically all hammer fired guns
If I want to see if I like red dots what gun and red dot should I get?

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>me diving in on that tummy
Face down Ass up, ready to be loaded for next sortie
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Fit Amy is a girl, mang
Infrared masking, supposedly.
git out

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ITT: Your childhood arms
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I used to hang around the neighbourhood of two friends which was divided in half by a creek. Our north side had the better shops, playground and lake. Crossing the creek was forbidden. Older kids from the south side would constantly cross to fish in the lake, buy sweets and harass our women. Originally, it was all very silly, but after another kid was tackled into the reeds, got wet and hit one of the Southies, it all turned violent. At 10 years old my friends and I had made crossbows and were systematically roaming the streets on our bikes, crossbows made from dowel, steel rulers and surgical tubing in our saddle-bags, steel cooking skewers filed to points on the concrete as our bolts. We wrapped cool looking tree-branches in electrical tape to use as cudgels and kept bags of lemons and river rocks as stand-off weapons. These skirmishes lasted for fucking weeks and we lived in periods of total paranoia. It all came to a head a few years later when they started ambushing us with rocks and stole a poor friend's bike, knowing he could never afford another one. I stole my dad's old bayonet, ambushed a few of them and threatened to gut them and leave them in the reeds for their friends to find, then stole two of their bikes and gave them to my friend and his sister. After that parents got involved and apparently my graphic description of decapitating one of them gave him PTSD. My friends all kept a wall of silence and protected my identity.

All this because we couldn't resolve our differences with a watergun fight. Why? My mum said I wasn't allowed toy guns because they glorified violence.
Lord of the Flies. I made three javelins with diagonally cut rebar and broken broomsticks and put them in a golf bag to carry on my back Roman-style at the age of 7-8, thankfully our neighborhood garrison never had to deal with interlopers.
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Couldn't that thing take normal clipozines too though, the same ones that the longshot and whatever else took? Just have a few of those on hand for when you empty your drum. No one really thought about form swords till much later on.

Yeah, the way I and everyone else in the neighborhood was fighting was particularly dumb and we ran out of darts often so we always kept a few sticks as melee's around. I had a particularly curved one I pretended was a sabre.

False surrender is a war crime dude.

Whew fucking lad actually delivered.
Were those the ones that made the KAKAKAKAKAKAKKAKA sound as you squeezed the trigger and made the thing unwind?

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>video of part of a drone swarm hitting the oil refinery in Tuapse, Krasnodar Krai on May 17th

where's the air defense?

has russia just given up on defending themselves from drones?
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>swarm hitting the oil refinery
Gas price in Russia where refineries are hit on the daily basis - 0,50€/l
Gas price in EU where there is no war - 2€/l
Where does that 1,50€ difference go, is someone pocketing that?
>nitrates, which are another major product of a refinery, and are needed to make the propellant and explosive charges in everything from rifle cartridges to artillery shells
No worries. China is shipping thousands of tons of nitrocellulose & other nitrates into pozzia. More interesting: how is pozzia paying for that? Emperor Pooh can get his dick sucked by monke only so much before it gets too raw for any more.
>shadow tankers
Are these "shadow tankers" in the thread with us? Right now?

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Competitive edition
What do you guys shoot? What's popular in your country?
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nice range Franken Anon
Evropa no!!
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Good morning. Range day today
Do you shoot slugs or do you have a shotgun range?
90% of what I shoot are slugs, there also a skeet/clay/olympic lanes but I find them boring.

How does 25mm direct fire shit on 120mm direct fire in all scenarios?
It also seems that the Bradley is the only thing on the battlefield(in ukraine) that performs how it was designed for originally.
post bradley kino pls
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Now do the actual total numbers and not made up percentages, sister.
Ukraine got what 180 and over 100 are destroyed.
It's ugly, goofy piece of equipment and it preforms the same as it looks.
>this is true but it like saying a Burke is not a warship because it is not a Battleship
warship is a broad term comparable to AFV
tank is a specific term, comparable to battleship

a burke is a warship, but not a battleship,and is a destroyer
a bradley is an AFV, but not a tank, but is an IFV
Repeat the lie often enough and someone will believe it!
Is it not, Putin slave?
It doesn't matter what's true or right. Just have to control the narrative, right?
the optimal ratio for offensive units is 2 abrams to 1 brad
the optimal ratio for defensive units is 2 brads to 1 abrams

this is literally how US ABCTs are organized, with armor and mech infantry only existing in combat teams of both units
and they actually have 5 tank companies to 4 mech infantry companies, as they favor offensive maneuver over defensive ones as the latter is terrain dependent

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One man army Pro edition
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i like this one
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R8 mine

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>the only grinding i care about
The sharpest general on /k/
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Google suggests that's a shape that minimizes drag? If so then, well, that kind of drag is one factor if you want to quickly cleave through things (ie too fast for it to just fall apart and open up a path on its own). But that's only one factor involved here. To pass through the knife must also split the material it goes through, since we don't give a fuck about how well it cuts through gas and liquid. Second actual friction between the sides of the blade and the cut sides of the target can play a massive role as well, so sometime sit's better to go the "aerospike" route and spend a bit more effort pushing the target medium aside so contact surface is reduced. And for some kinds of cutting drag simply isn't a major factor. Of course cutting performance alone isn't all that matters either, we want the edge geometry to be both strong and easy to maintain as well.
With the importance of all of these factors varying depending on what exactly you're doing with your knife, and even personal preferences, no single geometry will ever rule supreme.
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seems overpriced honestly. titanium isn't a great material for knife blades anyway.
if you can forego the o2 wrench (though maybe the blade hole even works for that anyway) and glass breaker functionality, the MAC Tekno Rescue might be of interest. it's not some random Chinese brand, they're made in Italy and have quite a number of dive knives.
is this a good deal or are these fake? $25 shipped for a cold steel voyager seems good


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Can Iranian air force compete with IAF in a confrontation?
obviously not
the better question would be if Iranian air defense can seriously threaten IAF incursions
Cruise missiles and other long range precision weaponz would cripple the Iranian Air Force and air bases as soon as a war with Israel started.

Oh god no ....

The question people should be asking is does Iran already have a nuclear weapon. Because they're sure acting like they do.

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Why did the Colonial fleet sacrifice the Battlestar Pegasus? Was it retardation?
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I wish there had been more of the "ponytail Six". She seemed like the most down-to-earth of her batch.
Grace Park AND Nicki Clyne
2 of them were
also the actress who played Lana Lane in smallville (apparently she was a key recruiter)
Rollan for 6 or 9
Nicki was in the actual sex cult, Grace was in the outer cult that was disguised as new-age self improvement bullshit.

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