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"Kick the dog" exists as a trope to show villains being hateble when you can't really depict women getting sexually assaulted. Because killing innocents is passe' even back then. So what else can one do show villainy without it being lame or "too far".
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Make them do taxes
Hey, it worked for the Looney Tunes.
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You can show him talking about something you cant depict. Maybe mocking a victim after violence. Or the victim giving a speech while he smiles nochalantly
Some "kick the dog" and "save the cat" scenes are ridiculous. Deadpool working as a mercenary for a stalked womanwas cringe. It was just a permit for him to kill people the whole. movie

Picrel is one of the reasons why I don't buy into the whole "writers are a plague on cartoons" nonsense.
>Writer driven show means writers aren't an issue on cartoons they don't belong and overarch on
That's like saying termites being an important part of the ecosystem means they're not currently eating my floorboards
Mike Judge and his crew are a rare case in that their old identity didn’t get washed away by LA writer narcissism. He simply wanted to make cartoons that everybody could enjoy rather than a certain demographic. But also add his Texan elements to it. I think the only other example of that is Smiling Friends. Most writer cartoons however it’s clear they just use the characters as mouthpieces rather than giving them unique personalities. If King of the Hill was written by someone like Adam Carolla instead, it would’ve just been him acting as himself while playing Hank.
If they can't make R&S funny, it's not worth it.

Ever since this episode, it feels like TTG has been forgotten.
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More like they memoryholed Roar out of existence aside from this crossover that everyone remembers. TTG been lost it relevance since Zaslav took over:
A decade ago it was a topic for cartoon youtubers everywhere.
And that's a good thing
Is TTG still being made?
>throws thundercats roar under the bus when the crew had nothing to do with the TTG crossover
>it gets one season, then dies, creator has shitty luck in the business now
>keeps trucking without remorse

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kinda sad, 40s is not age to go
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Nah, cancer
Just look them up you fucking idiot. Stop with this performative ignorance.
This sucks, man

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Was this show supposed to be terrible and unfunny …on purpose? It may be one of the worst I’ve ever watched on adult swim.
Good for you, shitposter.

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Written by TOM TAYLOR
While Dick connects with the ghost of his past, “Nightwing” takes to the streets to defend his honor. But how can he be in two places at once? And what shocking revelation does Dick learn when confronted with the truth behind his parents’ deaths? The “Heartless” saga continues in the penultimate chapter of this celebrated run!

>actually Haly's circus is a breeding ground for immortal assassins and Dick was gonna be one
>actually Dick's mom had a creepy friend who wanted to fuck her real bad and he was mad when Dick got adopted by a rich guy and stalked him for years
>actually Dick's dad fucked a sexual trafficking victim before Dick's mom so now Dick has a half sister and Zucco whacked them because he got turned into Cucko
>actually a third person watched Dick's parents die and he got a mega boner from it and is now wanting to kill Dick but homoerotically
What the fuck else could Taylor possibly add to Dick's origin?
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He made Dickbabs canon again.
Tom Taylor jumping off a roof would be the best thing for comics.
DickBabs for the first time in 20 years
Titans (the real ones) for the first time in 16 years
He's fucked up a lot of the continuity but just having the characters together again is huge.
Literally any writer would have done the same if editorial allowed it. It’s like Bendis getting credit for bringing the trunks back. It wasn’t his decision.
Hopefully since Jessica Chen is gone DC will dump the pairing once Taylor is gone.

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Lois and Clark.
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We haven't had a standalone Supes cartoon in a while so I'm willing to give it more of a pass since I find it decent enough. I hope they don't try to cram in as much other DC stuff so soon.
Every Superman show that isn't TAS and the 50's show.
It would be kinda neat to see a Superman show that ignores relationships like the old stuff though, like Lois can be there but not really do anything.

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>almost smacks lips with blades

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to me it looks that if this became popular again then teenage girls would have a field day with it, like with warrior cats
Fucking grew up on this series. Love it
Aroree was the one who tried to mate wit little patch but her mating song scared him away. I don’t know of any wolf riders that were interested in humans tho.
>I don’t know of any wolf riders that were interested in humans tho.
Anon is probably thinking of Tyleet.
>her mating song scared him away
Her metabolism literally burned his peepee.

Beefcake threads allowed?
Straight board.

nothing is allowed anymore
I thought it was >>>/y/
This, posting on topic threads now results in a ban, sorry op. Yer outta here.
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bump for being an actual gay thread

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I really want to get into animation. I'm not sure what kind of animation (both 2D and 3D interest me), but I'm pretty sure I want to have a career somewhere in the field.

I want a degree in animation, so what college should you go to? What's working in the industry and freelance like? Does anyone has experience in any of these fields? I'm ready to apply myself and work hard, I just need some ideas of what direction to go.
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just go to a community college that has an associate degree in animation
>That's why I said freelance too.
That's what she said.
The only thing my community college offers it's a 1 year animation certificate.
Edutainment show that used to air on HBO.

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Why is it so common for many series have the season 1 villain become a good guy in later seasons?
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not season 1

>Harley Quinn
never actually turned good in the show she appeared in

>Lena (Duck Tales)
not an out-of-nowhere turn, because she is shown befriending webby and the triplets
she is already trying to justify reasons to not destroy the kids under the excuse its more pragmatic when in reality she does actually care about them despite denying it
Appeared in season 1 and was the first reoccurring villain of the show
>Harley Quinn
She did turn good. Season 4? I think. When she joined bat family. Haven't kept up with the show
It's a long time since I watched it so you might be right
Zuko wasn't the first redeemed villain, but with how lightning-in-a-bottle the quality of ATLA was, his redemption arc was done the best when compared to redeemed villains that came before and after him
I'm not saying he's the end all, be all, and that every show should try to emulate his arc, because other shows should use him as an example or template, because his character arc simply worked well
Such a good character

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What new upcoming show are you excited for in 2015?
I can't wait for the cartoon that just straight up features Satanic messaging, not even anything covert that you can theorize, just straight up the characters getting up on screen and saying "hey kids, worship Satan! he fucking hates you and hopes you destroy yourself! do it, it's fun! (:" and then explode and die
None of them. They are all cheap Loony Tunes rehashes that aren't even as good as Loony Tunes was bad. The old critique of Angry, Stupid and Mediocre holds true even more today than it did in the 1930's and 40's. And where that one was directed at three different cartoons, this cartoon has managed to do all three at once. As always, censorship kills talent and quality.
your mom's sex tape

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In this thread we talk about lesser known DC/Marvel characters.
I'd never heard of Jack Monroe until I was browsing a super soldier list.
>A former sidekick to Captain America, Jack Monroe abandoned his mentor when he became disillusioned with the hero's lack of finite action against the super-villains they fought. He later became the notorious serial killer known as Scourge.
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Different Syonide. '90s Syonide had died in her first and only appearance (I had it wrong, it was Eradicator who killed her) but then randomly showed up alive again in the Stuart Moore/Jamal Igle Firestorm run.

Halo's whole thing is just obtuse. She's an alien being inhabiting the body of a dead girl named Violet Harper. Then in the '90s series she's killed alongside another woman named Marissa (the ex-wife of one of the Outsiders members) and she gets put into her body while Kobra resurrects the Violet body as part of Strike Force Kobra presumably to mess with them. Then every time she's appeared since the end of the '90s series she's been in the Violet body again because I guess artists are lazy and just assume she looks like she did in the '80s.
Presumably she just transferred back into Violet's body.
good cover
Phantasm I don't think we've seen much
literal who

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It might be sacrilege, but I’ll have to be honest; I actually like Storm’s new cloud/curly hair. I never liked ultra-straight hair in general, and this an upgrade to me. Shame about the changed facial shape, but I like the commitment in darker skin and curlier hair. I remember instances of her drawn like an Indian with that ultra straight white hair and then a feline face and Jesus she looked disgusting. Now at least she looks like a hot piece of chocolate. I still hate the wank she’s getting from the writers, but the design is finally wank worthy.
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The design is bad.
yeah, remember the design for the international team were originally for the legion of super heroes, so she was first designed as an alien.
Storm's dad was African-American and her mom Nigerian.
Don't ask this people to know any basic backstory or character information.
Okay take

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