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If you can grind out enough in passive income to stop working should you keep grinding to become rich (i.e. having tens of millions in assets)?
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>Musk is a depressed workaholic who has to use ketamine
That’s the curse of having above 150 IQ. Never met a person at that level who wasnt miserable by default despite doing well in life
Anon, i'm pretty much retired at 31 years old, already i get twice my salary in monthly earning from my investments, but i still go to work.

If you genuinely enjoy your work and find it fulfilling, it may be worth continuing to grind even if you've achieved financial independence...to be honest i never really cared about getting rich in the first place, i just wanted the freedom chose, if i want to work or not...not many people can afford not going to work and still being able to live comfortably.
Hardly, once vesta nft’s are 10x from their launch price, I just retire thank you very much
i also feel like shit when i just stay at home, i'm not ready for that retired life just yet...i'm happy with my job and i will keep working and growing my investments in the meanwhile, though i don't feel the need to become rich i still want to preserve and grown what i have.
no interest in pursuing whatever fulfilling work you want?
unfortunately, youre the type of person that will have to begrudgingly wage forever
thank you for your sacrifice

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why aren't we pumping with Bitcoin, ETH and SOL?
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AVAX is gonna moon for sure, but I'm still slurping it up along with QAN. Their pump is gonna melt faces, no doubt.
>dog shit VC coin
>L1 eth clone gas token
>no actual use cases that is novel or unique
>emission schedule designed by a crackhead
>50% of tokens in circulation with max pain emissions
>every major backed project has to have a roach
>completely misses the zeitgeist of every bull run
>Daniele Sestagalli literally made AVAX last cycle and rugged it at the same time
Fuck the dumping peice of trash
Going down faster then you can say double spend
smart contracts you dumb nigger

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Bros... I bought a stock because some man was tweeting movie clips and now I'm down thousands of dollars. How could he let this happen to me? Can we sue hedgefunds for this?
Forty. Five. Million. Shares.

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no thats a man
wtf all my dogbat gone
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...go on
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go back to /ck/
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What ideas other than investing in crypto will help me make some money?
I have been thinking of making going in to making an AI gf that I can sell her nudes for.
Any suggestions?
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I have a thousand dollars, can you please teach me
honestly stocks aren't that hard, just don't get stupid or greedy and be patient, so many people blow up their accounts treating it like a gambling house and have to make daily trades when you should really only be making a few trades a month.

This year has been great for stocks, I have been averaging $10K per month so far in gains with 100k in capital.
what stocks if I may ask
I had NVidia and Microsoft until March and then switched to commodities, I recommend Platinum/Copper based miners right now.

Honestly though, if you are just starting buy and hold VOO, it's the safest thing to get started on.
Not really, no. It’s just something you figure out as you go, there definitely some trial and error. Win some, lose some.

Another episode of “pump this worthless shitcoin to suppress chainlink!”
its not really working to get me demoralized since xrp is still 3x links market cap lmao, and Solana the centralized casino like 10x topkeklolmao
Why are they like this?
It’s probably Justin Sun, he admittedly did it with Eth. He’s now much richer and has even more control.
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I didn't bet on chainlink. I bet on the frog, and the frog bet on chainlink, so I did too.
BCH is more useful than the link token tho

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What's the LTC sui?
That’s a penis

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Is he just going to post memes? I thought he had power. The weekly candle is the worst pump and dump we've seen all here. I was genuinely happy for GMEbros. What happened? Also fuck your schizo thread.
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That’s cuz you follow the hype. Whereas true traders know sharkroll is where the utility is
it's MQQN retard

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>guhhh im never selling!
Why do so many tards romanticize being a bagholder?

You know successful traders take profit often right?

You know retail loses because they never sell, either to take profit or cut losses, right?

Is it some sort of comfort in being a permanent community member or what?
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It implies that you're holding your bags for well thought out fundamental reasons. Of course everyone has a plan to sell but the implication is you're not selling until your very well thought out plan plays out because you're smart and confident.
OP has crab in a bucket mentality, he lost a lot trying to daytrade after watching youtube video tutorials and now is trying to make others share that fate.
dont fall for it.
There's no way in hell you saw it going from 1 to 20 usd then back to 2 usd and never sold
There's no way you didn't panick in 2014 3ith the mtgox fiasco
Or in 2019 with tetherultrafud
>I am generationally wealthy from having bought and held btc for many years.
>No 'trading' required.
Nigga you traded crypto

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How do I buy crypto anonymously? No KYC bullshit. Is bisq good ?

Create a walking robot with encrypted AI

Tell it to go to the hood and buy monero. Then it will send you the monero over the interwebz, all anonymously

If the feds get your robot, it ain't saying shit to the fuzz because it is programmed that way, and nobody can break the encryption so you are good
Ahh, so you're retarded, gotcha.
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>No KYC bullshit
Only way to do it is over the counter. Which might lead to you getting shot or scammed, depending on how much you’re buying.

Just do the KYC. Or are you a pedophile?

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>put a nigger into a samurai game
>stock crashes
let's all laugh at Ubitrannies. are you shorting anon?
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are you serious?
that's a bug, you should file a bug report
I'm so glad I don't play AAA games, they are rotten trash. go buy a board game made by an autist
More red flags than a Chinese embassy
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It looks like it's been in the same place for a year.
>people were waiting for a new assassin's creed
series sucks dude

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In 1906 Jesse Livermore took a massive short position in Union Pacific Railroad, one day before the great San Francisco earthquake. Now, 118 years later, I think a similar opportunity exists.

Canada, being a resource extraction colony, has a massive rail system that facilitates the export of its raw materials. In the next few months it will be shut down by the Teamsters who are utterly dead set on striking. Yes, Trudeau is trying to delay and mitigate by asking the CIRB to determine if rail is an essential service. They will not be able to force the Teamsters to carry everything. This will lead to vast amounts of non-essential rail traffic shutting down. How did Ford perform from October 1st to October 30th?

20 Sep 72P on CP pays about 1500 percent at my target of 63$.

The risk is that they reach a deal (unlikely) or that the government mandates all rail traffic as essential (simply not possible). DYOR.
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Hmm. Interesting.

But I'd imagine Trudeau will cave. Libs are very pro-passenger rail, one of the few policy positions that happens to be on the left that I actually like. Cutting VIA or GO service would probably hurt his base pretty significantly.

Bookmarking this thread though. Very interesting.
What's to stop Castro Jr from breaking the strike, or freezing the Teamsters' individual bank accounts? That "hurr durr, I'm just a vapid drama teacher" mask falls off quick when the money of Trudeau's owners is at stake.
There's also a possibility Trudeau is ousted and replaced by Carney.
“During a strike or lockout not prohibited by this Part, the employer, the trade union and the employees in the bargaining unit must continue the supply of services, operation of facilities or production of goods to the extent necessary to prevent an immediate and serious danger to the safety or health of the public.”

This clearly means that economic considerations are not included, which means all raw resources stop the moment the strike starts. Rail traffic will plummet.
Dumb /pol/ response, do some research before asking if Trudeau can "break the strike" like its 1872 or freeze accounts. Not happening.

>he didn't buy bitcoin under $1.
Was $100 really too much of a risk for you?
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the idea of having drugs sent through the mail to my parents house was pretty terrifying. i did buy weed off some kid who said he got it off silk road but it was mids so i never bought off him again.
Nah, Vesta nft will prob be even more expensive, but it’s the price to pay for an opportunity to get rich
My bank cucked me and wouldn’t let me deposit on mt gox.

They’ve been trying to make it difficult for me to purchase forever. Even in 2017 it was a pain in the ass. Only recently has it gotten a little bit easier.
I tried but it seemed like a scam to buy, you used to have to wire money via western union to use Mt Gox, even I if I bought I would've gotten rugged by them. I looked into mining as well but I was poor white trash with shitty internet and an eMachine desktop.
I bought some when they were about $330 or something. I sold them when they reached $16k to buy a house since the baby was on the way.

Brother had a few hundred and lost the USB drive a while back. He found an old wallet and thought he had hit the jackpot, but it only had 3 left on it. He still holds them.

I wanted to get back in, but never had the money to spare.

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>the best store of value are metal rocks with an unlimited supply
why is your chocolate that color?
It's molded.
I want to get gold to save money.
how do you avoid this?
buy from the preferred list of online dealers

SD Bullion
Monument Metals
>online dealers
no way of gettin it on a physical store?

Is capitalism sustainable in any economy?
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are you offboarders by chance? these posts hardly seem organic. in any case, your redefinition of capitalism is odd considering the usage of capital and the object of gaining more capital, in a competition between capitalist powers, that defined the colonial era. that kings and queens were involved and were incompetent doesn't change these simple facts
this is my board and I'm as far from a communist as anyone else here, please remember that your are our guest before saying such rude things
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>this is my board
Because the colonies got uppity and started chimping out
There was no globalism and economies were practically closed baring the major trading routes (notably, the silk road). You somehow expect this model to prosper? The people at charge were indeed relevant because how do you expect a proper growing of capital with absolutely abhorrent leaders. There was practically no accumulation and colonies were handled like ass. But again, if this makes you happier, so be it.
Sorry but nothing about what we've been doing in the US has been capitalism since the central bank was created. Central planning is fascist/communist.

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>Basic information
In response to the scam-mania that 2021-/biz/ was jannies have decided to go scorched earth and kill the board with over moderation.

This is an appeal to jannies to please allow at least 1 general where there are no rules and we can once again try to find mooners amongst the trash.

We accept that every project shilled in this thread is a scam, nobody should buy anything here. This is purely for research and entertainment purposes. However posting a honey-pot or other flatly malicious contract should still warrant a perma-ban.

I encourage people to post pump.fun tokens or other tokens that have been around at least for 3 weeks. 99% of projects go to zero within 3 weeks, and pump coins have hardcoded out many of the common rugs such as liquidity pulls and malicious contracts. This provides a level of safety crypto for degens that crypto hasn't seen in years.

>General insights
Memecoins are likely to be a new asset class, similar to NFT's. Yes there will be a huge bubble and many people will get rekt, just part of the cycle. They are here to stay, only the strong will survive.

Highly recommend everyone reading the following threads. Memecoins are literally the best casino in the world, degen millionaires are being minted constantly.

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$Solchan- ChanM2vka4gJ3ob1SejJXnxoNuoAXGGJxDMJRSLD7nzW
4chan laced with crypto
The selling point for an average user aside from a developing message board with an invested community is the practical: You can make money
>Tipping (Currently available only towards OP, reply-tipping fast under development)
>Faucet being set up to promote circulation

Among other things
>Newly acquired Twitter Golden checkmark (Verified Business account 1200 usd/month) to garner attention
>NFTs displayed as profile pic
>Bonfida name service- assign a humanly readable domain name to your wallet address
>Mobile app under development
>Raw site capabilities increasing soon (number of threads and such)

Chart just hit the 950k floor and is holding steady, an entry and a half
$BANANAS on Base chain. I've got a really good feeling about this one
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Lmao the launch is not even announced and brandon is already winning bigly
i thought pedro was only popular in europe, is it a meme in burgerland as well?

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crypto trading/investing is literally just 2,000 people making decent money, 8,000 people making some money, and the other 1 million traders losing everything
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All of the 2000 people are on biz. Right guys?
they should just hodl
Just don’t trade. Buy gems, hold through cycle sell. Simple.
wait till you find out about the pareto distribution
unironically this is still the best strategy, I will have earned more just by holding KENDU than by trading garbage

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>feel bad about the state of my X holdings
>open pic related and multiply my X holdings by an imaginary unrealistic price
>fee better
what's her name, /biz/?
Jasmy, I calculate how much I'd have at a certain price to see whatever grifters say it is (Jasmy is gauranteed 15X etc)

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LUNC is at risk of crabbing along then dropping off to obscurity. We need a community wallet to act as a "Deadman's Switch"

>Take part of the tax + community donations to buy strong crypto (BTC/ETH/etc)
>Accumulate in a wallet ran buy the devs
>If LUNC's price ever goes down to a certain point (E.g. $0.000001), the pot is used to buy loads of LUNC and burn it (Either instantly, or over a staggered period to generate hype), massively reducing supply.

The possible effects of this may be:

>Awareness of this mechanism will keep speculative interest higher
>Hype for LUNC after the supply is up may reignite, plus massively reduced supply, will raise the price per token beyond post-crash ATH

Once achieved, the pot starts building again, ready for another super-burn
Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh baaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss

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