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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
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The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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It's been documented for decades that one of the most enduring romantic pairings of men and women has been white men married to black women, with their divorce rate being the lowest in the country, but recently there's been a trend on social media of these couples posting before and after pictures showing evidence that white men married to black women even PHYSICALLY improve in appearance. How accurate is this actually?
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Looks like a faggot
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I remember telling that to my brother forever ago, and he and his half-black gf have been together for like 7 years now
I've sacked lots of Asian girls but they're getting too narcissistic lately. I think white men have gassed them up too much. Maybe we should cockblock them for awhile and go for the sistahs instead.
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>Say hello to your uncle Tyrone!

download report
>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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yeah but dude. cheap batteries from chy-NUH
>several muslim countries are actively helping israel wipe out hamas.
Despite Hamas technically being Sunni they're aligned with Iran and its Shiite proxies like Hezbollah and the Houthis.
Sunni Arabs absolutely hate them.
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oh yeah let me show you even funnier
And don’t forget that the other sandnogs know that if you help the palis they will repay you with terrorism. They’re vipers. Bigger vipers than the jews.
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at least i got good advice from your tweet

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>he has no social security number
>social media presents
>he's a ghost
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Why are Americans so sympathetic towards brown ghosts but treat white ghosts like terrorists?
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>posted on low iq board
mods move to >>>/tv/
They're sympathetic to neither but an immigrant with no socials is more understandable to not have one then a white guy raised in America would
I saw Beekeeper a few weeks ago. bit of a bore desu

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Who does /pol/ support?
i support myself
Drake is a faggot cock sucker like Bieber and Diddy.
A two person scaffold.
They both lookin zesty af

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Hello everyone, happy SUNday. Today is the day of our blessed Sun. The almighty creator of all life, older than Earth itself.
It amazes me how people still worship a rabbi and read the torah/tanakh, hundreds of years after science debunked it. Christians unironically think humans came from ribs and dust/dirt and not the SUN.

Our pagan European ancestors were in harmony with the natural spirits (including Sol) until we were forcefully converted by the judeochristians.

Europe entered a DARK age after we abandoned science and our traditional religions. Our religions were scientifically proven to be correct, meanwhile so many still follow the disproven Jewish fairy tales. Why is this the case? The self-hatred runs deep.


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A vitamin D just flew over my goldfish!
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uhhhh based?
>tfw you're so antisemitic all semitic religions get denounced
truly ascended master. BASED
that knight whit the hakenkreuz remembered me of that video whit the song "Deutchsland Erwache"
That's not vitamin D you fucking nigger, it's a parasite.
The black sun is actually saturn (satan).
It's kike shit poisoning proper aryanism.
nice try you fucking jew nigger, but i know it's actually a microscopic image of a parasite.



Daily reminder it doesn’t matter who you vote for
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He didn’t say trump was great, good, or even mediocre; you fag.
You are disingenuous and not to be believed.
Off yourself faggot
It's okay. These idiots are like farts in the wind. Everyone remembers how much better things were under Trump. Shills and retards can only point to the coof year as proof of their nonsense when they were the ones who screeched for vaccines and lockdowns the loudest.
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These shill posts are getting sadder and sadder. Just take the L and fuck off already. You're not convincing anyone.

>prepare to die
For those who don't have Twitter
Alex is right we should dig our own graves to make things more convenient for the jews who want every human dead and replaced by robots its the polite thing to do. Remember the shoah.

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Anything anti-Israel is pro-White.

Adolf Hitler and his party were officially allied with Palestine.

Palestine had its own Nazi party officially endorsed by Adolf Hitler himself.

They are trying the same psyop they did 23 years ago when America was 75 percent White. That being pro-Israel is somehow patriotic.

Remember who stoked the BLM riots. They conditioned your people to kneel while your cities were burned down and violence was being called against White people.

jews and Israel are behind White genocide. They are behind your ethnic replacement.

Your mission to to get people to KILL JEWS. Your mission is to support their opposition. Your mission is to stoke this flame and make the world dangerous for them.

Always support anything in opposition to Israel. We need to harbor a world that kills jews. We need to nurture an environment that gets random jews openly killed.

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From the river to the sea!
not my personal army but this bitch streams mk and other games on twitch and her twitter on her twitch bio leads directly onto her nsfw twitter where she shows her big ass fucking milkers and her fansly account. I just hate woman who use their body to make money from incels and disgusting simps, so a report would be kindly appreciated!

That’s a cool copypasta, but i want the war to end, and i don’t care for either side; i believe no peace will be had, truly and lasting, until the entire region accepts and unites under the lord Jesus Christ
I do hereby proclaim
Kikes and Muslims
Both are called to repentance
As we all are
Convert to the one holy Roman Catholic Church
Convert to the true, original body of Christ.

And was its author and his acolytes the original source of chaos mememagik? Kek.
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Apologize for doing the Kremlin’s dirty work you autists.
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Eurasianism is a jewish ruse.
Israel was largely founded by Soviets, and people from the FSU have always made up the largest percentage of immigrants to Israel by far. Every single Israeli PM (or their parents) came from the FSU.

(pic related is displayed outside the Jerusalem town hall - not too far from 'Putin Pub')


Syrian refugee influx cause by Russian proxy war leading to racial strife in Europe and the rise of pro-Russian groups like the AfD and Front national doesn’t seem jewish to me.

Face it, you were all the Kremlins little autistic Pepe card collecting Useful autists and had no idea what you were doing. Yuri Bezmonov comes to mind before the jews do desu.
>laid out the plans for the BLM riots
>laid out the plans for mass polarization the West between the Wokies and the Alt-Right
>laid out the plans for Brexit
>laid out the plans for the invasion Ukraine
>All written in 1997
>Pretends to be le traditionalist in front of Tucker without Tucker realizing that there would be no Wokies without the Russians and that it was all a part of their plan

Dugin's daughter literally deserved to die in that terrorist attack. Scum of the Earth

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What happened, I thought this was going to ban all discussion of Jews, Jewish actions online regardless of fact and lead to jail-time for attributing accurate facts to Israel, now it's been changed to being a purely educational bill, that was a massive multi-day shilling campaign to just prove that /pol/ can't read
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Guys, its Q from 4channel. I'm so excited

Your illiteracy is difficult to decipher, Anon.
Get a load of this faggot
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What's the play with the legislation then?
Why would they make an empty gesture like this with such bad optics?
Unless the purpose is the bad optics?
as far as proving /pol/ can't read, it is understood legislation changes once it passes the house and moves up to the senate. effectively making the house a superficial, or ceremonial, or theatric function.

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Visibly terrified little girl locks arms with her fellow students as they sit on the grass to peacefully protest genocide, behind her looms ZOGBOTS fully armed and in riot gear, breathing heavy, ready to pounce and initiate ultra violence against the peaceful protestors.

I hope she knows she is the strength of Gaza's children.

And now for a poem written in Shakespearean sonnet style

If we must die, let it not be like hogs
Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot,
While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs,
Making their mock at our accursèd lot.
If we must die, O let us nobly die,
So that our precious blood may not be shed
In vain; then even the monsters we defy
Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!
O kinsmen! we must meet the common foe!

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white bitches would give their lives for arabs while their country falls apart, LMAO
Did I mention that Claude McKay is a person of color and that you describing his words as "tripe" is both racist and offensive to people of color everywhere?

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>we must meet the common foe!
Muslim women are never free.

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Kennedy, Trump and Biden all suck kike dick.
Don't suck Dick, vote Nick!
write in Nick Fuentes in November or don't bitch when you're draft to fight for israel in Iran.
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remind me again why a spics the leader of the huwhite race?
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Nicks a fed running a honeypot psyop to conflate whites opposing israel with this goober on the ADL pay roll.
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Hes actually a gay mexican larper on to of ADL fuck boy.
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Did his dad diddle him? What made nick gay?

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Is stuff like this really that important?

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Nope. I don't have big hands or feet but I got big Adam's apple and a decent size Roman nose. Dick is 7.4". Going to village sauna every weekend tells me that all the stereotypes about dick size correlating with some parts of your body is a misconception
thats a whiteness map
I look like the left but am a 5'2" midget.
I'm that height and I was never called short over it, certainly not tall, either.
Kek. Thank fuck i am 5"11. Sub 5"10 bros are sadly eviscerated... I fear I may not outlive the benchmark much longer.

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>Are you tired of doomscrolling 4chan and normie news sites? BWC news is here to consolidate everything for you into one nice fancy package!
~Proudly Supported by Honk FM
Episode 1 05/05/2024
https://voca.ro/1962LBVCQ2IR (embed)
0:29 - Top World News Headlines
3:05 - Top Pol Threads
6:23 - Outro and Music Submissions
Funny... bwc... like my favorite podcast, LBP. Large blast.
>Funny... bwc... like my favorite podcast, LBP. Large blas
Wow. Thanks for the gold stranger
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Bump for BWC

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Why do Muslims hate Jews so much? There are like 100 Muslim countries. Why not let Jews have just 1?
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Cope, seethe and dilate, goatfucker.
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Why does a cat scratch at fleas?
Why are Jews so hated. It's truly mysterious.
>Why do Muslims hate Jews so much?
google 'israeli settler runs over palestinian child' and look at how many times its happened, jews drive into palestinian areas and run over kids for fun

they burn toddlers to death and then mock the family

they murder people, then show up to the funeral of the people they murdered to murder more people
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Every western country is a Jewish country. Jews control the world. But not for much longer.

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Previous: >>467105616

▶Day: 802 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>A russian soldier of the 70th Division shot his command, currently he is hiding somewhere in the Aleksandrovka area
>Russia bombed Belgorod, again
>Russia declared Zelenskyy a wanted man
>British Foreign Secretary Cameron began negotiations in Kyiv on a 100-year partnership with Ukraine
>Ukraine has the right to hit the russian territory with UK weapons; Also, UK will allocate £3 billion of military aid to Ukraine every year, - Foreign Minister Cameron
>Russia’s Gazprom Group Reports First Net Loss in 24 Years
>Macron doesn't rule out sending troops to Ukraine if Russia breaks front lines - Le Monde
>The first peace summit will be held on June 15-16 in Bürgenstock in Switzerland, - Zelenskyy. 160 countries invited, including members of the G7, G20 and BRICS (Russia not invited).
> In Oryol and Kursk oblasts in Russia there are problems with electricity due to an attack by UAVs; drones also attacked the Afip Refinery in the Krasnodar Territory

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others have complained about your presences before? That cartoon character was poorly drawn btw.
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>2 more weeks
Truth is the only reason to support russian actions is if you get paid for it, or simply enjoy death of white people.
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>others have complained about your presences before?
I bet they would pay me to stop posting. I got 6 bans in 2 weeks + 5 warns
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who are /pol/ approved youtubers? is this guy based?
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The Distributist
He's a BLM cuck
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one of the more recent i've come across
Well no shit, welcome to 6 months ago goy. We already saw all his jew podcast guest stuff. No one really talks about the Greeks and Romans not being gay though...
This dude went from being an autist in his early videos to a likable presenter. I don't watch everything but he has some zingers.

Did he work for them? He never named anybody.

Whenever governments are granted power to purchase their own debt, they never fail to do so, eventually destroying the value of the currency.

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He taught me to spin hay into gold
If you are still a Libertarian after the age of 30 you might actually be retarded.
I miss him. Back when he was around I really thought we could make a positive change in the world. And it was all about maximizing freedom. Too bad in the real world corporations don't act in the interest of the public and government needs the threat of violence to hold those people accountable.
Pat Buchanan was a better Ron Paul
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ONE Man 'warned' everyone.

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