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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox. Miaphysite, and Nestorian. Historically, why did Christianity fracture so many times and even now still fractures into more and more sub groups.
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Judaism inverted bits and pieces of the religions of Babylon and Sumer. Easiest way to show that off is look at the Garden of Eden story. Babylon and or Sumer have a similar story. They saw leaving the Garden a good thing as it was freedom from tyrannical deities. The jews, or what would become the jews, did not like Babylon and Sumer so they just turned it on its head.
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A specific form of what could be defined as an "infohazard" or "contagious autism" that started with the Greeks and the Graeco-Egyptians who were the most predominant of the priests and bishops at the time Christianity went from being a semi-tolerated/sometimes-persecuted cult to the Official State Religion of the Roman Empire. They believed, however rightly or wrongly, that you had to not only follow what Jesus spoke of in the Bible but actually believe (in your mind) 100% of God's nature and the nature of things, or else you were destined for Hellfire. The autism started fairly "reasonable," between Arius and his followers - who believed that Jesus, as the Son, was created from God - and Athanasius and the rest who believed that Jesus was eternally begotten of the Father. As you might know, Athanasius won out on this.

But it led to what would now be known as "purity spiraling" as they sought to carefully define everything, and this leads to that kind of mindset that if you don't believe THIS specific thing, then you're literally denying God Himself. One of the main points of contention between the Orthodoxy and Catholics is the Filioque, on whether the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father or, as the phrase "Filioque" notes, from the Father and the Son.

The Protestant splits are their own thing that would require a more specific thing, but roughly this mindset led to their thing as well.
Because different Christian groups value different things.
For example do you value:
>Doctrinal Originalism/Primitivism
>Apostolic Succession
>Logical consistency
>Spiritual Experience
>Efficacious living
>Community Building
>Political influence/power
All of these values influenced Christian sects to different degrees in different ways.
Do Mormons still practice polygamy? Don't see why that's a big issue. Plenty of people in the Bible did it. At least in the OT.

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>Oh boy, I can't wait to get to heaven and see all my loved ones and live for eternity in total bliss!

Has there ever been a more obvious cope?
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*and the reason you cant do those things is because anyone that could would never evolve, adapt, or learn, they would just be a slave to pleasure, and ignore everything they shouldnt be.

Also says a lot about retards that ask why god didn't make this place paradise on earth.
Psychic mediums can talk to dead people though.
If the universe is infinite that means an infinite number of things can exist so why can’t eternity exist? The concept that the universe is infinite would’ve been regarded as super natural at one time
That also means it would be infinitely unlikely to encounter said things, and therefore is just mental masturbation.

Midwits don't understand infinity
>tons of books
there are tons of books about anything and the opposite
thanks for playing

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Briefing by Foreign Ministry, Moscow, May 3, 2024
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This cope that refusing to hold elections when 1/5th of your country is actively occupied by another country according to some definition you just made somewhere makes a country 'non-democratic' is simply delusional.

You can call the Ukrainian government retarded and libtarded, Which they are, But asides from the fact the Russian aligned prior presidents political party was outlawed, There's no evidence any of the Ukrainian elections that happened after were literally 'stuffed ballot boxes' rigged.
>ciuntry tries a strategy that's not blaming the weat for screwing up the post socialism decades
>it has to be instantly carved up and removed from the face of earth
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>demanding Ukraine surrender territory that you don't even control

Okay, apart from the fact that's retarded, what's the fucking green zone supposed to be?


One might think so but you could just as easily chalk this up to Russians being completely disconnected from reality.

>It was Washington who started this.

Shut the fuck up Ivan.


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Why in god's name do they want yet another exclave in Odessa?
Gee, I wonder why Ukraine didn't accept this kek.

Your territorial demands can't exceed your current held territory by 3 times. If they actually captured all of Ukraine they COULD demand this, but still nobody will ever accept this.

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Why do some white people give the stare of chinese monkeys? It looks sillier than even a lion's stare
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Yellow hands typed this post
so chinky cope thread?
Chinese monkeys look chinese, idk if it’s weird or not but monkeys and apes strangely look like the local humans (except new world monkeys)
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Yeah but the chinese monkeys aren't chinese though. They aren't sissies nor do they eat diets on rice, they just eat fungus and corn.
Caucasians look like baboons, worst kind of monkeys

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This is what cultural collapse looks like.
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I think it's a good comparison, actually. The left was made to work in formations, which required everybody to do their job and not try being a hero. That was the part that nobody succeeded to imkitate, not the equipment as such.
III century collapse happened. Mostly the climate changing did a major blow to agrarian economy. Less food - less people - less taxes - less soldiers. So to keep the borders somewhat intact Rome had to start hiring frontier barbarian tribes.
>the Byzantines and Lombards are the ones who really fucked it for good.
Byzantine administration was quite literally the exact same in the time of Justinian to that of the 5th century West until the later dissolution of the Prefecture in the West
I was talking about the city of Rome. It fell into decay long before it was sacked. Even before the capitol was moved to Constantinople the population had declined and large parts of the city started falling into ruin.
>US fights off a global superpower and conquers an entire continent using just muskets and flintlocks
>US later loses to afghan peasants while using M4 carbines and machine guns
"Which one conquered half the world?" - Some retarded anon 1500 years later

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The veterans of Korean war must have had off-the-charts amount of PTSD after dealing with the human wave attacks and the endless rush of Chinese ”volunteers”. But why it is so rarely talked about when compared to Vietnam? Yeah, Vietnam is more recent, but Vietnam is still remembered today while Korean War got forgotten much faster.
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yeah sure, if you want to interpret it that way I don’t really have the inclination to argue against that
fuckin plebbitor you’re probably brown
plus grandpa was a civil war vet and great grandpa invaded mexico and they both fought indians
What were they supposed to do? Use overwhelming artillery superiority and air support? Given the lack of resources, the Chinese performed excellently.
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After wasting the first 100 slant-eyed Communist subhumans, I imagine wasting another 1,000 came much easier.


You do know that there was a chronic homelessness problem with WWII vets well into the 1950s right? Ira Hayes, one of the three surviving Iwo Jima flag raisers, was one of them.

Not to sound like a "the 50s were... LE BAD" faggot but plenty of WWII and Korean War vets came back to shitty jobs and dysfunctional home lives afterward.
>plenty of WWII and Korean War vets came back to shitty jobs and dysfunctional home lives afterward
You aren't wrong, but again, they didn't have the stigma of having lost (an already highly unpopular) war. Even the most unfortunate and broke WW2 or Korea vet could at least say they served honorably in a war the American public supported. Meanwhile Nam Vets could get spit on or in a fight or just generally shit on if they mentioned their service at all.

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All of my ancestors lived north of the Roman Empire
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Rome won. Saxons lost.
This is the most disingenuous post it’s unreal.
Americans think anything with a tan is a mulatto lol
>probably has g*rm blood
ouch, sorry about that

>Loves nature
>Hates technology and what its doing to humanity and the world
>Claims to be blowing up people for the good of the world
>Blows up random people at colleges and attempts to blow up passenger jets

Why didn't he just actually go after people actively harming the planet like oil companies, plastic manufacturers, mining and logging companies etc. Sounds like he was justifying his hatred of people under the guise of environmental protection.
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Before he started mailing out bombs, he almost shot the daughter of a guy who owned a lumber mill. She was just a child too. Dude was the kind of guy who now a days would publish a manifesto and shoot up a grocery store. He was just a lot smarter and decided to use bombs instead of bullets.
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>How is it that you are aware of the fact that men are capable of killing and rapping without effort yet you still act like this.
wurstie, 2024
He was a neo-transcendentalist
He had a particular hatred of jets because jets flying overhead of his hovel was the most persistent reminder of the intrusive creep of technology into his life

He seemed to be a moderate autogynephile like a lot of heterosexual autists with long-term lack of any sexual relationships with women develop
>he was a man so he can't do anything right
Misandry spotted. Reported for bigotry and hurting my feelings.

Why is it not acceptable in some cultures to kiss your children on the lips?

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>Gain independence and have a fuck ton of land and resources
>Military dictator takes charge for the next 20 years
>Immediately have numerous rebellions for independence in your territory
>Texas and Central America becomes independent
>America goes to war with you, takes half of your territory, and gives one of the greatest assbeating in history
>Constant political struggles between various different factions
>Another military dictator takes power but he actually manages to somewhat improve the country
>The only decent ruler Mexico had gets overthrown in a bloody revolution that accomplishes nothing
>Anti-theist socialist takes power and causes a religious war for 3 years
>Socialist leaves power and country starts to finally improve for the next 30 years
>Drug wars occur and country today is now ran by brutal drug cartels

Africans at least got a few valid reasons for why they’re so shit. Mexico started off with the perfect cards in their hands and still manage to fuck up incredibly badly. It’s like having the best equipment in a level 1 bossfight and still manage to lose.
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I thought Spanish people would take the white apple.

They refused it because fucking women is better then gay nationalism. That's super smart.

Native Americans on the other hand have built multiple civilizations.(At least in Mexico). They had a good run. They could of just drove into the sunset but they gave us the best artists in human history.
Let's be honest. Niggers fucked that country up. Belize? The natives fucked that up. It's what people don't understand. It's not the soanish that messed it up. In their case it's the fucking native americans. They are really dumb and violent and corrupt and everything they touch turns to shit. Spain is fine. It's a decent country bc soaniards are decent people. Sticks spaniards in mexico and mexicans in spain and mexico would resemble spain and spain would resemble mexico. It's race and genetics. Let's be candid.
They’re proud to be neighbors of Americans.
>uh it was the natives who fucked it up even though the revolutionary leaders and ruling class continued to be Spanish after independence
/pol/tranny cope
Well yes and no. The first part is right. But nationalizing the oil allowed the state to use that money to build up infrustructure. It worked really well. Mexico was developing pretty fast between the end of the war and about the 80s with the collapse of the peso. That's when everything for everybody got worse.

And yes. Mexico is a failed state and it's amazing different parts don't try to seperate bc just by trying you could to a better job than their government has for the past 30 years. Is it really that hard to build roads and airports and ports? Build schools? Train and equipment the law enforcement? Put soldiers in with them in the dangerous parts but not the quiet parts? Seems like they try very hard to make it not work.

>follows a religion started and spread by Arabs
>end up larping as Persianate Societies

Unironically why did Muslim Empires do this?
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Wtf is a Persianate? It's genuinely the first time I read/hear that
Iranians used Turks as slaves for 1500 years until the early modern period. Tajik soldiers used in later empires were artillery crews and cavalry, while Pashtuns were tribal infantry. Neither were mamluks as Turks were.
The remaining it was turks dogwalking Persians. Almost all mughal emperors and nawabs had persian consorts.
Caliphate initially relied heavily on Persians for administration (conquered Greeks and Romans being suspect due to the continued survival of the ERE), being an underdeveloped desert race with little history of imperial administration, and ended up borrowing heavily from all aspects of Persian culture, especially elite culture. By the time of the Abbasids, Arab culture was perhaps more Persian than it was Arab. Meanwhile, Western Turkics in contact with the Muslim world drew heavily from the settled Iranic peoples of Transoxiana and the Persian provinces.
Expanding on what >>16588399 said Persia was historically the intellectual center of the Islamic world. Baghdad, the historical center of Arabic learning, was benefiting in large part from its proximity to Persia (its name means ‘House of God’ in Persian). Most famous Muslim philosophers historically either were Persian themselves or were otherwise educated in Persia (al-Kidni, al-Farabi, Avicenna, etc.). Up until the 15th century (when they converted to Shi’ism) it was a regular practice for Sunni imams across the Muslim world to receive education in Persian madrasas. The closest equivalent I could think of would be how Italy used to be for Catholic Europe.

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How common was the use of boats in the Neolithic and Bronze Age?
We know that large ships became a thing much later, but bearing in mind that for example the Minoans arrived in Crete somehow it is logical to think that at least boats were more accessible. I can go further, like the eef arriving in the British Isles. Or Are the boats much older than that?
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Obsidian is found only in those 4 green triangles, all located in islands, but it was exported to all over the mainland and to other islands, see all those black dots
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Depend where, extremely common in south east asia

Is the village obligated in any way to embrace a child?
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Sociopaths are human cancer cells
What happens when this happens to the majority of the male population?
Based japanese countryside kicks out a weirdo for literally no reason
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Most people are accepted in society. Most people are generally good people. If you are a man you can get along well with old people and most men. However young women are either going to hate you or love you.

People like >>16586107 are angry that young women hate them, they are not going out and striking up a conversation with an old couple at the park or finding some fellow nerds to hang with. This is what they are basing their view of society on.

The thing is I am practically "blackpilled". The fact is most young women and certain men who are inclined to it, single out substandard men and start treating them like shit, and people in general are skittish and hysterical over people who are different or don't fit in. If society were governed by them, then we would almost certainly see something like segregation where substandard men are kept away from women and generally denied education and jobs to keep them low and out of the way. However that is not the case. Society is governed by the greedy who, for all their flaws, don't really give a shit about high school popularity contests. If an autistic person makes himself useful to corporations or government, then he will be accepted.

Once you realize Stacy going "ew" doesn't represent society and there are a few women not like her, that you can fake it till you make it, your life changes. Unfortunately Stacy is still there, lurking in the shadows, sneering and seething at you, but you can take solace in the fact she wilkl be bitter and hateful all her life and end up a Karen, she had it good up to age ~35 (perhaps earlier), but the majority of her life is going to be shit.

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>took EHGs and fathered PIE
>conquered the entirety of the Americas
>mixed with Tianyuan to create East Asians
>invented blond hair
Is there a more successful basal population in human history?
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this same nonsense about "matriarchal"???
How many times do studies have to remind us that this is literally the disgusting mythology of feminists like marija? Everything just boils down to giving in to your ideological precepts as the basis for EVERYTHING, including social life and in this case, professional life. in other words, you were fooled by some fat feminists venting their sick mind about abstract things. congratulations, you are a genius!
The EEF were extremely patriarchal, evidence of brutal female exogamy is seen in their societies, in addition to patrilocality as the basis for their social structure. I don't know why you think I'm a kind of feminist witch, I'm more anti-feminist than many men
Why did the haplogroups change? They already said EEF and WHG were probably matriarchal.
You can't have a healthy discussion, right? I'm going. keep answering yourself troll sameflag
Don't go Sardinian girl
girl from Sardinia came to end the tyranny of the Frisian
She's like France freeing itself from England (Frisian) too bad she would never pay attention to me, I'm a guy from the steppe. I can't be a farmer but I'm a good shepherd and I know how to defend my wife with my life if necessary you're cute but boring

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