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Since the last time I posted about this, I went to track down the entry of Yasuke in the Maeda Clan version of the Shinchōkōki. Kaneko Hiraku (professor at the Historiographical Institute of the University of Tokyo, the most prestigious historical research institution in Japan) includes in his book below, paired with the translation in Thomas Lockley's book (which is correct):

This black man called Yasuke was given a stipend, a private residence, etc., and was given a short sword with a decorative sheath. He is sometimes seen in the role of weapon bearer.
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So Ōta Gyūichi used the word from time to time, and it was not a one-off usage. Every single usage of the word stipend by Ōta Gyūichi was, without exception, either giving it to samurai, some of whom were incredibly high ranked, or used in the context of hiring samurai or samurai’s salary. This includes a young sumo wrestler who may or may not have been a samurai, but was definitely hired by Nobunaga as his personal samurai. There is therefore no reason to think Gyūichi was using the term in Yasuke's context any differently. In fact we might even draw a slight parallel to Tomo Shōrin. Yasuke was said to have had the strength of ten men, meaning he must have demonstrated that strength and it’s certainly possible he demonstrated it through wrestling and beating everyone. Nobunaga loved wrestling, loved exotic stuff, and as shown above loved to demonstrate his generosity. So, it would certainly make sense on meeting Yasuke (coincidentally at Honnōji) for Nobunaga to make Yasuke, who was exotic and might have been good at wrestling, a samurai’s stipend, a decorated sword, and a residence. Incidentally Tomo Shōrin was also at Honnōji when Akechi Mitsuhide attacked, though unlike Yasuke he did not survive.
If you've read this and all my other posts and links on Yasuke and still don't believe Yasuke was a samurai, then you either a) prefer to believe your own bias over historical research or b) should post an academic level publication from a PhD level researcher arguing Yasuke wasn't a samurai so I could read it.
The real conclusion is that:
/his have very little amount of people who are really capable of thinking critically, or read actual historical record. Or some loser in the basement pretending to know history.
Okay, he was a samurai.
Thats a good amount of research.
Its been a while in /his had this high quality threas.
uhhhh he's a character from Naruto you fucking idiots
>Gives a guy samurai status because he was good at wrestling
Nobunaga really did make anyone a samurai, huh?

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modern historian be like
>did you know the most important force in history is.. le black women?
>did you know the most interesting events in history are.. le climate changes?
>did you know the most important work in historiography is ... le intersectionality?
and then every single person in the seminar stands up and starts clapping
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Ty for attending the seminar and bravely presenting your paper titled “Negotiations of Identity and Otherness in 13th Century Rajastan: Intersections of Class and Gender in Decolonizing the Black Experience in India”
rent free
take your meds
But this is facts doe.
i hate school

Why were there no cowboys back in europe?
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And Southern Portugal, called campinos, the green cap and red vest it's their traditional outfit
the rooster:
>holy shit the time of the soup is upon us!
The Wild East...
>and did not obey the Russian emperors
They were eventually buckbroken and turned into fully integrated imperial troops thoughlbeit

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>1054: schism between Roman Catholic (Faustian) and Orthodox (Magian) church

>2018: Schism between the Orthodox (Magian Fellaheen) and Russian Orthodox (Russian) church


>Even after 1054 friendly relations between East and West continued. The two parts of Christendom were not yet conscious of a great gulf of separation between them. ... The dispute remained something of which ordinary Christians in East and West were largely unaware".[13]

Spengler says the Russian world-feeling is similar to the Magian one in some ways from a western POV. Picture the early Magian culture under the yoke of Classical Rome, preachers in the desolate desert, the Essenes, John, Jesus, the early Christian underground, Bar Kokhba. Hellenistic Judaism. Is Russia undergoing something kind of similar now as a their culture begins to thaw into spring in the villages and plains of Eurasia, albeit under a lingering western yoke of McDonalds, a broken industrial capitalism, nominal adherence to western norms by their gangster government and Gen Z exposure to the Faustian internet?
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It's already there. It has been for quite a while, even if haunted by the cultural equivalents of immune responses against faustian introgression.
Tbh, I think the USSR was as much a weird western imitation as much it was a very strong reaction against Tsarist faustianism. Which had been coming for a long time, ever since at least Peter the great (with Catherine being the worst offender), but more realistically the Tsars had always vaguely swung that way.
As weird as it might sound, I don't think that after certain point some cities (esp in the third world but maybe applicable to Russia) are cities in the proper sense. More like very big clusters of villages around some centers.
I live in the third world and even though we are a mostly urban society the cities never actually feel like cities in the western sense.
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predictions (rough estimate):

Merovingian: 1200 - 1720
Spring: 1720 - 2220
Summer: 2220 - 2470
Autumn: 2470 - 2670
Civilization: 2670 - 2920
Imperium: 2920 - 3220
Fellaheen: 3220 -
We should probably make a distinction between Rus-ia and Ras-ia. Ras-ia, the oriental empire that occupies Eurasia, can survive indefinitely by just cycling people above a certain IQ into its bureaucracy. Rus-ia, the nation of the Rus ethnos, is a different matter.

One could say that Liberalism in Russia is another round of petrinism. Perhaps Russia just keeps chugging along through various periods of pseudomorphosis, artificially prolonging it's vitality by never really achieving a height.
Russians will only care about Russians, not the people in Constantinople. It's arguable how many people in Russia today are actually Orthodox or if they just say they are because that's how the political climate is now.
The vast majority of Russians are not functionally Christians. Russian Orthodoxy is an elite religion and that's why most professions of it are through politics, media, etc, things that only the elite have access to. The plebs can't make gay weddings illegal or build churches, for example. This is intentional, the elite of oriental despotisms want religions and ideologies that allow them to distance themselves from the commoners so as to maintain their power. If an actual revival of Christianity amongst the masses of Russia happened then the elite would flip to Atheism or Rodnovery or something else for this very reason.

do jews even want to be G-d's chosen people? it seems to be bring nothing but trouble.
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why do Christians care so much about the Jewish god's opinion? why not just make your own religion entirely instead of latching onto some other disfavored people's cosmology?
They're mentally enslaved by the 1st century wonderworker Yeshua Minzaret. He wants to be Messiah so badly
Don’t censor that word, Jew. Dead giveaway of a Noahide cretin.
yer mom wouldn't even have a phone ye blimely cunt
According to the Old Testament, Israel means "struggling with God". Make of it what you will.

"If the Platonists prefer to call these angels gods rather than demons, and to reckon them with those whom Plato, their founder and master, maintains were created by the supreme God, they are welcome to do so, for I will not spend strength in fighting about words. For if they say that these beings are immortal, and yet created by the supreme God, blessed but by cleaving to their Creator and not by their own power, they say what we say, whatever name they call these beings by." - Augustine, City of God

Are all monotheist religions actually monolatrist in disguise?
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>these beings are immortal, and yet created by the supreme God, blessed but by cleaving to their Creator and not by their own power
That's the difference OP
>I will not spend strength in fighting about words.
This is the important part
All the required context for understanding is in the quote.
What is going on here is early Christianity trying to convince people, races, to give up their tribal/racial God of their bloodline. Basically you had people in Greece, or wherever, who believed their race/tribe is blood descendants of Heracles or Poseidon or Athena or whoever. The church comes in and is like "yeah bro, all of God's people are descended from angels and that is what original sin was from the garden of eden". So, the greeks and whatever, most of them eventually got on board with the idea because their gods were considered angels according to christian theology, the angels that fucked their race into existence literally.
A god is something you worship, not necessarily something omnipotent/omniscient. An angel just means "messenger". Because all worship in Christianity is directed towards God/YHWH/Lord, Angels are not called gods.

If among your motivations is maintaining slavery, do your other motivations even matter at that point?
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all of a sudden a new condition gets added to the list, this time that of a need to put one's position wrt slavery in writing. sounds like you don't like being btfod and are making up shit you never thought about before. it's called moving the goalposts.
>"capital slavery"
what retardation is next, freedom slavery?
>your life in exchange for your labor
what is the difference between capital slavery and southern slavery?
ok well let us know when you sell yourself into slavery
tell us how good it is then
yes and the draft ended due to the youth protesting heavily, refusing to serve, and draftees frankly not being very good soldiers
>say stupid shit
>shit gets called stupid
>sounds like younuust don't like being btfod lolololol

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The new study presents evidence suggesting the use of threshing sledges in Neolithic Greece as early as 6500 BCE, about 3000 Years Earlier than Previously Thought

The threshing sledges, which until a few decades ago was used in many Mediterranean countries from Turkey to Spain to separate the chaff from the wheat, is estimated to have appeared in Greece as early as 6500 BC.

By applying advanced analytical methods, including co-orientated microscopy, to the flint industries, researchers led by the University of Pisa were able to trace the early adoption of such technology and the adaptation of what can be considered among the first agricultural machines in Europe.
Should I get an ox or a team of asses for my draft-power needs?
an ox 100% if you can get one. I barely have to whip mine whilst my neighbour Lugalkiginedudu has to whip his asses constantly to get them to move.

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Can anyone please help me to settle a dispute I am having? did Hitler ever PERSONALLY kill anyone? either in WW1 or during the Weimar years after the war when he was fighting communists and militia he was certainly involved in combat. But did he actually end anyone's life himself? he was RESPONSIBLE for many deaths, but what about with him own hands (so to speak)?
No. Never.
well soldiers do tend to shoot at people, yeah, so he probably did kill someone at some point, but that's not really hitler being hitler, it was just his job.

he was a runner in ww1 thats why he got his iron cross since it was like the most dangerous job
so its most likley that in the war he actually didnt kill anyone

though this is apparently disputed, because some people believe that he may have ordered someone else to actual shot him due to his late stage Parkinsons. However he still would have biten down on his own cyanide capsule.
It's unlikely. Hitler served as a messenger during WWI; he was derisively called "the pig from the backlines" because of this. It's possible that he killed someone, but if he did, he never recounted it or documented it. Not that he'd like to go into detail about WWI anyway, because he wanted to maintain the image of a war hero. Stalin is the same, apparently. He never personally killed anyone, just had underlings do it.

Pashtuns conquered and ruled Sikh Punjabis for centuries, committed all sorts of atrocities including massacres and rapes without any resistance.

Then Sikhs with European mercenaries and British supplied weapons and backing rebel during the breakup of teh Durrani empire due to Pashtun civil war and the Sikhs briefly capture the Hindko majority city of Peshawar, never ruling the Pashtun tribal regions in FATA or most of KPK.

Then the Sikhs get BTFO and conquered by British who use Punjabi women in their military brothels.

And now Sikhs boast they conquered Pashtuns because they ruled Hindko in Peshawar for a few decades,when Pashtun men ruled all of Punjab for centuries and changed their DNA.

Sikhs never ruled Afghanistan but Pashtuns ruled all Punjabis and had access to their women.
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Nigga your still ruled by Pakis (punjabi muslims) before that it was all turks.
The durrand line exists because of sikhs, you know it. Kek seething boy dancer.
Funny how someone from the biggest shithole with 60IQ is claiming superiority
پښتو خځې انګریزي تناسل خوري
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زه عکس هېر شول
you people aren't white. no one but you people think you aren't jeets/brown. why are you even in the west?

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>At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.
>For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written: “He taketh the wise in their own craftiness”
>For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with wisdom and eloquence, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.
You heard it here first. Do not use the wisdom of the world. So why are Christcucks trying to use apologetics and all manners of complex theologies to convert us? Why do they look down on those who cannot understand the complexities of these theologies or exegeses? Why don't they just perform miracles? Don't they believe?
>Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
Jesus says that those who believe will do greater miracles than him, so what's the deal? Why aren't you preaching the Gospel by healing people, casting out demons, and prophesying?
>He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Are you better than Jesus and Paul? What kind of arrogance is that. Pick up your cross and do your part then, the Church is in crisis.
NIFB is who you’re looking for. But inevitably you’ll just call them “crazy christcucks”
Okay, so an incredibly small portion of Christians are correct then?
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But we don't use the wisdom of the world, apologetics properly is the rejection and explosion of the wisdom of the world. In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

Also you're misrepresenting the bible, nobody ever had the power to perform miracles of themselves except Jesus and we don't expect grandiose miracles after the apostolic age.
>And these signs will accompany those who believe
>we don't expect grandiose miracles after the apostolic age.
Yeah, I know, you don't actually believe. You have a flimsy intellectual faith in Jesus, because if you had true faith you would be able to do those very things. Everything else is cope, which I expect. This "apostolic age" nonsense is a way to cover up the monumental failure of the faithless to vindicate the words of their Messiah.

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What are these guys talking about there are tonnes of good arguments for atheism
>there is the argument from...well that one kinda sucks
>there is also the...well that one doesn't even make sense
>I'm sure they like exist though we just haven't discovered them yet
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God does not exist.
The only argument you need for atheism is "there's no proof for religion so I choose not to believe in it." You could go further but you don't need to.
Have my gold kind stranger!
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Here's your (You) now come back with your argument
My argument is I'm a Christian and even I find your thread to be worthless

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I have often heard WW1 called a pointless war and that millions died for no good cause. Yet at the time when the war was happening it seems both sides were very happy to fight each other, at what point did the opinion of the great war shift from it being a necessary war to it being pointless?
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Called fight or flight response
War is a racket for the jews
Lithuania wtf? Vilnius was Polish at the time
Nope. Won’t forgive the pole.
>1938 ultimatum
and how does it change the fact that Vilnius Region was part of Poland in 1923, and Lithuania didn't even control it?
Reading the diplomatic stuff between Ribbentrop and Beck, it almost seems like Poland and Germany had plans to divide eastern Europe between them, or at least that's what Beck thought. They were perfectly happy to stab France and sign a pact with Germany.
When Germany then asked Poland to join the anti-comintern pact and Poland refused, Germany did a complete U-turn and pulled the same game with the USSR instead and placed Poland on the platter. Poland paniced and tried to mend relations with Britain and France in the last minute, who were happy to do so cause they simply wanted to stop Germany from snowballing further.

Just found out the Jews used to proselytize pretty heavily thousands of years ago.
Why do Jews nowadays not want to convert people?
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The Quran is false, the Hadith are false, Muhammad was a false prophet, likely believing himself to be genuine but still stumbling since he was only human i.e satanic verses
Because it was banned or would put them in danger. No religion has any theological reason not to accept converts. Usually they stop accepting converts because a stronger religion, in this case Islam or Christianity, told them to stop. Zoroastrianism is the same way. Almost all "ethnic" religions existing today survived by isolating themselves.
Why did God let Mohammad and his followers succeed and survive for centuries
Why doesn't he exact vengeance by sword, pestilence, and famine on those who blaspheme his name

Everything that exists is blessed by God or else it wouldn't exist
That is all wrong
You are deeply mistaken
>Why doesn't he exact vengeance by sword, pestilence, and famine on those who blaspheme his name
He did and still does, you're just not seeing it.

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>greatest viking of all time
>greatest king of england of all time
>most aesthetic medieval realm of all time
Was there anything he did wrong?
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The relationship between the kings of France and England wasn’t so simple as vassal or former vassal. The identities weren’t as straight forward either. There were be English nobles who would say straight to your face that they were Englishmen while speaking French. Also, consider pic related.
Well yeah, you misunderstood me. England was never a vassal but the Normandy was
Cnut’s Englishness is far, far more dubious than any of the Plantagenets.
>family line suddenly starts using names of pre-1066 kings of England
>we have literally zero Nigel blood nor are we part of the anglo-sphere
Do any of you know if pre-norman conquest anglo kings had any kind of internationally popular media representation during the first half of the last century?
England paid taxes to the Norman rulers, the Norman rulers paid taxes to the king of France. Not that hard to figure out.

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