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Previously >>58411815

We're back, comfier than before

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://twitter.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd
how about /bant/ ?
it was a good run on /bant/ but it's time to come back home to /biz/
Aren't you a jewish supremacist or something?
lol didn't think you cowards would show your face here again. Kek baggies. Make sure to give Brad more of your money this week
nobody is coming back faggot fuck /biz/ fuck jannies and OP is a faggot like always
Hi OP,
As a young man in 2020, watching America go up in flames, I purchased 3150 XRP with the understanding it might go to $37500 per coin. Haven't looked at my wallet since, but are we still on track?
Word on the street is something might be happening in about two more weeks give or take.
Yeah sure are. Best thing to do is to forget you own XRP then you won't be disappointed.
Slow night. Is everyone else on bant?
there's already a thread just report this as spamming/flooding and put sage under the options field
bant threads disappeared a few days ago
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piece of shit

I mean the market hasn't really done much but crab.
Real question for XRP baggies:

You lost to Chainlink, the facts are all on the table. Chainlink is empowering SWIFT, FIX, and the DTCC, your mortal enemies, to capture the entirety of blockchain's value, while XRP does nothing.

But my question is this: Why not just fucking sell and buy LINK? Why literally hold onto the loser?
Only people that never verified their email on /biz/ will make it.
oracle wars are just starting friend ...
and you are already beat
what a piece of shit coin lads
Good to see we're back
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>Binance Futures will discontinue support for #XRP and TUSD as a margin asset in the Multi-Assets Mode. MAM lets you use your different stablecoins (namely USDT/USDC) together as margin for your trades. Curious.

>Very curious why they made this move. There are assets with less value that can be used. Do they anticipate greater price volatility for #XRP or are their coffers short to cover. Some politicking going on? Hmmm

>Perhaps the best possibility is that they are preparing to use the eventual Ripple stablecoin and are avoiding any potential conflicts with #XRP.

Old news, but I can't remember if it was brought up before.
Forgive me if it was, and I missed it.
I heard that binance is discontinuing support for XRP, can somebody explain?
its over
Fucking bich basterds
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Thank you for calling. XRP is worth so much more now sers. Can I be helping you to withdraw your moneys?
Been years and I think I no longer believe the schizo theories, I now think this is an undervalued high cap with some bad press it can grow out of. Maybe with some NDAs. I recommend everyone diversify somewhat for this run.
Christ is King, God bless you all.
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piece of shit n*ggercoin
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jannies took down xsgb
they want xsg back on biz
its going to be one of those dotcom bubble survivors that erupts 10 years from now. will do alright, implode and rise. holding this instead of link is stupid.
why are you talking about Zelda?
Just got to 25k tonight. Gonna open a 25 year old bottle of wine tomorrow to celebrate
it's over isn't it?
luckily I swapped most of my XRP for apu when it was relatively low mcap
saved my portfolio and my sanity, only regret not swapping all of my XRP and all of shit utility coins for apu
Can someone tell me why i should use XRP instead of some stablecoin?
you shouldn't
stay the hell away from this coin, pretend you never heard of it
it's a curse
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uhoooh guys guys guys
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Jed finally sold all his xrp, we're gonna start pumping now right faxxots?
Is that AM or PM?
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Put 589 in golden ratio calculator you get 364 + 225

225th day of the Chinese calendar 2024 is 22nd September

2+2+5 = 9
5+8+9= 22

am I cooking?
Shhhhh..... Don't tell them about the super secret date
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>am I cooking?
When nothing happens on September 22nd 2024, you can reuse this for September 22nd 2025, and so on.
back on board bros' lets make this thing sing
theres always a way
make the call already

>3.5 years already
fuck man
pretty good interview by brad
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it's been a while since i've seen these threads this dead. hey barron what's your take on the dead sea scrolls and the figure of melchizedek?
11QMelch II... And concerning that which He said, In [this] year of Jubilee [each of you shall return to his property (Lev. xxv, 13); and likewise, And this is the manner of release:] every creditor shall release that which he has lent [to his neighbour. He shall not exact it of his neighbour and his brother], for God's release [has been proclaimed] (Deut. xv, 2). [And it will be proclaimed at] the end of days concerning the captives as [He said, To proclaim liberty to the captives (Isa. lxi, 1). Its interpretation is that He] will assign them to the Sons of Heaven and to the inheritance of Melchizedek; f[or He will cast] their [lot] amid the portions of Melchize]dek, who will return them there and will proclaim to them liberty, forgiving them [the wrong-doings] of all their iniquities. And this thing will [occur] in the first week of the Jubilee that follows the nine Jubilees. And the Day of Atonement is the e[nd of the] tenth [Ju]bilee, when all the Sons of [Light] and the men of the lot of Mel[chi]zedek will be atoned for. [And] a statute concerns them [to prov]ide them with their rewards. For this is the moment of the Year of Grace for Melchizedek. [And h]e will, by his strength, judge the holy ones of God, executing judgement as it is written concerning him in the Songs of David, who said, ELOHIM has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgement (Psalms lxxxii, 1). And it was concerning him that he said, (Let the assembly of the peoples) return to the height above them; EL (god) will judge the peoples (Psalms vii, 7-8). As for that which he s[aid, How long will you] judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Selah (Psalms lxxxii, 2),
this is like the old Reagan soviet joke about coming to pick up your new car a decade from now and asking AM or PM because the plumber was already scheduled to come in the AM
>come in the AM
Fuck happened to /xsgb/?
I need some food.
Final court day tomorrow. Lawsuit will be settled in 24 hours
checked 2 more weeks it is
jannies cleaned it up
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XRP is going to be used soon
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False hope.
A settlement is extremely unlikely to ever happen.
The SEC's job is to continue retarding Ripple and XRP's adoption by US banks and companies.
They've also said numerous times that they will appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court.
And Ripple has said that they'll appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court.

We can expect Judge Torres' judgement on any injunctions against Ripple and the amount of Ripple's fine, sometime between July and September.
After that, the SEC has 30 days to file an appeal.
So, they'll wait until the last minute of day 30 and file their appeal.
The Appellate Court and the Supreme Court should take 1 to 2 years to complete.

-If we're lucky, we'll get at least some kind of pump after Judge Torres makes her decision in between July and September of this year.
-If we are unlucky, we'll get at least some kind of pump after the Supreme Court makes it's ruling.
Which would also roughly coincide with all banks being scheduled to have ISO20022 fully implemented by November 2025.
-If we are cursed, we'll get no major pumps until all of the above is done, congress passes all of the necessary laws regulating crypto, most countries implement CBDBCs, and XRP gets adopted as the international bridge currency and is used by international banks.
When will all of that be done by?
Probably 2030 for the cursed route.
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That post.
I love kayaking.
I love canoeing but it requires another person. Well it doesn't if you do a J paddle but a kayak is more optimized for a single person.

I got a job 5 months ago. I can afford a kayak. I should Kayak. Maybe I can use that to meet women and have a hobby.

Thanks, OP!
When you constantly get your hopes up, even just a little, for each meme date, it crushes your optimism for the future little by little when nothing happens.
Lower your expectations for when xrp will pump; let alone moon.
It will make the wait more tolerable.
Live your life. Retiring post switch flip won't bring you happiness if you're miserable now. I just got hired at a fancy ramen bar, i'm very excited about my new wage cage
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>even extravod is saying eggs are peas is a shitcoin

Bros.... Not like this
I find his voice and personality extremely annoying.
Dude is the perfect example of what I was talking about, when I say not to get your hopes up all the time.
It's not surprising that he would burn out.
well then it seems like the perfect timing then doesn't it
you'll like what comes next
I've been watching this lil nigga since 2020, when I first got into XRP. His videos were extremely useful as an introduction to riddlers, partnerships, etc., especially when he was just reading other people's tweets and barely had anything to say. Over the years, I've noticed how he became dumber and dumber, or maybe it's that I became smarter about XRP. After all these years, I'm still (hate)watching him every day at 2x speed during my meals. I've tried to stop because I started getting butthurt after every video, but I just can't. Sometimes, deep down inside, I secretly wish that XRP will never moon and that Extravod will be stuck in a never-ending purgatory of falling off chairs (on purpose).
Hmmmmm isn't that quite interesting? I almost spilled my diet coke you can't make this stuff up what is even happening at this point right guys
He is pretty annoying. He speaks like an ESL and consistently makes basic grammatical errors. He also thinks BTC will be part of the new financial system which seems absolutely retarded
I hate watch the Bearable Bull.
Dude talks like he had a stroke.
And he'll make specific price predictions about xrp, and then when they don't happen, he'll just forget all about it.
When people call him out in the comments, or on Twitter, he'll sometimes get butt hurt and attack the people calling him out.
I also sort of (but not really) wish that xrp never moons, just so I can watch him fail over and over again.
It seems like some of the older xrp grifters are starting to turn into lolcows.

On the other side of the coin, I think Darren Moore produces good content.
He does autistic levels of research and in depth explanations.
Crypto Eri is also good.
She does less in depth research and also interviews.
They both focus on the business relationships, regulation, and utility.
And they ignore the riddles and hype.
I liked a lot of the riddle stuff early on, but we're too many years into this for me to care about riddles anymore.
Youtube grifters don't believe in anything other than clicks. He talks not only about XRP but also about BTC because it gets them more views.
I thought today was a holiday? How can there be court day?
Memorial Day is May 27th, not today.
We have been fucked hard by this coin bros...
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Bin ace doesn’t want to pay out the POOMPA! And you know this, Man.
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Consolidated Audit Trail.
It reveals how much derivatives/fiat debt actually exists.
For the whole world to see.
Global awakening to the banking shadow syndicate.
>The switch will be flipped on the 29th, the full version C.A.T. will be activated.
The trial version already shows billions of fake shares/naked shorts on ALL stocks, not just GME. EVERY DAY.
DFV comes from an era of not a C.A.T.
Just as prophesised in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
I bought this shitcoin when i was 26. Now I'm 32 and I don't give a fuck about anything. I want this shitcoin to drop to zero and never be mentioned again.
We are now closer than ever
Surely. I hear this every new meme date.
Today is literally the day it all ends.
Demoralization is soaring. Hang in there marines, buy the dip, know what you hold, chris needs a new Porsche
you wanted to profit off the end of humanity and got your just desserts
It is literally finished as of today. I dont have the screenshots but i'm sure someone can confirm.

May 20th was the last court day.

Now all we gotta do is wait.
>Now all we gotta do is wait.
The life of XRP bag holders. Kek.
Now would literally be the worst time to get out.

We've all made it this far. Why quit now?
Its already mooning
Its happening, huge pump

Get in here lads

fuck you
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>It reveals how much derivatives/fiat debt actually exists.
>For the whole world to see.
>Global awakening to the banking shadow syndicate.
>>The switch will be flipped on the 29th, the full version C.A.T. will be activated.
That sounds nice.

>The trial version already shows billions of fake shares/naked shorts on ALL stocks, not just GME. EVERY DAY.
But if this was actually going to cause the switch flip, then shouldn't the information revealed from the trial version already by causing a moderate sized crash?
As of the time of me posting this, Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 178 points (0.45%) and the NASDAQ Composite is up by 100 points (0.60%).
So not even a tiny crash yet.
I'm going to guess that the news will just not cover the information revealed by the full version, or try and explain it away.
And enough normies will believe their explanations, in order to prevent a crash.
Don't get your hopes up.
Check again

.525 now
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Told you guys

Today is the day

U didnt believe me smfh
Doesn’t look like it, looks more like people started dropping out and they injected new portion of hopium. The quote about patience, so he is saying that you must preserve and be patient, XRP 1USD2030EOY.
>Charts are getting green.
>Literally posted on the last day of the lawsuit
>Normally only posts once per year on Christmas
>Except for July 13 last year what happened again there?
These riddlers are faggots and grifters.
Why after all these years do people still follow them and give a shit about their bullshit?
A person who knows something and wants to help would say buy solana, doge or whatever the fuck other shitcoins that shot up.

Lmao @ retards that dont know about bearable guy
He is legit retard and only posts once or twice per year.
And yet 50 comments under his post in the first 4 minutes. It feels like a bunch of dickheads are sitting around hitting the refresh button all day long hoping to see a new post.
>what are notifications
ETH ETF got approved
Elon musk tweeted at the same time

>Starship 4 flight in 2 weeks

Cant make any of this stuff up
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>Charts are getting green
Sure, buddy.
ETH went from 3k to 3.5k in a matter of minutes and NDQ is at ath
Why does my id keep changing i dont have a pass or email
Lmao, if only this was ETH general. There’s more chance for ETH hitting 10k, than xrp hitting 1 dollar.
I don’t give a fuck about price action until this coin can break through .64¢.
The tides are definitely changing, The Dems are spooked about single issue voting on crypto.
The House passed Act H.R.6572 - Deploying American Blockchain Act of 2023.
334 - 79 Yay/Nay
Nobody cares about burgerland
I don’t either. This country has turned to shit.
I will be leaving once I make it in 2030 because of XRP.
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>BTC moons $5.000
>XRP "moons" $0.03
Suck my fucking dick...
guys ive been dipping into my xrp to stay above water since im out of a job and im really starting to lose hope seeing bitcoin do these moves the past year.. i feel like im losing my life waiting for this coin to moon so i can finally live.. if i just sold, would i feel free?
Next move
>BTC drops $2k
>XRP drops $0.06
Will I make it as a 30k stacklet?
Everyone is saying 10k is enough
You phoneposting?
Imagine holding xrp even trash old LTC will do better in Bull run
It better not get approved.
I want to see the SEC sue ETH for being an unregistered security.
Then ETH will crash in price, along with every single token on it's network.
Where will they all flee to?

If ETH ETF gets approved that will be some grade A demoralization.
It basically means they get away scott free.
They had their inside man Jay Clayton sue Ripple, in order to retard Ripple's progress for years.
Think of all of the growth ETH had since William Hinman said that ETH wasn't a security and the Ripple lawsuit started.
A perfect one two punch.
All of those shitcoins, all of that liquidity, all of that explosive price growth for ETH would have occurred on the XRPL.
XRP would have mooned a long time ago.

ETH needs to pay for what it's done.
If it gets rewarded with an ETF instead, I'm going to be very angry.
It means the SEC will never sue them for selling unregistered securities.
I'm hoping these rumors are false.
A trap to catch normies, right before they launch a lawsuit and crash ETH, with no survivors.
If it does get approved then it was literally just because biden admin got spooked the anti-crypto policies handed to them by Elizabeth Warren were going to ensure he loses reelection. He could lose regardless, but perhaps someone hit the panic button on this issue after both Congress and the Senate ignored his threat to veto some pro-crypto reform that allows banks to more easily hold.

I think there is a chance that it's just a coordinated fake out of the market so some insider whales could have a nice exit pump to sell into, and it will still be rejected. All it takes is to circulate a rumor. A rejection or delay would be hilarious.

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Just a few more years frens. The XRP chart looks very similar to the silver chart.
So however silver moves, is how XRP will move.
I too want to see ETH burn. Sure, I would like some comeuppance for Lubin, Vitalik et al., because they acted like a bunch of glib, self righteous wankers who just lucked into a SEC that was completely morally, legally and ethically bankrupt and was happy to be bribed.

But at the end of the day, the original inception of ETH was based on sales of unregistered securities. They should be judged accordingly, just like Ripple, and they should also have to get dragged through the mud for a period for of time. Oh, and there's the whole Chinese participation that should be investigated.

If ETH gets another free pass just because it's now politically in vogue to want to support crypto, I'm gonna be pissed.
>I think there is a chance that it's just a coordinated fake out of the market so some insider whales could have a nice exit pump to sell into, and it will still be rejected. All it takes is to circulate a rumor. A rejection or delay would be hilarious.
I think this is the most likely.

Elections are fake.
Whichever actor they want to play the president, is the one that will be chosen.
The votes don't mater.
If they did, they wouldn't let us vote.
That being said, I think they'll have the Trump actor return.
Democrats are playing the role of the party of anti-crypto and Republicans are playing the role of pro-crypto.
So having Trump and Republicans return to power, would signal a shift from our true rulers to start actually regulating crypto for real, instead of just trying to destroy most of it, while giving Bitcoin and Ethereum a free pass and profiting off of it.
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Both XRP and ETH are JewCoins. The difference is ETH is the Nepotism Bribery Corruption Coin and XRP tried to be the above-board, revolutionize the global economy, go to war with the Legacy Banking Cartel, no payoff Coin.

We can all see by what happened & is happening what type of world we live in. I say we take off and nuke the whole site from orbit.
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>220 years
The graphic starts from 1802.
Depends if you consider $60 million enough
>75% chance of ETH ETF approval
>SEC investigating ETH as a security
the schadenfreude will be sweet
Imagine selling now. You’d rope when we moon. Get a part time job, it will make you more grateful and grounded when the switch flips
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Have you both not planned for generational wealth?
Did you both think XRP would moon in your lifetimes? Kek
Anyone play with the ledger via CLI?

>XRPL.js: XRPL.js is a JavaScript library for interacting with the XRP Ledger. It provides a range of functionalities, including transaction signing, account management, and payment processing. XRPL.js is commonly used for web-based applications and Node.js server-side applications.

>XRP Ledger Python Library: This Python library allows developers to interact with the XRP Ledger using the Python programming language. It provides convenient wrappers for XRP Ledger APIs, making it easy to build Python applications that utilize XRP Ledger functionality.

>Ripple-lib: Ripple-lib is a JavaScript library specifically developed by Ripple Labs for interacting with the XRP Ledger. It offers comprehensive support for XRP Ledger features and is frequently updated to incorporate new enhancements and improvements.

>XRP Ledger C++ Library: This C++ library provides developers with low-level access to the XRP Ledger, allowing for high-performance and efficient integration into C++ applications. It is particularly suitable for applications requiring direct control over network communication and transaction processing.

>XRP Ledger Swift SDK: The Swift SDK is designed for iOS and macOS developers who want to integrate XRP Ledger functionality into their Swift-based applications. It provides a Swift-friendly interface for interacting with the XRP Ledger and performing common tasks.
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>we're still crabbing
I'm going to fucking KILL MYSELF.
Lol. God sent XRP to earth to teach us patience. Don't fail the test homo.

People who have done their research know that XRP won't moon anytime soon. That's why he is saying that ETH will reach $10000 before XRP hits $1. They will squeeze you as much as they want, and you will suffer as much as they want. Deal with it, bitchboi.
Lol XRP is literally designed for $10000 per coin idiot. David Schwartz said so himself
Sure, spammy.
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Wake me up at $1 or something
They will start the bullrun and leave xrp behind so heathens would jump ship in FOMO
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More like 7%
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XRP is at 7.26% on the 7 day chart.
BTC is at 14.81% on the 7 day chart.
XRP can't even pump with bitcoin; it can only do a half pump at best, before going back to crabbing.
Stop getting excited over nothing.
/biz/ fucking sucks balls atleast at /Bant/ you could see flags you latavian homo
When is the next meme date? Yesterday was the last one.
June 3
Do I need to even look at the calender
Stablecoin Event June 11-13
interesting... where did you get this date from?
Price is skyrocketing rn
Its dumping now
Breaking out again
We're mooning lads. 55 cents coming
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Is it finally happening?
It is happening

If u know u know
>no quads
>no truth
I just want to have a few million to live comfortably for the rest of my life without waging for some retarded faggot anymore.
Is that too much to ask?
Seems perfectly reasonable to me.
kys neder faggot
Excuse me?
It's over
He’s talking about the parade of planets event.
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That's quite a coincidence, once again going back to the golden ratio calculator, read the top result backwards. Although last time, a celestial event marked a dump (Saturn conjunction of December 2020)
Guys, I have 3 XRP, am I going to make it?
I hate my fucking job so much. Please moon.
I don't have a job, but I'm also willing to hate your job in sympathy
Thank you. The transportation industry deserves it
How does $100k sound?
>Gensler announces ETH is a security right at peak euphoria
>ETH and all ERC-20 tokens crash 75%, USDT unpegs, all Layer 2s collapse in a ball of shit and fire
>XRP, XDC, XLM and FLR each do a 100-1000x
>i get a pony, my ex-gf from high school calls me and asks me on a date, and my dad says he is proud of me
it's gonna happen bros, hang in there
Can't really wait 10 years for that
these are super helpful. XRPL really is the best of all public blockchains. glad to see RippleX has been spending our money well!
Ah, also briefly worked in shipping industry, and yes, it does deserve hatred
shut the fuck up, fuck you
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>i get a pony, my ex-gf from high school calls me and asks me on a date, and my dad says he is proud of me
Godspeed, friend
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The full price history of XRP with 6 month candles unironically looks like we've only ever been setting higher lows. 10 year bull flag
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It looks like it’s about to dump when you invert the chart.
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You poor fucking idiots.

How much does it fucking hurt to see every other crypto fly up by 30% in one day but your centralized shitcoin can't because the creators are still dumping their multibillion dollar bags and will be for years to come?
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Do you guys remember missing the last bullrun?

Remember how that felt? No? Well just wait 6 months because you'll get to feel it again.
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I hold the keys to the new republic, not worried at all considering fiat is literally hyperinflated worthlessness. Silly to celebrate the accumulation of death notes.
What is the implied current price in this meme?
This post aged poorly.
>kamala gif
of course
The proof is in the what guys?
The price of XRP exceeding all time high of $3.84.
liquidity crisis caused by the equity and derivatives markets crashing as a result of a sharp increase in energy prices due to the outbreak of war in the middle east and direct military confrontation between NATO and russia?
i am so tired of that fucking bear laughing at me.

if i ever meet anyone involved in creating or running this ARG i am going to violently assault them and i will smile the entire time i am in jail.
>liquidity crisis caused by the equity and derivatives markets crashing as a result of a sharp increase in energy prices due to the outbreak of war in the middle east and direct military confrontation between NATO and russia?
>xrp falls to $0.495
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personally i think the April Fools 4chan stock market thing was foreshadowing. remember how they all went to zero at the end? 4chan is run by the feds and they were saying there's going to be a big cyberattack and all the cryptos and stocks and everything is going to go to zero but only certain ones will come back.
am i a bad guy for fudding xrp to my friends
XSG ARG has very specific purpose and has yielded unimaginable results.
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i mean the whole phoenix from the ashes, blah blah, cyberattack blah blah, 99% of coins will go to zero, blah blah has been obvious since we started playing this cartoon bear game in 2020. we will win in the end, yes, we will have the last laugh, it is Known.

but the funny part is how retarded i am, i was so sure that it was about to Happen in Two Weeks for the last 5 years that i completely missed out on gambling with bullshit meme coins.

my cousin made six figures from Pepe, twice. he sometimes calls me and says to stop hurting myself by holding XRP. i know he means well. a while ago he went, "there's a new one, called Apu. I follow this YouTuber, he says it's about to go off. just throw $1k in it." i said nahh, probably a scam, I'm good. Guess what happened! Hah.

beans and rice from the food bank again tonight! with eggs and tortillas and hot sauce it's not bad. i got some pork loin (also from the food bank!) as a treat.

so now i'm a mentally ill shut-in hermit instead of traveling around to Meetups and Unconferences in Pop-Up Cities in exotic tax haven locales, where I would participate in Break Out Sessions and Lightning Rounds with the Thinkers and Leaders of Tomorrow's Tech who all made their money with Fraud and Insider Trading

i think i have brain damage. hard to say whether it's from the DARPA narrative warfare or the (relentless, horrible, maddening) Havana Syndrome attacks.

(i'm not joking, i am being targeted by directed energy weapons and it's horrible. they knew i had stuff to do today so they kept me up almost til dawn. i think they look at my Google Calendar with all the zoom meetings. they also make it so important emails never appear in my inbox until weeks or months later, so i miss important opportunities.)

(the sound is like when you were a kid and could hear the TV on in the next room, a very high pitched whine, but sometimes it increases in volume and is like a needle in your mind. what i did i do to deserve this? why?)
if i ever meet you in person and you tell me you were involved in doing this to me, i am not sure i will be able to stop myself from trying to hurt you. it's nothing personal. i just look at who i was before i started playing this game and who i am now and i don't even know what to say.
>but the funny part is how retarded i am, i was so sure that it was about to Happen in Two Weeks for the last 5 years that i completely missed out on gambling with bullshit meme coins.
Me, but I'm also stuck waging.
I did put in a bit into apu but missed the biggest gains from it and didn't have much cash either for it. Just didn't feel right selling this off right as the court shit was supposed to end. Right?
It's been such a goddawful investment.
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my hair has gone completely white, do you understand? not grey, white.

last time i gave myself a haircut i looked at the hair in my hands and didn't know if i should laugh or cry. i have gotten old. before this game i was still young and now i am old.

in january i was with my dad- all my life when i'm with him, people say "ah, your son looks so much like you." now people think i'm his brother! sometimes i look in the mirror and just laugh!

when i'm alone, which is most of the time, it is easy to ignore but when i really feel it is when i'm in crowds of people. even if things work out and we end up with money because of this, i don't know if i'll ever be back to baseline.

Glad your game yielded results! hope you got what you wanted out of it. i hope your marketing team considers the money well spent!
We will be friends for all our eternity. Right now you'll look back and laugh at the anger you had built up, use it for constructive purposes brother, great things are ahead.
Actualizing meaningful paradigm integrations results in perceiving yourself as suffering, the system that you wish to benefit from no longer exists and the system you are thriving in is just beginning and you aren't utilizing it correctly.
You aren't missing out on hyperinflated fiat death notes, their blackmoney magic is worthless to living being as it is not of our nature so giving your energy to it drains you when you try to manifest it, npcs are rewarded with meme token profits within their designed soul entrapment networks.
>Trump accepting XRP donations
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Fucking KYS, sell your XRP and get the fuck out. I wish MORE suffering so you weaklings will sell your bags, go suck mommas tit while sobbing lmao.
Anon, the clue was right under your nose all this time.
A phoenix is a mythical creature. It’s not real.
The XRP riddles are as real as a phoenix.
You should have listened to your friend.
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Hang in there anon.
Most of us are in this together, except for this miserable faggot >>58509233 who can go fuck himself.
Think of it this way, when I'm playing a game all by myself and I keep losing over and over, It's miserable and depressing.
But it's less awful when I'm playing a game with my friends, and we are losing together.
It's us against the world anon.
Dark humor and venting, are the things that help us to endure.
A sense of comradery and brotherhood.
If you've ever made friends with your coworkers at a shitty job, you'll know what I'm talking about.
>miserable faggot
>It's us against the world anon.
Me? It's you bunch of miserable manbabies, go start ANONYMOUS XRP HOLDERS SUPPORT GROUP, faggot. I'm ready to sacrifice my top 0.1% bag just to see you suffer.
You're an asshole with zero empathy.
A real tough guy.
I recognize you from other threads.
You're the strong hands guy that wants the maximum amount of suffering possible, so that no weak people make it.

>I'm ready to sacrifice my top 0.1% bag just to see you suffer.
I believe you.
You seem like the type of person that like to shit on other people.
I can easily picture you verbally abusing your coworkers or employees at your job or business that you own.
You're so much better than everyone else anon.
I'm sure once your rich, you'll become even worse.
If any of our malevolent rulers are reading these threads, they should recruit you.
I'm sure you'd fit right in with them.
I'm not the guy you're talking about. We all have the same goal here, and we are all suffering, some more, some less. I'm just as frustrated as you, but no amount of whining and complaining will change things. So what's the point of these posts? To inflict your inner misery on other XSG visitors? Every day, there's more evidence that we may be right about XRP, but instead of digging and bringing that information here, you choose to whine and blame others instead of yourself. Yes, it's painful, believe me. It happens when (if) it happens, you either believe or you don't. Everything is intentional and if you can't see this, then it's not my problem.
>You're an asshole with zero empathy.
I have plenty of empathy, but we are all in the same boat here. Why should I show you any empathy when we are both drowning?
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RLUSD sounds lame, ngl
I am sorry I said those things to you, you're a different anon.
What you see as whining, I see as venting.
Venting to like minded people helps you to feel better.
Like you aren't suffering alone.
Someone heard you and shares your pain.
It gives you a little more strength to endure.

I get why you're tired of hearing it.
It's been going to for literally years.
We're all tired.
I appreciate anons digging and providing new information.
I agree that everything is deliberate and intentional.
Our suffering is an initiation.
A humiliation ritual.

>I have plenty of empathy, but we are all in the same boat here. Why should I show you any empathy when we are both drowning?
I am quite fat.
If I don't make it, you can use my bloated corpse as a life raft.
Break off my arms and use them as oars to swim to shore.
Jokes aside, I see it as us against everyone else.
When I worked a retail job, it was us against the customers.
We still treated every customer well, but we talked shit about the bad customers behind their backs.
When I worked in a factory, it was us against the office workers.
We called the office Carpet Land; a magical place where quality didn't matter.

XSG is ours.
It's us against all the people that don't believe in XRP.
It's us against the crocked regulators and politicians.
XSG should be a brotherhood.
We're not drowning in the water.
We're fighting in a war.
I'll have your back, if you have mine.
I take back what I said earlier; I want us all to make it.
To make all of our suffering mean something.
(Logically I know this is retarded and I'm too emotionally married to my bags, but I don't care.)
I want to be there with all of you when we get to mine all of the salt from people that shat on XRP.
Was this post full of cheese?
Yes, but I don't care.
Why am I not surprised.
I'm going to guess that all of the cool names were already patented, and this was the best they could do to work in Lucifer into the Gematria.
I was hoping for USDR, but I guess that would be too on the nose.
USDX would have had a cool ring to it.
And yeah, forgot to say that RLUSD has a terrible mouth feel.
Saying the individual letters is annoying.
And trying to pronounce it like a word sounds even worse.
Almost makes me wonder if they'll shorten it to some cooler abbreviation later on.
The current name makes it sound like its a temporary loan: Rental USD.
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>I am quite fat.
Then start fasting. You must acknowledge that everything is in your hands, and once you accept that, you'll stop complaining and start taking action. It's that simple. Regarding XRP, it's the opposite, nothing is in your hands, and once you acknowledge that, you'll stop complaining too. False hopes are worse than reality, and reality isn't that pretty either because the case might and probably will go all the way to the Supreme Court, and no amount of "venting" on XSG will change that.
explain pic, what do colors means?
Green means I completed fasting, yellow means I fasted for more than one day etc. Basically, I eat one meal a day and fast the rest of the time. I've started eating more on gym days now, but I still try to fast for at least 16 hours on those days.
I guess on april 3 you had 2 meals in one day?
what does your daily meal consist of?
Ironically, I lost a ton of weight, and was really healthy 7 years ago.
And I did it through intermittent fasting, high intensity cardio on an elliptical, and keto.
I stopped the keto once I reached a healthy weight.
But I kept doing the intermittent fasting and cardio for two years.
Then I got a new job that was extremely stressful and had terrible hours.
I stopped doing the fasting and cardio, temporarily to concentrate on my new job.
Of course the temporary turned into permanent.
I try to get back into fasting and working out off and on.
But I can't seem to muster enough motivation to care anymore.
I quite my job back in October, because I hated it and just couldn't do it anymore.
I planned to take a 3 month vacation, before looking for work.
But I've managed to live so frugally, that I have been able to stretch it out much longer.
I really don't want to go back to work.
I keep hoping that my motivation will come back, but its not.

>>Regarding XRP, it's the opposite, nothing is in your hands
>>and once you acknowledge that, you'll stop complaining too.
I'm a controlling person.
I don't like this advice.
The reason I don't like it, is because you are right.
I'll try though.

>>False hopes are worse than reality, and reality isn't that pretty either because the case might and probably will go all the way to the Supreme Court, and no amount of "venting" on XSG will change that.
Agreed on both points.
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>I guess on april 3 you had 2 meals in one day?
No, it means that I started fasting on April 2 and completed my fast on April 3.
>what does your daily meal consist of?
The beauty of intermittent fasting is that you can eat anything you want because it's very hard to eat more than you burn throughout the day in one sitting. I eat whatever I cook, I don't order food or go to McDonald's.
>intermittent fasting, high intensity cardio on an elliptical, and keto
That's your problem, you start too aggressively and burn out too fast, many such cases. Although I ride bicycles myself, I think that cardio is overrated, and you don't need it. Keto is fine, but again, it's all about calories in, calories out, that's what matters. Cheat days are good prevention from burning out. You fast Monday to Friday, then eat whatever you want on Saturday. Then on Sunday evening, you start your fast again. Intermittent fasting is the easiest shit ever, no calorie counting, no exercises, nothing. You just don't eat, and you not only lose fat and increase your overall health but also save a bunch of money and time.
I eat small amounts multiple times during a 10hr feeding period, I would feel bloated to eat all my daily food in one giant meal
diet is a fusion of keto and mediterranean diet but with very little bread
your pic looks nice, are you cooking the marrow?
Im trying to move $7 worth of eth but it doesnt let me because i need $15 in fees wtf
Intermittent fasting was easy at my old job; not the most recent one.
I would skip breakfast, and not pack a lunch.
Then I could eat once I got home from work.
Since I was at work, there were no temptations to eat outside of my window.
Now that I'm at home, there is constant temptation to eat.
Look online for an ETH gas tracker site.
I used to use a website that would show when the historically high and low gas fee times to make transactions were for each hour of each day of the week.
(Unfortunately the website shut down.)
If you can find something similar, you could try and make your transaction during a day of the week, and time of day, when it's usually the lowest in gas fees for ETH.
>I eat small amounts multiple times during a 10hr feeding period
That's probably the best option for good metabolism, but it's too easy to overeat. So, I chose fasting for the sake of simplicity and convenience. Fasting also saved me a lot of money since it's just one meal a day.
>are you cooking the marrow
Just base for beef broth, I like to freeze it and use it for ramens, pho and whatnot.
>there is constant temptation to eat
I started fasting during covid. No problem once you get accustomed to it, the first few months were rough though, but since I had cheat days, it's not a big problem.
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Real USD sounds pretty based to me.
USDX is cool, but Flare claimed it.
If you’re fat. Stop eating carbs faggot.
I don’t eat carbs anymore, mostly animal based with lots of eggs. No seed oils, just butter or animal fats.
I never feel hungry anymore and have to force myself to eat so I don’t feel like I’m going to accidentally kill myself from starvation.
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Fuck Jews
>Real USD sounds pretty based to me.
Hadn't considered that.
I like it better with that connotation.
If there is feal USD, then there must be fake USD.
>USDX is cool, but Flare claimed it.
Damn you Flare.
*shakes fist*
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EVERYONE gets the same shit thrown at them. The routers, phones, cell towers, power junction boxes, smart meters, etc are ALL putting off background EMF causing the high frequency ringing and occasional high pitch squeals. YOU are not targeted; the whole fucking population is. So drop the fucking Main Character Syndrome self-centered narcissistic bullshit and move the fuck on. Can’t sleep properly? Get some fucking exercise. EMF bothering you at night? Put on a fucking Silver Mesh Beanie Hat at bedtime. Use your goddamn agency for fucks sake. Humans need a natural predator so fucking bad, I tell you what. Some sort of Robo-Yeti/Giant of Kandahar that will slay the slow, fat, weak and dumb and put some fucking evolutionary pressure back on the species. Without conflict, challenge, adversity, disadvantage and setbacks he human animals cannot grow and advance. God LOVES those he abuses most; it causes them to evolve/gain XP and level up! You don’t level up from how much gold you have in your bank, you level up from achieving quest objectives and defeating enemies/grinding. Embrace the Suck or eat a bullet and do us all a favor.
Imagine what would happen if Gensler said ETH is a security
Nothing would happen. Nothing at all.
Yeah. Because this world is fucking dogshit.
Jewish Nepotism and Corruption makes that an impossibility.
Hey man keep the eth, eventually itll be worth more than the gas fees.

Xrp on the other hand is going to shit around at $0.50 forever because the creators have billions of dollars left to dump of it.
That's it, I'm converting my gf's xrp to pepe
haha no
When moon?
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Nice to be back.
This is delusional. Legislation will pass making everything fine and dandy just as XRP wins making their victory literally entirely worthless and ONLY a loss.
>super slow shitty expensive faggot coin
>super fast super cool based hetero coin
Bullish looking chart.
>ramens, pho and whatnot
based soup enjoyer
This is a good thing. That means it's gonna pop off
I am optimistic about our futures frens.
I love you all. We are going to make it.
Thanks for making these last few years fun.
I hope you all will practice discipline in how you spend your future wealth.
I don't want my frens to end up right where they started after splurging their new found wealth on unnecessary things.
At this point, most of us, if not all of us here, have held for several years.
If anons can hold that long, I don't think they are going to recklessly piss it all away once they become rich.

I'm honestly more worried about people getting $5 wrenched.
A few anons in previous XSGs have said that they told multiple people to buy XRP; even coworkers.
While kind, it does greatly increase the amount of people that know they hold XRP.
If anyone that you told about XRP asks post moon, tell them: "Yeah, I use to own XRP. But I sold it all a few months ago."
Then pretend to be very depressed.
Its a more believable lie than trying to pretend like you never mentioned XRP to them before.
If you told a lot of people, or even just one blabbermouth, quickly moving away might be the best option.
Lottery winners do bet murdered sometimes.
This place has gotten so low energy. I'm going back to watching ExtraVOD.
do you have lots of pictures of men in leather saved on your computer, or just this one?
lol, fair enough, that was a bitch move of me to post all that here
Bro’s Honorary Judge Netburn is not based.
This is disgusting.
Literally just hold ur zerps til 2030+ and stop trying to get short term pumps. Reworking the financial system isn’t something that can just be “done overnight”. There has to be an impotence for it

Some calamity/crisis

Economic depression

Political response

Financial reset —> XRP switched on

Dyor it’s not hard
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No. Just ones that are about to bash somebody’s head in with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire from a fictional, relatively shitty TV Series. The point is the glee and joy in which the character attends his work; bashing fucking heads in. That Anons post made me want to bash his head in, hypothetically.
When moon guys? Wasn't something supposed to happen this week?
should be a full moon tonight.
As in crypto?
>When moon guys?
See here: >>58497148
>Wasn't something supposed to happen this week?
Just the SEC filing it's response to Ripple's request to seal.
Which isn't really important.
But here's the document if you want to read it:
XRP will moon when it needs too. I expect the other coins in the system to go off first and XRP the last one but will also moon the most.
>XRP the last one but will also moon the most
Just like the last 6 years?
The new system isn't in place yet. When it is XRP will probably be the last one to pump.
>new system isn't in place yet
But how does this correlate with "XRP will be the last one but will also moon the most"? If the new system will be in place in 2028 and the 2024 bull run is long gone, where do you see XRP being the last and the most in that scenario?
>But how does this correlate with "XRP will be the last one but will also moon the most"?
The last times it has had an actual bull run it went off last and just to rub salt in the wounds of the XRP holders.
until then it will probably just follow the market like it always has. (If Ripple didn't get sued it would have been involved in the last bullrun.)
>it has had an actual bull run it went off last
This was six years ago, but you're implying that the "system must be in place" before price action will repeat 2018. What if the system won't be in place? People are clinging to that one time and repeating the "last and the most" mantra without understanding that it won't happen anytime soon, let alone this bull run, which has already happened for the most part.
Phone posting at work now.
We are pretty much gambling on the new system coming into play, I'm not expecting anything anytime soon I've been a years poster since I first bought. It's always been a hedge against CBDCs for me, if they are taking my privacy away I want something in return. At the end of the day if it happens I'll be happy if not then hopefully one of my other coins will go off.
>We are pretty much gambling on the new system coming into play
Sure, but you said the "last and the most" mantra, which ties directly to the 2018 bull run and has nothing to do with the new system being in place. It will moon when it moons, if ever, and has nothing to do with general market sentiment. They will squeeze holders as long as they want, unfortunately.
>They will squeeze holders as long as they want, unfortunately.
That's why I think it will go last. Rub the most salt in the wounds of the holders. Either way I have my bags packed and just living my life until/if it happens.
>either way
It will actually be more fun to tell your grandkids about how you squandered potential wealth and now they are poor forever instead of how you are leaving them a bunch of land and money.
Maybe. I'm not having kids though, but that's a lovely attempt at demoralization. XRP isn't the only thing I hold I'm not a maxi.
weird how these conversations were not happening when there were flags you ip hopping sad fucking nigger
Unless I have a clone somewhere it's more than 1 person.
>not having kids
>thinks he's not demoralized
Just end it now and spare the rest of us. You can send your zerps to an underprivileged urban youth.
>>thinks he's not demoralized
demoralized in a crypto sense not worldly sense, the part of my brain that needs to reproduce has never been active. My nephew and niece will get everything I have when I die.




its over
You are eating onions and fake food. So they got your from the get-go. Formula fed probably.
I'm sorry anon.
Give your money to the one with the best prospects for children.
Ok buddy.
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You can buy XRP in New York again.
Does this mean Blackrock will be ready to dump their BTC in XRP soon?
Bullish as fuck. Trump is also accepting XRP donations
We know you meant your boner won't go up.
>Trump is also accepting XRP donations
He is also accepting Shiba Inu and Doge, so?
It's safer than a stablecoin. If we don't pump by the end of the bullrun I'm going to roll over my other coins into XRP rather than stables which are in the SEC's crosshairs. At least we're past that with XRP, unless you think the SEC has a shot on appeal and with the SC.
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> teh angry && the leather
kek eat a dick or a chocolate log anon
We must be close
it's the same faggot ip hopping from Turkey just put "sage" under the options field and report the thread for "flooding, spamming", there is 0 organic discussion ITT and we could see it under /bant/ by the lack of posts
oh great. now xrp can pump to $100
So the Federal Reserve goes away, we replace it with Ripple, we get rich. That's the plan.
deepstate assets bought up through blackrock will be redistributed to the people after further disclosure
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Feed me YOU’s!!!
>power the world at 50 cents
They say XRP will go to $2700 with the new stable coin from Ripple

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