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So I just watched it.

Holy fuck, Barriss' story will make some people mad, lol.

Looked fucking incredible, however. Fights were just fantastic and the best SW animation has ever seen. Grievous was fucking horror maniac in this one.

Anyway, discuss.
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you can easily make a grievous video game. levels of his fighting the huk war then flash forward to the CIS days and him killing knights and padwans. and each battle you can pick up sabers and fight with different ones you collect.
I like the idea it was one of those "deeper than love" things given they're implied to be like soul mates. So it never developed into anything romantic before she died and he never felt the same way for anyone as he did for her. In a way Ronderu's death spiritually mutilated Grievous long before he could be physically mutilated. But that's just how I see it.
>Barriss fags in shambles and fighting about what the fuck Disney is gonna do with her
>Grievous chads rise for genuine discussion
as it should be
>Train with Dooku
>Acquire different styles and upgrades like wall-walking
>Use cool vehicles

It writes itself

Camrip's out. What did we think?
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The LatAm dub right? odd that they did that since the original Garfield's dub VA did came back rpeviously to voice him in the CGI Garfield show
I'm surprised people have such high expectations for garfield in the first place.
Didn't they already make a movie called Garfield The Movie?
That's why they called this one "The Garfield Movie". The next one will be called "Movie Garfield The".
No, it's called The Movie and Garfield just stars in it

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Toonami Drinking Game

Naruto Story

Tweeting Info

Toonami Bumps

New Shows
Ninja Kamui - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gtfZkGCGcQ
Uzumaki - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRrqvjjKlOs

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I can't remember if I mentioned it in a previous thread, but as of a few weeks ago I found out my brother and his wife are having a kid.
Meanwhile I've still never had any kind of relationship of my own...
Long me some long hair, but beauty comes in all sort of shapes. To deny otherwise is simply ignorant, or even worse, shit taste.
The same people who stay at a hotel in the middle of nowhere:
You very clearly lean towards wanting to fuck menly attributes.
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Never fall for the "I don't like X" thing people do for (You)s and pictures

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merci, utilisateur anonyme
Looking forward to her appearing in Craig's reboot
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More Zatanna are always welcome

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Why are you against Dipper finding some kind of happiness?
Lovely and canon
>Dipper is gonna return next summer, and she'll be fertile for Dippers Big Dip
Self Inserting will always be in fashion
Ignore him. He's a shitposter who is doing this to be a troll

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Why did she do it bros?
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She didn't want a half breed
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But what if?
She's a psycho that's why.
Turns out straight men like what she did but of course that dude was a complete faggot

Whos more overrated of the two?
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Only because people want his powers with none of the restraint or responsibility.
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Logan knows who he is. He's also willing to kill people who he thinks deserve it. He knows his soul is stained and doesn't pretend he's a cap level paragon of justice what the fuck are you smoking. He's just a hero willing to do wetwork. Hardly remorseless though that just proves you don't know the character. There's a big difference between killing in rage and being willing to kill to save others. Batman has never been to war, would he kill others to protect his country or coward out with a batarang and fuck up Jason to save the Joker who will kill again? We'll never know because the writers are too cowardly to put bruce up against a real moral dilemma.

The Doctor literally admits he can see every timeline and just nudges his to become a good one. And he still fucks up and gets people killed every single episode. He's hardly a flawless god self insert just because he beats the villains of the week. He can't keep his friends alive or the civilians along the way.
100% it's Batman
The entirety of the Didio era was tearing down previously established franchises and bolstering the Batman franchise. They occasionally kept a D lister book going 6-24 issues past the point the cancellation because Didio thought they would make a good adaptation (Manhunter, Blue Beetle) but once the book was cancelled that D lister usually became team fodder.

Now they've reached the point where pretty much only Batman sells due to many fans of other teams/characters moving on, but the remaining fans of the non Batman characters are fairly vocal and have shown they can unionize against Batman (the Superboy vs SSD poll) so DC IS aware they exist... they just have no fucking idea how to get more fans to the point of being able to sell a book.
DC as far as IPs goes, needs to put all their focus back into everything else but the comics. Sorry but the publishing division is unsavable and superhero comics as a whole are suffering from dwindling readership and are generally disconnected from everything else.

This show is aging like milk left in a roach-infested attic.
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Nah its the fate of those who don't get past their contrarian phase by their later 20s
actually not a bad idea tbf
How did you do daily tasks in such a state?
>Basically it's a nationalist dictatorship that promotes a specific party, usually with "purist" ideals
There's only seven of them; it doesn't seem very hard.

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This was a funny Smiling Friends episode.
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Sounds whoever wrote SF's Christmas episode was binging AD previously.
American Dad-esque episodes don't sound bad, it'd make Smiling Friends more tolerable. (Humor-wise)
I wish it had Drawn Together-esque humor, but I don't think we'll see such a show ever again.
Kino show, aged like a fine wine.
I liked the part where sonic crapped in the forcefield.

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Yesterday we learned what happened to Rhodey and Kaine saw a vision of Mayday's death
Today: HOBGOBLIN IS BACK just in time for the big 100!

Past Threads:

Issues ITT:
Spider-Girl #97 - #100
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Chad Tarantula strikes again
I know it continues but if this is how it would've ended, it makes a fitting end to the series.
Bump for reading it.
Can't say I like how the symbiote wipes away the stakes, but nice stuff otherwise.
Normie's been a real creep since he joined with the symbiote, but it's hard not to admire this moment here. Dude's got loyalty.

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I don't think we're ever going to have a cartoon like Gargoyles again. High production value, likable characters, high number of episodes, pulling from a wide range of genres.
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>I don't think we're ever going to have a cartoon like Gargoyles again
Thank god.
>neither character is white
>Keith David is black as fuck
>Salli Richardson is Black+Italian
Weisman's acknowledged it's canon that Goliath gives her the BGC that's too much for her to handle, bigger than a white guy. All the tropes are there.
Her being the woman that's of black-native American ancestry?
>Weisman's acknowledged it's canon
Sure he did, champ.

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Are folk from Mississippi really like this?

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Emeri is a cute little lamb! Emeri is pure and cute! Cute! CUTE!

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Thanks anon
The author should do it first
Go upstairs
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you posted the wrong picture
Uhhhh what's this all about I'm kinda lost here.

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How unknown is your girl?
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Theres a lot uh just the main ones?
just those five and maybe twist, not every character
mare plapper
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last update for now.

>pink is girls i would actively wish to be in their given universe over my real life, royalty
>purple are girls i usually like but they just aren't quite a favorite of mine, ruling class
>green are girls that are fine sometimes but just aren't *that* girl i like from their source material or even 2nd or 3rd, they're just fine, commoners
>yellow are girls that i often find annoying or otherwise wish the screentime was used on other characters, peasants
>orange are girls that i don't either don't recognize at all or don't know enough about to judge but they look cute, traveling merchants
>grey are girls i don't know and/or think are actively visually repulsive, the unwashed masses
op here with my taste finally

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Why can't the west capitalize on the potential for a "cute boy" market, unlike the east? Atleast the straightoids are getting crumbs.
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Cherrypicking vs. the reality of fags being overrepresented in AIDS and degeneracy cases always makes me kek. Love how you rely nowadays on big pharma just to avoid dying by tuberculosis lmfao
How did this thread go from cute boys to gays to wrestlers to 80s music?
>The majority of gay action over here is about cute girls doing cute things with and to eachother, not gross men
translated: "I only like gay people if I can fap to them"
>No, that's definitely a woman thing. Women stan people.
There's definitely a lot of gay men in pop star fan communities.
It's what boys talk about?

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