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Save big money you'll save big money WHEN YOU SHOP MENARDS
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>i work for free
Cool story
>shops at menards
>life worth 100 mil
take off at least 3 zeros there
I heard the owner is an asshole but I am not sure.
I worked with managers that have met him. he has a reputation as being a massive douchenozzle.
Can't stand the radio playing at em so I go to Lowes instead.

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Getting more into metalworking and looking at upgrading my PPE. When and why would I want to use a welding apron with sleeves, and/or a sleeveless welding apron, versus a simple welding jacket?
Temperature hot

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I love masks and I'd like to make some myself, but I have no idea where to start, I don't know what material to use (I prefer masks that are not very flexible, so no latex) but it shouldn't cost me too much either, especially as I'm going to make a lot of mistakes at the beginning.

I can't find many resources on the internet in this area, there are a few videos but they often use different techniques and materials, so I'm even more confused.

To start with, I'd go for a very basic shape like pic related and cut out or decorate.

Do you have any advice or resources on mask-making?
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I just bought some glue and balloons I will start tomorrow and will post the result
But I don't know how to make a great finishing look, what to put on the last layer?
>>>/po/ has 4 threads on paper maché masks and the sticky there might have info on paper masks
this fetish will either lead to sadistic paranoid control issues or to using human skin
Use several layers of heavy aluminum foil and contour it to your face. Carefully apply paper mache strips to the inside and outside in layers, letting each layer dry . Cut eye holes and etc after it is solid enough.
Waterproof glue and lots of layers make them pretty strong.
Once you learn to work with paper mache well you can upgrade to polyester matting and make it as strong as you want. Same principle but the matting is a bit stiffer. If you need it even stronger carbon fiber+epoxy.

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Can someone explain the different thickness and weight per square meter? I'm trying to figure out what's the right one for a flat roof on an apartment building so I can make an estimation on how much money it will cost me in materials alone.
Also feel free to mention any other material expenses besides the felt itself.
What city, what is the build up of the roof, what is going on at the edges
What do you mean edges? The roof is concrete slab and has like 70cm sidewalls.

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Navien Tankless Water and Error Code E782 - Abnormal operation: main panel communication

Anyone ever have any experience with this?
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DIsconnect and re-connect all connectors. Corrosion can occur and removal/replacement wipes the contacts.
I got so confused
>1/2" gas pipe capable up to 24'
>"who the fuck would have a 24 foot diameter gas line for a domestic water heater?"
>"oh they mean 1/2" with a 24' run..."

good luck with your error codes, I probably shouldn't be the guy to help you after that statement.
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You telling me a water heater has a error code now?
>up to 24'
how can it tell how long the hose is?
does it only work if the pipe is 24' long?
how do you measure the pipe? from the gas refinery to your house?
replace it with a tank
if you are in a house and you put this you are a moron of the highest order for not doing tank+recirculation

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sandblasting without sand, is it possible? my shitbox is rusting so i was thinking about how to fix it but the neighbours would kill me for clouding them with dust
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Laser rust removal.
>sand blasting with photons
maybe high pressure water jetting, I think you can rent units strong enough to take off rust, not sure on cost though
No one has mentioned soda blasting? Did it have a secret cost I haven't heard of?
why not electrolysis? you dont need to dunk your rusted car into a container. you just wrap the sacrificial metal with a cloth and wet the cloth with the electrolyle and rub on the rusted metal. you can even hardcore cheap it out using steel wool as sacrificial. doneit and works the best, because it turns out the very close surface contact heats up both metals so much you end up blacking the metal, protecting it against future rusts. no other derusting method does this.

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I'm doing a refurbish on an old guitar. Trying to polish up the chrome hardware, and took a look into electroplating. Seems pretty simple, and I might actually invest in a proper benchtop power supply to do it.
Anyone have experience with electroplating? Tips & tricks?
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> nevr-dull
This shit is based as fuck and ancient
this stuff, cleaning the family silver Would get everybody in the room stoned.
how? was there a gas leak? was the family crack heads? Were they drinking spiked cocktails because there is no way they got high off of fumes from neverdull
Fpbp. Why the fuck are so many of you retards incapable of a simple Google search?
ive done it with an 19v dc laptop battery. its pretty easy. you dont even need to have a liquid container to dip it on. just get one terminal on your dry bare piece you wish to coat and the other one on the metal you wish to coat with. wrap it with a cloth or something that can absorb liquid. dip the cloth on the electrolyle and scrub the piece you wish to coat with. ive done alot of derusting with this technique, its really good for large surfaces you cant simply dunk on electrolyte.

Do I diy it or buy one pre-made?
Either way I'll do the hole and weld it in the box meself
Can get a door with frame for like £800
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you can see the frame flange welded to the tube in this pic
Yeah I've seen a lot of those and I'm not very interested in going that route, if I had to diy it all I'd do the 1x3 tube yeah and then some 1/2x3/4 box around it to make it a door frame and just hang a door in that, but it appeals to me just driving up to the port and buying a whole door from an outfitter and putting it in
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>how do i /diy/
>i dont want to /diy/
well then why did you bother asking?
It's still diy if I buy an assembled frame and weld it into a container vs buying one with a door already
Not all frames suit container corrugations (for side doors) or blank ends or end doors but an angle frame is a breeze to weld.

I support the door horizontally and level, then use welding stands to support the frame. I shim the door clearance between the door and frame so zero risk of fucking that up.

Use quality sealant. The HV version doesn't sag and of course it's UV resistant. I just sealed some door trim and end vertical gaps between my side-by-side welded container shop with it.



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If my water meter is inside my house, does that mean I can rule out a water main leak if I turned off the water supply and the meter is still running? A lot of stuff I read online are houses that have their meter away from their house and a water leak means it's between the meter and the house underground.
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Assuming the meter is turning without you using water, prompting you to investigate for a leak:

Scenario 1
>water meter is before shutoff valve
>water meter stops with valve closed
Water leak is after valve

Scenario 2
>water meter is before shutoff valve
>water meter keeps going with valve closed
Water leak is between meter and valve

Scenario 3
>shutoff valve is before water meter
>water meter stops with valve closed

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If the meter is running, that means water is exiting the system somewhere after the meter and new water is coming in to replace it. So if you have the main water shutoff valve closed, and the meter is inside your house and you can see that there are no leaks between the meter and that valve, and the meter is still going, that's kind of impossible. In that scenario there must be an offshoot pipe somewhere between the meter and valve that you're not seeing which is using water.

As for a leak before the meter, that would not be detectable by looking at the meter since a leak before the meter wouldn't cause flow though the meter, it would just lower your water pressure.
>does that mean I can rule out a water main leak if I turned off the water supply and the meter is still running?
it means you didn't actually turn off the water
I was hoping that the meter was broken bu I turned it off and while it did move slightly after it was off, it didn't move at all for the hours after it was off so it tells me there is a leak somewhere in my house. Once I turned it back on, I could hear water moving slightly which tells me that there is indeed a leak somewhere since new water is coming in to replenish the pipes.
You failed to define "slightly"
It's probably your hot water tank or that retard chamber with an air pouch that maintains pressure.

In my water lines, there's a little unscrewable cap, maybe a bleeder valve or something, it looks like a tire valve cap.
Inside there was a dry rotted gasket and after servicing my water lines elsewhere, upon turning the water back on, this dry rotted gasket began to leak. I just took an oring if a similar size, stuck it in there, screwed it back on, and it's been holding.

You could have anything from a running toilet to a bad sink knob that's just slowly fills up and evaporated off before dripping

Or the inside of your walls could be completely saturated and full of mold

A thermal camera and moisture detector can help you find this leak

can a diaphram pump handle 100M/350ft of elevation gain?
I am trying to pump wader. i have access to a wader pipeline that is around 30psi, but it is at the base of a hill, and there is existing pipe work to go up the hill to a tank
it look like they used a very big pump powered by fuel in the past but i want to use a small electric pump

I found this pump that does 13 bar which would be enough to push the water up the hill but how do I know if it will work.
is a diaphragm pump good enough for this task? what to real installers use for such a task? I'd very much rather do it in one pump instead of multiple stages, I only need like 3-4L/m also this pump it is for a car wash
Looks good senpai.
Thanks fampai
Consider adding a check valve.
I'm considering one every so often in the pipe since there's a few points where it's exposed
i buyed the pump, it comes in this week i think

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Hi DIY, not sure where else I would post this. Happened across an important discovery that I really can't find corroborated anywhere else on the internet.

I was doing a schizo deworm regimen earlier this year with veterinary ivermectin paste as the primary agent. I also happened to be dealing with a long-term bedbug infestation that I couldn't fully eradicate.

Once I began the deworm regimen it took about 2 weeks to notice I wasn't getting bitten anymore, which had definitely been happening every night until then. I put two and two together and figured the ivermectin was disrupting the endocrine system or whatever of the bedbugs. There was flareups where I started dosing again, but I haven't been bitten for a month now and I think they might finally be gone.

Did not spread any diatomaceous earth or execute any chemical/heat treatment after I started the ivermectin dosing. Pretty certain of the correlation, which would make dealing with bedbugs a LOT easier.

Where else should I promulgate this discovery?
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No I didn't have any worms, I think it was actually the viral protocol. Cannot say whether it did anything to increase my health.


No idea this was a thing. Practically impossible to find corroborating sources
Theres a small n-size study that showed ivm vs placebo works concurrently with your experience. From what i remember it was something like:

>>ivm dosage killed ~80% biting adults and the subsequent nymphs were not able to make it to adult stage

Just search ncbi ivermectin bed bugs im sure itll turn up. Mechanism of action is the ivm disables chloride-regulating channels for invertebrates and paralyzed them.

I also tried this once whenni escaped the bugs. Can't say for sure if it worked since I left the infested place behind and maintained extreme precautionary measure in the new place.
so does this work on all arthropods? I've been thinking about using ivermectin infused peanut butter to lower tick population, but the evidence I've read seems to imply it doesn't work.

Works for any bugs that bite. They use ivermectin for dogs and Revolution (selamectin) for cats, so anytime I flea treat my pets and still get bit, I just dose myself as well and all the fleas in the house are gone. Also handy if you go innawoods, kills any ticks or chiggers that bite you for about 2 days. For anyone who doesn’t want to Taste the Paste, it does work as a topical treatment for chiggers, too.

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I have a Mp200 installed inside a table, inside a box, including the monitor of my dining table I built for arcade entertainment.

I'm having trouble keeping it cool right now. I'd like to drill holes to install fans. I've got some spare PC fans that are 12V. But I don't know how to run the fans. Ideally, I'd like them to spin as long as the PC is on, but I'm not sure how to hook them into the MP200.

USB fan supply/controller
what the fuck is an mp200
micro PC
>Use your brain.
>Learn English.
In that order.

Do high top safety boots offer more protection or all I'm doing is carrying more weight on my feet?
They offer more ankle protection, if you walk on uneven surfaces I would recommend them. They're also more comfortable than ankle boots.
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go parkside bro
If you do carrying of heavy things having that extra ankle support is definitely worth it

I like to wear low- to mid- end motorcycle boots, because then I can just motorbike to work and then do work. Currently rocking Spada Pilgrim Grande, steel cap, got a TPE frame in the ankle for support,, got laces and zip combo, straps to keep the laces from catching in a lathe and ripping my leg off, stylish, not gay at all, I bought em for a hunned bucks like 2 years ago.

I'm a carpenter though so I don't slog in the mud like some of you lower professions, you guys might need a tarder boot *sniffs disdainfully*
Imagine buying this garbage. 90% of the price is made up by the branding on the side.

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This door lock won’t turn. The key is stuck in that position.

Any suggestions on how to fix it.
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Thanks for the advice
About point 2, the door-lock is mine now
thanks boss.
I see two Phillips screws there. Have you tried disassembling the latch and freeing up the lock cylinder?
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that's after you see if the key isn't just jammed up.

be silly to replace a light figure over a light bulb and it's easy to check.
let me know what happens. I'm autistic as fuck and this will live rent free till it's solved and I know how.

if your like me and principle is what matters the goal is, if we get to the point of disassembly. to only touch the door latch and housing. it's cheap to replace vs a door or glass.

i mean if we just don't give a shit and you bought the house I'd buy a new lock and just drill it honestly. if your not comfortable a 200$ locksmith is cheaper than a 3000$ door.
this is a euro cylinder not an american shitlock
taking the handle off doesn't magically make it open the door must be open to remove the cylinder from the latch mechanism. but it might give enough access to snap the cylinder if worst comes to worst
the key being half turned means the cylinder is released. push the handle up hard then try turning the key again.

I saw a telebelt for the first time today. Pretty cool. I wish they were more common. This was a 300 yard order at 6000psi, with purple trap rock. The wanted a 5 inch slump but we batched it at a six and half for the trip because the job was a half hour away. There was a fuckload of mira and recover in it so it was still like a 6. Add 5 gallons, pour out in <10 minutes. Two loads, six hours, easy Saturday.
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There were like 14 other trucks
>300 yd 6ksi
rip mucker fuckers and cokehead finishers
there was so much mira and recover in it that it still same out of the truck at a good 6 inch slump after half an hour of travel, also it's not so hot now summer is over and we did it in the morning. I don't think they had to struggle too hard. I was surprised that it it hadn't tightened up too much I was expecting it to come out the chute at like a 4
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Why is this needed? Do you have boom pumps there? The hopper is literally made for a truck to just back up to and dump
Why did you say two loads then? I am honestly curious and confused by what you meant by that. Around here the small concrete trucks carry 7 yards and the big ones carry 10 yards. So 300 yards of concrete would be 30 loads with the bigger trucks....

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