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Swedish Antifa just dropped a hit piece against the German, pro-Israel "antifa":


> For a long time now we have closely followed, with disgust, the pro-Israel German anti-fascism, or the antideutsche movement as they are called in Germany, and we have never considered ourselves to share anything in common with the groups that represent this obscure current.

> However, with the ongoing Israeli genocide of Palestinians, it is long past time for us to officially disassociate ourselves from all left-wing and anti-fascist groups, both inside and outside Germany, that support the state of Israel.

> These “anti-fascists”, who are anti-fascist neither in theory nor in practice, and who align their anti-fascism with the interests of the political establishment, are not our comrades.

> It is a responsibility for all of us to draw up principles for anti-fascism, for example that it must be revolutionary, for example that it must be class-based, and internationalist, so that neither social-democrats nor German Zionists can dilute its concept and impact.

> Based on our analysis of fascism and anti-fascism, we see clearly that the pro-Israel left is not only wrong, but downright dangerous.

> On the one hand, they reject German nationalism, which is rightly claimed to have historically led to fascism, while on the other hand they fanatically support ethno-nationalism in the Middle East. The moral is thus that nationalism for white Europeans is somewhat unfashionable, while the devastating consequences of nationalism for Arabs are a worthy price to pay. The product we are left with is a deformed, imperialist and racist type of “anti-fascism”, well suited to the interests of capitalism and nationalism.

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but but but but "antifa is just an idea" , how would an "idea" collaborate with the pro-israel left?

and thats why you can all go fuck yourselves.
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>antifa is just an idea!

>antifa is just an idea ….that collaborates with the pro-Israel left!!!

no shit, Sherlock?

enjoy eating each other alive, leave me out of your Jewish mitosis.
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put swedish antifa & muslims
and german antifa & jews
all of them to bikini atoll
send nuke
"Golden Age has Dawned!"
german anti fascist are actual nazi anti fascists
kek germans will always default into nazism
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leftist schisms, wow, who could have predicted this

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I am convinced whites are lower than human, but just above animals. In nature, there is no morality. That's how white people behave: without morality. I'm not Christian but I've read parts of the bible to know about the "Golden Rule", which says that you should treat others the way you wish to be treated. It's not just a moral thing to do, but it's actually a very stabilizing force. Go figure that it was Middle-Easterns invented it. Whites, being near-animals, don't get it. They LARP as Christians, but they don't understand what it means to be fair or consistent so as to create a stable world.

The issue with race-swapping. Whites don't bat an eye when it's a white man playing a non-white character, but IF YOU DARE DO THE OPPOSITE, THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!

So, this new video game from Ubisoft is coming out, which, if you care, you're already a fucking loser, but whites somehow go further than being losers without anything better to do. They get outraged over A HISTORICAL BLACK CHARACTER!

This isn't even race-swapping. LMAO

Whites are fucking retarded and I will never consider them fully human.
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Outraged? No. We are just tired of you trying to force shit on us because of your insecurities around being a colored monkey. So go play your games. Go be kangs an’ shit. I’m sure you’ll do great things, since you did so before you came crawling to white countries. Or not. We have better things to do.
Its tiresome that's all.
Nobody likes seeing and ugly shitskin on screen. Nonwhites are ugly and cringe like you. It has nothing to do historical accuracy in some fictional story.
Its because out of all the potential thousands of Japanese characters they could have created or taken inspiration from they absolutely HAD to choose the fucking only black one. He could have been a major character in the story but for fuck sake don't make him the main character in this political climate. If you don't understand this, then you are a leftist (faggot).
The white samurai is historically accurate and based on a real figure
The nigger ninja is not

It's like they never evolved or something.
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Honest to god, for the first couple of seconds I thought this was someone fisting a monkey's butthole
Darling, don't you monkey with the monkey.
These are the creatures they want to flood into Europe.
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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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i didnt even know i wanted to be in the tit biter crew. i didnt even know it existed
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no it's coonurday, for MAGAcoons
Another fantastic post in the books, great work as always
why is SCOTUS trending?
>bury me under this tree
>next to this hang glider
>so when zombie times come, I can rain down death from above

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America is a massive country. Israel is a tiny country. Objectively Israel cannot accommodate millions of Palestinians. America can easily. It is a good alternative to genocide which /pol/ is suddenly against.
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ok, lets say that jews have the right to establish a nation. Why in Palestine? why they cant go to the lands of their biggest ally, but land that nobody wants and live there??
One is the historical homeland of the Jewish people, and there are obvious issues related to natural resources, homes , beaches, established orchards, greater Israel, and several other geological considerations
Why does pol care about brown Arab niggers in Palestine all a sudden?
Because /pol/ has been hit with a huge brown influx

Ever since the Ukraine war, 4chan has been heavily astroturfed by the Russian propaganda machine. Pro Palestine narrative harms the west, so Russia pushes it. Iran is also a vassal of Russia, and aims for dominance over the Middle East, and work with Russia towards that end.

Even Japanese fleeing Japan as refugee

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>Another day, another escalation
- Lawyer: Joost didn’t do anything wrong
- The national police apparently has a ‘Jewish police network’
- Stopera shortly occupied by pro-Palestine protesters
- New kabinet wants to move embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
- SGP wants to pull the plug from digital ID + CBDC
- AIVD/MIVD funded ‘experts’ that pushed the COVID’ vaccines’
- Pro-Palestine protestors removed from University of Utrecht by riot police
- Formation talks resulted in agreement between PVV, VVD, NSC & BBB. Prime minister still unknown
- Farmers Defense Force has started a donation campaign
- WHO pandemic law has been approved by demissionair cabinet despite wishes of the House by D66 whore Pia Dijkstra. Mandatory vaccination can be forced, if this happens people WILL DIE
- Counter protesters have infiltrated pro-palestine protest and used fireworks and STOK to attack them
- Joost Klein ask ‘Why not’ as a reaction to the Israeli Golan, she declined to answer if her presence would endanger the songfestival. Joost also got disqualified for ‘harassing’ a journalist and destroying a camera
- Police unions seething because of the riots, days off have been revoked, shifts to long and police presence is even less. Amazing opportunity
- There will be less choice in consumption and traveling too. Fuck that, fight back

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Tering, iets minder frituur eten
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>but they roid all the meat

No only the pork get roid poisoning
Cohencidentally jews don't eat pork
Gun die man toch zijn extra bitterballetje
Gunnen voordat het tijd is
Weet je zeker dat het maar 1 extra bitterbal is?

why does this site never address the hispanic invasion of the US?
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Because it would make the Father of the Vaccine look like a liar not building his wall and all of that making him look bad. See being political distorts ones perception by default for believing in the system to begin with.
Because your "twadcaff" spammers are all spics.
It does, constantly. If you're asking why there aren't spic hate threads like there are pajeet hate threads, it's because a majority of the posters here are spics.
saaaars why are you tryharding so hard today saaaars? did the spics humiliate you again? did you try spamming bbc yet? lol
>literally right next to one another

>has a state literally called New Mexico

>thousands of towns and cities founded by Proto Mexican Spanish
I don't know, Ranjit. Have you tried checking Wikipedia? I hear Modi(pbuh) recently updated your free wifi package to include WIki with no data surcharges.

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bros... will Pierre Pollievre keep up the momentum for another year? I need to see the liberal party (and NDP because they actively hate white people) crushed in the next election but it is so far away.
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Anyone else get Spenny vibes from Trudeau? Guy is just so cringe I cant believe Canada hasnt revolted yet

I can't believe someone hasn't had a crack at killing the bastard.

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Based and trad Russian soldiers receive reminder of what they are fighting for. Two more weeks until Total Vatnik Victory!
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>you MUST choose a side - globohomo or globohomo + poverty
You're the one choosing a side
>being against both (((sides))) is choosing a side
Your posts are all anti Russia though?
So hecking based fellow Nazis, sending hordes of niggers and muslims to fight Nazism in Ukraine is absolutely vital for the reconstruction of the Third Reich and the salvation of the European race.

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I’m trying to help you anon
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So he turned from an average guy into a faggot?

He could have instead just shaven himself completely bald and then grow a beard.
i coomed away my hair its over
His ears are frightening.
that's very shallow
be the change you want to see
Just buzzcut bro, also paying a barber $30-40 to cut your hair every couple weeks is retarded.

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Bird Flu Jumps From Cow to Human in The US: Experts Confirm First Case

It's now official: the highly pathogenic bird flu A(H5N1) that's been spreading across the globe since 2020 has now been passed from a cow to a dairy farmer in the US, the first confirmed cow-to-human transmission of this virus on record.
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Sounds gay desu. I expect to hear more of this in 2 weeks.
So it's nothing to worry about

It's a big nothing burrito
The mortality rate for covid was zero, but that didn’t stop them from shutting the world down and killing millions of people with the “cure”.
Only one person and zero deaths? After spreading through animals for year and years? Seems like nothing to me.

>"Those who won our independence by revolution were not cowards. They did not fear political change. They did not exalt order at the cost of liberty. To courageous, self-reliant men, with confidence in the power of free and fearless reasoning applied through the processes of popular government, no danger flowing from speech can be deemed clear and present, unless the incidence of the evil apprehended is so imminent that it may befall before there is opportunity for full discussion. If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence. ... Such must be the rule if authority is to be reconciled with freedom. Such, in my opinion, is the command of the Constitution." Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357, 377; 47 S.Ct. 641; 71L.Ed.1095; (1927) (BRANDEIS, J., concurring).

In this passage from Justice Louis Brandeis's concurring opinion in Whitney v. California (1927), he emphasizes the importance of free speech and the exchange of ideas in a democratic society. Brandeis argues that those who fought for independence were not afraid of political change and valued liberty over order. Brandeis advocates for more speech as the remedy to falsehoods and fallacies, rather than enforced silence, to promote education and prevent harm. He concludes that this principle is essential for reconciling authority with freedom, and it aligns with the command of the Constitution.

>"In Star Chamber's Shadow"




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What's the point of the Ukrainian language? Is it not just a forced meme that got taken too far? I don't understand the point of it.
Why don't they just stick to speaking Russian? They all know it, anyways.
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>nigger, ukraine means: to the land or our land
You are absolutely delusional.
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>Ukraine should be partitioned between Poland and Russia.
no, all the Ukraine belongs to Russia historically, and subhuman polakike animals should partitioned between Russia and Germany
>90 day fiance
What compels you to watch this? Is it actually any good?
Can you please cite the exact part of the text which is "zigger shilling" by your standards and explain why?

Ukrainian language started as a real language, it was an actual Eastern Slavic descendant of Church Slavonic on the year 1900

>Russians ruined Ukrainian language during Soviet era, they tried to make it int a side branch of Russian

Since 1990, Polish scholars have tried to reshape Ukrainian language into their own image

>Real undiluted Ukrainian was from 1500 to 1899

Now that the dust has settled, why did the Central Powers lose WW1?
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>inb4 le jews
Nah, germs are just retarded.
>provoke america for no reason
germany would have won if they weren't so triggerhappy
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Asking a German about the joooos?
They started very good and your country was fully destroyed in an year. How od people view WW1 over there?
>It was literally Jewish sabotage.
Explain what that sabotage consisted of. Be explicit, because if you are not it means you dont know what the sabotage was and are thus talking about things you know nothing about.

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I kneel EU jew chads, this has beaten me… you win
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>buy one abroad
Yes. You realise knives are cheap as fuck don't you?
damn, I wish we had amish here. they look based af (apart from the christian angle - just not for me)
>but they can point at the solution and congratulate one another on being so eco-aware greenie fags.
The US ships its recyclables to Canada. Canada then sends it to China. China then properly disposes of it by dumping it all in the ocean.
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Ahh the circle of "recycling"
I believe the debris from 9/11 was put onto barges and shipped straight there too, iirc.

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Lmao. The entire European continent is eating off Germany’s plate. How do you live with yourselves?
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can't wait for polack's butthurt after all gibs will be send to rebuilt ukraine.
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>design the whole system
>put new members through insane amounts of hoops, so they're under massive public pressure by the end to get it done
>get them to sign on everything you want
>then, when done, proceed to cry about it
How could the west not be dying with citizens this dumb? lmao

dumb, intellectually lazy and decadent
People on this site literally believe Germans just give monies to Eastern backwaters out of the goodness of their heart.
Romanian rocket scientists and neurosurgeons

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What happens here?
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Fuck off and die
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dim byd mwy cymraeg na chysgod
Inbred faggots that ate allergic to vowels
>due to the geography (it's sticking out)
Mate the mercian ango-saxons dug a huge fucking ditch to keep the welsh out.
If it were a bit deeper at the ends wales would be a fuckin island.
about 100+ battles between me as italy and great britain according to my latest eu4 run

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Conservatives are not your friends. They are cucks who are afraid of competent strongmen and consider them "tyrants". All you get in a jokester like Trump. They don't actually believe in nationalism and would rather the nation be controlled by a handful of corrupt, decadent, rich geezers.

Do you roll your own cigs?
Is it worth it?
It's around £20 for the cheapest rolling tobacco here, the only affordable way to smoke is buying blackmarket tobacco from dodgy foreign shops
I roll my own, but it's barely worth it. Can roll perhaps 10-20 more cigarettes more than the cheapest packet of 20 cigarettes. out of a 30g bag and some papers - the tobacco has to be some almost blackmarket crap
>Is it worth it?
according to the identity property, yes, "it" is always worth "it"

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