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Anon, would I have some chances of being accepted in the ethnostate?
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are you gay?
because thats gay
You won't be judged by your skin tone, but rather by the content of your character.

1. they strongly correlate.
2. Most whites aren't worth saving either.
How do you shave your arms ? I can shave em from time to time but if I try to do it every two days or every day it bleeds from everywhere.
My arms look likt that without shaving. You don't know nords.
Imagine wanting tattoos, fucking degenerate. Enjoy cancer later in life.

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Glad someone else shares my sentiment, its been driving me mad finding a way to express what I mean, no matter how I put it I just sound autistic and gatekeeping but maybe that's a good thing.
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Back mounted swords are a crime against humanity.

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How will they cope?
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you will never own your own robowaifu
a) no they won't. I know you need to think they will because you need a coping mechanism, but what free market company would do this? They would be immediately destroyed by a company that simply doesn't do this. It really chafes you that soon men will have a better version of women and won't have to jump through hoops just for the chance to see your lopsided unimpressive boobs.
b) If anything, their value would drop like a stone. Too big of a liability, continual expenses and upkeep cost, and unpredictable. Bio women over 30 may as well kill themselves to spare the pain of a completely lonely, empty life once sexbots are on the scene.
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I recently had an argument with a “muh AI content creation will just lead to people withdrawing from humanity” guy. What’s your take on this?

They really hate us having any sort of happiness.
Women will become obsoled sex in future. Reproduction will happen in artificial wombs and male companions will be bots.
Reproduction and male entertainment, there is not much more our society needs from women, they fail in both things and need to be replaced.
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There fixed it for you
>The Thirst for Annihilation
Virulent Nihilism, Kant,Hegel++ = brain cancer, Schopenhauer -> Nietzsche -> Bataille (and Land) are the actual based "werewolves" who see the world as it is.

>Fanged Noumena
Nick Land loses his mind, Cthulu comes over for a visit, capitalism is a Xenointelligence from the future that is usurping humanity, causing geotrauma (transformation of the species and mode of life) on the Earth (enlightenment, industrial revolution, internet, phones, social media, technocapital acceleration, AI ++).
(+ a million other things that are all over the place)

>The Dark Enlightenment
Democracy is a failure and a race to the bottom
Equality is the religion of the western world (Universalism)
The power structure is the Cathedral
Leftism is designated winner of the dialectics, conservatism is a humiliation ritual, the combination is modernity

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Hi I just want to start a thread for those with a sense of prediction.
Basically hundreds of companies are being shut down in Poland.
They are all going to China because of EU environmental poliicies which led to astronomic energy prices.
Our agriculture is being wiped out, because of EU policies in addition to Ukraine oligarch imports.
Our transport industry is being wiped out, IT industry wiped out.

It is all happening because of EU policies.

It seems like EU are corrupted by oligarchs from all around the world.
Ukraine oligarchs who pushed limitless imports from Ukraine.
Chinese oligarchs who pushed insane environmental policies.
American oligarchs, who pushed for war in Ukraine.

They are all squeezing us like a lemon, EU is no longer institution that is meant to protect european interests, it has become a brothel for foreign interests and politicians are making fortunes behind Europeans backs.

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Europeans are cucks.
i think it's time to bring back immigration to USA like in the old days
What about Bandera fans ?
How does it feel to be serving jews ?
a little bit schizofrenic ?
> Increase minimum wage year after year.
> Increase energy prices.
> Keep fucking up the tax law.
> Be surprised companies don't want to stay in your shitty country anymore
> Blame it all on EU.
When we called the EU an undemocratic bureaucracy euros be like
>you silly Americans it’s just experts helping to make trade more efficient and protect the public
Uh huh
Or it’s just your entire lives for sale without you having any recourse

I want the truth.
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If you really want to go down the rabbit hole look in luciferianism
Be careful
a wombed man. we are all men
But can you handle the truth?
You are TYPICALLY a retarded faggot
Person with X chromosome who lacks an effective Y chromosome.

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Is "women hating" and "no hymen, no diamond" a Jewish psyop? The Jews want you to hate women, slut shame, and be misogynistic. They want you to be forever alone, a permavirgin, and die alone without leaving offspring, while Jews don't hate their women. Do you think babies suddenly appear? No, you need to leave your basement, go outside, and start talking to girls. Women should be loved. This is how you save your race. Your mother did her part. This is your last chance.
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>non relevant groups
extremely giga based. i prefer a white women that has sucked 100 bbc over a yellow chingching. even though she is a whore and actively cucks me she is a waifu material just bcz she is white.
all changs may
cope seethe and dilate
A man should always have some self respect. If a woman rejects you, be a man about it, don't take it personally. Try to learn from it and move on. Don't treat it like it's the end of the world, you know it isn't. As a man you're not on the same clock as women, so learn not to treat rejection like it's your last ever chance, it isn't.

Due to the levels of degeneracy it's basically impossible to get with a virgin, unless you meet her when you're still in school. That said, there are still women who enter into long term relationships (maybe 5 years or more) in their teens, and then become single in their early 20s. Bonus points if she has rejected him (for not committing to marriage especially). Such a girl is salvageable and you can have a decent life with her and she will still bond strongly with her.

Is it ideal? No. The ideal is obviously both people waiting until marriage but there's no use in flexing about how based and trad you are if your genetic line is dead. I get the impression a lot of it is coping for not being able to get a woman at all, so men just try to reframe it like it's because their standards are so high that they can't get one.

A young man in his 20s, that hasn't even kissed a girl, needs to get some experience. Lowering your standards will allow you to break the myth you have around women and interact with them. Without any real interaction, you only have memes or fantasies in your mind to go by. Women aren't as deep or as complex as you think. It all seems that way because you haven't got enough personal experience or wisdom from a father figure to help make sense of it for you. When you've fucked more than a dozen, you have pretty much fucked them all. Treat all women the same. Accept their nature is more like cats than dogs. Stop expecting her to behave like a man with a pussy, holding her to the same standards because she's not your equal. Rely on men for deep friendship, loyalty. Not women. It's just their nature.
Stats suggest otherwise. Only conservative, religious people are breeding in America. They probably don't watch porn and the women aren't trash. Meanwhile, liberal whites are in a death spiral of porn, whoring, and abortion. Those women aren't going to submit to anyone. Jews rotted their brains.
You seem to have a severe misunderstanding of what incelibate means.

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Oy vey she was raped and murdered by hamas over 6 gorillion times
i'm glad she's dead (:
/ourgirl/ can finally be give a proper burial.
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based. Afflict all jewesses, mentally and physically, when possible.

In Indians believe in reincarnation then why are they such nasty people?

Don't they know this is only going to make it worse for them in their next life? Even more dumber are those Brahmins who are going to throw away all their goodwill accumulated.

Or let me guess there's a special clause that says it doesn't count?
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it becomes the next life's problem
Imagine believing in this retarded shit. Pagan hindupoos are truly retarded.
Idk man hell sounds like a cartoonish sandnigger tale
Malaun will act uppity till he starts burning in hellfire.
This, dumbass Indian pagan who still believe in muh 700 Giillion gods in 2024

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>Rebecca Joynes: Teacher found guilty of sexual activity with two schoolboys

>Dancehall star Sean Paul backs calls to make Jamaica a republic and slams UK visa restrictions

>Boy, 5, who died in fall from block of flats named locally as Aalim Makail

>Man jailed for life after Israel-Gaza ‘revenge’ murder in Hartlepool
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That’s a strange way of saying man hating, angry as fuck, agenda of rage, bitter dyke.
before the early 2000s BAMEs were only on one road in my town and a few little estates going off it, and they only came here in the 50s/60s
a man of culture
Shorter innit

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International students, who are no longer eligible for postgraduate work permits and will be slated for deportation from Canada, are now protesting in large numbers against provincial and federal governments to let them stay in the country. New rules put in place by the P.E.I government last year means that permits are only being given to students with qualifications in construction and healthcare.
White guy antagonizes a bunch of student jeets throwing a hissyfit because they don't get an easy ride to PR working as a Tim Hortons slave anymore. Fat disabled woman yells at him at 8:00, I can barely watch the rest of the interview because jeets make me cringe. Some anons may enjoy the antagonism.
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Like you needed to specify fuckwit.
Just be careful, those towel wearing jeets carry a blade by religion. They are supposed to swear to peace, but they're still young males, and an idiot goblina woman is there. She needs to be blocked or you're never going to get a reasonable peaceful discussion.
>Maybe there will be more in the future
possibly, but i doubt it
i certainly dont want to move to america, and the only people i know who do are shitskins
i see it as a scaled up version of the UK
ill reconsider if you actually overthrow the government, but nothing ever happens
Your country still has coal powered train engines. If you're so smart, start importing and selling diesel engine cars and become rich
>train carts
le fuk

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Westerners still think they are at the top. Your smugness will drop when you get slapped hard by the reality.
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I guess having all these dumb regulations and restrictions finally caught up to these politicians.
Okay, Jew.
>Tradition, relaxation, reliability, and doing the right thing are foreign concepts to the Jews.
just buy a Camry/Corolla/Accord/Civic
>get slapped hard by the reality.
an EV is not a step forward
it is a step back into feudalism
do you like big bro knowing exactly where youre traveling and when?
you like big bro having a kill switch on your vehicle?
you like big bro being able to program where and when you can travel, or cut you off for a bad credit score?
whats your plan for millions upon millions of used batteries and the vast strip mines for RE extraction?
wheres all that lectricity gonna come from?
EVs suck, battery tech ain't there

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Iceland went from being 88%% Icelandic in 2018 to 81% Icelandic in 2024. Their population increased from 316k in 2013 to 384k in 2024, mostly due to immigration. However Icelanders are not bothered because most immigrants are hardworking Poles and they assimilate easily.
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If I’m part Icelandic, can I immigrate too?
How did he do it?
Iceland has the highest promiscuity on the planet.
They just dont think sex is sacred.
Guarantee in the next decade 90% of the population there will have aids and 50% will have mutt children
Apparently, european women are more eager to burn some coal than any average american woman
But dont worry, in ten or twenty years you will realize this is a problem and like all your problems you created for yourselves, blame us for it :D
Icelanders are already a minority in Iceland, outnumbered by tourists year round.

Because women are sexually attracted to darker men. The same way men think with their penises, women think with their vaginas.
The women in my family told me to stay away from the niggers MAYBE ITS JUST YOU AND NOT THE REST OF US
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>Because women are sexually attracted to darker men.
Dating app statistics say otherwise, Maurice.

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Pakis and Indians being lynched and killed in Kyrgyzstan! Even Kyrgyz are fed up with jeets! It is always a glorious day when South Asians suffer and die!
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what happened I thought Bangladeshis were bro tier
Your literally fighting on internet like a pathetic muslim rat.
Literally who?
They are though
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>Pakis don’t even do that shit Poojeet

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Well bois, yesterday's closing of the (((price))) in They/Their (((market))) was something to behold. The kevetiching and grumbling of the useful servants to the marketplace of derived value instruments is louder than ever, an like the nanny bots tending to their human batteries in the matrix their scrambling to lul them all back to slumbering and just contributing to their master market.
Of course, you know this means war, right? Where's the battlefield? your mind. What's the spoils? your time and energy. When is it happening? Now, always now.
The reality is that each individual must fight the lies of what money is not. Not for profit or gain, for glory or fame, but to stave off tyranny and monetary enslavement.
SETF Never Buys
SETF Never Sells
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>doesn't need 6 books to tell me whats going.
walks the fuck out
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holy fuck, imagine that! I would have been in 0.0003%, and had more gold reserves than Canada, if I hadn't lost it all in a badger hole! gods damned badgers! damn them, damn them to hell!
no, wait... in the 1.2%...
I feel a bit better about losing it
no, wait a minute... I don't count well in ounces...
I would have been in ...0.0767%... shit, I feel bad again

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Now, they’re back. “Investor home purchases are rising—albeit slightly—for the first time in almost two years,” according to Redfin. In a newly published analysis, Redfin found investors bought 44,000 homes in the first quarter, up half a percent from a year earlier. (Redfin defines an investor as “any institution or business that purchases residential real estate.”)

Investors bought almost 19% of homes sold in the first quarter this year, so roughly one in five homes, per Redfin. That’s fewer homes than before and throughout the pandemic, but it is the highest share in close to two years, the analysis read.

The rationale behind the return being, “with home prices and rents back on the rise and the initial shock of elevated mortgage rates in the rearview mirror, investors are easing their foot off the brake pedal,” according to Redfin. That being said, they’re making more money than they were a year ago, too. In March of this year, the typical home sold by an investor drove a slightly more than 55% return, or close to $175,000 profit. Last year, in the typical situation, an investor sold a home for more than $146,000 than they bought it for, or above 46%. Fewer investors sold at a loss too.

Redfin’s analysis found investors are buying both more expensive homes than before—and a record share of the most affordable homes in the country. “The typical home bought by investors in the first quarter cost $464,560, up 9.2% from a year earlier,” it said. “Investors purchased $31.3 billion worth of homes in the first quarter, up 6.6% year over year.”

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basically rich people get lucky at some point
then make it harder for everyone else
they want to bring you down to their level
Ban corporate ownership of homes. Problem solved.
You misunderstand, we are in the gospel age now. 1000 years is metaphorically indeterminate. Satan is currently chained which is why Christianity is able to exist in the world, he is "unable to deceive the nations" right now. He will be released at the end when things hit fever pitch, and then the second coming happens.
If the 1000 years is supposed to happen after Jesus returns then that would mean Jesus would have to have a THIRD coming. Makes utterly no sense. Read the Nicene Creed - "and His kingdom shall know no end"
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Every rich man I've ever known has a huge hole in their heart that they try to fill with tons of material items..and they're never happy.
Ever watch that Collector's Call show on MeTV? I used to associate with one of them and he's one of THE most sinister backstabbing men ever to live. He lives his every moment on setting up praise for him-because he's wealthy and can buy things. He doesn't have deep things to say or do, he just buys stuff and looks down on others who don't.
>You misunderstand, we are in the gospel age now. 1000 years is metaphorically indeterminate. Satan is currently chained
Bullshit. The 1000 years specifically is manned by resurrected Christians who were decapitated by the antichrist for not taking his mark.

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Russia needs entire territory of Poland as a sanitary zone for itself.
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This little midget alkie really needs some sort of handler to stop him from posting shit when he's on the lash......don't get me wrong it's funny but if he's not careful one day somebody might take him seriously
Imagine the butt hurt it will trigger to the butt hurt people.
It's the biggest standing military in Europa. Most of the guys leave their women behind to get sodomized in the army barracks. That's when the african acts.
We take Poland and we stop, i promise. Germany can sleep well.
Commie kikes want all of Europe.

>Big surprises about gas chambers in WWII Germany and Austria: showers, delousing, US & Soviet built.
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>A European farmer centuries ago would be vastly freer, happier and wealthy compared to today.
Maybe wealth and happiness are relative.
>enerally speaking you can frame it as the: "good Christian English Empire" that was concerned with spreading the faith and uplifting the world regardless of the cost, and the "evil jewish empire" that was concerned with making as much money as possible regardless of how much it might hurt the rest of the world, and it should be noted that there were a disproportionate amount of Scots and Irishmen among this faction.
The missionary front was how the profiting off slavery and subjugation were made palatable to the public, yes.
>the people who ended slavery are the ones who made slavery palatable to the public
You ain't so bright, brother.
>>And outside of those children, they're not fucking.
>No idea what you are trying to say. Please rephrase.
He's saying the photo is a lie, if it's the US. I have happy family photos, too. We weren't happy. Fronting for the 'gram is nowhere near as old as fronting for the congrgation.
>In other potentially the entire planet can have the literal blood of Abraham in them
That should be the pointvof God's promise. Khazars and their Dispensationalist servants want to curtail God's promise.

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2,419.80 USD

+34.30 (1.44%) today
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LINK is Interlink Electronics, and is down to $5 from $8.50 a month ago, Jew.

Smoking weed is for fags and fags
Gold price alone should tell you how broken the financial system is. If we take the historical inverse correlation of Gold and the 10 year yield. Either the 10 year yield should be -1.2% or Gold should be $1200. What this says is that the economy is in such a fucked up shape that Yields should be NEGATIVE.


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Australia is genociding all bees
Good. So long as they spare the fuzzy bumblebees.
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1) be slovenian
2) live in a beehouse
3) just try it fedboi I dare you
4) ????
5) profit

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