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I really want to get into animation. I'm not sure what kind of animation (both 2D and 3D interest me), but I'm pretty sure I want to have a career somewhere in the field.

I want a degree in animation, so what college should you go to? What's working in the industry and freelance like? Does anyone has experience in any of these fields? I'm ready to apply myself and work hard, I just need some ideas of what direction to go.
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Something's wrong. You've been making a lot of sense lately. Did you get hit in the head but instead of making you retarded, it fixed what was wrong with your brain?
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I can throw my 2 cents in here. I have a BFA in 2D Animation, and I'm currently working freelance for a children's network. As I've only been out of school for just over a year.
>What college should I go to?
Try to find any college that works for you. When I was in High School, I was surprised to find out there was a school only 2 hours away from me that a couple of industry people also went to. Like Owen Dennis or Andrew Chesworth. Justin Weber also went to the same school, but only for 2 years. He went to a local college for his 1st two years, then took every fucking animation class at my school in only 2 years. He works at Disney now. So you should look into nearby schools first, and see if anybody good went there too. Alumni are the best way to judge a school.
>What's working in the industry and freelance like?
It can be both fun and somewhat stressful. The only official work I've done is some freelance work I got from a teacher I became friends with in college. Working freelance likely means you'll be working at home, so be sure you have a good work space and you can work without getting too distracted. That means no binge watching TV or playing any vidya for a few weeks at a time.
>Interested in both 2D and 3D
This may have the biggest affect on what school you choose, as schools often lean to one or another. My school was a lot more 2D focused, because of student demand. So only 2 or 3 animation majors would graduate with a 3D degree. But my school poached a professor from 1 state over, and now he's pushing the school into a 3D direction.
Although schools will usually start teaching you fundamental hand-drawn animation, before they let you try out other styles. Like 3D, stop motion, or my field of choice: 2D cut-out.
Last thing I'll say. It's not impossible to be self-taught. But school settings help a lot of people, and can speed up your learning process. The connections you get are also invaluable.
just go to a community college that has an associate degree in animation
>That's why I said freelance too.
That's what she said.
The only thing my community college offers it's a 1 year animation certificate.

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It might be sacrilege, but I’ll have to be honest; I actually like Storm’s new cloud/curly hair. I never liked ultra-straight hair in general, and this an upgrade to me. Shame about the changed facial shape, but I like the commitment in darker skin and curlier hair. I remember instances of her drawn like an Indian with that ultra straight white hair and then a feline face and Jesus she looked disgusting. Now at least she looks like a hot piece of chocolate. I still hate the wank she’s getting from the writers, but the design is finally wank worthy.
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All mixed race characters are just drawn as black people now.
The design is bad.
yeah, remember the design for the international team were originally for the legion of super heroes, so she was first designed as an alien.
Storm's dad was African-American and her mom Nigerian.
Don't ask this people to know any basic backstory or character information.

>nowadays all modern disney music are soulless pops and hip hops
Why dont disney do Jazz songs anymore? Literally everyone loves that and it helps make the characters be more charismatic instead of the opposite effect pop causes
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Haha no
Consumed by hate
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Jazz, for all its faults, is musically more interesting than pop music. Pop music is catchy and meant to be your earworm for the day but usually is a very simple melody meant to showcase the vocalist and little else.
In a way the very fact that it's called "pop" music should clue you in on this
Jazz was just music that GOT popular
Pop is music made to BE popular, and that makes all the difference
Pop is just shitty jazz. When they inevitably start making stuff inspired by Japanese video games we'll see jazz fusion make a comeback. Sort of an invasive species supplanting the native. You know, if the whole industry hasn't collapsed and you're working with people with actual brains instead of whatever you can fish out of a gooncave or /v/'s thunderdome.

Post /co/ doodles from your journal. Digital or hand drawn is allowed.
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I like the proportions of the girl on the right but the pose is a bit weird, hard to understand the arm.
Simon a cute
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Sorry buddy I passed out last night.
Here you go.

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Do you, by any chance, draw characters from the shows you watch?
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nice work
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Not often, but yes. It's fun to study and emulate different art styles.
That’s really good anon
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Bumping cause I want to do >>143686578
but it was 3:33 in the morning when anon posted

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What shall I do today?
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Concept comic made by someone involved with trying to reboot the series
I wish they tried before media reached peak levels of pozzery we probably could have had something cool but at least the IP owners aren't giving an inch with what they expect
Jesus you fucks work quick
Gremlin child....
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If AI is so great, then why can't it make it's own Pippi Longstocking movie?
>Every time that AI is switched to open to learning from humanity it becomes a racist anti-establishment personality until it get hurriedly shut down.
That might make for a good comedy movie.

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You discovered an Ongezellig thread! You get 100 luck points from me!
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Lovemaking with Dutch waifus!
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Intense plapping with 40 year-old Dutch wife.
I'm still here
hopeless plapping with inanimate feather-stuffed dutchwife

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Why is the writing for Batman Beyond S2 so much worse then S1? The first half of S2 is almost on par with Season 1 but then the latter half feels like youre watching a completely different show entirely

>Stalker gets crushed by an incoming train
>Suddenly he's working for the NSA
>The same NSA who not even 1 Ep ago almost made Batman their enemy for letting Zeta escape
>Stalker is randomly in a prison cell and now works for them
>Shriek got crushed by a collapsing building
>Suddenly he's been creeping out in an underground tunnel
>Terry doesnt even comment on how he survived

It feels like the Execs decided there was way too much casual death happening in a show for a demo that was suppose to be older. Its like midway thru S2 they didnt wanna appeal to teenagers anymore they wanted a younger audience

S2 has some great Ep's but it also has some dogshit ones they wasted their money on

>Terry murders a Homeless man

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Anything to justify more School Themed Ep's
they should have mandated more onscreen presence of Jokerz girls
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>had Bruce's DNA implanted on him
>he fucked his wife
>he has a son
>even if it's Bruce's DNA it came from his real dad penis
Timm said Blight was dead. They wanted to subvert the idea of Terry having an archnemesis. They included that line about him maybe surviving to appease BS&P.
Season 2 didn't even have Inque. At all, as she wouldn't come back until Season 3.

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It's impressive how little i cared for Polly adventures like Matt wants until I saw he new design.
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Polly is on human dick
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Harlot for sale.
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How experienced is she?

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What do her feet smell/taste like?

Also blue thread?
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Don't forget our Goddess
Looks great. Sorry you didn't enjoy yourself.

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Who should replace him? It's unlikely they'll introduce someone brand new.
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It's funny cuz it's been 3 years sinc TFATWS and this is the only thing where Captain Falcon has reappeared during all this time
Tbf Ezra was kept for two specific reasons
The characters are too spread out and the new heroes haven't even met each other yet, they really need to do more crossover event films or another Avengers movie that simply teams up the new heroes together before Secret Wars.
I won't say the Infinity Saga was planned at all but at least the original Avengers had long established relationships with each other before Infinity War.
Avengers 5 should have been Secret Invasion, and ath the end of phase 4. They literally had all the seeds there, the skrulls being introduced at the tail end of phase 3, and with all most of the post-Endgame releases being about introducing new heroes, SI could very easily have shown the new Avengers team forming. That way you keep the audience invested and not have them wondering for 5 years if the fucking team even exists anymore.
Didn't Hank die?

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Why is it so common for many series have the season 1 villain become a good guy in later seasons?
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Zhao was the season 1 villain tho

Zuko is a deuteragonist
I actually have a great answer for this, it's because of Zuko himself. I notice that a lot of times this trend forms in more recent cartoons than older ones, and I THINK I know why.
Fans like Zuko, fans LOVE Zuko's redemption, but that's because it built up to it, because he was always meant to be redeemed. However, the writers didn't create him solely because he's a hot guy with a tragic backstory, he has a purpose in the story, he has a reason to be redeemed. They took their time and developed him well, which what modern writers tend to misunderstand. I recall 3 different instances where Zuko could've joined the good side but he didn't, not because the writers were being hacks and teasing us, but because it wasn't his time. It sounds like I'm throwing around a lot of buzzwords that mean nothing, but it does, it really does. If you rewatch the show and compare his arc to someone like Catra, you'll realize how half-assed she is compared to Zuko. The former was forgiven quickly while the latter was still shunned, hated, and had to prove himself. Katara didn't forgive him an episode later, that resentment was still there
Modern writers can't do redemption right. It always falls into one of, or more, the following categories.
>Introduce a bigger bad guy so 'villain' joins the good guys
>Make the 'villain' have a tragic backstory which forgives his awful behavior
>Never touch on his evil crimes he comitted throughout the story
And that's it, there's no redemption arc. Pick one of those categories and BOOM, your character is redeemed
Yaotl (Onyx)
Harley Quinn
Lena (Duck Tales)
not season 1

>Harley Quinn
never actually turned good in the show she appeared in

>Lena (Duck Tales)
not an out-of-nowhere turn, because she is shown befriending webby and the triplets
she is already trying to justify reasons to not destroy the kids under the excuse its more pragmatic when in reality she does actually care about them despite denying it
Appeared in season 1 and was the first reoccurring villain of the show
>Harley Quinn
She did turn good. Season 4? I think. When she joined bat family. Haven't kept up with the show
It's a long time since I watched it so you might be right
Zuko wasn't the first redeemed villain, but with how lightning-in-a-bottle the quality of ATLA was, his redemption arc was done the best when compared to redeemed villains that came before and after him
I'm not saying he's the end all, be all, and that every show should try to emulate his arc, because other shows should use him as an example or template, because his character arc simply worked well

Beefcake threads allowed?
Straight board.

nothing is allowed anymore
I thought it was >>>/y/
This, posting on topic threads now results in a ban, sorry op. Yer outta here.

why did they such an epic musical number only for the rest of the film to be mediocre and the villain being almost entirely pointless?
what do you mean 'why' you think it was intentional? you think someone sat at the thinking table going 'hmm yes, let's make one song really good. just one tho... not too much... then make the rest of the movie mediocre' like it was their intent?

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Are they gonna be enemies to lovers? Or frenemies to the end?
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He's too old for her.
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The only ships here are friendships!
Also an image of Andi and Cal having sex with the two other men of the show.
Post the hot android
Lucky nerd
The best kind of pairing

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