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>Largest financial market infrastructures in the entire world fawning over Chainlink
>DTCC dedicating an entire page to hype up Chainlink, ctrl+f Chainlink 13 results, infographics with Chainlink square in the middle
>SWIFT stage two results a raging success. Sergey the King of SIBOS. "We can't believe you built it this quickly". Appearing with Solé in less than two weeks
>Hong Kong Monetary Authority first to go live with CBDC experiment, SmartCon in Hong Kong this year literally talking about "The convergence" between tradfi and blockchain
>Indian Sergey telling us that the first institutions go live this year, more verticals next year, global parabolic adoption 2026
>/biz/ larpers telling us it's all happening in JUNE

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cope answer #349
>This must be reflected in the chart
it will be in June
I’ve heard this shit for years about arbitrum and staking. They were both talked about like singularity events, but nothing happened.

>inb4 nononononoplease, this time, it’s gonna be different

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Is passport broing just simple market economics? How does /biz/ feel about this geo-arbitrage of dating markets?
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having sex with fit petite 5 foot tall women makes me a loser
sorry to have upset your world narrative dude
and yes I am Jewish
Anon has a point here:

>Most american men think 18-24 is unironically pedophilia.

I have buddies who struggle with the concept of being attracted to a highschooler and not feeling the need to chase to get under her skirt. For example, they'd go to a restaurant, see a cute hostess and chat her up. But when they find out she's in HS, olympic grade mental gymnastics starts about "oh she's too this, too that" when none of the that would be considered if she stated she was 25.
I didn't stay in europe long, a week in sweden and a week in germany and tried setting up a tinder there and got lots of matches and the girls actually talked to me! Compared to in Canada where I'd have tinder for months and very seldom get a match and if I did they wouldn't respond. Then compared to Mexico where I'd actually get laid through the app, lots of matches and dates.
these w*men need a good beating

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How do I turn this into 6 figures by the end of 2024?
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>gambling on meme coins
Easy gains if you can play it well. Low cap gems like LFT, APE, PUSH, and Ondo can moon mission real quick.
Get in early and watch your stack go BRRRRR.
Just play it smart and HODL likeachamp.
L1 gem like QAN is still a solid buy right now. Doubt we'll see most alts this cheap again.
Go all in on FFIE Monday morning
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We still have at least a 40X to go.
$BANANAS on Base will likely explode

Alright /biz/nissmen. I have 13 years to create a portfolio for my kids before they turn 18.

I want it to be dividend rich so they can get a annual/quarterly/monthly dividend payout.

What are your big payout go tos?
What are your thoughts on REITs? I'm a little scared of these for some reason.
The plan is to reinvest dividends, then after the kids graduate from highschool, they can use dividend income to live off of until they graduate from college. Id rather them live with me and just have to pay for car, gas, insurance and food so they can just focus on school.
After college switch it back to reinvesting.
Also what are you thoughts on 529s? I have one but would I be better if investing in stocks instead? I know I'm playing the long game but they didn't feel aggressive enough for me.
I have a portfolio for myself that does decent but I pieced it together with shit knowledge and dumb luck. I want to learn more and be able to teach my kids better.
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Explain to me like I'm an idiot, because I am.
capitalism is coming down within that timeframe
buy influence
Anon wants you to be his exit liquidity on pump n dump scams.
just have them do only fans
>for my kids
i hope you stay poor faggot

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Golden, like Vesta!!

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Welcome to the new /APU/ discussion general since old one is at 310+ replies as of now.

>latest news
tier 1 listing imminent
>inb4 source
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Can anyone explain to me why normies would ape back into crypto and memecoins at some point?
wait you were hoping on getting free APU for posting memes
what kind of wild imaginary world do you live in?
we buy APU And we meme to increase the value of our bags
simple as
Try baby Apu Apustaja on eth Bapu

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is anyone really interested in this? i mean, it's a gigantic purchase that is almost not worth it, an apartment is more convenient in the long run, plus it's something i can pay for by selling a couple of bags i have in dextools
yeah, this. It's funny to see people still argue that mass importation of poor brownoids somehow decreases the price of housing using some convoluted nonsensical argument, despite that idea being objectively utterly disproven of the course of the past 4 years
For me, it's earning 84k/yr while living with my parents.
Everything else got 4x more expensive, it’s just inflation anon, they aren’t any richer

If you can grind out enough in passive income to stop working should you keep grinding to become rich (i.e. having tens of millions in assets)?
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fuck off wagie scum, i'd rather do nothing then work some part-time job. kys
>Musk is a depressed workaholic who has to use ketamine
That’s the curse of having above 150 IQ. Never met a person at that level who wasnt miserable by default despite doing well in life
Anon, i'm pretty much retired at 31 years old, already i get twice my salary in monthly earning from my investments, but i still go to work.

If you genuinely enjoy your work and find it fulfilling, it may be worth continuing to grind even if you've achieved financial independence...to be honest i never really cared about getting rich in the first place, i just wanted the freedom chose, if i want to work or not...not many people can afford not going to work and still being able to live comfortably.
Hardly, once vesta nft’s are 10x from their launch price, I just retire thank you very much
i also feel like shit when i just stay at home, i'm not ready for that retired life just yet...i'm happy with my job and i will keep working and growing my investments in the meanwhile, though i don't feel the need to become rich i still want to preserve and grown what i have.

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Hello /biz/
How do you live with your regrets?
I am only 20 and accumulated enough that i think i could reach 6 figures in this bullrun, I also recently got a girlfriend and things are going great.
I'm just getting eaten by my regrets, and shit sounds ridicilous
"Why didn't i buy the frog 2 months ago?"
Things should unironically be fine, but it feels like my life is boiling over, i don't know how to sit back and enjoy it

shitcoins for this feel?
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>My gf looks like Audrey Hepburn
That's code for my gf is an ugly nerd, I have a friend who says that
How are you in your 20s with enough capital in crypto?
I had 800k stolen from me two weeks ago . Life will fill you with regrets and sadness
I am a 30 year old kissless virgin and regret is still not hitting me enough to do anything about it
Dyor on time, and try to keep these at a minimum. I got some kas, rsr and ocean during this dip, and am gearing to risk a bit with vesta nft’s now. You gotta take those risks if you don’t wanna regret not taking them later on

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What would you do with $10,000,000?
Keep in mind, this is the minimum to /makeit/ now.
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All in on spy and never look at a screen again
Seek help
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2 million in RE (primary residence)
5 million in CDs ($250k pre tax annual dividends)
3 million in Bitcoin
Only need 600k or so to make it in my shithole. OP is retarded and probably lives in Sweden.
Buy myself all the properties I want. Or maybe just enough Vesta nft’s to own different ones partially, or fully, all over the globe, effectively making my life an amazing one

Are you ready to schlurp the florida housing fire sale?

I sure am.
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No. Florida is basically under economic assault by the Deep State for resisting all their bullshit. Florida will get fucked into the ground.
>active housing inventory
Why do economists use faggy terms like this? Not even sure what it means.
>insurance rates go brrrr
huge increase in home owners insurance, increased HOA fees following the surfside condo collapse and lots of new buildings are what is driving this and its mostly in the condo market, SFHs are still strong
If you want to live among brazilians why don't you come to Brazil instead?
Nonwhite shithole, pass.

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Previously >>58411815

We're back, comfier than before

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:

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it's over isn't it?
luckily I swapped most of my XRP for apu when it was relatively low mcap
saved my portfolio and my sanity, only regret not swapping all of my XRP and all of shit utility coins for apu
Can someone tell me why i should use XRP instead of some stablecoin?
you shouldn't
stay the hell away from this coin, pretend you never heard of it
it's a curse
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uhoooh guys guys guys

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Ethereum fumbled their #2 spot when they decided to give up on the L1 scaling problem.

Have you ever talked to a normie about L2s and tried explaining it to them why they have to pay a retardedly expensive fee to use their Ethereum on a different network? I have, their eyes literally roll back in their head. It's a retarded, expensive and clunky process to buy cryptocurrency already. To have to do some nonsensical bridging operation on top of that is just too much work.

Normies aren't going to use base despite it having the backing of one of the most normie-friendly companies in crypto.

L2s are dead on arrival.

Solana will win because it can onboard normies into an ecosystem that's frictionless and low-fee. Simple.
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Just tell us the name
you people are delusional if you think normies even make on chain transactions. they literally just send fiat to centralized exchanges and market buy. no blockchain needed.
Fuck Solana you pathetic Indian. I can't believe I read all that just to just shilled SBFs pet scam chain. I'm staying within Optimism ecosystem you can have your pump and dumps
That's actual chaos in those eyes
>Normies gravitate to ease of use
You and CT are all normies pretending not to be normies. If you think Base is difficult to use you're a retard.

King of shitcoins
We know. Why do you have to keep spamming this? Sell your bags and move on.

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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

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>pessimism based on shit that isn't
I'm pessimistic based on absence of evidence of shit we care about but I can't speak for the blatantly bearish shills.
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I haven't tuned into the clawback meta. My bias is that anything clawed back is a positive development for bbby and invalidates an individual that thinks bbby's shit is over and that rk needs to tweet for gamestop's sake.
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Just gonna leave this here
I'm gonna need a link, boss. That's fuckin unreal.
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Found it, fuggin kek!

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Am i the only Kenis holder left? Is this shit dead bros?
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Techscam going to zero
Also see picrelated
you boughted a coin called penis?
more proof 4chan mods/jannies are poocels
nope i'm still here. i timeleapt to 2025 and pooya sliced sirgay in half with a 3d printed katana to mark the beginning of the golden kenis run
I'm all in kenis. What does it do?
if youre not buying at these prices, ur ngmi

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Trying to verify my "Onlyfans" Ai Model on Bumble, Tinder, Badoo etc

You guys know a sure proof method?

I've tested DeepFaceLab with one of the default models (Keanu Reeves) but the result was not believable, are my setting not good or do I need a better model?

OR do you think it's possible to just make a girl take these verification selfies for my accounts, upload some pics of her and after a few days delete these pics and upload the ones with my Ai model?
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hmm, not sure. I have a feeling there's security that gets triggered if you suddenly want to change your sex.
Sounds gay and slightly transgender
kek nice bait
What or who would be a good example of an ai model that coomers send money too? I am just curious I couldn’t imagine and it’s tripping me out thinking of simps sending money to fap to a jeet ran ai model that makes revenue.

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surfing the great material continuum edition hehehehe


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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ive read few i made it and ill leave posts. so thats what people usually do i think

put some aside so you dont lose everything if you goof
my new method to scan for juicy tickers seems to provide lot of options.
won't you have to pay half of that in taxes in most parts of the world?

Investing / tradin. This year alone I went from 6m to 8m as of now.


Likely not. I want to hit 50m, so I’m goin to keep trading aggressively

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>be bong
>try very hard
>make 44k gbp aka 55k usd /yr
>friends say thats a lot of money
>their income starts with a 2
>go on twitter and see black Americans laughing at how poor 55k usd is
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Not as a general rule of thumb. I'm a bong living in the USA and even with Bidenomics, gas is way cheaper than the UK. Utilities are basically free compared to the UK. Food is cheaper too.
Also OP I hear you. I have a $50k job and after growing up in Britain, I feel (relatively speaking) wealthy now.
Basically if you are from the UK then you're NGMI unless you get the fuck out of there. There is no opportunity there.
>only work in my home town are min wags factory/warehouse jobs surrounded by Poles
>unironically take about 6 months to save £1k
It's over
Or just buy some shrl now, and tell your grandkids how you were at the forefront of Gamblefi revolution back in the day
Dollar slices are slowly disappearing. You don't want to eat that shit anyway it's for broke teenagers and homeless people. A halfway decent plain slice of street pizza is gonna be between 3 and 4 bucks
Yes you can. Who else is going to decide that you're going to be a bricklayer? Your daddy?
Oh it isn't. You earn that money, getting totally sick of it desu so I'm charging more. Sick of low pay white-trash weddings.

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Pls sir sell your linkies for apu, link is a bad coin sir pls sell just pls sell now thank you sir
bottom signal
this chart looks good to me
not sure what you're on about
>chart for worthless erc20 valued at 240 million mcap looks good

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