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The new asscreed game is going to be about a black samurai in Japan. How historically accurate is this premise?
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He wasn't a slave actually. He was with the missionaries so he was either a bodyguard or a christian
Free men weren't offered to some foreign noble who found them funny loking
Ass Creed peaked with Brotherhood then died with Origin.
We don't know the exact details behind Yauske going with Nobunaga
Yeah suck indeed
We do know he Indian or Arab

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How could this happen despite the capitalist problems of falling revenues and wealth inequality? The life expectancy should have collapsed, as theory teaches us
The collapse of heavy industry made sure that people didn't ruin their health on factories and mines, and free trade allowed the import of good quality food that wasn't available previously.
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wasn't real communism
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Thanks Deng.
This should include dengs market reforms

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Was it really this bad in Japan after the war with people living in shanties begging for rice, or are the Japanese rewriting their history to feel sorry for themselves about their role in ww2 again?
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The postwar period was awful in terms of food, in Europe too, not just Japan. The men were off waging war and not growing food on farms, in a period where food production wasn't when it was today. Blockade meant food (and fertilizer) from abroad wasn't getting through, firebombing wrecked both infrastructure and food stores.
Britain only survived it by starving Bengal, Soviets had their last famine. US shipped massive amounts of food overseas to get Japan through the 45-46 winter.
yeah it was like that for most of the 1950s. Countries tend to look that way universally when the US's heavy strategic bomber fleet goes to work on them. shantytowns, barefoot kids begging for cigarettes from US troops, etc. Even in the early 1970s it was pretty shitty and poor but it didn't last too long and by the 80s Japan was economically world class again
Yeah when bombs and the resulting firestorm destroy a majority of the city and the survivors are left wandering around without any homes or jobs or money they do tend to look like that
war.. changes
>starving Bengal
Reason India was independent and joining Russia soon

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What niche historical periods and realms are you knowledgable or an expert in?
Late gilded age and early progressive era U.S. history.
I'm an expert on the hyksos. Especially post expulsion.
I get my morality and world view from their priests and folk tales
Very obscure i know
US is dead since 1965

Why did monotheism only emerge in the middle east?
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>muh Mayans
>muh Chinese
The alien hybrid Pharaoh Akhenaten and the also alien hybrids Jews appeared in that area.
Hopefully my unironic claim didn't make your inferior exoteric brains stop working.
Clearly not, just monolatrous, ancient Judaism accepts the existence of other powerful independent entities including potentially the deities of other nations, who could only be fully denied after other Abrahamic religions wiped them out
monotheism doesn't exist.
>Great Mother
Is Dyeus Phtr, inventor of the spoked wheel iron chariot and domesticator of the first horse, a joke to you?
His is a /steppe/board, prove your lactose tolerance right now by drinking one glass of unpasteurized milk.

Why is World War 2 considered to start with the invasion of Poland?
Shouldn't the start of the war be the start of the Sino-Japanese war in 1937?
After all the Sino-Japanese war is considered to be part of WW2, it is the opening of the pacific theatre, the casualities form a large part of the WW2 total and it lasted for the duration of the war.
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Sino-Japanese War was a war between two countries in one region of the planet.
It eventually kicks off the Pacific War, a struggle involving global combatants, but even that required the Japanese move into French Indochina, which only happened because of the German defeat of France. Events in Europe (Anti-Comintern Pact,Molotov-Ribbentrop, Tripartite Axis, Barbarossa) heavily influenced the course of events in Asia without a symmetric influence on Europe until after the general European war was an accomplished fact.
Meanwhile, by September 1939, the British and French empires were committed to war, making it inherently a globe-spanning conflict. Had they stayed out of it, but later found themselves at war, the Polish-German War would be seen as a precursor conflict to the World War, much like the Spanish Civil War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, and the Soviet-Japanese Border War.
Doesnt matter. Allied operations were planned theatre-wide and in conjunction with the chinese.
WW2 as a narrative tool is concentrated on Germany. Ultimately however this is a matter of classification, therefore what's relevant is the ability of WW2 as a phrase to communicate to you the particular part of world history rather than being perfectly accurate, therefore it's irrelevant.
Because the Sino-Japanese was could've easily continued without snowballing into a greater conflict in Europe.

It's like asking why the various unrelated wars happening in Latin America during the 1940s aren't considered part of WWII.

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How often do you think about Ancient Greece?
Not too often. I've limited bandwidth and other eras to think of and Romes history is the without rivalry the most impressive story of the classical era
ive turned into somewhat of a greekaboo lately. the periods through which greece went from like 600 to their eventual subjection and political death by rome and moreso the sentiments attached to them are highly interesting to me. the powerful athenian democratic sentiment shaping both their citizens and their empire contrasted with the rigor and oppression if the later spartan hegemony speaks volumes not only about society at large but also about the individual man as a political unit. it should the master precedent for the way we construe about politics, communities and individuals even in modern times
A parody of ancient Egypt
They were very advanced

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If everyone only did work that they “loved and believed in” civilization would collapse in a week maximum. Who would run the machines and do the paperwork? Adults are supposed to understand that what we want isn’t the same as what everyone else needs, and it’s on us to adjust ourselves accordingly. When did you first wake up from the American dream?
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Nigeria is a fucking Republic not a monarchy. They never had a monarchy after independence. This joke is fucking stupid.
Zoom zoom
>Who would run the machines and do the paperwork?
Some people love machines and paperwork.
>if everyone only did work that they “loved and believed in” civilization would collapse in a week maximum.

Okay, now this* is based
I will continue to do what I love, Anon
shut up idiot

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Are scandinavians socialists?

(Political philosophy)

My friend keeps saying the only oppression blacks faced was slavery. He thinks Jim Crow was not oppressive. How can I prove to him that this is historically inaccurate and racist?

Islan says all souls are in Barzakh until judgement day (qiyamah) and that hell is currently empty.

Sunni hadith says Mugammad dreamed Abu Lahab was burning in hell and he got relief for giving a slave water.

Sunnis also say Abu Talib is in hell now and having his brains boiled out.

Sunni hadith says angel Gabriel physically rendered Pharoah incapable of vocalising the Shahada by stuffing mud in his mouth because Gabriel was afraid Allah would accept his repentance.

1. Angels don't have free will, they follow Allah's commands, so Allah was scared that Allah would accept pharaoh repenting?

2. This means mute people can't convert to Islam if Pharaoh was prevented from repenting just by mud in his mouth. If you punch someone's teeth out you can consign them to hellfire by this logic since they can't say la ilaha illa allah.
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nigga, give a source
>What kind of conman would say that someone they loved that much would be suffering for eternity in hell?
Every conman ever. Words are cheap, and from a conman, basically free.
>Every conman ever
name some
It's also a great way to demand total submission form people.
>Angels don't have free will, they follow Allah's commands
This is why islam stops making any sense as soon as you actually examine its claims. The 19 angels in the Quran are clearly the 19 leaders of the fallen angels mentioned in the book of Enoch. The arabic verse doesn't say they guard hell or some bs like that, it says they are companions of hell, a phrase that's always used for the damned in the Quran. So angels do have free will according to the Quran and there's no other possibility.

Even their Wikiquote is better than hours

Xisters... I kneel

(Obs history related, since it's quotes of Martin Luther King)
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Lol, someone put this quote on the English page and see how long it lasts.
It's even more based because "黑鬼" is *not* "Negro" in Mandarin. That would be 尼格罗 or 黑人.
No, but he sure says bullshit online like the Chinese on is better than English as if it’s exception, even though all major used languages, maybe besides Spanish, has a better wikiquote and wikitionary than English. Making English that exception for being bad compared to others, not just Mandarin.
You're right man. Improvement comes from saying everything's fine.
As someone that also knows French I'm consistently in awe of how much better French wikipedia is. They go into absolutely autistic levels of detail that the English articles don't even come close to.

>tik: you have to read multiple sources on a particular subject or else you will have a biased view
>also tik: also this one book written by some random bong historian fuck no one has ever heard of which blames everything about operation market garden on the americans is correct and better than all other books on the subject because uhhh...it just is ok
Does anyone still take this guy seriously?
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That’s right seethe commie cunt
Based TIK
Release the fucking Gazala video already TIK you fucking gnostic obsessed faggot.
When 'Nazis' (mostly just cringe teenage boys larping in 2024) and the commies and greenhaired brigade hate you in equal measure then you know you're probably on the right track.
This guy is an uber-Thatcherite who thinks Military Logistics should be maintained like a free market. Instead of X moving to Y, Ground Commmanders go to some kind of Barrack Amazon to order what they'd need.

I'd like to see how it would work, as an experiment, but I'd expect it to be a clusterfuck.

Waw primordial human society like the early roman republic where the men killed eachother off en mase in constant battles and got a large female surplus from that?
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Then those are not Roman allies but Romans themselves. Thanks for negating your own point
By census they did. But obviously they aren't enlisting every man over the age of 16.
Amazing reading comprehension you have. Roman allies were not Roman citizens, that's the entire point of the Census. The 270,000 were people who were Roman citizens, and not allies.
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700.000 citizens with Hannibal rampaging up and down the peninsula for 15 years virtually unchecked? Fabius Cunctactor must be notified at once. Quick, send some riders to Campania and Calabria so we can get these new 140 legions on the march and get rid of the one eyed Punic once and for all.
Come on now, get real. They were sending under 16 year olds to war at one point.
You are not improving your position by the way. You still have not substantiated your claim and have not provided an example where a country loses a similar portion of its available fighters in a similar timeframe and bounces back like they did. Hannibal spent 16 years in Italy, always victorious. He had Gallic allies, he flipped some Roman allies and Greeks too, why didn't he march on Rome? They had one general left, to do a job nobody wanted, and they sent him to Spain in a bold counterattack instead of defending the embattled and almost beleaguered capital.
Do not answer yet. Ask yourself: why? Where did all this confidence come from? Now you can answer.
It's just a great example of roman deceitfulness
>1 battle
zoom out of here. You are polluting the thread with your stupidity.

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I was reading a book about this ages ago, and in passing the author mentions that a weird hippie wandered into the compound in the middle of the siege.

They were surrounded by the ATF/FBI, and yet this guy with an obviously fake name (something similar to Frank Lovemankind) just sauntered in. Both sides thought the others were playing a game.

Apparently there were some awkward negotiations, and a day or two later the guy was handed over to the FBI. Nothing more was said to the media.

I’ve wondered what the hell all that was about, does anyone have more info? More weird details of the standoff?
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The Waco Siege was democide (death by dem*cracy). Everybody who did not call out for what it was should have been kicked from public life.

Joe Biden defended in congress the actions of the FBI and ATF in killing american citizens and setting fire to a church (it was not a compound, it was their temple).

Even calling them Davidians is silly. It was just an evangelical group like tons of others in America. No different from adventists.
>fucks your wife because god told him in a dream it would hasten the end times
>refuses to elaborate
Chrsturds being Christurds, deimg at Wacko is very fitting for them, I’m just sory for the childrrn having to die because of their retarded mentally ill
Chrsturds being Christurds, dying at Wacko is very fitting for them, I’m just sory for the children having to die because of their retarded mentally ill parents
>american citizens
The lengths you faggots will go to defend a pedophile cult is just amazing

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