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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Daddy issues. It's all starting to make sense now...
This is 4chan breh. I don’t think there’s very many dudes here who had a good, present father and a healthy relationship with said father. Those types of people aren’t on 4chan.
i broke the tooth off one of their like 8inch wrenches on my car and i dont think im all that strong. i wouldnt rely on it as my only set.
I had a solid relationship with my old man. We worked together every day until he got so feeble from cancer that he physically couldn't do it anymore...

Built our farm shop with him, completed many large farm projects with him, he helped me remodel my house before I moved in, I helped them remodel their house, etc.

I just really like diy and shitposting...
It's somewhat refreshing to see a person with your level of self-awareness. And sorry about your dad...but...you sure he was your father? And I only say that because I know your mom...

I have two of these that are rather old. Anyone have tips on how I could turn them into a skate board or where I could find another wheel to make a three wheeled board? I dont wanna spend any money just use junk I find. Also what are other things you can build out of found junk?
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Those type of rollers are found under old beds. If you have three of them I'd make a tri-board-bump. You'd be able to do some nifty tricks with it! I'm sure you know this part but here goes! Take/Make a sturdy triangular fitting wooden board then screw those wheels in the respected areas. Preferably cut off the corners to the triangle board and add protective plastic better yet rubber to it's ends. Fit the bump beneath at it's center. Painting it for personal design and optional. Be sure to make it small enough for you to peddle with your feet. Other things you can create with common junk is for example take bed springs tin foil and an old fan to make a television satellite.

"Ponyboy was never found in the book." - ???

Fun thread! If you have a pic of the object you created would you mind posting it?
They would not hold up to that and you would end up feeling the concrete with your chin.

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No classes or anything. Just youtube videos and gear I can buy locally
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How to sew on a button with a waste knot
Mending a simple tear
Spot/stain removal for laundry
Fixing a dripping faucet
Checking vehicle oil level/condition
Changing the oil on your vehicle
Changing the air filter and cabin filter on your vehicle
Painting walls and baseboards
Replacing a door lock/handle
Budget planning and saving
Don't even have to wait for something to break.
Look for something that works, but you think could be better or there's an alternative that would make your life easier.
Or find something you want or need and find a way to make it yourself instead of buying it.
Or find something that works fine and learn how to maintain it so it continues to work fine.
Learn to communicate effectively, to put yourself in the situation of the other part.
For example, when asking a question are you giving the other part enough of information to respond with an useful answer?
Above is a rhetorical question, meaning I assume you understand that your OP is lacking information for anon to help you out.
I can only suggest not getting into something requiring teamwork and with minimal contact with any client based on what you opened with.
If life gives you lemons you can at least make lemonade. From there you need to find customers. Put the lemonade in a container with a tap to let the customer fill their own cup once you have received payment. Keep a paper bin to prevent your endeavor from littering the area which is bad for business. Also never quench your thirst with your own supply. Bring a water bottle - every penny saved is a penny earned!
Not a YouTube video or class, but check out the book "How your house works". It's good to know things work in order to disassemble and reassemble. The book goes into that with detailed pictures and short but concise explanations.
Opinion: Build yourself an IFAK and learn how to treat a number of injury scenarios.

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Thread thermally drifted: >>2787618

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

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Don't try and desolder components by taking all the solder off the pads. Just liquify the solder and pull the component off with tweezers.

If you're working with ICs use a hot air gun or short all the pads with silver solder then melt and pull off. If you're working with through-hole parts use a vacuum desoldering pump or snip the leads, liquify, and pull the remaining lead out of the hole with needle-nose pliers or tweezers.

also chipquik, which is usu for chips but ok for other parts
Get a Yihua 929D, if not a proper desoldering iron with a vacuum pump and temperature control. They work great, if a tad tedious.

There’s also the strategy of running thick solid core wire next to all the pads so you can reflow them all at once, but it’s eve more of a pain. Those extra wide soldering tips might be good for this.

These aren’t that reliable, often there’s just not enough room to fit them between the pad and the lead.
melt the solder then quickly whack the board. the whole blob will come flying out, and you can just pluck the leg off of the via.
Now you need to move into a new house now if one of the lights goes out? Is that where we’re headed? Never buy these goddammed things.

Now that the chinese are making LEDs and chips, you’re going to have to come to terms with the fact that there’s a bunch of things that you’ll never be able to buy, and chips you’ll never be able to find specs for.

You might be able to replace the driver chip, the bridge rectifier, or most likely that capacitor spilled it’s guts it looks like.

> how do you know it’s chinese?
I can tell by that font they used on the gloss-white PCB.

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for leatherwork, you need a very dense material to tool (draw) and stamp on. We all have little granite slabs. I make luggage and messenger bags almost exclusively so that little slab is just top small. 2x3x8 slabs of granite are reterdedly expensive.

here are a few factors I'm considering.

1, my house doesn't have a concrete foundation so reverberation will just always be an issue. I want to get as much force transferred onto what I'm working on as possible.

2, I have read that a work bench the size I'm going to make will weigh 100s of lbs.

3, even the best concrete tables eventually Crack, sometimes within a year.

what are your thoughts
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>sheet steel
this isn't welding you fucking retard. pounding shit on a stainless table would be fucking loud as hell and about as awful a solid surface as possible. you should shut your fucking mouth if you can't understand such a basic concept instead of trying to give advice on /diy/.
A wood bench with a bonded steel top is not the same as a steel bench. The wood deadens the sound a lot. I can't say how it compares to a concrete bench top since I've never had one, but it's not all that much louder to hammer on than a plain old wood bench top.

Also you should really talk to someone about your anger issues.
>Also you should really talk to someone about your anger issues.
He would but no one will talk to him due to his anger issues.
Whats a concrete island?
Sorry i didnt sage i just forgot to delete it afterr sageing some jewish fag on pol
Hahahah that is topkek
Yes that is true but i figured he needs a concrete one because of vibrations? I dont really know what exactly the Anforderung to his endeavour are

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But the Shitposting Must Go On edition

Previous thread drowned out by contesters: >>2785963

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

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How do you deal with whack jobs such as this guy?

continue to ignore a literally who
He keeps saying ground the antenna. Most antennas should NOT be grounded, unless utilizing ground radials. Balanced antennas aren't grounded nor are elevated verticals. The masts should be to prevent static. Your radio is grounded, but don't rely exclusively on your outlet for ground.
>I'm just asking if there is anything within the hobby that might come up on my job that I can look into or research
Idk, you're the Motorola installation tech and you're also a licensed ham radio operator. Did they not cover this in your test? You don't know what the hobby is about? Anything radio, there's your answer.
No. And as far as a counterpoise, the coax shielding acts as the counterpoise.

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2789553

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.

(except the guy with the 15A outlet on a 20A fuse)
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Burt brings up a good point. I mean we’re just asking stupid questions here and not insinuating ang faction in world war 2 committed any crimes

Or even modern day…. Well except Israel we know they committed a ton of crimes since October of last year
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asking stupid questions is the key to opening npcs eyes. if they do any simple math, they'll quickly see the answer is greater than or equal to 110

you buffoons are like cockroaches in every way. can't you stay in your designated trashpile and leave us alone >>>/pol/
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Do you have a Heuer vise? Do the threads on the spindle look similar? Or have you ever seen acme threads with this sort of finish?

I was surprised, but I figure it doesn't matter for G acme threads. I assume this is a manufacturing shortcut. The thread flanks are smooth, and it feels fine, running it in & out.

But man, that looks shitty.
I wanna enter the world of consoooooooooming 18V batteries, but I'm not sure which brand to go with.
I want an angle grinder, a large-ish hammer and some sander and a lawn mower. Price wise so far it's a tie between makita and metabo, which both have sales right now for a "cheap" entry.
I know, metabo is rather exotic in the US, but I'm actually living rather close to their home base in Germany (though, of course, they're china made (and also owned?) nowadays) so that's not an issue, however they're not seen that often in stores, so I can't just say >fuck it, it's just money and buy a new battery with a 15 minute car trip. Makita on the other hand is widely available and notoriously has everything under the sun with an 18V battery, but there's the whole
>hurr durr, they're way behind with their tech and the batteries have a brick-it chip on them
meme, so I'm uncertain.

WHat musical instruments can I build especially on the cheap?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbira Also known as a Kalimba.

So housing is too expensive as it is and I've been feeling ambitious as of late. So more and more I've been interested in taking a task like this. I have the know how and I have family that have built homes before that have taught me the ropes as well as would be willing to help, but I'm not sure about having the time at least right now, so it's more of a future project. People are saying 5000 sq ft would cost anywhere between 400k to 1 mil, so 10,000 sq ft they would estimate as more. 10467 sq ft total living space, fireplace, and basement are in the plans. Planning to build on the west coast, Anchorage Alaska, or in a few options in Russia. Foundations are the most expensive thing to build, so I could take care of that to cover labor costs. Does anybody have estimates for this being viable below 1 mil? Or would you say this is pointless dreaming?
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> doesn't know how he is going to get robbed and gulag'd, unironically naive
Look forward to reading about you in the news
this already sounded overly ambitious if not straight retarded but
>in Russia
convinced me you are trolling
The amount of labor you personally put in for building yourself a 10k square foot house is going to be a drop in the bucket of the overall cost, unless you're legitimately doing it solo which would take you like half a decade plus. Even at $200 per sqft which is at the impossibly low end for custom new home construction, with 10k sqft you're looking at 2 million dollars.
I'm in a really lucky financial situation where I don't have to work and plan the same.
>I earn around 2k€ passive net income per month with my wife an additional 2k€
>I have an old house that I will probably be able to sell for around 200k, and around 100k in liquid money.
>additionally, I can get a subsidy financial loan from the government, will probably total around 300k with around 1.1k eur payment per month for 30y

any other europoors that actually build their own house?

I plan to do the following, 150sqm EG - 100sqm OG, no cellar:

>Foundation by contractor - 150sqm - around 60k €
>Outer walls with ICF/Neoporbetonschalungssteine - myself - around 50k€
>concrete for filling ICF + pump - contractor - 25k€
>Pitched roof by contractor - 40k€
>Filigrandecke by contractor - 20k€
>Sewage/Water system - contractor - 30k €

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Keep in mind you're gonna have to live there for the rest of your live because you're never gonna be able to sell it

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>Do you even melt, bro?

I did my first casting today, I'm totally a foundryman now. My first two melts earlier in the week I made some ingots, just melting soda cans. >>2783890
Yesterday I made my first flask from a spare fencepost, and some greensand from sifted playsand and a mix of sodium bentonite and calcium bentonite. Yard marking calcium carbonate as parting powder, worked great. Designed a little ashtray in Fusion360 and turned it into a pattern. I did a pretty bad job but I was impatient and really wanted everything ready to do this casting today. Rammed up fine, might've been a little dry, but just barely. Worked out okay though, very happy with the result after a brief cleanup.

Do you scrap? Stack? Do you sell signs on Etsy? Do you sand cast? Investment casting? Do you like huffing zinc fumes and snorting silica powder? Show me your furnace, show me your castings.

Sand and jpeg compression don't get along.
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The split-head style mallet which takes pucks (whatever material you like, mine are UHMW, copper, rawhide, and lead) is so useful I have several.


You could cast the clamp halves from brass and some inserts for a very nice non-marring custom hammer (if you miss a strike the clamp portion won't do more damage than your insert).
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That was a close one, emptied the whole crucible.
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Be glad you can't smell this, I absolutely hate the smell when removing a casting from the sand. I think it's the wood getting steamed, not sure. This casting turned out great, dirty but aside from that I'm totally happy with it. Gotta clean it up and decide if I want to make any changes before I cast another one. It'll be a nice little aluminum flask for casting small junk.

As an aside, I finally took some measurements and did some math. The Amazon peristaltic pump tops out at 385oz or ~3.01 gallons per hour, putting peak output in the neighborhood of 345,000-385,000 BTU/hr. At the setting I've been using to melt Aluminum, it's pushing 172oz (~1.34gallons) per hour, so around 154,000-170,000 BTU/hr. I was worried about getting enough heat out of this thing originally, but it looks like it could handle a furnace with almost twice the volume, or heating a 9001 square foot warehouse.
This is a very fun idea and it's definitely going on the list.
Love what you do!
I always been interested into melting silver coin and sell the ingots.
I can get 1$ silver coin for around 5$ containing 90% silver and weight at 26grm, so potentially around 24gr of silver into each of them(i let you check the price of 1gr of silver),
should i quit my current job and start melting silver coins instead? If yes where do i start in my new journey?

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- you can collect your own water
- you can grow your own food
- you can produce your own energy

So why are internet contracts necessary? You can tune into radio for free so how come there's no antenna device that pulls free internet from the air in a similar manner?
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the internet is just other peoples computers
you pay to use the infrastructure that someone else has installed to connect to those other computers.
big infrastructure companies have agreements to connect to each other for no charge because it benefits them both.
if you had some awesome web service that customers would literally change isp in order to use, then all the isps would offer to connect with you for nothing in order they keep their customers. thats basically it.
you can make mesh networks with wifi or laser or microwave but what people like about the intermet is that it has stuff on it. unless you get websites to join your network its just you and your friend talking to each other
Like >>2793984 said, the internet is just other peoples computers.

That's exactly the problem I was referring to. It's a mass-adoption issue. Even if I could figure out how to transmit the signal straight through the Earth to Australia, it wouldn't be useful unless I could get enough people to adopt it. And most people would rather pay a subscription fee for a more convenient internet that doesn't require the transceiver antenna to pan and tilt every time you want to connect to another computer. And that's not even including how much people would pay for the electricity needed to power the thing.
self reliance/off grid living is a myth
>- you can collect your own water
Illegal in many areas these days because of over regulation.
>- you can grow your own food
Buy too much fertilizer in a year and you get a visit by the feds. They will inspect and compare inventory with what was purchased.
>- you can produce your own energy
Illegal to install yourself in most areas without paying for permits or have a licensed installer and be inspected at multiple points during the setup.

Fun note: you can transmit text and images over HAM radio for free. Close to 300 baud modem speeds, but can be done.

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3D Printed Breakfast Edition

Last Thread: >>2787167

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

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>220F nozzle temp
It says to run that for PLA
Went ahead and bought a small selection of heat set inserts. Going to upgrade some of my prototypes a bit. Also might print a bung for a drain cleanout hole in my front yard. Probably going to start putting together a portfolio of builds and capabilities.
What's the best adhesive for bonding TPU to PLA?

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Abominations Thread XLV

Problem Solved! edition

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2777360 #
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Hello. I would like to find quality hair clippers to cut my hair off with.
I have bought this set a couple of years ago for a great discount, is this hair clipper a good model which should last me years?
The hair clipper is a Wahl 09243-2616 and doesn't use a battery
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Andis CeramicEdge Carbon-Infused Steel Pet Clipper Blade, Size-50SS, 1/125-Inch Cut Length (64355)

These work on Andis, Conair, Oster and Wahl. I forget when da wife bought the first blade many years ago but I bought a second in 2018 and that's done weekly military-style buzz cutting since.

I have the Andis clipper which survived many doggos (they got coarser blades) but the blade is more key than the clipper if you get a good one.
BTW a red ball cap or do rag lures horse flies out of your face and they can't bite through it: My horse rancherbro tipped me to that trick.
Been using what I think is that exact kit from Wahl for nearly a decade. #2 guard every day. Couple drops of oil every few weeks. Clean it a couple times a year. Zero issues.
I too used to cut my balding hair with electric clippers. But one day, I had an epiphany...
>Buy solid steel safety razor (70 dollars) that will last beyond my lifetime
>Buy safety razor blades (About 30 dollars or less) a box of a hundred will last you a few years
For a hundred bucks you can have a permanent shaving solution for all your shaving needs that will never break or need electricity.
>shaving my wifes back and shoulders for 30 years
Is she an ape? Post pics

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