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is he a cautionary tale?
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Fuck the industry
This. The animation industry is fucking dying and trying to anchor yourself to an industry job is a detriment at this point.
>Enter thread
>"I wonder if..."
>ctrl+f " Kiwi
>5 results
I knew it!
There is no animation mafia. It's psychology to try to make artists afraid. There are bitches though, lots of bitches.

If there was a mafia or illuminati they would not have lost control of the industry so that its now half a billion in losses and everyone going indie.

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>Gaming companies sitting on IPs is LE BAD
>But Nintendo and Smash Bros are okay!!
This episode was more toothless than the president episode.
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This show is sadly too tone deaf for a show that is supposed to be about nothing. In the old fashing way of ATHF.
I thought this game was pretty decent.
Sure, there's no chemical loop. I've always thought of it as a more mental issue. You feel bad, you do something that makes you feel good in the moment, but the long term effect of that then makes you feel worse because it feeds back into your initial problem, like a fat man who's sad he's fat and turns to food to feel better.
The comparison between Shrimp and Satan was to show that it's not trying to teach some moral about 'dopamine bad'. It's just a silly little show.
Sure but what this really sounds like is you watched the devil episode and got REALLY insecure about your lifestyle and it sounds like it hasn't changed in the 2 years since it first aired
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That's it, you had your chance

Will the new season be any good?
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Thanks. The actual episode looks better than just a short video would imply.
There's more of an interest in chibis than I remember, but it's used rarely enough that it's fine.
>that fucking Alex face
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Anon, this is a show based on being fetish fuel. The showrunners will check every available box that doesn't thrown them in jail (and given this is France we are talking about...)
>Alex gets hypnotized, starts making out with Mandy
Calling it now.
Season 6 had an overabundance of chibis, to an extent that it was fucking annoying. Think it stemmed from the fact that Marathon wanted to do an SD version of Totally Spies that skewed younger, but was probably replaced by SpieZ instead. So the chibi overload in S6 was maybe done to compensate for that.
I don't think I was still watching into S6, so I'm not surprised that I missed it.
>Totally Spies that skewed younger
Ah yes, for all those kids into furry inflation at those ages. Brilliant choices.

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Still the most popular female cape in the business and yet they continue to drop the ball on her at every opportunity. Holy fucking shit. How do you fuck it up this bad? There was gold to be struck at the height of the PJO novels, youngsters were loving greek mythology shit. Well DC, you've got a character that screams it. Wonder Woman! And yet they just can't write a good story for her. Why? Is it that hard? And don't give me that "but but wamen are hard to write" eat fucking shit. Women aren't hard to fucking write at all. Anyone who says that is laughable or, and I hate to even say this, sexist. Genuinely. Not the shitposty kind.
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She's boring everywhere. While I liked the first Wonder Woman movie, it was hard carried by Steve while Diana herself was bland and Gal's acting didn't help.

Then she's just a boring jobber in the DCAMU who doesn't do nothing of note because Batman took the exposition role and Superman got all the main power feats. Green Lantern jobbed too but his personality was still fun to watch. Her 2nd movie was atrocious both the animated and live action, one which the former bombed. Tomorrowverse is boring too. What's with the Gadot voice? and then she jobs to Aquaman.

I rather just see these character retired.
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etc etc etc
What's wrong with having a character for us gays to like anyway? I don't get the jealousy. Let us have Wonder Woman.
Hopefully that upcoming Wonder Woman game will be the Arkham Asylum of Wonder Woman and make her cool/popular again.
Aren’t you a shill? Tell DC to make better products than using images to cope with backlash.

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Opinions about Xing Youye?
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Its cute. Looks rotoscoped from Chinese tiktok most of the times, but I do enjoy the faces
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>'jak posting
His subway animation is based he has great weight and feel to his animations
doggo sexo

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What if a possum had braces what is what would you do
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they only live for 3 years
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You had me at possum
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Possums are just oversized rats.
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You discovered an Ongezellig thread! You get 100 luck points from me!
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Intense plapping with 40 year-old Dutch wife.
I'm still here
hopeless plapping with inanimate feather-stuffed dutchwife
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retard, Russians haven't even been allowed to make payments to petjeaf (for obvious reasons) in the first place. Also the absconding payments issue is a problem for the current petje dot af slash studiomassa, not for the Ongezellig petjeaf, which did not secure enough funding for the full time goal for no other reason than not enough popularity (internationals did contribute, as seen in the credits of every deel after the 1+2 video, so it was not that either)

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The new series follows the Bundys after moving from Chicago to Florida. All original actors will be reprising their voices.
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>Jews are white
Best joke I've seen in the thread
Do what you want but leave Monk alone, I liked that one
And Mel Brooks is cool too but that doesn't really justify lying about holocaust numbers
Anti semite
I feel like you say this about everyone who isn't a straight white male

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Post your ideas of interesting stories you might have.
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What if Superman landed in Mussolini-era facist Italy?
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>The Suicide Society
In World War 2 the JSA sacrificed their lives to end the mad schemes of Mr. Mind and his Society of Evil, the only survivors being King Faraday and Wildcat, who blamed King for bad Intel getting all his friends killed.

Fast forward to modern-day Earth and with no JSA to inspire the modern age of heroes the Earth is in dire straits. Kara Zor-L, or Lady Liberty, fights a losing battle to defend the free world from a resurgent Mr. Mind and his new society, helmed by his minions Lex Luthor (super scientist supreme, so long as Sivana remains dead somewhere in a cave in Germany), Duke Blood (with the power to shed his form of man and control the demon, Etrigan!), and Terra-Man (aka Kal-L, cousin of Lady Liberty and human supremacist unaware of his alien heritage). Senator Amanda Waller enacts an unethical but daring plan to clone the JSA into a killsquad doing the government's bidding to strike at Mr. Mind and his cronies. Dubbed her Suicide Squad, the JSA - Green Lantern, Starman, the Flash, the Atom, Doctor Fate, Black Canary, Hippolyta, Hawkman and Hawkwoman, and the dynamic duo Batman and Robin - are forced by bombs implanted in their necks to engage in total warfare against the Society's holdings, no matter how many innocent citizens die as collateral.

But their appearance rouses Ted Grant, now a retired despondent drunk down to the last of his 9 lives, out of his funk as he feels an opportunity to rescue his friends. With the aid of Dinah Lance, the granddaughter of the original Black Canary; a street urchin living at Ted's run-down old gym named Jakeem haunted by the ghost of Billy Batson; teen idol and sudden superheroine Courtney Whitmore; and a mysteriously familiar pair of thrill-seekers named Carter and Cher, Ted must cobble together a new Justice Society that can not only rescue the original JSA from their grim fate, but guard the world against the horrid machinations of the New Society of Evil and their secret weapon: King Faraday!
Rorschach get ipad

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I'll start, this was solid little slice of life book with some nice clean art. I always love finding random indie one shots in the wild, wish they were still more a thing these days.
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You gotta love how put aliens into everything back then.
Whatever the last issue in Absolute Fourth World V1 was
The last comic I read was the Spider-Man wedding trade paperback. I've had since I was 10 and finally remembered I had it and never got around to reading it. I finished it 3 days. It was pretty good and sad reminder of how bad things are now.
I wish I kept the books, I had as a kid but always sell them get other books though most of them never read and just looked at the art, really didn't start to read comics till I was like 8.
I also own the original Death in the Family trade paperback from 19...something. it's, somewhere. In a storage box, that my mom put someplace at some point. I'll find it one day and my Kingdom Come book I haven't seen since high school...in 1999.

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>Stop looking at my butt!
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porn addicts
>Miko tells Five to hurry up and fuck her mom so he can get his head back in the game.
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This is a bona fide coom thread so I can't blame you, in fact I'm glad you're openly embracing it like this. Artists have made it literally impossible for some people to look at this character and NOT got a stiffy as their mind floods with dozens of lewd and provocative Miko pics.
What if Hinobi's solution to this problem was to just add the monster Miko to their lineup of company mascots and just going "We are really committed to this viral marketing campaign for our new game series" when letting her just casually go out in public like nothing's really happened.
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>both Star Trek cartoons get canceled in the span of one year
>Prodigy's cancelation sparks a massive outrage
>the petition reaches 30k signatures in two weeks
>someone rents out a plane to fly a Star Trek: Prodigy banner over streaming companies' headquarters in LA
>Netflix picks up Star Trek: Prodigy and renews it for a 20 episode season two
>Lower Decks gets canceled
>one month later the change.org petition can't even pop 10k signatures
>all attempts to organize a rally fail miserably because no one cares
Now that the dust has settled, why did Lower Decks fail so bad despite being pushed so much more aggressively online?
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I thought it was weird how Mike and Rich enjoyed Lower Decks but despised Strange New Worlds for being "quippy"
probably a mixture of expectations and format, it was marketed differently than SNW as an "Adult animated comedy star trek" instead of the Return to form that SNW was and the 20 minute episodes probably help eliviate the quippyness slightly
This. Already rumors of their Transformers cartoon getting axed next.

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On this Mother's Day, let us celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Nia
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Would like to see this with Nia and anon
This, but in reverse.
what happened?
Your waifu is for faggots and niggers
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So what do we think about this show?

Personally I love it, it's so out of the norm and unique, appeals to all ages, and the fact that it's been running for 14 years (and counting!) gives me hope for the future of animation.
>what do we think
fuck off templateposer

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Have cursed knowledge? Know some interesting tidbits? Want to help the /co/mmunity? Help us make the /co/ iceberg!

The current proposal has 800+ entries and counting. Let's shoot for 1000!
Entry Listing: https://rentry.org/coicebergproject

Previous thread: >>143577056

How to contribute:
>Check the rentry to find any entries without tiers, or long entries which could be retitled, split up, removed, or merged.
>Provide a tier, retitling, request for deletion, request for merging or another action for the entry
>Try to keep entry names as short as possible.
>Have fun!

Create Tier Model

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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After using Ctrl+F on the previous threads I'm surprised no one mentioned the “Peter David–Todd McFarlane Debate”

Why the debate was relevant to Comics:
7 high profile artists [artists during this era was more important than writers] had ere seceded to form Image Comics.
Those among the industry criticized Image for being a cash-grab venture, with low substance content that degraded the comics medium from an art form to an entertainment product.
During the debate:
>It highlighted the open secret that comic artists weren't being compensated fairly for what they provided for their respective employers.
>It also highlighted an older industry practice that the creators of intellectual properties usually must sign way their rights (and the subsequent benefits) to the publisher in order to get hired.

Also Todd showed up to a professional debate in his boxers…
I almost forgot to provide a tier; this feels like it fits easily in Tier 7 by the written definition.
>>Fox and the Hound’s Original Ending (T8)
Um, excuse me? I thought originally Chief died from the train accident, justifying Amos's bloodthirst. Chief getting injured instead makes Amos look unhinged.
I've heard about this decades ago. It's part of why Who Framed Roger Rabbit was in production hell.

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