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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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How are you dealing with inflation, anons? If the dollar truly starts plummeting worldwide, will having money in stocks (US companies primarily) protect my networth? Are international companies a better investment, or would US companies pivot to whatever the new reserve currency ends up being long term? They didn't teach us how to prepare for this in school
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>you can protect against that with stocks (especially international ones).
like what ? europe? japan is shitting the bed too, china not doing much better
I'd say everyone's stock allocation should be globally diversified weighted by total market cap, there are various index trackers that do this.
>europe? japan is shitting the bed too, china not doing much better
How a country's stocks have done fairly recently doesn't tell you about how they'll do in the future, especially long-term. You want to diversify so you can realize the equity risk premium over time without exposing yourself to uncompensated risk from a region or market sector.
You can literally do the same with any politician.
>Lmao trump said a guy's wife is ugly lmao epic win!
Performative politics should be treated with a noose or hard labor.
>How a country's stocks have done fairly recently doesn't tell you about how they'll do in the future
this has to be one of the biggest memes ever. yes it pretty much does
Just had a cursory look over the post and I think what this person is saying will all come true but consider that people have known that the endgame is inevitable for like 40+ years and it still hasn't hit yet.

Just because something is inevitable doesn't mean it's imminent. It's a long slow complex process. The powers that be, globally, are constantly trying to save face and keep the ball rolling. Every time a crack appears in the system they plaster it. The duration between craks is average decreasing and the severity of the cracks is ave increasing but the short term fixes can smooth things over for years even.

So assume globally fiat will fall to bits and debts will spiral uncontrollably, but live day to day and prepare for short-term movements.

Make sure you stay hedged and pull profits when they appear. That's not just investing advice that's life advice.

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FAGMAN companies are doing mass layoffs.

Are the days of overpaid cushy dev jobs over?
Been over for a while.
As a cs student im going to rope.
I certainly hope so.
>t IBMer
Netflix is dead, Facebook is Meta, and Google is Alphabet so it's more like MAAMA
Why you hope for that?

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Chainlinks baggies are the best, love them. 7 more years...
What are you doing in the final month of your old life, anon? I'm going for runs and walks in the countryside. I find it really clears my head and helps me focus.
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I don't. It may not have been 2018, but they have 100% tweeted about Chainlink in the past. Take my word for it newfag.
Are you the same guy lying about xrp itt?
Cutting weight and training

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so what are you youngsters up to nowadays anyway?
are you buying these crypto stocks, instead of real stocks, backed by real economy and real people?
I bought VOLKSWAGEN, since I drive one, and considering buying MNST, since I enjoy them too
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slurping some white monster while slurping this dip on wmster
damn if you went all in on the covid crash you could 2x on literally anything. imagine all the retard prepers that thought the world was ending still sidelined.
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Buy low sell high
what the fuck are you talking about
yes, that's how retarded OP's larp shitpost is

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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I know this your own channel you're shilling but I will watch it anyway
Who is this?
Things get slow here on weekends and I'm just looking for content like I said.
i love gme
>Maybe buy some calls you fucking kings
Richard Newton. He's just some guy, doesn't work in finance.

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63,531 is the top. You were warned.
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63k what?
the top for what exactly?
I enjoy the the comfy and quiet atmosphere. Also, today I have read all comments on all threads on the page. It´s been a long time since this was possible the last time.
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I'll be nice for you this time and tell you to sell in this exact moment. I was off by around 1%, but not wrong. We're going to retest 56k. Possibly 50k. Hold on tight and sell or you'll be liquidated. Last chance to hear me, mumus, zoom out. Up 6% after more than a 24% loss is not mooning. The domed house was foretold but alas, you do not listen. After that we'll possibly go down even more, but I do agree with 100k EoY. So please don't be retarded and come with me to there together. DO NOT GET LIQUIDATED.
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I bought at 18k.
Keep jeeting brainlets while I accumulate more aast

Yeah so I was risk averse at 25k but became less risk averse at 60k. Explain this
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Set a stop loss you dunce. I only responded because of your trips
>Explain this
your existence is nothing but reacting to stimuli put there by others, not unlike a human version of cattle. you are led by your emotions and perhaps even worse, you have repressed your emotions and thus think they don't hold you in their grip.
So you just have 350K sitting in the bank? Why?
you might be realizing the risk is on the dollar, not on other assets

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I haven't found a good reason to use anything else besides Bitcoin Cash in a long time.
I just spent $0.01 in fees to send money to stake then when I was done having fun paid another penny to cash out back to my non custodial wallet.

Life is fucking good on BCH I hope you all are also enjoying being able to use your crypto like this.
I used to be able to do the same with BTC but they broke it on purpose and trying to do the same would of cause me like $80 in fee's.

Feels bad because I know a lot of people have been tricked and think they have to use a side chain when it could work just as good as BCH on the main chain.

If you haven't ever tried BCH please get some and just test it out. No need to come shill another project or call Roger a scammer I just want people to see things don't have to be the way they are for you on the BTC chain they could still increase the block size they just don't.
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in a better world there was no fork. but this is the timeline that we live in and therefore need to play by. It doesn't matter how much better or efficient it is. BCH will always be a stick in the mud. Normies think it's just a part of BTC, and institutional investors will ignore it in favor of the real thing. it sucks, i know, but you're here to make money not autistically obsess over how many transactions per second a blockchain can handle.

>June 17, 2024

>April 22, 2025
>imagine thinking the local bottom isn't already in
>March 14th 2024
>$73 757

>July 18th 2027
$8 332

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What would you develop/research if you were a multi billionaire?
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Psychedelics and near death experience. For the NDE research, I imagine off-the-record experiments with death row prisoners to bring them back after inciting physical death.
an actually good space 4x game or a space co-op mmo
Artificial wombs for the price of an iPhone.

It would make roasties seethe beyond belief. A bonus would be that countries with declining birth rates and pension systems that depend on infinite population growth would be able to turn it around
>Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.
>t. Linus Pauling, Ph.D, 2-time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, founder of ‘quantum chemistry’ and ‘molecular biology’. Was invited to lead the chemistry division of the Manhattan Project but refused

Inb4 your organization would be different. It wouldn’t. It would be infiltrated by the same types of big pharma saboteurs as every other cancer research org. Big pharmas business model is treating symptoms because there is no money in curing illnesses. They would leverage their power, finances and industry connections to squash your project by muddying the waters with faulty research and saboteurs, like they did with all the cancer orgs before it that were founded by well-meaning but naive people who did not understand what they were up against

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The future of finance
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it works for me.
them quads
Jimmy's mom, has got it going on...
thats one hell of a erotic mother

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WFH is rotting my brain bros. I sleep on the job and do 2hrs of work a week. I dont leave my house for weeks on end and shower once a week, brush my teeth every other day and scroll through youtube, tiktok, reddit 4chan for 95% of my time.

I need my enji coins to moon or its over for me
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you're on a literal anime imageboard full of weebs. what does that say about you?
you need to have routine and purpose in your life or you are just neeting except you get paid

I WFH while my wife takes care of our kid, take a plane to the office once per month to have meetings. WFH has been a blessing for my life as I can spend more time with family, spend half as much for housing and save 1 hour per day by not commuting. I started training and playing tennis during the day by managing my time efficiently, and only eat home cooked meals
Skill issue, I invite over tinder whores with daddy issues over when I'm on the clock and fuck their brains out
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i also wfh and i noticed that besides shopping or buying groceries i scarcely leave my house. I never get to see the sun these days. If i dont make it with my pinksale launches buy strategy im COOKED
It says that you're the loser.

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Everyone post your biggest loss this bullrun I'll start

Bought at 5m
Now 1m mc

Pic related
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started with 5k, now I have 2.
Crazy isn't it
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Richard wahger in telegram driving people away with negativity lol. Don't buy this coin monkey peepo
bought @ around 200k and it just seemed stupid to sell any at 4-5m, it's 50:50, if it touched 5m that fast I thought it might touch 10m, anyways, 10m will come eventually, I have no fud about it, infact 10m is fud
2 weeks
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Still my biggest hold.
Bought around 200k mc.
Will keep holding til mc is 100s of millions.

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It's over, May 2024 looks exactly like May 2021
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Because it was masked by higher than normal inflation?
That's what I've been keeping my eye on..
We’ve already had a recession. Look how badly quality of life has dropped these past 4 years. That was your mother fucking recession you midwit nigger
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>he thinks it's as bad it's going to get
Such a rapid rebound in sentiment confirms it's a fake pump


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check the 200 EMA on the 4 hour chart
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violation of global rule 6
Technical indicators are for brainlets. I trade purely based on whether candle green or red and I've been up 71.3 million this year alone

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It was on its way to 10M and they dumped hard, what happened ? I think the dog hole schizos might have been right ...
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The last time /biz faded something (Apu) it turned out to go up 20x.

Do not let the /biz fud get to you!
What is the CA? Is it the token with squidward wearing sunglasses?
Look, you guys are smart, I’ll give you the honest truth. You’re thinking why doesn’t the team use the funds to pump this? The truth is that the people that are looking for a quick profit, you don’t matter. We laugh at you behind the scenes. We make fun of you. We see your impatience, and we minimize you. You literally don’t matter. The people that worry about the small price changes are the ones we don’t give a shit about. You’re either fearful, or you don’t believe in squid. The ones that see the potential, we love you guys. It takes nothing right now to move the market cap. It’s actually better when you scared bitches leave. We don’t like you. All of us. The ones that get it want you to leave. We will go back up. We know squid is a winner. The thing about squid is that it will make it regardless of what you do. So if you are worried it won’t happen, then go. You’re too low iq to get it. Literally every single major thing that has been pinned and talked about has happened. Literally every single thing. And we also said this would hit 100m. Was that outrageous? Sponge hit 300m. This has just as many impressions as Apu on Twitter when Apu was 50mil mcap. I’m not saying that to minimize Apu because I love Apu. Some retard earlier said memes were a baggie cope, tell that to every apu owner that held through the rug and is gonna be a millionaire. You are literally the dumbest fucking person I’ve ever talked to on here in my life. Your parents must have given up on you the first time you ever opened your mouth. That’s how dumb you are. The reasons you think memes don’t matter is because need to be able to socialize with people to understand what a fucking meme is. Bottom line is every autist in here needs to stfu and listen. I’ve been making memes for 16 years. Good memes. I know a good meme when I see one. I’ve turned $2k into 100x that already. Handsome is a fantastic meme. Handsome is reddit level meme. It can make legit money.
* The market IS going to turn. You guys think less of Jerry because he talks about degenerate shit. What you don’t realize about the guy is that he is a true oldfag. The guy is like a degenerate rainman. Except he’s actually a loyal and great guy. Like me, he’s just tired of the whiners and pussies that get scared about bullshit. We literally hate you. The guy knows his shit. He doesn’t ever say it, but he can give you some experienced insight into where this market is going. When you listen to a guy like that, you realize why you need to invest when the market is fearful. If a true bull market is ahead of us, a 100m market cap for an established project with professional memes is nothing. But the handsome meme extends well beyond squid. This project is going to tap into the subconscious of every disenfranchised man by turning the word handsome into a word for good. It will catch on with Twitter, and people will embrace it. Think of any other coin that has that kind of potential.

Bottom line is that I’m not gonna sell a single squid before 100m. If you know who I am, you know who I am. If you are cool, give it a chance and hold. If not, please sell.
>cmc listing
It’s an iq test. If you can’t find it, you should just go buy AAPL and NVDA stocks. No hard feelings, we all win.

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Munger edition.


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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the church is not the building, it is the people, and the people have gathered to bant
you're probably better off that way. bant is just all off topic posting and then a few posts of retards reinforcing each other's gambling addictions while pretending to be "investors" or "day traders"
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There is a change in society and a movement in the zeitgeist of America. Feel it and see the social cues
>i.e. absent boards, shuttered retail stores, and higher prices for haircuts
yeah just buy spy
and whenver it makes money
take money off the top and gamble with it
but never go below 300k
that's like your salary if you live by yourself
need ibrx to moon or i have to find a job

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>Live a pretty good life in a country I like
>Have gf that wants to start a family
>Stable job with an okay salary (100k)
>Around half a mil in crypto in ETH/BTC
>50k ish on the stock market
>Travel often
>Good social life

Yet I'm not really happy.

I often think about wanting to have 5 mill to buy a home, break up with gf and just live a chill life with full freedom to do whatever I want.

I feel like that is never going to happen though, I'll be forced to have a family, buy a home with all my savings and settle down with insane opportunity cost loss that will forever tie me into an "okay but mediocre and average life" and it sucks.

You might think "poor guy he's complaining of a life that many would kill for" and I get you. Even knowing this fact and my position of privilege makes me feel worse.

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> break up with gf
Start there. That poor girl is waiting to start a family and you're just dicking her around.
You'll probably save more living on your own anyway.
For your 5M "make it" number, just wait for bitcoin or ethereum prices to reach your magic number I guess.
But maybe you already understand that reaching a magic number won't fix your life.
Maybe you'd benefit from talking through this with a therapist? Sort through your shit, figure out what you want out of this run, and then just go for it.
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do things you really want and like, everything you say sounds like something you don't really want to do
which I understand, I went through something similar myself and it wasn't until I moved to another city and started betting on memecoins from dextools that I felt better, just stop thinking too much about what suits you and do what you actually want
>How can I be contempt and learn to enjoy the many blessings life has already given me?
You can't.
You and me fren, we are born to suffer.

>I'll be forced to have a family
Yea, start a family, you'll be too busy to worry about these things any more :^)))

I feel OP, but I still would have an hero'd without my woman. Sometimes the woman saves you. (For herself...)
people really underestimate the power of the big fish in small pond. it really makes you feel important etc. before the internet if you were moderately good at video games and in a small city/town everyone who was into the hobby would know, on the internet you're just a random faggot. same applies to other areas

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